This Week in Biodiversity News – 3rd February


Flea and tick treatments are contaminating songbird nests. A recent study surveyed 103 tit nests that utilised pet fur in construction, and found that 100% were contaminated with fipronil, a chemical component of pet flea and tick treatments that is banned for agricultural use in the UK and the EU. Contaminated nests were found to have an increased number of unhatched eggs and dead chicks, placing significant pressure on breeding bird populations. The findings have led to calls for a thorough environmental risk assessment of veterinary treatments, and to consider restricting their use as a preventative measure to an active treatment. 

Great tit with nesting material
Image by hedera.baltica via Flickr

The Arctic carbon sink is now a source of emissions, a new study concludes. Rising temperatures in the Arctic landscape are facilitating the release of vast amounts of carbon dioxide, which is currently stored in the region’s permafrost, and over 40% of this is now significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions in the context of global warming. The effects of rising temperatures are also reflected by visual changes in the landscape – ground collapse, increased plant growth, microbial domination – and changes in the carbon cycle in the region. 



Wales’ plan to reverse wildlife decline lacks plan, action and investment according to Senedd’s cross-party environment committee. A recent report identified several shortcomings that have impacted the Welsh government’s ability to tackle nature loss and boost biodiversity. These include legislation that failed to deliver, outdated key policy documents, a broken promise to update the Nature Recovery Action Plan, and a history of delays, undelivered commitments, and missed deadlines. With 1 in 6 species at risk of local extinction in Wales, and a 20% decrease in wildlife over the last three decades, the committee urged the Welsh government to prioritise setting targets to address biodiversity loss by 2030, bringing Wales in-line with previously agreed biodiversity commitments. 

eurasian curlew
One in six Welsh species are threatened with local extinction. Image by Antje Schultner via Flickr

The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has published a report on the prospect of the UK meeting its environmental targets and commitments. The third OEP assessment analysed the government’s current progress towards improving the country’s natural environment between April 2023 and March 2024, and determined that the UK remains off track in meeting legal commitments due to slow progress and a loss of momentum. Key issues identified were as follows: policy or regulatory frameworks are not adequately developed or delivered; actions do not address all major pressures; inadequate resource provision and a lack of urgency. To tackle this, the report concluded that the UK government should speed up, scale up, stack up and catch-up actions to make adequate progress.  


Wildlife and Conservation 

A Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Mytosis mytosis) has been discovered in Sussex. In mid-January 2025, a breeding female Greater Mouse-eared Bat was found hibernating in the South Downs National Park, marking the first identification of a new female since the 1980s. This species was declared extinct in the UK in 1992 following decades of species decline, however two male sightings, one in 2002 and one in 2023 suggested the potential for their return in the future. Conservationists have ringed the newly discovered female to allow for future identification, monitoring and research, with the hope of discovering an established breeding population in Britain. 

Greater Mouse-eared Bat
Image by Tim Ellis via Flickr

Galicia’s shellfish stocks are declining at an alarming rate. Europe’s primary source of mussels, and the world’s second largest producer of shellfish, has seen a dramatic fall in cockles, clams and mussels. In 2023, cockles crop fell by as much as 80% and last year, mussel production was at its lowest for the last 25 years with some stocks falling by 90%. It is thought that the climate crisis and pollution from agriculture and local industry are at the root cause of this catastrophic decline, with increased rainfall reducing the salinity of the water and invasive species attracted to rising water temperatures. 

Brown Trout survival is at serious risk as English rivers warm with climate change. A Government report suggests that these native fish are at risk of extinction in large parts of England within decades. The first national temperature projections by the Environment Agency forecast an unliveable environment at the height of summer by 2030. Brown Trout have a temperature threshold of around 12°C, above which there is a significant risk of egg mortality, small hatching sizes and development defects. For adult fish, this increased temperature could also amplify the impact of pollutants and an individual’s susceptibility to pathogens.  

This Week in Biodiversity News – 13th January


Water Vole populations are undergoing a national decline in the UK. A new report from the Wildlife Trusts, The National Water Vole Database Project Report, was released last month to document the findings of a nationwide investigation examining Water Vole distribution over the past ten years. Although the report documented a 39% decrease in the number of occupied areas across the UK, it also identified a further 11 new regional key areas of increasing local populations, including several in East Anglia and Yorkshire. The report reveals a bleak national picture with declines across the country due to habitat loss and deterioration, but shows that in the right conditions, and with the help of conservation practitioners, it is possible to reverse their historic decline. 

