Training Course: Bats for Building Professionals

The recent training course by the Bat Conservation Trust, Bats for Building Professionals, aimed to provide direction and understanding on the legal protections surrounding bats and their roosts in buildings. Suitable for contractors, pest controllers, surveyors, architects or those working within the construction industry, the session aided building professionals in developing their bat roost identification skills and taught them how to navigate situations where bats are present on site.  

The seven-hour course, run over two interactive online sessions, explored bat ecology, biology, best practices, the latest guidance and legal information. 

The course began with a comprehensive overview of Britain’s breeding bat species, covering their biology, ecology, adaptations, habitat preferences and roosting types. Speaker Katie Swift introduced the Bat Calendar – a particularly interesting aspect of the session which revealed how contractors and construction workers can plan work around bat activity to minimise disturbances (see below).

Bat calendar indicating best times for construction works
The bat calendar shows how contractors and construction workers can plan work around bat activity to minimise disturbances.

This led to a discussion of bat roosts in built structures, where Katie explained why bats favour these spaces and detailed attractive features for both cavity and crevice roosting species, such as soffits, eaves, and cladding. Exploring the different uses of these roosts throughout the year, Katie highlighted how occupied spaces change between summer and winter, and which bat species commonly utilise buildings for this purpose. Using examples like pipistrelles and horseshoe bats, she demonstrated how different species utilize roosting sites and how to recognize an active roost.  

The second part of the discussion focused on legislation and bat protection, educating attendees on the laws that are in place to ensure bat protection, actions that are considered an offence, and highlighting advice services availableKatie then reviewed the European Protected Species License, explaining its role in safeguarding bats within the UK, outlining how construction activities can potentially harm bats in buildings, and when to seek advice as a building professional in keeping with best practice guidelines. 

Common pipistrelle bat
Image by Bio Blitz via Flickr

The second session concluded with an interactive quiz of working examples for building professionals, covering a range of typical building works including barn conversions, door repairs and gutter replacements. 

The ‘homework’ task between sessions was a particularly enjoyable aspect of the course – through independent field work, attendees had the opportunity to report on the potential bat features of their chosen building or structure and apply the knowledge learned throughout the session to understand which species may be present in the area, the areas bats may utilise on the structure and what works might impact a roost.  

This insightful and informative training course provides a valuable resource for building professionals seeking to learn or refresh their knowledge about bats and building projects. The speaker’s expertise ensured a comprehensive and engaging learning experience, covering everything from bat ecology, to bats in buildings and licensing. 

Find out more about upcoming events and the extensive range of training courses with the Bat Conservation Trust via their website. 

The NHBS Harp Trap: New Model Assembly Instructions

This blog provides a step-by-step guide on to how to set up and disassemble the latest model of the NHBS manufactured Harp Trap.

Please note that the NHBS Harp Trap is a made-to-order item, contact us at for enquiries and we will be happy to advise on the current lead time.

Handling your trap

The trap carry bag has been designed to allow handling/carrying by either one or two people.


What’s in the bag?

1 × Harp Trap, 4 × legs, 2 × support poles (in two parts), 1 × accessories pack (including instructions, 4 × pegs, 4 × guy ropes and spare line)

The contents of the harp trap

Please follow these instructions for correct assembly and disassembly. We recommend that this is carried out by two people.  

Setting Up

1 . Carefully remove the harp trap from its carry bag and place the frame upright on the floor.

Remove the harp trap from the frame and place upright

2 . Take the legs out of the carry bag and insert them into the holes on the underside of the frame – it is easiest to do this one end at a time. When required, all legs can be individually adjusted to raise the trap or to level out when setting up on uneven ground.

3 . Undo the straps and allow the collecting bag to settle by opening the arms of the frame out fully. If using guy ropes, attach them to the upper carriage now.

Undo the straps and allow the collecting bag to settle by opening the arms of the frame out fully. If using the guy ropes, attach them to the upper carriage now.

4 . Release the spring locking pins at both ends of the trap by pulling the lever out and rotating 90° to lock in the open position. Grab the longer piece of the support poles and hold upright with the connector facing down. Now, loosen the star handled screw and carefully lift the top carriage, raising it away from the main frame. Insert the support pole through the hole, where you removed the upper carriage from, and allow the poles to sit on the floor. Then insert the top carriage locating pins into the open end of the support poles.

5 . If using guy ropes, untie and allow to hang.

6. Working at the same pace, slowly raise the support pole so that the bottom of the pole is just below the lower part of the main frame, watching closely to ensure no strings get tangled. Once you reach this height, tighten the star handled screw to secure the support pole in position.  

7 . Take the shorter parts of the support poles and attach them to the bottom of the longer parts by screwing together.

8 . With the support poles now at their full length, while holding on to them, loosen the star handled screw and continue to raise them, still working together and checking for any string snagging. Raise until the bottom of the pole is level (or as near as possible) with the bottom of the frame and tighten star handled screws. 

9 . Engage both spring locking pins to secure the lower carriage.

10 . If you are using them for stability, you can now peg out the guy ropes and your trap is ready for use.



1 . If used, pull out the pegs and store them carefully.  

2 . Release the spring locking pins from both ends of the trap. Hold the support poles (one person at each end) and loosen the star handled screws to lower the poles 

3 . Continue to slowly lower the poles and as you do so, carefully start winding the bottom line carrier, taking great care to ensure no lines get tangled. Guiding the lines with your hand/arm is key. Keep lowering the support poles slowly and evenly while winding the line carrier until the support poles rest on the floor.  

4 . With the support poles resting on the ground, tighten the star handled screw to hold the pole in position, unscrew the lower/short part of the support pole and safely place to one side.  

5 . Hold onto the support pole, loosen the thumb screw, and continue to lower until the pole sits on the ground. If used, gather up the guy ropes, tie them up, detach from the frame and place safely to one side.  

6 .  Now lift the top carriage off from the top of the support pole, slide the pole out from the frame and place to one side. Continue to lower the top carriage, whilst winding the bottom carriage, until the top carriage sits on the main frame.  

