Equipment in Focus: BirdMic Parabolic Microphone

The BirdMic is a compact, directional parabolic microphone.  Intended for bird calls, BirdMic allows users to listen, record and identify species on their smartphone in real time with the help of a bird identification app, such as Merlin Bird ID. It is self-powered, easy to use, and requires no previous experience to get started.

BirdMic in use in the countryside

BirdMic Kit Includes:  

  • Parabolic dish (25cm diameter) 
  • Omnidirectional microphone 
  • Audio interface (to connect your smartphone, camera or field recorder) 
  • Headphones 
  • Hand grip 
  • Windshield 
  • Flash shoe adapter 
  • Various cables and adapters for smart phone connection 
  • Extension tube to attach field recorder 
  • Carrying bag 

Ideal for the capture of bird song, BirdMic features a high sensitivity (-24dB), low noise (S/N 80dB) omnidirectional microphone to provide crisp recordings with excellent clarity. It is most suited to sounds above 1,500Hz, making it ideal for bird song.  

The parabolic dish is made from durable ABS material and amplifies sound through collecting and focussing sound waves – waves bounce from the inner face of the dish and are directed onto the microphone at the centre, isolated and amplified and transmitted to a digital recording device. 

Attaching directly to the parabolic dish, the audio interface allows the connection of a smartphone which can also be mounted via the included brackets. Once connected, simply open an automatic ID app, like Merlin, to record birds in real-time. Headphones can also be connected for live monitoring. 

BirdMic in the field

Tom took BirdMic along the banks of the River Dart to test the performance of the microphone and see how it compares to using just a smartphone. 

We simply set up the Birdmic, plugged in a smartphone and turned on the audio interface. With an overall diameter of 25cm and a weight of 1kg, the whole set up was extremely easy to transport 

A screenshot of the Merlin app spectrogram
Spectrogram of bird song captured with BirdMic using Merlin.

Our thoughts

We were really impressed with the BirdMic! It was very simple to assemble and use, and worked well to isolate and amplify bird sound in different conditions.  

At just 1kg, it is very lightweight – the overall design makes this parabolic easy to walk around with, and its handy size and weight minimises arm strain when holding the microphone.  The highly sensitive microphone worked well and was able to pick up bird song from a much greater distance than a smartphone. The directional microphone makes it ideal for homing in on a particular song, and allows the user to pinpoint the birds location. This also helps to eliminate any underlying noise in the background of the recording – for instance, water flow, wind or traffic noise.

We feel the Birdmic offers great value and is very easy to use. It is an entry-level parabolic that is ideal for a keen birdwatcher, or birding and naturalist groups looking to capture, listen to or record bird sound. As a lightweight, sturdy recorder, there is also significant potential for educational purposes, and it could be utilised in outdoor education clubs and classes to encourage an interest in nature by younger generations.

Birdmic in use along the river dart

Find the BirdMic available exclusively on the NHBS website here. Our full range of sound recorders can be found here. 

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913. 

Interview with Matthew Kirkland: Founder of Chirpity – Identifying Birds by Sound

Matthew Kirkland: founder of Chirpity.

Chirpity is an easy-to-use, accessible app developed to aid the successful identification of bird calls within acoustic recordings. It is the ideal software solution for anyone interested in identifying bird vocalizations, whether you’re a dedicated Nocmig enthusiast or a professional bioacoustic researcher, and streamlines the often tedious process of reviewing audio recordings to quickly and accurately detect avian sounds. It features an array of intuitive features to assist with identification, including call review, tagging and background analysis.

We recently had the opportunity to speak to founder Matthew Kirkland about the software, including how he became interested in both nature and apps, why he developed Chirpity, its uses, capabilities and more.

Firstly, could you tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in both the natural world, and app development?

I got the nature bug as a kid from my grandparents. I would spend the summer holidays in Northumberland with them and they were both outdoorsy types. We’d visit nature reserves where my grandad would point out the birds, and my nan would know the flowers – and often have a story about their names and medicinal uses,  plants like speedwell and eyebright. Nonetheless, it was the birds that really ignited my passion. I think I thought I was better at bird ID than I really was, because looking back at my childhood field notes, I recorded some pretty outlandish sightings! 