Bumblebee on a lavender flower
Image by Indy via Flickr

Conservationists have observed active worker bumblebees nest-building in Scotland during the winter months. Unusually mild weather during the Christmas period has led to early awakening from hibernation, and at least two species have started to build new nests early in the winter season. However, the subsequent return of cold weather and the scarcity of winter food sources pose a significant threat to these early nests, risking their collapse. In this instance, fewer queens would be available to build nests in the spring and could contribute to the national decline of bumblebees.


The National Trust has announced plans to create 250,000 hectares of biodiverse landscape. Equivalent to 1.5 times the size of Greater London, these nature-rich landscapes across England, Wales and Northern Ireland will address a current national need and are estimated to provide habitat for 1 billion earthworms. Labelled audacious yet achievable, this goal will be actioned on Trust properties, but also in partnership with other organisations, farmers and communities, to create larger tracts of landscape to tackle the climate and nature crises.

Male Lynx in the snow
Image by Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr

Last week, Lynx were reported in the Cairngorms National Park. A total of four animals were illegally released and subsequently captured by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RSS), where they were taken to be quarantined at Highland Wildlife Park (later one sadly died). The source of these animals remains unknown, but experts have raised concerns about the nature of their release – these animals were released in sub-zero temperatures within areas of logging activity, which has been deemed a highly irresponsible action that has drawn criticism from conservationists.

Climate Crisis 

2024 marks the first calendar year to surpass the 1.5°C warming limit. Now thought to be the world’s hottest year on record, 2024 has brought the world closer to breaking the international warming target of 1.5°C – although this target is based on long-term temperature averages, last year’s trends signify an upturn in global temperature, with the last decade being the warmest on record. Predominantly due to harmful greenhouse gas emissions, which are still at record highs, this record is met with calls for cuts in emissions over this calendar year.

Wind turbines at sunset
Image by Michael Mueller via Flickr

The UK generated its cleanest electricity ever in 2024, with 58% from low-carbon sources. The amount of electricity generated from fossil fuels has halved in the past decade, with the UK having seen an upturn in the use of renewable energy sources. In the past twelve months, renewables have generated 45% of the UK’s power, and when including nuclear sources, this number totals to 58%. Despite this, fossil fuels are still generating approximately 29% of electricity in the UK, and in order to meet climate and emission targets experts are urging for an accelerated phase out.


In a ‘landmark’ deal, the world’s first private sector loan based on biodiversity net gain unit models has been granted. Triodos Bank UK has loaned £3.85m to environmental consultancy Nature Impact – the money will be used to purchase a total of 122 acres over two sites, unlocking degraded farmland for biodiversity net gain. These degraded sites will undergo restoration and habitat creation, including native wildflower meadows and wetlands, to enhance their support of British wildlife and climate goals.

Habitat restoration site with wildflowers
Image by Robert Miller via Flickr

Ecologists at Oxford University have designed a new framework to classify how a unit of nature is defined for biodiversity credits. In the review, researchers acknowledge the lack of clarity on how one unit of nature is defined, or how measurements are standardised, and demonstrated the challenges involved with the biodiversity credit market. It presents a framework exploring how biodiversity is quantified, how positive outcomes are detected and how the number of credits can be adjusted to account for uncertainties. The authors caution against biodiversity credits to offset negative impacts, and instead direct focus on avoiding and reducing these factors.

This Week in Biodiversity News – 30th December


Tasmania’s farmers are helping to conserve native grasslandThese critically endangered habitats have undergone widespread deterioration due to historical agricultural practices, and remaining patches are degraded and fragmented throughout the state. An innovative partnership between landowners, the Tasmanian Conservancy and Bush Heritage Australia – the Midlands Conservation Partnership (MCP) – was formed to conserve and protect native grassland on private property through empowering farmers to manage their land sustainably. 

Tiger in Jacksonville Zoo
Image by Caitlin Regan via Flickr

A growing number of zoos across the globe are reporting animal death by avian influenza. The virus appears to be spreading throughout captive animal collections, which could have grave, and potentially fatal, consequences for endangered species – already, zoos have reported deaths of a number of threatened species, including lions, tigers and panthers. It is thought to have been spread through infected wild birds landing in open air enclosures, and experts emphasise the need for enhanced biosecurity, or vaccination, to ensure the safety of captive animals.  

A leading wildlife expert is calling for the legalisation of rhino horn trade. Martin Wikelski wrote to the journal Science, urging authorities to take the market out of criminal hands, in order to establish carefully monitored, legal transactions and regain control of the market. Wikelski argues that monitored trade could help to raise money for increased protective measures and save the last remaining populations, since crime syndicates have overcome every countermeasure that has been implemented to protect rhinos thus far.