7 . Once the top carriage has been lowered fully, engage the spring locking pins and tighten the star handled screw to secure it in place, fold the arms of the catch bag assembly inwards until they meet, wrap the bag around the trap and tie the straps to secure.  

8 . Remove the legs from the frame, working on one end of the frame at a time is easiest. If you have extended the legs, to aid storage, reduce them to their shortest length. 

9 . Place the guy ropes and pegs back in the accessories bag. Put the legs and the support poles in the bottom of the carry bag and finally, carefully place the trap and accessories bag back into the carry bag, safe and sound, ready for next time.  

Author interview with Susan Young: Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife book cover.This comprehensive guide describes how wildlife can be monitored and recorded in a non-intrusive way using well-developed and reliable technology. Detailing key techniques for capturing high-quality footage of a range of species, from nocturnal mammals to elusive birds, this practical resource is ideal for both professional ecologists and amateur naturalists alike who are seeking to enhance their understanding of the natural world.

Susan Young.Susan Young is a photographer and writer based in South Devon, who has a wealth of experience in wildlife photography. She has authored several books, including  CCTV for Wildlife Monitoring and Wildlife Photography Fieldcraft, and is currently carrying out research with Natural England, the Woodland Trust and Mammal Society on the use of remote cameras for wildlife monitoring.

We recently spoke to Susan about her latest book, where she explained how she first started working with visual systems, how ecological and wildlife-watching camera systems differentiate, and more.

Firstly, could you share a little bit about yourself and your background working with visual systems? 

My background is in physics and engineering, but I have had a keen interest in wildlife from a very early age. Since moving to Devon some years ago, I developed my interest in photography and wrote several books on various technical topics. I used trail cameras before they became ‘famous’ and finding some aspects frustrating, moved to bird box cameras – I then became interested in using security cameras with separate recorders as they had more useful features.  

In 2015/2016 I started as a volunteer with Natural England and the Woodland Trust where I was encouraged to develop my ideas for portable CCTV systems, which led to the discovery of three calls of Barbastelle Bats not previously recognised. Further work with dormice, otters, deer, small mammals and birds showed just how well the systems performed, being much richer in features than trail cameras and much less expensive than thermal systems.


Fox cubs in woodland.
Fox cubs in woodland.

Your previous book, CCTV for Wildlife Monitoring was published in 2016. What inspired you to revisit the topic for a second book, and what advancements or changes does your latest title encompass? 

My book in 2016 was more of an introduction to CCTV technology, which was just taking off and becoming more readily available. Since then, the technology has advanced dramatically, with HD cameras giving very high-quality images, and recorders becoming available with solid state drives making them very portable. 

There are many other features not found in other visual systems – in particular, security recorders have inbuilt video analysis which can be controlled by the user, greatly reducing the amount of video data to analyse. My book has detailed step-by-step instructions for all aspects of the night vision camera systems with the aim of flattening the learning curve. 

Night Vision systems are commonly associated with ecological research and wildlife watching, how do the camera systems you describe differentiate from them?

The systems I describe have a raft of features, as described above, making analysis much easier. They can also be left outside unattended and are particularly useful for remote areas. They are also relatively low cost and portable.

Reservoir camera setup.
Reservoir camera setup.

Why did you feel that it was important to include a section on public engagement and education in this book? 

Public engagement is important for raising awareness of the plight of our wildlife, as well as for attracting funding. High-quality videos from security camera systems, particularly of protected or rarely seen species, have proven successful. My book gives step-by-step instructions to encourage the use of this technology without the need for costly specialists. 

Regarding schools, introducing children to technology at an early age makes use of the systems less daunting in later life. 

Have you come across any emerging or under-utilised applications for this technology that you believe hold potential? 

Many of the applications I have developed using my camera systems are new and I believe hold great potential. Because the systems can be set up and left for long periods, it means little or no disturbance to wildlife – for example monitoring breeding birds of prey in remote habitats, observing dormice behaviour in dormouse boxes, or surveying bats in hazardous environments.

High res reservoir.
High res reservoir.

Have you encountered any particularly memorable or exciting wildlife captures? Can you share any highlights from your experience? 

On the conservation front, discovering new Barbastelle calls was very exciting, as was viewing previously unseen dormouse behaviour. On the naturalist level, filming four young Fallow Deer running round and round my rural garden in play was very heart-warming. 

Finally, what’s next for you? 

I am planning some research using my systems for small mammals which are often under-recorded. I am also producing educational material for the Mammal Society. 

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife book cover.

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife is available here.

Book Review: New World Monkeys

New World MonkeysCurrently in our Backlist Bargains sale!

RRP £42.00, now just £25.20

***** Comprehensive and incredibly accessible

When I recently reviewed The Real Planet of the Apes, I casually wrote how that book dealt with the evolution of Old Work monkeys and apes, ignoring New World monkeys which went off on their own evolutionary experiment in South America. But that did leave me wondering. Those New World monkeys, what did they get up to then? Here, primatologist Alfred L. Rosenberger provides a comprehensive and incredibly accessible book that showed these monkeys to be far more fascinating than I imagined.

Most people are probably not very familiar with these monkeys. Technically known as platyrrhines, they are predominantly arboreal (i.e. living in trees), small to medium-sized primates. You might know the insanely loud howler monkeys from nature documentaries. Perhaps you have heard of capuchin monkeys or spider monkeys. But you could be forgiven for not having heard of marmosets and tamarins, or the even more obscurely named titis, sakis, and uacaris. A total of 16 genera are recognized, but outside of the scientific literature and technical books, these monkeys are not all that well known. And that is a shame as, from an evolutionary perspective, this is a unique group.

Marmoset, Sagui gritando by Joao Guillherm Soares Dias, via flickr.
Marmoset, Sagui gritando by Joao Guillherm Soares Dias, via flickr.