Now I’m a little bit more grown up andI would say I’ve become quite adept at identifying birds by sight, or ‘jizz’ (general impression, size and shape). However, one area that still befuddles me is bird song. My grandad was deaf – he piloted catalinas (flying boats) in WWII and the engine noise affected his hearing ever after. He couldn’t put me on to bird song or calls as a way to find the species around you, and I never learned the calls. Not deterred by this, after reading an account of a local birder’s Nocmig records (calls made by flying nocturnal migrants) on our local WhatsApp group, I decided to plug a cheap mic into my iPhone, and leave it recording out of my bedroom window overnight one April evening – just to see what it might pick up. 

The next day, I downloaded the file onto my PC and opened it up in the sound software Audacity. This allows you to view a spectrogram of the audio, and with this view, you can scroll through the night’s recording to see the sounds. Bird calls show up as specific shapes in this view: they have a signature squiggle. After perhaps an hour of scrolling I came across something that looked like this:

whimbrel call.

What was it? I had no idea! So I sent a clip of the sound to the WhatsApp group. The county Bird recorder came back with the message ‘It’s a Whimbrel’. Well, that had me hooked! I live in suburban Luton, 50 miles from the sea at least, so having a Whimbrel over the house was astonishing. 

What followed over the next weeks and months was a series of ‘What’s this?’ submissions to the newly created county Nocmig group on WhatsApp. 

All the while, I was thinking there had to be a better way to sift through hours of audio. I had a computer background of sorts: I’d worked for BBC Online as a web developer many years ago. I had also completed a Masters’ degree in cognitive science back at uni and retained an interest in artificial intelligence ever since. In part because of this, I’d heard of BirdNET – which is AI software trained to recognise bird vocalisations. It comes from the same group at Cornell University that do the Merlin App. I got this to work on my audio files with reasonable results: I could open a terminal on my computer and type a command for BirdNET that would scan the file and spit out a list of bird detections at specified times in the audio. I could then go back to Audacity and see whether the predictions were correct. When they were, it was amazing, but all too often they weren’t. 


For those unfamiliar with Chirpity, can you give an overview of its purpose, uses and capabilities, and explain what you were hoping to achieve in developing this application?

Well, to be honest, my initial experience with BirdNET for Nocmig was somewhat tedious. Chirpity is the result of an effort to make Nocmig simple and enjoyable – even for people who couldn’t tell if they heard a Moorhen or a motorbike! 

The application lets you drop your audio recordings into it, you hit ‘Analyse’ and it scans for birds. Whenever it finds a call or song, you’ll see the result appear in a table and you can click on it, play the clip or edit the record.  

chirpity screenshot

Since AI Bird ID isn’t perfect by any means, there are dubious identifications. Chirpity manages this in three ways: 

  • You can restrict the reported species to those likely at your location, either by using an automatically generated ‘Local Birds’ list or a ‘Custom’ list with only the species you have selected.  
  • You can compare the predicted species with examples that have been uploaded and vetted by experts on the Xeno-Canto website.  
  • It’s also really easy and quick to delete, correct or annotate results before you save them to your personal archive – a database of records you can revisit, view and replay. 

There is an option to view charts of the species you’ve recorded, so you can see when the peak passage is in the year and when to be on the lookout for Redwings, Common Scoters, Tree Pipits –species which are regular night migrants over most of the country. Here’s an example showing my Redwing records in 2022: 

Redwing chart.

I’ve been lucky enough to pick up Stone-curlew too on several occasions, with this astonishing record being the best of them: 

stone curlew spectrogram
Stone curlew spectrogram, audio below.

Audio Player

As you can see, with Chirpity you can adapt the visualisation and export clips from your recordings. 

However, Chirpity isn’t just for Nocmig – many of its users are recording in the field with remote field recorders, like Song Meters you sell. With external power, some of these recorders can be rigged to run 24/7 for periods of up to a month before their audio is retrieved from the SD card. These researchers use Chirpity to review the audio, check the results and export their findings either as a spreadsheet or in an eBird Record format. 


It really stood out to me that Chirpity is incredibly accessible in comparison to its desktop counterparts. Was accessibility a key driver for you?

Absolutely! There are two key thoughts I have in mind when thinking about Chirpity’s development:

  1. What’s the best way to make this feature easy to understand and use? 
  2. Is there a way it can be delightful? 

All the settings have a help icon next to them so you can read what they do, and there are lots of keyboard shortcuts to speed things up once you get used to the application. And for non-English speakers, the interface can be displayed in any one of 11 different languages! 


What challenges did you face when developing this application, and how did you overcome these? 