White rhino in South Africa
Image by Ian Turk via Flickr


Twenty-seven species new to science have been discovered in a survey in Peru. A 38-day survey in Alto Mayo, a well-populated region in north-west Peru, has uncovered over 2,000 species of wildlife and plants, including new, rare and threatened species. Of these species previously unknown to science, there are four mammals, an arboreal salamander, seven species of new fish, a frog, ten butterflies and two dung beetles – and a further 48 species are awaiting verification before confirming their discovery. Alongside these exciting new discoveries, the expedition identified 49 threatened species from the IUCN Red List, including birds, amphibians and primates, and it is hoped that these discoveries will bolster conservation work in the region.

Right whales
Image by NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries via Flickr

A recent study has discovered that right whales may live almost twice as long as previously thought. Four decades of photo identification data was used to analyse the life expectancy of Northern Atlantic Right Whales and Southern Right Whales. Researchers observed a life expectancy of up to 150 years for Southern Right Whales, and a contrasting 22-year average for North Atlantic Right Whales – primarily due to anthropogenic impacts, including entanglement in fishing gear, ship collisions or starvation which could be linked to environmental change. Authors plan to expand the scope of the study to examine other whale populations, in order to learn more about how whaling practices have impacted the abundance of older individuals and allow for estimates of recovery to pre-whaling population sizes. 


Data shows that almost three quarters of the UK’s Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) have had no assessment of their condition since the start of 2019. These sites consist of ecologically valuable habitats, wildlife and natural features, and are legally protected to prevent environmental degradation. In the last assessment, nearly 40% of features were in unfavourable condition, and without further monitoring, conservationists warn that British wildlife could be disappearing unnoticed. In response, a long-term programme is being developed by Natural England to determine SSSI assessment, as well as making improvements to monitoring and data use.  

a clutch of bird eggs in a nest
Image by Lisa Risager via Flickr

Over 6,000 wild bird eggs have been seized in the UK. In the largest haul of it’s kind, raids from Scotland, South Yorkshire, Essex, Wales and Gloucester uncovered thousands of wild bird eggs in attics, offices and drawers. The raids took place under Operation Pulka – an international effort tackling wildlife crime, especially the trading of bird eggs. Harvesting by egg collectors is placing additional pressures on already threatened and rare wildlife, and for species with a limited geographic range, could be the difference between existence and extinction. 

This Week in Biodiversity News – 16th December


An area larger than India has permanently degraded into arid conditions, research shows. Studies by the UN Science Policy Interface have reported that up to three quarters of the world’s land has experienced likely irreversible drying in the past thirty years and now, arid drylands make up 40% of land on earth. Driven by climate change, poor farming practices, excessive water extraction and many other factors, this drying could see significant decreases in crop yield, GDP, and a reduction in the capacity of the land to store water.

viviparous lizard
Image by David Evans via Flickr

A two-year restoration project in Avon Heath Country Park will help to restore a rare habitat. Funded by Defra, £1.2 million will be used to restore this Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) that is home to 2.5% of the world’s remaining lowland heathland. The 210-hectare site provides key habitat for all of Britain’s native reptiles, including Smooth Snakes and ground-nesting birds such as Woodlarks and Nightjars. Restoration work will involve the removal of invasive rhododendron, scrub and pine trees to rejuvenate the heathland and increase the availability of light for low-lying plants.  


A recent survey has shown that Grey Squirrels are invading Red Squirrel strongholds. Conducted by Red Squirrels Northern England (RSNE), the survey assessed 246 sites for an annual squirrel check. The survey found a rising presence of Grey Squirrels in Red Squirrel strongholds, a trend described as ‘concerning’ by RSNE project officers. These invasive, non-native species were found in 69% of surveyed sites, a 6.8% increase from last year and are now outnumbering Red Squirrels in Cumbria and Northumberland. However, RSNE successfully recorded a 2% increase of Red Squirrels in survey sites, up from 50% in 2023. 

Cutting-edge technology is being used to inform forestry management in the UK. Forestry England is employing bioacoustic technology, environmental DNA (eDNA) and drones to inform conservation efforts across multiple sites. EDNA gathered from soil, air and water is being used to build a better picture of community composition across 21 forestry sites, and after four months of sampling, 5,000 unique fungal species and 1,000 invertebrate species have been identified. Bioacoustic data is also being gathered across four areas in Somerset, Dorset, Northumberland and North Yorkshire and will be used to track bumblebee activity through analysis of flight sound. This detailed data will be used to form a new biodiversity baseline to monitor the effectiveness of conservation efforts in the midst of biodiversity decline and climate change.  