Now, before Rosenberger gets to this, it helps to better know these monkeys. Accompanied by many excellent illustrations and photos, the first half of New World Monkeys is dedicated to their ecology, behaviour, and morphology. Topics covered include their diet and dentition; locomotion and the anatomy of hands, feet, and prehensile tails; but also brain size and shape; and their social organization and ways of communicating via sight, sound, and smell.

The platyrrhines are a diverse bunch with some remarkable specialisations. In the family Cebidae we find the smallest members, some of whom, the Marmosets and Pygmy Marmosets, have teeth specialized for gouging the bark of gum trees and feeding on the gum that is released in response. In the family Pitheciidae we find the only nocturnal member, the Owl Monkeys, which have concomitant morphological adaptations such as enlarged eyes. In both this and the closely related Titi Monkeys, individuals have the adorable habit of twining their tails when socializing or sleeping. The family Atelidae is home to species with exceptionally prehensile tails whose underside ends in a pad with a fingertip-like surface. The Muriquis and the aptly-named Spider Monkeys use them as a fifth limb in locomotion, as demonstrated by a striking photo of a Black-faced Spider Monkey on plate 13. Here we also find the well-known Howler Monkeys, whose skull is heavily modified to support the exceptionally loud vocal organs in their throat and neck.

Black Howler Monkey Portrait #1 by Ryan Poplin, via flickr.
Black Howler Monkey Portrait #1 by Ryan Poplin, via flickr.

Despite these differences, platyrrhines are closely related and form what is called an adaptive radiation. Just like the textbook example of Darwin’s finches, many members have evolved unique adaptations and ways of living to minimise competition and maximise resource partitioning. Two ideas feature prominently in this book to explain how platyrrhines have evolved and what makes this adaptive radiation both so diverse and so interesting.

One idea is what Rosenberger calls the Ecophylogenetics Hypothesis. If I have understood him correctly, this combines information on a species’ ecology and phylogeny, its evolutionary relationships. It can offer hypotheses on how ecological interactions have evolved, but it also recognizes that ecological adaptations are shaped and constrained by evolutionary relatedness. For the platyrrhines, taxonomically related members are also ecologically similar. To quote Rosenberger: “[…] phylogenetic relatedness literally breeds resemblance in form, ecology, and behavior” (p. 96) and “Each of the major taxonomic groups that we define phylogenetically is also an ecological unit […]” (p. 97).

The other idea that makes the platyrrhines so interesting is dubbed the Long-Lineage Hypothesis. An extensive chapter on the fossil record documents how the whole radiation has been remarkably stable for at least 20 million years. Today’s New World monkeys are virtually unchanged from their ancestors, living the same lifestyles and occupying the same ecological niches. Some fossils have even been classified in the same genus as their living counterparts. This stands in sharp contrast to the evolutionary history of Old World monkeys where there has been a constant churn, whole groups of primates evolving and going extinct with time.

Red-backed Bearded Saki (Chiropotes sagulatus) by Allan Hopkins, via flickr.
Red-backed Bearded Saki (Chiropotes sagulatus) by Allan Hopkins, via flickr.

What stands out, especially when Rosenberger starts talking taxonomy and evolution, is how well written and accessible the material here is. He takes his time to enlighten you on the history, utility, and inner workings of zoological nomenclature, making the observation that “names can reflect evolutionary hypotheses”. Here, finally, I read clear explanations of terms such as incertae sedis (of uncertain taxonomic placement), monotypic genera (a genus consisting of only a single species), or neotypes (a replacement type specimen). Similarly, there are carefully wrapped lessons on how science is done – on the distinction between scenarios and hypotheses, or how parsimony and explanatory efficiency are important when formulating hypotheses. Without ever losing academic rigour or intellectual depth, Rosenberger quietly proves himself to be a natural-born teacher and storyteller, seamlessly blending in the occasional amusing anecdote.

A final two short chapters conclude the book. One draws on the very interesting question of biogeography, i.e. on how platyrrhine ancestors ended up in South America, which was long an island continent. Rosenberger convincingly argues against the popular notion of monkeys crossing the Atlantic on rafts of vegetation* and in favour of more gradual overland dispersal. The other chapter highlights their conservation plight as much of their tropical forest habitat has been destroyed by humans.

With New World Monkeys, Rosenberger draws on his 50+ years of professional experience to authoritatively synthesize a large body of literature. As such, this book is invaluable to primatologists and evolutionary biologists and should be the first port of call for anyone wanting to find out more about the origins, evolution, and behaviour of these South and Central American primates.

* One mechanism that Rosenberger does not mention is that tsunamis could be behind transoceanic rafting, as argued in a recent Science paper. This looked at marine species in particular and I doubt it would make much of a difference for terrestrial species. Most of the objections Rosenberger gives would still apply.
New World Monkeys
New World Monkeys is available from our bookstore here.

NHBS In the Field – Song Meter Mini 2 and Micro 2

The second-generation Song Meter Mini 2 and Micro 2 are the latest additions to the Wildlife Acoustics acoustic recorder range, with the Song Meter Mini 2 available in both AA and Li-Ion.  

I was eager to test the new Li-Ion version of the Song Meter Mini 2, which I set up alongside the Song Meter Micro 2 in early December. The aim of this deployment was to compare the performance of the two models, and as a self-described ‘bird nerd’, I was also very excited to capture recordings of the incredible birdlife that resides on Dartmoor.  


The Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion model holds six rechargeable 18650 lithium-ion batteries with a minimum of one required for deployment. In this case, I used four batteries in both devices which provided ample runtime for this short field test, and I inserted a 32GB SDHC card – unfortunately, I did not have access to a battery charger so the Song Meter Mini 2 began the deployment at 57% battery life. I set up the recorders in a rural Dartmoor village hoping for clear recordings. 


Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Song Meter Micro 2 (left) set up with batteries and SD cards.
Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Song Meter Micro 2 (right) set up with batteries and SD cards.