Well, one thing I have learned is that software isn’t soft, it’s hard! There are so many challenges I’ve had to overcome, it’s difficult to know where to start. For its users, the one I am most pleased to have resolved is getting an insight into how people actually use the application, where they struggle and what doesn’t work. Most of Chirpity’s users aren’t technical people, they won’t report a bug – they just think they messed up. I now have a system that shows me, anonymously, what people do with the application, if it has errors and if so, what someone did to cause it. That means I can fix it! Another challenge has been managing updates. The application is available for Windows, Mac and Linux computers, so I was very pleased to find a solution that packages each version, tests it and alerts users to the update automatically. Finally, training a call recognition model that has good results in real world use – like the Nocmig model included with Chirpity – is really hard. It took me about a year to make it effective – I had to learn the AI platform from scratch but even so, most of the time was spent preparing the 500,000 or so examples in the training data! 


Given your active presence in both bird and software forums and your engagement with users, could you share which Chirpity project has been the most personally rewarding for you?

Well, I’m really quite proud of the fact that the County bird recorder that identified that Whimbrel at the start of this journey now uses Chirpity for his own Nocmig analysis! I’m also amazed that it’s taken off so widely on the international stage. I have a map of Chirpity user’s locations, it amazes me that it’s got this much traction when it’s been less than a year since I put the first version out to the public (and I don’t do any paid advertising):

Technology is constantly being updated and improved – what future developments can we expect for Chirpity?

There isn’t what you might call a roadmap for new features – things move and change too quickly. I will keep to the vision – simple and delightful to use. The folks at Cornell (the BirdNET people) are teasing a big update for this year, and we’re in touch over ensuring that update will work with Chirpity when it lands.  

I’d like to add a self-learning element to the application, so it remembers and adapts to corrections – though this is a challenge that is yet to be overcome!  

I’ve recently added a “Buy Me a Coffee” link for donations. With sufficient funding, I’ll be able to pay for a digital signature, which will clear the hurdles when installing unsigned software and allow automatic updates for Mac users. That funding will also help me cover the cost of training better Nocmig models and well, drink more coffee, right? 


Are you working on any other projects that we can hear about?

Honestly – this is plenty to be getting on with! Although, I’d quite like a version of Chirpity that works like ChatGPT – where you give it a file and can say “What birds are in this? How do you know? Let me listen to the Stone-curlew you found…That’s great! Send it to my socials” 


Find out more and download Chirpity today here.

National Nest Box Week 2025

Friday 14th February marks the start of National Nest Box Week. With widespread population declines due to habitat loss and urbanisation, National Nest Box Week presents us with the perfect opportunity to provide habitat for local birds, boosting breeding success and contributing to the enhancement of biodiversity in our green spaces.  

Mid-February marks the start of the breeding season for many British bird species, with many beginning to actively seek new territory and suitable nesting sites. Nest Box Week is a great time to install a new nest box or do some maintenance on any existing boxes. By providing artificial nesting sites, we can assist species such as Robins, House Sparrows, and Swifts, while simultaneously raising public awareness about the diverse range of birds that benefit from these resources. 

House Sparrow at the entrance of a nest box
Image by Vine House Farm via Flickr

Here are some ways to get involved in National Nest Box Week

  • Install a nest box in an outside space, garden or balcony
  • Plant native flora and provide access to fresh, clean water to keep your garden bird-friendly
  • Support bird conservation organisations by donating, volunteering or sharing their work
  • Encourage friends and family to get involved in supporting their local wildlife

Garden Bird Species

A robin perched on a branch

Robins are a familiar sight in UK gardens and are easily recognised by their bright red breast and cheerful song. They prefer open-fronted nest boxes, often tucked away in hedges or shrubs, to mimic their natural nesting preferences in sheltered crevices and vegetation.

Blue Tit on a branch

Blue tits are small, vibrant birds common across the UK that are often seen flitting through gardens and woodlands. They prefer small, enclosed nest boxes, hung high to mimic their natural nesting sites in tree cavities.

Blackbird perched on a concrete post

With their distinctive yellow beak and melodious song, Blackbirds are a common sight in various habitats across the UK. They prefer open-fronted nest boxes, at a slightly higher location, tucked away amongst dense vegetation or climbing plants for added security. 

House Sparrow perched on balcony railing

Common in UK gardens and urban areas, Sparrows prefer nest boxes with a small entrance hole, placed high up on walls or under the eaves of houses, mimicking their natural nesting sites in crevices and holes in buildings. 

Why is National Nest Box Week important?