A light brown rodent is sat on a river bank underneath grasses, it has small black eyes and a small brown nose
Image by Peter Trimming via Flickr

A reintroduction project has seen the return of Water Voles along the Severn shoreline, levels and moors of North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Led by the West of England Nature Partnership (WENP) in collaboration with Bristol Zoological Society, the programme is seeking to restore intertidal habitats, wetlands and peatlands, and part of this will be actioned through re-establishing Water Voles in the area. Avon Wildlife Trust have observed evidence that these animals have returned to the area, contributing to the region’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy.  


Angela Rayner has been met with criticism following an interview discussing Labour’s housing pledge. With plans to build 1.5 million homes and fast-track over 150 major infrastructure projects, wildlife protection may take a back seat. Rayner expressed concern for those who desperately need housing, stating that providing homes in the UK should not be sacrificed for wildlife protection. Despite critics deeming the targets ‘unrealistic, Rayner assured that compliance with national building plans would be mandatory under Labour’s National Planning Policy Framework.  

Great crested newt in a hand
Image by Chris H via Flickr

Vital scrubland habitats are at risk following Labour’s announcement to build on grey belt land. Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, has pledged to build 1.5 million homes on redefined green belt land, known as grey belt land. With what some call a ‘vague definition’ of grey belt land, swathes of countryside could be sacrificed for housing developments, in areas that could have been transformed to woodland or wetland habitats. This traditional landscape is vital for wildlife, including birds, reptiles and amphibians, and could prove essential in meeting 30×30 targets. 

This week in Biodiversity News – 2nd December


A small group of White-tailed Eagles are to be reintroduced in Exmoor National Park. A project by the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation and Forestry England has been working to reintroduce the species since 2019. Focusing on the south of England, the project has been releasing eagles to the Isle of Wight, with 37 birds released so far throughout the project. Exmoor, a region in which this species has bred historically, has been identified as key habitat for White-tailed Eagles due to suitable prey abundance and a long stretch of coastal woodland and moorland. The project plans to reinforce English populations with a small cohort of up to twenty birds, which will be released over a three-year period on Exmoor. 

Haliaeetus albicilla white tailed eagle
Image by NTNU Faculty of Natural Sciences via Flickr



The conservation group Alliance for Wales’ Rainforests (AWR) are urging the Welsh government to take urgent action to safeguard Celtic, or temperate, rainforests. The AWR is a collaboration between several conservation organisations including Plantlife, Wildlife Trusts Wales and Coed Cadw, which released a report on the state of Wales’ rainforests – the report revealed that these valuable landscapes are in generally poor condition, with invasive species and significant environmental pressures, such as intensive grazing or air pollution. With over 1,900,000 acres of temperate rainforest in Wales, and only one tenth of this area designated, the group have emphasised that action is needed from the Welsh government to protect the diversity and value of these ecosystems.  

Cranberry farmers are restoring defunct bogs to wetlands in Massachusetts. Several restoration projects have been awarded $6 million in grants provided by New England’s Department of Fish and Game Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) to restore wildlife habitat and improve water quality. The funding will be used to convert disused bogs into wetlands and streams to improve environmental resilience, halt erosion and enhance carbon sequestration. So far, 400 acres have been converted, with hopes to restore an additional 1,000 acres over the next ten years. 



Defra cuts pose a threat to Britain’s national landscapes.  Defra spending is to be cut by 2% over the next financial year, which could have harmful ramifications for the National Landscapes team who manage 46 regions previously known as Areas of Outstanding National Beauty, including the Chilterns, the Cotswold’s and the Wye Valley. The team is expecting a 12% funding cut, placing significant pressure on an already underfunded and vital service in the fight against climate change. The National Landscapes Chief has warned that these valuable areas could become ‘paper parks’ without adequate funding, and some areas could face a 20% reduction in core services.

North Pennines UK
Image by Robert J Heath via Flickr

COP29 concluded on 22nd November. This year’s negotiations saw heavy criticism, with several headlining stories:  

  • Developing nations were dissatisfied with $300bn in climate finance, with many stressing that the sum is not sufficient to address the challenges that developing countries face.  
  • Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, described fossil fuels as a ‘gift from God’ in an opening speech, sparking debate about the way host countries are selected – Azerbaijan follows authoritarian states Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as COP hosts.  
  • Senior climate leaders have written an open letter to the UN, claiming the conference was no longer fit for purpose.  
  • China is emerging as the next climate leader and was praised for increased transparency about its financial support for developing countries 

The UK has joined a coalition to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. Joined by 16 other countries, including Colombia, Canada and New Zealand, the coalition aims to develop national strategy, remove barriers and facilitate open communication to stop subsidies for oil and gas exploration and production. Thought to be a key step for the UK to reach its wider commitments, the coalition will facilitate the UK’s vision in establishing itself as a clean energy superpower.  