One of the main strengths of Wildlife Acoustic’s recorders is their simple deployment and configuration using the free Song Meter app. Here you can select your preferred recording schedule and check the status of your recorder at any time while in Bluetooth range this provides information on SDHC card capacity, battery life, recording mode, and number of recordings taken. For this deployment, I used a pre-set recording schedule to record birds for two hours around sunrise and sunset.  

Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Micro 2 (left) status before deployment.
Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Micro 2 (right) status before deployment.

Both models now feature cable lock holes so that they can be safely secured during deployment – using a Python Lock, I fixed the device to a tree and left it to record for two days. 



Over 2 days, I had collected 33 recordings on each device. Both devices had ample battery life remaining and had used just 1.75GB of storage.  

Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Micro 2 (left) status after deployment.
Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Micro 2 (right) status after deployment.

I analysed the recordings with a fantastic free desktop software called Chirpity. Using the BirdNET model, this software has an auto ID feature which simplifies analysis of sound recordings, particularly for large data sets.  Using this software, I was able to identify a wide variety of garden bird calls including Robins, Blue Tits, Tawny Owls and many more. Examples of the dawn chorus from each device can be heard below.

Dawn chorus recording on Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion.

Dawn chorus recording on Song Meter Micro 2.

Spectrogram analysis of dawn chorus in Chirpity
Spectrogram analysis of dawn chorus in Chirpity


Product Comparison 

Both devices are impressive recorders in their own right – they produced clear and extensive recordings that captured a fantastic snapshot of the surrounding soundscape. On paper, the most obvious difference between these two recorders is the price, with the Micro 2 being much more affordable than the Mini 2-Li-Ion. 

Furthermore, the Micro 2 is around half the size of the Mini 2-Li-Ion, its compact design is hard not to be impressed by, and it can fit easily into a pocket.  Despite its small size, the Micro 2 features an incredible sample rate of 256kHz which allows you to capture good-quality high frequency recordings.  

However, what you gain in compactness you lose in battery life. The Micro 2 has an estimated runtime of 280 hours compared to the Mini 2-Li-Ion which has a whopping 1,330-hour run time. The Micro 2 was deployed with a fully charged battery and finished with 76% battery life. Comparatively, the Mini 2-Li-Ion started and finished at 57%, an impressive feat.

Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Micro 2 (left)
Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Micro 2 (right)

Another key difference between these recorders lies within environmental noise. These devices were deployed in the run-up to Storm Darragh, and some of the recordings experienced a good deal of wind distortion. Although this is an extreme case, it served to highlight the difference a windshield makes. The Micro 2 has no windshield over the microphone and as a result, experienced markedly more distortion when compared to the shielded Mini 2-Li-Ion. This can be seen in the spectrograms below, which were taken simultaneously. The Mini 2-Li-Ion also has the advantage of a low-noise microphone which, to my ear, produces slightly clearer recordings compared to the Micro 2. 

Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Micro 2 (left) wind distortion
Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Micro 2 (right) wind distortion
Comparison table of Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (right) and Micro 2 (left)
Comparison table of Song Meter Mini 2 Li-Ion (left) and Micro 2 (right)


While both recorders allow you to experience the surrounding soundscape in new ways, they each offer distinct functionalities to achieve this goal.  

The compact design of the Song Meter Micro 2, along with a recent price drop, makes this recorder a fantastic choice for enthusiasts who want to delve into bioacoustics. It has an excellent sample rate, good battery life and produces crisp recordings that are a joy to listen back to.  

In comparison, the Song Meter Mini 2-Li-Ion is perfect for researchers. Its improved battery life makes it an excellent choice for both short and long-term deployments, and the low-noise microphone and windshield are ideal at producing clear recordings for subsequent analysis.  

Author interview with James Shipman: Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland

Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland 263872Packed with insider information, Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland offers expert guidance on how to identify bats in the hand for beginners and field ecologists alike.  Filling a gap between introductory books and more technical volumes, this humorous guide uses detailed images, diagrams and tables to communicate, in simple terms, the fundamentals of bat ecology, survey equipment, techniques required when training for a bat licence and the key features that distinguish one species from another.

James Shipman and his wife and baby at the Eden Project.

James Shipman is an ecologist and bat enthusiast who loves to inspire and motivate future bat workers. He works as a senior ecologist and is involved in numerous bat-related projects. In 2016 he was recognised with the Bat Conservation Trust’s Pete Guest Award for outstanding contribution to bat conservation.

We recently chatted with James about his inspiration for the book, which challenges he faced when constructing a detailed identification guide and more.

Can you tell us a little about yourself, your history of working with bats, and why you chose to write this book?

Originally I planned to work as a game ranger in South Africa, but after returning to the UK, I studied zoology, met my wife and fell into landscaping as my first career and passion. A roofer and a builder both mentioned that I may ‘like’ working with bats, as I’m an animal person, so I explored the idea of them as a hobby!

After a few events I was gripped, and I have now volunteered with bats for nearly 15 years with the intention to install passion, enthusiasm and fun into everything bat-related for volunteers and professionals! Within this time I have helped to train over 50-75 individuals (could be more, I don’t count!) and after nearly 20 years in the landscaping sector, I now work in ecology as a professional.

During my years of training, I found that the more serious and technical books available out there made it hard to learn, and that digestible guidance that was fun, relatable and easy to work with would be beneficial! A lot of my trainees suggested the idea for the book originally, and other bat authors with Pelagic mentioned to the publishers that I would bring a nice approach to ID for ecologists – so here we are.

James Shipman holding a bat under torchlight.

You have taken a relatable, and oftentimes humorous, approach in the way Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland was written. Why did you feel this was important, and with that in mind who is this book designed for?

Who said science, research and volunteering can’t be fun! If you enjoy what you do, it’s more fun and you usually get more out of it!

I thought it was important to bring my open, welcoming personality to bats and volunteering into the book, as well as an understanding of how hard it can be to learn in the world of ecology.


Public opinion of bats is often contested, and their associations with rabies and vampirism contribute to this negative perception. This guide contains a section on the myths and rumours of bats – why did you feel it was important to debunk these misconceptions?