Climate Crisis 

A new study has provided an answer to a flurry of elephant deaths. Over 350 elephants, ranging from calves to mature adults, died under mysterious circumstances in Botswana in 2020. A new study using satellite data has suggested that toxic algal blooms of cyanobacteria may be behind these mass die-offs, poisoning the drinking water available to these animals. This research adds to the growing evidence that climate change will have lethal impacts on wildlife as it accelerates – climate-induced disease and mass mortalities are suggested to increase in frequency and severity over the coming years. 

African Elephant
Image by Mandy Goldberg via Flickr


This Week in Biodiversity News – 18th November


A paper published over the weekend revealed that the Slender-billed Curlew is likely to be extinct, with the last sighting recorded in Morocco in 1995. Marking the first known global bird extinction from the Western Palearctic, this species was previously common across mainland Europe, north Africa and west Asia, with populations found nowhere else in the world. The confirmation of the loss of this species of curlew comes just a month after COP16 took place in Cali, Columbia, which focused on increasing efforts to halt the loss of flora and fauna. 

Wildlife and environment 

Deforestation in the Amazon has fallen by 31%, marking a nine-year low. Despite this, deforestation is still a concern for Brazil, and an area the size of Delaware was cleared within the last year. The Amazon is facing a different set of pressures as climate change progresses – severe drought has contributed to a significant 18-fold surge in wildfires, which is impacting much of South America, including the biologically rich Pantanal in Brazil. 

a small mouse resting on a bush branch
Image by Frank Vassen via Flickr

One of Britain’s rare mammals has been found in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. As an element of the park’s Cysylltu Natur project, which aims to protect 25% of the park’s northern section by 2025, dormouse nesting tubes were placed along areas of woodland on site. Licensed volunteers have discovered that dormice have inhabited the boxes, resulting in an exciting milestone in boosting nature recovery for the park.


Two sites on the rivers Wear and Tyne are under consideration for saltmarsh restoration. Groundwork North East & Cumbria have applied for permission to undertake work in these areas to compensate for construction along the riverbank and heavy industrialisation in the area. The work will expand and restore existing habitat without removing waterside infrastructure – this restoration will slow the river flow and allowing sediment to build, in turn providing habitat for fish, invertebrates and other aquatic life.

The first of fourty-eight Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) has been developed for the West of England. The strategies are conceived by local authorities, communities, NGO’s and government agencies to identify focus areas for nature. These locally led, evidence-based plans were conceived to prioritise nature investment and target efforts for environmental restoration where it is needed most. LNRS’s will eventually be rolled out to cover all of England, helping to coordinate target action to meet biodiversity commitments.

the tops of aspen trees against the sky, the leaves are orange and yellow
Image by Oyvind Holmstad via Flickr

Cairngorms National Park has launched an initiative to save one of Scotland’s most threatened tree species – Aspen. Partnered with Trees for Life, the Cairngorms National Park Authority will be mapping the health and location of existing Aspen populations, and the data will be used to guide the planting of new trees within the forest. Deemed one of Scotland’s most vital native trees, this once-common species has undergone extreme declines due to deforestation and overgrazing. It is hoped that the project can be used as a blueprint to roll out Aspen conservation across Scotland, securing biodiversity benefits for the environment.


Prime Minister Keir Starmer has revealed new climate targets for the UK. Announced at COP29 in Azerbaijan, the UK will now aim for 81% reductions in emissions by 2035. This new target updates a previous pledge of 78% made by the Conservative government, and comes after recommendations from the UK’s Climate Change Committee. This new pledge will help to support the UK’s move to net zero by 2050, and although the UK is currently running behind on delivering cuts, this new target will provide local economic growth and investment.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer speaks during a session at COP29
Image by Number 10 via Flickr

The Environmental Audit Committee will be examining the environmental impact of Labour’s planning reforms. This inquiry comes after an early pledge to build 1.5 million homes over a five year period. To do this, there are proposed changes to the national planning policy framework, which would enable the government to release land for housing development. The inquiry will question whether these reforms can maintain current levels of environmental protection, and is seeking views on the implications of these reforms on nature and the climate.

This Week in Biodiversity News – 4th November

Climate Crisis 

Concern is mounting over the lack of progress made at COP16. After the historic agreement in Montreal which established targets to reform subsidies and to protect 30% of the planet by 2030, COP16 has revealed that participating nations are not on track to meet these targets outlined in the agreement. In order to reach 30×30, we must designate protected land equivalent to Brazil and Australia combined, and an area of the sea larger than the Indian Ocean. The second week of negotiations has shown little concrete progress on any of these targets, and a slow implementation of these international agreements risks another decade of biodiversity loss.  