Well spotted! It’s one of my favourite parts of any walk, talk, training or even in the book itself. Bats have such a negative view through media – whether it’s Halloween, Covid or other diseases, the positives (not just bats but anything in life) are very rarely talked about! So let’s try and win one for the bats – 2,000 less mosquito bites a night is a good seller!

James Shipman holding a bat detector pointing at a giant plastic pretend bat.


This guide also features vagrants and species that are extremely rare in the UK. How did you navigate writing about species that you may not have met? And did you find it challenging to construct identification guidance for these scarcer species?

Fortunately I have handled and seen these species abroad in my years of volunteering and training (which I will touch more on in your last question), and I have even been lucky to handle one or two of these in the UK too!

The hardest part of it all was trying to address the elephant in the room (or maybe I should say vagrant in the sky!). I believe there are now 21 species found in the UK – some of these are not proven residents, but are not far off – plus a few others that I chose not to include at the time of publication as records were too scarce!


James Shipman holding a bat.

Were there any other challenges that you came across in the process of writing this book?

As previously mentioned, mental health is important in all areas of life, and I felt that slight delays in finishing this book were due to anxiety of judgement on the final product. However, many close friends and ex-trainees assured me that more positives will come of this work than negatives.

The book is aimed at any level of bat worker and should taken with a light hearted approach. It’s important to address these things when discussing books and publishing – it’s a hard process, and without friends, family and a decent publisher (plus the bats) you can sometimes feel isolated. Luckily, I had the best support from all of the above!


What’s your advice for those just getting started in this field?

Well I could say read the book (haha), there are some good sections about starting out with bats. In short, don’t give up, persist, find bat workers who are open, friendly and passionate with no judgement (they are out there, I’m one of them), and most importantly have fun!


Finally, what’s next for you? Do you have plans for more books in the future?

Um… a break! It’s harder than I ever imagined. However, I would love to eventually write a similar book for bats of Europe! But it may take a while to compile some new jokes!


Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland 263872

Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland is available from our online bookstore here.

Book Review: Lost Wonders

Lost Wonders book cover.***** An emotional gut punch of a book

When you think Sixth Extinction, animals and plants such as the St. Helena olive, the Bramble Cay melomys, or the Christmas Island forest skink are unlikely to come to mind. And therein lies a problem: behind the faceless statistics of loss lie numerous stories of unique evolutionary lineages that have been snuffed out. In this emotional gut punch of a book, author and journalist Tom Lathan takes the unconventional approach of examining ten species that have gone extinct since 2000, nine of which you will likely never have heard of. Lathan momentarily resurrects them to examine what led to their loss and speaks to the people who tried to save them.

The one species and individual you are likely to have heard of is Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise, who received much media attention both in life and in death. The remainder are barely known outside of the small circle of conservationists who studied them. Of the unfortunately long list Lathan obtained from the IUCN, he has chosen a nicely balanced mix of species. Each chapter opens with a tastefully executed pencil-and-ink drawing by Lathan’s partner Claire Kohda. The geographic spread similarly includes organisms from around the globe (though no maps have been included, which would have been helpful). What unites these species is that they all lived, literally or functionally, on islands (environments prone to evolutionary experimentation and extinction), and they are no longer with us.

Extinct tortoise line drawing.

Each of the ten chapters mixes several elements such that, despite most chapters being quite long at 30–40 pages, all are very engaging. Lathan introduces what we know about their biology and how the frequent paucity of information frustrated subsequent attempts at captive breeding. By telling the stories of their discovery and formal description, Lathan answers his question of whether naming a species “is itself a life-giving act” (p. 28): it allows us to formulate conservation plans, making naming “the difference between life and death” (p. 29). Of course, species exist before we describe them, and his overview of their evolution is a potent reminder of this. It also highlights how, given enough time, organisms can reach remote islands and establish themselves there, despite the odds not being in their favour.

All of the above is relevant background information, but we are here for the stories of what went wrong. In the introduction, Lathan emphasizes just how incomplete our knowledge is: there is both a long queue of species awaiting assessment by the underfunded IUCN and an even larger pool of “dark extinctions” (p. 4): species that vanish before we even know of their existence. These stories are “a snapshot of extinction […] each a stand-in for other[s] that we will probably never know occurred” (p. 4). There is that importance of taxonomy again.

Extinct lizard line drawing.
If extinctions of Pleistocene megafauna can reasonably be attributed to a mixture of human hunting and climate change, the fingerprint of more recent Holocene extinctions is clearly human. Lathan points out that our species is “one of the most potent agents of ecological destruction, regardless of time, place, or culture” (p. 135). For instance, the arrival of native Polynesians to Hawai’i already triggered a wave of extinction, such that the arrival of Europeans “was more like a passing of the baton in an ecocidal relay race” (p. 136). That said, in his next breath he immediately recognizes that European colonialism cranked up extinction to eleven—it is a good example of Lathan’s balanced reporting. What follows is the usual litany of rapacious resource extraction that destroys natural habitats and the accidental or purposeful introduction of invasive species. The two often work in tandem.

The strongest suit of Lost Wonders is the nearly 50 interviews with scientists, conservationists, hobbyists, and others whose first-hand experiences and frustrations imbue this work with much pathos. There are stories of species slipping through our hands as their habitats vanished (e.g. the Bramble Cay melomys, a rat, or the Alagoas foliage-gleaner, a bird); of ignored warnings, bureaucratic red tape, and apprehensive committees delaying meaningful action (e.g. the Polynesian tree snail P. labrusca or the Christmas Island pipistrelle); and of captive breeding efforts failing (e.g. the Mexican Catarina pupfish). By asking how the people involved experienced witnessing extinction, each chapter delivers an emotional gut punch that, I will not lie, sometimes brought me to tears. Some people still struggle talking about it, even a decade or more later, breaking down during their interviews. Others describe feelings of grief, depression, and loneliness, unable to truly share with others what they experienced. Lathan himself in his epilogue expresses his astonishment at “their capacity to articulate the profundity of what they had witnessed” and wonders out loud: “When a million years of evolution is extinguished right in front of you, what words suffice to describe this moment?” (p. 351).

Extinct bat species line drawing, flying over trees towards the front of the page.Taking a step back to compose myself I do, however, have two points of criticism; or, if not criticism, two points I feel have been omitted. First, there is the proximate question of whether trying to save a species at all costs is always the best use of the limited time, money, and other resources available for conservation. Not everybody agrees it is, and e.g. Inheritors of the Earth provocatively argued that island species are evolutionary dead ends, vulnerable to invasion. Are resources better spent on populations that still stand a decent chance? A counterargument could be made that, yes, these attempts *are* worthwhile because we learn how to improve our protocols, techniques, and technologies for the inevitable next extinction. My point is that Lathan does not broach these questions here. I would have loved for him to wrestle with these and put them to his interviewees. Second, there is the ultimate question of what it would take to turn the tide of extinction, of what such a world would look like. I judge him less harshly on this because very few authors seem willing to mention the root causes that got us here. His interviewees gave him several openings at broaching thorny topics that he did not pursue. This is another set of questions where both his views and those of his interviewees could have further enriched the book.

The above suggestions would have been cherries on the cake but, as it stands, the proverbial cake is both edible and rich. Lost Worlds is an incredibly moving book that tugs at the heartstrings and draws on an impressive number of interviews. These eyewitness stories are a powerful reminder that behind each reported extinction lies a tremendous amount of work, and the loss of a unique way of life on this planet.

Lost Wonders book cover.

Lost Wonders is available from our bookstore here.

Top 5: Acoustic Recorders

Many animal groups use sound to communicate, whether this be for mating and courtship, navigation or general intraspecific communication. These sounds can come in the form of croaks, songs and calls, and are produced by a wide range of animal groups including amphibians, birds, mammals and insects.  

Acoustic recorders allow us to listen to these sounds, whether this be for surveying and monitoring, or just for enjoyment. This non-invasive monitoring method allows us to gather data from an environment without disturbing wildlife, and some recorders are designed to be extremely sensitive, enabling users to capture sound from great distances.  From these recordings we can identify species, analyse distribution, abundance, ecological community composition and even behaviour and can use the data to inform landscape management.  

Acoustic recorders are a valuable piece of kit for ecologists, naturalists or those eager to learn more about the animals in their garden, and we have a fantastic range of recorders to meet these needs. Here we have selected our top five acoustic recorders, highlighting key features of each device. 

#262796 Song Meter Micro 2

A popular, cost-effective option, the Song Meter Micro 2 is the smallest recorder in Wildlife Acoustic’s Song Meter range. The simple yet innovative design of this recorder allows for a lightweight and fully weatherproof device with an impressive 240-hour battery life. This recorder also features a built-in microphone, ideal for the detection of frogs, birds and other vocal species.  

  • Recording Format: 16-bit WAV 
  • Recording Bandwidth: 20Hz – 48,000Hz 
  • Recording Channels: One built-in 
  • Maximum sample rate: 96,000 Hz 
  • Memory Storage: 1 microSD card 
  • Battery Type: 4 AA batteries  
  • Weight: 195g with batteries 


#255421 Titley Chorus

This all-in-one recorder is designed to suit all acoustic surveying needs. The acoustic microphone is suitable for recording birds, frogs and mammals, and can also be equipped with a second ultrasonic microphone for the detection of bats. It is robust and waterproof (IP67 rating) and can record in mono acoustic, stereo acoustic, dual acoustic or ultrasonic for up to 300 hours. 

  • Frequency Range: 20Hz up to 140kHz 
  • Sampling Rates: 500, 320, 192, 96, 48, 44.1, 32, 22.05 ksps 
  • Audio Output: Frequency division (ultrasonic) and stereo reproduction (acoustic) through headphones 
  • Memory: 1 x SDHC/SDXC memory card (up to 1TB) 
  • Battery Type: 4 AA batteries 
  • Battery Life: Up to 40 nights ultrasonic / 300 hours acoustic 
  • Weight: 435g without batteries 


#262798 Song Meter Mini 2 Acoustic Recorder (AA Battery)

A compact and lightweight option, this acoustic recorder provides excellent recording quality while maintaining affordability. Building on the design of the original Song Meter Mini, this recorder features an improved battery life and weatherproof case design. It is suitable for the detection of birds, frogs and other vocal species, and a second microphone can be added for stereo recordings.  

  • Recording Format: 16-bit WAV 
  • Maximum sample rate: 96,000 Hz 
  • Recording Channels: One 
  • Memory Storage: 1 x SDHC/SDXC card 
  • Battery Type: 4x AA or 6x NiMH  
  • Weight: 290g with batteries 


#223481 Tascam DR-05X Portable Handheld Recorder 

With an easily accessible design, this recorder is straightforward and simple to use. A two second prerecord function and an auto record function ensure that a bird or bat call will never be missed, and the built-in omnidirectional microphones ensure high-quality and high resolution on this handheld recorder.  



  • Recording media: MicroSD card / microSDHC card / microSDXC card  
  • Number of channels: 2 (stereo) 
  • MP3 sampling frequency: 44.1kHz / 48kHz 
  • WAV sampling frequency: 44.1kHz / 48kHz / 96kHz 
  • Power: 2 x AA batteries 
  • Battery operation time: Alkaline: Approx 17.5 hours, Ni-Mh: Approx 15 hours 
  • Weight:165g (with batteries) 


#233684 Telinga PRO-X Parabolic Microphone System 

This economical package includes a Telinga MK3 microphone, handle and 22” folding dish, ensuring high-quality, focused audio. It is the ideal choice for recording wildlife, even over long distances, and its foldable design makes it easy to transport in field. 


  • Microphone frequency response: 60 – 20,000Hz
  • Equivalent noise level: 12dB 


Recommended Reading:

Sound Identification of Terrestrial Mammals of Britain and Ireland

A groundbreaking volume that analyses sound recordings of all 42 species of Britain’s terrestrial mammals.