The UK’s largest supplier of farmed salmon has reported the biggest mass die-off in a decade. Mowi Scotland, a supplier to large supermarkets in the UK, has reported the loss of over one million fish in one production cycle. The supplier has attributed the loss to a rise in sea temperatures, exacerbated by the climate crisis, which give rise to jellyfish blooms – these harmful blooms can cause injury to farmed salmon, risking health issues and fatalities.

Salmon Farms by antonalfred, via flickr.
Salmon Farms by antonalfred, via flickr.


The final phase of a £4.5 million rodent eradication project is underway on Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland. The island hosts one of the UK’s largest seabird colonies, including Puffins, Manx Shearwaters and Kittiwakes. Seabird species are suffering heavily from rodent predation, and Puffins alone have declined by 74% over a twenty year period. In October, the last of over 6,700 rodent traps were deployed across the 3,400 acre island and over the next seven months, conservationists and volunteers will continue to work on the eradication programme, which will come to an end in 2026.

West European Hedgehogs have been classified as ‘near threatened’ under the IUCN red list. Their populations have suffered significant declines over recent decades and are believed to have halved in more than 50% of its native countries, including the UK. A 2022 study found that British hedgehogs declined up to 75% in rural areas due to growing environmental pressures, including agricultural intensification and urban expansion. Further population declines could see this species under risk of extinction.

Stoat, Taken at the British Wildlife Centre.
Stoat by Andy Morffew, via flickr.

A project to remove invasive Stoats from Orkney has seen positive results in the islands biodiversity. The Orkney Native Wildlife Project began in 2019 to remove non-native Stoats which pose significant threats to ground-nesting birds and an endemic vole species. The project is the largest Stoat removal attempted anywhere in the world, with over 6,500 animals removed to date, and has helped to boost wildlife across the island – compared to 2019, curlew and Oystercatcher nest success is three times higher, Hen Harrier nesting success is at its highest, and Orkney Vole activity has increased by 200%.  


More than one third of tree species are facing extinction. Over 38% of the planet’s trees are threatened in 192 countries, outweighing the cumulative number of threatened birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Compiled by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the work of over 1,000 scientists contributed to the assessment of the conservation status of trees. It found that logging, land clearing, pests and diseases were the greatest threats to the group, which could have a cascading effect on other animal and plant species that rely on trees for survival.  

Foliage at Whitebrook by Charlie Llewellin, via flickr.
Foliage at Whitebrook by Charlie Llewellin, via flickr.

Two Bison calves have been born in Blean Woods. As part of the Wilder Blean Bison Project, managed by the Kent Wildlife Trust and the Wildwood Trust, a small herd of European Bison were introduced to woodland in Canterbury, Kent. Three females and one bull were released in 2022 to boost biodiversity and improve the resilience of the environment in the face of climate change. The birth of these calves now brings the herd to eight members, and conservationists hope that the group will continue to expand and benefit the biodiversity of their environment.  

This Week in Biodiversity News – 14th October


‘Effectively protected’ land in England has declined to just 2.93%. With the government’s commitment to protecting 30% of Britain’s land and sea by 2030 fast approaching, campaigners warn that swift, direct action is needed to overturn these declines. Ocean protection has increased to 9.92% from last year’s 8%, however land protection has fallen to under 3%, less than last year’s estimate. Declines in land protection result from the diminishing condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to climate change, pollution and overgrazing and conservation authorities agree that the UK government will need to take big steps over the next few years to meet 30×30 targets. 

Keir Starmer and others looking at machinery in a carbon capture factory
Image by Number 10 via Flickr

The UK Government has pledged £22b to support the development of two carbon capture and storage projects. Based in Merseyside and Teesside, these carbon capture projects will store carbon emissions from industry and energy production to help the UK meet its climate goals. This new industry is regarded as a key element in meeting targets around greenhouse gas emissions and is hoped to attract significant private investment as well as provide 4,000 jobs for local people. The captured carbon will be stored in deep geological storage in the North Sea and Liverpool Bay, with the hopes of removing up to 8.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year. 



Rivers across the globe are drying at the fastest rate for thirty years, the World Meteorological Organization’s State of Global Water Resources Report has shown. The report has labelled the world’s water resources a ‘canary in a coal mine’ and calls for urgent action to tackle the risk to global water supplies. Over 50% of global river catchments exhibited abnormal conditions in 2023, the same year that we reached the hottest temperatures on record. These conditions have accelerated the hydrological cycle and have resulted in significant unpredictability, facilitating floods and drought.

A group of large trees in Madagascar in front of sunset
Image by Rod Waddington via Flickr

Botanists from Kew’s Royal Botanic Gardens believe there are around 100,000 plant species yet to be discovered across the globe. A study revealed 33 areas that are likely to contain great numbers of undiscovered species and highlights regions in which botanists should be concentrating their search for new plants. By increasing the rate of discoveries, scientists hope to better target conservation and preservation, and discover these species before they are lost to extinction. Of the 33 areas identified, most are in Asia and include Vietnam and the eastern Himalayas. Africa, South America, Madagascar, Colombia and Peru have also been identified as key areas of interest.  

Satellite data analysis from the University of Exeter has reported greening across the Antarctic continent. Due to the acceleration of the climate crisis, plant cover in the region has increased more than tenfold over recent decades, expanding from just 1km2 in 1986 to nearly 12km2 in 2021. Comprised mainly of mosses and green algae, this greening leaves the continent open to invasive species colonisation from foreign visitors. Although still dominated by ice, the growth of vegetation in the region is cause for concern and could facilitate further soil formation due to an increased presence of vegetative organic matter. 



Pine Martens have been successfully reintroduced to south-west England. In September, fifteen Pine Martens – eight females and seven males – were released in undisclosed locations on Dartmoor National Park for the first time in 150 years. After being driven to extinction by habitat loss and persecution, this translocation will reinstate natural predator-prey interactions and processes. Next year, the project will turn its attention to Exmoor National Park to translocate another group of these elusive mustelids.  

Image by Caroline Legg via Flickr

Salmon numbers in England and Wales took a sharp decline in 2023. In a report by CEFAS and the Environment Agency, data showed that last year’s salmon stocks were at the lowest since records began in 1997 – declared catch in 2023 totalled 5,399, nearly 1,500 less than the year before. There are 64 principal salmon rivers in the UK (rivers which contain significant numbers), and only one of these is classified as not at risk. It is believed that climate change and polluted waterways are directly endangering these fish, as salmon are an indicator species for polluted waters. 

The Welsh Government has announced its support for the reintroduction of Eurasian Beavers in Wales. With flood warnings becoming more regular across the country, the reintroduction of these animals could provide Wales with a nature-based solution to tackle water pollution and flooding through the creation of wetland habitats. The project is supported by over 90% of the Welsh population, revealed by a survey that was conducted by the Welsh Beaver Project who have been investigating the feasibility of reintroduction since 2005.  

This Week in Biodiversity News – 30th September


Planet Earth may have surpassed seven of its ‘planetary boundaries’. These boundaries are described as physical or biological systems and processes that contribute to the stability of life on Earth and its supporting functions. There are nine boundaries in total, which are considered breached when the process can no longer function – these thresholds have been reached with six boundaries, and number seven, ocean acidification, is close to its threshold. Breaching this seventh boundary would reduce the efficiency of the ocean as a carbon sink, threatening marine ecosystems and global survival. 

The first assessment of marine protection has shown that EU marine protected areas (MPAs) only provide minor security against harmful marine activities. This study revealed that over 86% of European MPAs have worryingly low levels of protection, with mining, dredging and bottom trawling present in most protected areas in the region. The study concludes that radical changes will be required to meet EU conservation targets, including the goal of protecting 30% of its oceans by 2030. 

A brown otter laying on rocks on the river bed
Image by Alison Day via Flickr

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched a ten-year restoration plan to clean up London’s rivers. Inspired by New York’s Oyster project, the Mayor hopes that by encouraging Eurasian Otters, Water Voles, eels and mayflies throughout the capital, water quality will subsequently improve. Khan is also investigating the reintroduction of oysters, which were historically present in the Thames, as a means of cleaning the degraded environment. 


Climate Crisis 

Seabirds are having to fly further to find food sources due to the melting of sea ice in Antarctica. Researchers analysed the foraging data from over 2,400 trips made by seven South Georgian seabird species from 1992 to 2023. They found that receding sea ice in the region is impacting species like Albatross and petrels as they now have to travel greater distances in search of breeding grounds and food. The data suggests that altered patterns of food availability could impact the presence of these birds in certain ecosystems however, with sea ice at a record lows, further research is needed to better evaluate the long-term impacts on seabirds. 

an albatross with a pink beak, white body and brown wings. it is sitting on the surface of the water
Image by Bernard Spragg via Flickr

Young coral colonies bred using IVF technology have survived a record marine heatwave. These cultivated colonies were planted onto multiple reefs in the US and the Caribbean to restore degraded habitats in the region. Last year, the Caribbean experienced a mass bleaching event which resulted in significant losses of the reef– only 25% of older corals survived, however over 90% of cultivated corals remained healthy after the event, and researchers are hopeful that this technique may provide coral species with a greater chance of adapting to heat stresses over time. 