The Handbook of Acoustic Bat Detection

An improved update of the German book, this is the go-to practical handbook on how to gather and analyse bat calls.



Bat Boxes for New Build Projects

The range of integrated or built-in boxes designed for bats can be overwhelming. For new developments, or renovation projects, you may be searching for bat boxes to incorporate additional habitats into your build, and support species while providing new infrastructure. With an upturn in low impact, wildlife friendly construction, integrated bat boxes are becoming increasingly relevant in the construction sector. Bat boxes are designed to provide an appropriately sized, predator-free space for bats to roost or hibernate. They are often designed to be built-in to the building itself, whether this be roofing or brickwork and are unobtrusive, often hard to spot, and help to provide various species with a permanent roost. 

There are 18 bat species in the UK, all of which use the same areas of buildings to roost in the absence of natural habitats – most commonly cellars, roofs and loose brickwork, among many more.  In general, bat boxes should be placed between 3-6 metres high, in a sunny location with around 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. It is also best to avoid placing these in areas around artificial light. For built-in products, woodcrete (or woodstone, woodconcrete) is preferred due to its durability, longevity and good insulative properties. 

Here we discuss integrated bat boxes, providing an overview of our selection of bat boxes and their benefits. 

A grey long eared bat

Types of Integrated Bat Boxes 

Bat Tiles, Bricks and Panels 

Tiles, bricks and panels provide bats with an access point to a suitable roosting space, whether this be within the roof, ridge tiles or a cavity area behind bricks and panels. They are designed to be incorporated into the build itself during construction or renovation and should be provided with suitable roosting cavities behind the access point, usually in the form of bat boxes or insulation-free cavity space.  

Bat Access Brick (197697) 

Bat Access Brick

  • Made to standard brick size
  • Suitable for new builds or renovation
  • Available in multiple colours to cater to existing structures
  • Requires a cavity chamber



1FE Schwegler Bat Access Panel (183033) 

Schwegler Bat Access Panel

  • Can be used to conserve existing roosts or create new sites
  • Made with woodcrete to ensure durability and breathability
  • Rot-proof
  • Can be painted or rendered over




Bat Access Tile Set (187127) 

Access bat tile

  • Made to order
  • Provides bats with an entrance to underfelt or open loft
  • Protection from heat extremes
  • Available in five traditional tile colours




Integrated Bat Boxes 

Bat boxes are designed to cater for either crevice and cavity dwelling species through varying complexity or can occasionally be a hybrid design to encourage uptake from both groups. These self-contained roosts are unobtrusive and are typically installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over. Bat boxes can also be designed for hibernation and breeding, providing a well-insulated, larger space to accommodate breeding colonies and larger groups.  

Integrated Eco Bat Box (232521) 

Integrated Eco Bat Box

  • Suitable for crevice or cavity species
  • Weatherproof
  • Long lasting and lightweight
  • Replaces 6 standard bricks
  • Made with recycled plastic





Vivara Pro Build-in WoodStone Bat Box (252139) 

Vivara Pro Woodstone Bat Box

  • Can be rendered over
  • Discreet entrance hole
  • Modular design which can be connected in the facade
  • Long lasting, insulative woodstone material






1WI Schwegler Summer and Winter Bat Box (187994) 

Schwegler Summer and Winter Bat Box

  • Suitable for year-round occupation
  • Suitable for maternity and roosting
  • Woodcrete has good longevity and insulative properties
  • Can be rendered over






1FR Schwegler Tube (178018) 

1FR Schwegler Bat Tube

  • Woodcrete
  • Suitable for rendering
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Discrete entrance hole
  • Suitable as a summer roost






Custom Bat Boxes 

Bat boxes typically consist of a solid box made from insulating materials with an internal roosting space. They can be custom faced with a chosen brick type (or existing brick, wood, stonework or rendered finish) to allow for discrete installation and a better blend into the existing facade. 


Habibat Bat Box 003 Custom Brick Blended Facing (205039) 

Habibat Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Blended facing
  • Insulative properties
  • Customisable brick facing and plinth to blend with existing brickwork




Habibat Bat Box 001 – Custom Brick Facing (193477) 

Habibat Bat Box - Custom Brick Facing

  • Made to order
  • Insulative properties
  • Blended facing in brick to match building
  • Unobtrusive design





Ibstock Enclosed Bat Box ‘B’ (214595) 

Ibstock Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Intended as a summer roosting space
  • Available in two sizes and three colours





Habibat 3S Bat Box (249968) 

Habibat 3S Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Available in a variety of facings to suit any existing brick, wood, stonework or aa rendered finish
  • Insulative properties




External Bat Boxes  

An alternative to integrated habitat boxes, externally mounted bat boxes can be attached to trees, fences, or buildings and are typically made of woodstone or woodcrete. These versatile boxes can be designed for summer roosting, hibernation, or maternity roosting, varying in size to accommodate different species. 

2F Schwegler Bat Box (General Purpose) (174814) 

2F Schwegler Bat Box

  • Woodcrete
  • Summer roosting space
  • Removable front panel
  • Long lasting






Large Multi Chamber WoodStone Bat Box (246918) 

Large Multi Chamber Woodstone Bat Box

  • Woodstone
  • Suitable for maternity and summer roosting
  • Also suitable as a hibernation box in mild winters
  • Long lasting
  • Removable front panel




Elisa Bat Box (259840) 

Elisa Bat Box

  • Wood concrete
  • Long lasting
  • Suitable as a summer roost
  • Curved for a closer fit to trees





Vivara Pro WoodStone Bat Box (210820) 

Vivara Pro Woodstone Bat Box

  • WoodStone
  • Suitable as a summer roosting space
  • Long lasting
  • Removable front panel





2FE Schwegler Wall-mounted Bat Shelter (Pack of 2) (190558) 

2FE Schwegler wall mounted bat shelter

  • Suitable for summer roosts or for winter hibernation quarters
  • Fixed to external walls
  • Long lasting




For more information on bat boxes and how to choose them, read our Bat Boxes Buyers Guide.