The EU has made the first move toward legalising wolf culls. The proposal was put forward by the European Commission late last year, and this month member governments, including Germany and France, have voted in favour to downgrade the ‘strictly protected’ status of the Eurasian Wolf to ‘protected’ under the Bern Convention 1979. This amendment would allow the EU to revise the Habitats Directive to further ease the protection of the species, which currently permits culls only with specific authorisation in extenuating circumstances.  

a brown and cream speckled butterfly on a blade of grass, it has some spots and is covered in dark brown hair
Image by Nikk via Flickr

Butterfly Conservation have announced a ‘butterfly emergency’. This year’s Big Butterfly Count recorded the lowest ever numbers since the initiative began 14 years ago, with an average of seven butterflies per count, compared to last year’s twelve. Partially due to a wetter-than-average spring, late summer and a long-term downward trend, the results indicate a significant decline in British butterflies and day-flying mothsButterfly Conservation has responded by urging the government to ban neonicotinoid pesticides harming these indicator species for good.

This Week in Biodiversity News – 16th September


The National Trust has reached a significant nature target a year early. The charity strived to restore 25,000 hectares of crucial habitat across the UK by 2025, including peatland, woodland, wetland, meadow and saltmarsh, and succeeded in doing so in August this year. The restoration comes as a response to climate change and national conservation targets and seeks to expand meadows and woodland to create a connected network for wildlife.  

Eighty Water Voles have been released to restore ancient landscapes in Cornwall.  Considered ‘ecosystem engineers’ these mammals are known to positively impact soil health and plant diversity through grazing and enhanced nutrient transportation. The voles were released along the River Fowey to improve the surrounding wetland habitat created in 2022. A further 120 have been released near Megavissey, and more releases are planned for spring next year. 

A light brown rodent is sat on a river bank underneath grasses, it has small black eyes and a small brown nose
Image by Peter Trimming via Flickr

Three years of restoration work have seen the return of endangered birds in Hertfordshire. Work has come to a close on the Ashridge Estate, the largest woodland maintained by the National Trust – over 24 hectares have been restored by clearing dense areas of plantation, which has allowed more light to reach the ground through the canopy. Greater access to sunlight has improved biodiversity and the availability of food sources, and the clearing will provide suitable conditions for many breeding birds, including Spotted Flycatchers which have been spotted on the estate after several years of absence.  



Conservationists are relocating Florida’s Queen Conches in a bid to support their reproduction. This iconic mollusc has undergone significant declines in recent years, accelerated by increasing ocean temperatures causing lethargy and infertility for individuals residing in warmer, shallow waters. By relocating these gastropods to deeper, colder waters, researchers are providing new mating opportunities in a more suitable environment. Listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, this project is helping to ease reproductive pressures on this species. 

A grey badger standing on a bed of grass and clover
Image by Andy Morffew via Flickr

In August, the UK government announced a goal to end all badger culls by the end of this parliamentary run. The news was announced as part of a new scientificallyinformed and evidence-based eradication strategy for bovine tuberculosis, which hopes to eradicate the disease by 2038. In the past decade, over 230,000 badgers and 278,000 cattle have been slaughtered, costing the taxpayer over £100m each year. Badgers will instead be vaccinated and released, and a dedicated task force will be formed to ramp up vaccination rates.  



Five species of seabird have been added to the UK red list. Arctic Tern, Great Skua, Leach’s Storm Petrel, Common Gull and Great Black Backed Gull have joined the list of species most in need of conservation, following population declines due to a number of pressures including climate change, habitat loss and unsustainable fishing. Over 30% of all British birds are currently on the list including Kittiwakes, Puffins and Arctic Skuas, among others.  

A large bird with mottled brown feathers and white patches on the palm of the wing
Image by Kjetil Rimolsronning via Flickr

Researchers have found promise in the medicinal plants used by critically endangered Western Lowland Gorillas in Gabon. The group studied the tropical plants eaten by gorillas in Moukalaba Doudou National Park and found four trees also used by local healers. They are high in antioxidants and antimicrobials, and one tree is a promising candidate for tackling superbugs. All four species (Fromager trees, Fig Tree, African Teak and Giant Yellow Mulberry) show activity against a resistant strain of E. coli and contain chemicals with medicinal effects useful for treating a range of ailments.