 Our full range of bat boxes can be found here.

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Book Review: Eight Bears

Eight Bears book cover showing a lino print of a bear on grass and the book title in bright red capital letters.***** A mighty fine environmental reportage

Though bears loom large in our collective imagination, their flesh-and-blood counterparts are increasingly losing ground. Eight Bears, the debut of environmental journalist Gloria Dickie, draws on visits to key hotspots where Earth’s remaining bear species come into conflict with humans. By interviewing scores of people, both conservationists and those suffering at the paws of these large predators, this nuanced and thought-provoking reportage asks whether humans and bears can coexist.

The roots of this book go back to 2013 when Dickie started a master’s in environmental journalism and midway settled on bear-human conflicts in the Rocky Mountains. Since then, she has travelled to Asia and the Americas to see first-hand all eight extant bear species. The only obvious regions missing from her story are Alaska, Russia, and Europe, all of which have large populations of bears. Even so, she has visited a formidable list of destinations. As an aside here, kudos to both the stylish bear portraits by Arjun Parikh opening each chapter, and Dickie’s meticulous list of notes. The latter mentions the many people she has interviewed or corresponded with over the years and, for some sources, provides additional notes that are too detailed for the main narrative.

The first half of the book’s subtitle promises a look at the bear’s mythic past. Though there is mention here of the predominance of bears in northern hemisphere cultures, the so-called circumpolar bear cult tradition, and the rarely discussed role of the bear in Peruvian culture and history, this is a minor motif in the book. Much more can be and has been said about the cultural history of bears.

Three wild bears, one brown adult and two white cubs, sat by a streams edge,
Wild animals by bm.iphone via flickr.

Instead, as seems unavoidable when writing about megafauna nowadays, the focus of Eight Bears is on the second half of the subtitle, their imperilled future. The outlook is grim and Dickie early on mentions that “almost everywhere I went, bears seemed to be a shadow of what they once were” (p. 8). Probably the biggest threat is habitat loss, followed closely by hunting and poaching. A historic combination of these two decimated North American bear populations under European settlement. Polar bears have become the poster children of climate change, though the disappearance of sea ice is yet another form of habitat loss. I would be remiss if I did not mention that several whistleblowers have argued that hunting poses a continued but underappreciated threat to polar bears. Asia is additionally home to some particularly grisly practices: sloth bears are beaten into submission to become dancing bears, and moon and sun bears are experiencing years of, what is effectively, surgical torture on bile farms. The former has been outlawed with a reasonable degree of success, the latter less so. From her descriptions, Dickie visits the same bile farmer and speaks to some of the same people that Nuwer interviewed for her 2018 book Poached. Little seems to have improved in the intervening years, unfortunately.

Though bears are usually at the losing end of human-wildlife conflict, Dickie does not avoid exploring the flipside. Many readers outside of Asia might be surprised to learn that the inappropriately named sloth bear is easily the world’s most dangerous bear. In India, more than 100 attacks every year kill or gruesomely injure predominantly poor, rural people, with Dickie seeking out some of the victims. In the USA, where grizzly populations are recovering, she speaks to ranchers and farmers who lose livestock to bears and frequently object that “liberal urbanites are the ones who want predators back on the landscape, but they aren’t the ones suffering the consequences” (p. 177). In Canada, she visits the remarkable tourist town of Churchill at the edge of Hudson Bay which is home to equal numbers of humans and polar bears. To keep people safe while avoiding lethal control methods as much as possible, it relies on an unprecedented amount of technology. Even so, human lives are at risk, and Dickie speaks to a woman who survived a mauling.

Close up of a wet, muddy Grizzly bear in Denali National Park, Alaska, USA.
Full Grizz by Thomas, via flickr.

The chapters focusing on bears in the USA offer some of the most remarkable case studies of people attempting to live alongside bears. The century-long history of black bear management around Yosemite National Park offers “a full-scale experiment of all the ways people and bears can clash” (p. 153). After decades of park management doing things wrong (making a tourist attraction out of bears scavenging on garbage dumps, thus inadvertently training a generation of them how not to forage in the wild), they spent decades trying to do things right. A combination of bear-resistant food storage containers on campgrounds and strict enforcement of rules has trained tourists to be more mindful.

Eight Bears becomes more thought-provoking as it progresses. Here is how it provoked mine. Dickie puts down several relevant dots on paper at different points in the book (mentioning human population growth, climate change, and the resource-hungry global supply chain) but she does not explicitly connect them to draw the contours of the larger challenge ahead. So, here be a tangent, and my attempt to connect those dots, triggered by her repeated interviewing of grizzly bear recovery coordinator Chris Servheen. Upon retirement in 2015, with grizzlies sufficiently recovered, he supported their delisting. However, by 2021, seeing how states were failing to manage grizzly populations “with maturity and grace” (p. 180), he changed his mind. This raises fundamental questions. What is the point of all our conservation efforts if we do not address the root causes that got threatened species in trouble in the first place? For me, books such as Abundant Earth and Alfie & Me have really driven home the point that, unless we change our relationship with the natural world and stop treating it as a bottomless larder, conservation is little more than a palliative solution, a stay of execution. If we restore animals to an increasingly degraded environment, to a human population that does not want to share the world with them, they will have to remain on permanent life support. To be clear, I do not think conservation is futile; it is vital. So long as it is not an end unto itself. We cannot lose sight of the bigger picture: a world hospitable to non-human animals. Servheen’s call for “maturity and grace” in the context of grizzly bear management can just as well be applied to our tenancy of this planet.

Wild Black Bear at Anan Bear Observatory.
Wild Black Bear at Anan Bear Observatory by Andrew Russell, via flickr.

Even if you were to come away from this book without having your thoughts similarly provoked, Eight Bears is a mighty fine environmental reportage that is nuanced and well-researched. Given the often regional nature of books on bears and people, Dickie’s globetrotting overview of the challenges faced by all extant bears is very welcome.