Increasing urbanisation, human development and changing land-use have had devastating impacts on bird populations in the UK. A loss of natural nesting habitats has introduced extra challenges for rearing young, and nest boxes provide nesting birds with vital habitat to rear chicks – helping to mitigate the impacts of habitat loss which is essential for supporting local bird populations. 

Find a selection of nest box blogs on the Conservation Hub, including:

NHBS Guide: Where to hang and how to maintain your nest box

Author interview with Susan Young: Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife book cover.This comprehensive guide describes how wildlife can be monitored and recorded in a non-intrusive way using well-developed and reliable technology. Detailing key techniques for capturing high-quality footage of a range of species, from nocturnal mammals to elusive birds, this practical resource is ideal for both professional ecologists and amateur naturalists alike who are seeking to enhance their understanding of the natural world.

Susan Young.Susan Young is a photographer and writer based in South Devon, who has a wealth of experience in wildlife photography. She has authored several books, including  CCTV for Wildlife Monitoring and Wildlife Photography Fieldcraft, and is currently carrying out research with Natural England, the Woodland Trust and Mammal Society on the use of remote cameras for wildlife monitoring.

We recently spoke to Susan about her latest book, where she explained how she first started working with visual systems, how ecological and wildlife-watching camera systems differentiate, and more.

Firstly, could you share a little bit about yourself and your background working with visual systems? 

My background is in physics and engineering, but I have had a keen interest in wildlife from a very early age. Since moving to Devon some years ago, I developed my interest in photography and wrote several books on various technical topics. I used trail cameras before they became ‘famous’ and finding some aspects frustrating, moved to bird box cameras – I then became interested in using security cameras with separate recorders as they had more useful features.  

In 2015/2016 I started as a volunteer with Natural England and the Woodland Trust where I was encouraged to develop my ideas for portable CCTV systems, which led to the discovery of three calls of Barbastelle Bats not previously recognised. Further work with dormice, otters, deer, small mammals and birds showed just how well the systems performed, being much richer in features than trail cameras and much less expensive than thermal systems.


Fox cubs in woodland.
Fox cubs in woodland.

Your previous book, CCTV for Wildlife Monitoring was published in 2016. What inspired you to revisit the topic for a second book, and what advancements or changes does your latest title encompass? 

My book in 2016 was more of an introduction to CCTV technology, which was just taking off and becoming more readily available. Since then, the technology has advanced dramatically, with HD cameras giving very high-quality images, and recorders becoming available with solid state drives making them very portable. 

There are many other features not found in other visual systems – in particular, security recorders have inbuilt video analysis which can be controlled by the user, greatly reducing the amount of video data to analyse. My book has detailed step-by-step instructions for all aspects of the night vision camera systems with the aim of flattening the learning curve. 

Night Vision systems are commonly associated with ecological research and wildlife watching, how do the camera systems you describe differentiate from them?

The systems I describe have a raft of features, as described above, making analysis much easier. They can also be left outside unattended and are particularly useful for remote areas. They are also relatively low cost and portable.

Reservoir camera setup.
Reservoir camera setup.

Why did you feel that it was important to include a section on public engagement and education in this book? 

Public engagement is important for raising awareness of the plight of our wildlife, as well as for attracting funding. High-quality videos from security camera systems, particularly of protected or rarely seen species, have proven successful. My book gives step-by-step instructions to encourage the use of this technology without the need for costly specialists. 

Regarding schools, introducing children to technology at an early age makes use of the systems less daunting in later life. 

Have you come across any emerging or under-utilised applications for this technology that you believe hold potential? 

Many of the applications I have developed using my camera systems are new and I believe hold great potential. Because the systems can be set up and left for long periods, it means little or no disturbance to wildlife – for example monitoring breeding birds of prey in remote habitats, observing dormice behaviour in dormouse boxes, or surveying bats in hazardous environments.

High res reservoir.
High res reservoir.

Have you encountered any particularly memorable or exciting wildlife captures? Can you share any highlights from your experience? 

On the conservation front, discovering new Barbastelle calls was very exciting, as was viewing previously unseen dormouse behaviour. On the naturalist level, filming four young Fallow Deer running round and round my rural garden in play was very heart-warming. 

Finally, what’s next for you? 

I am planning some research using my systems for small mammals which are often under-recorded. I am also producing educational material for the Mammal Society. 

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife book cover.

Night Vision and Daylight Camera Systems for Wildlife is available here.

Book Review: Lost Wonders

Lost Wonders book cover.***** An emotional gut punch of a book

When you think Sixth Extinction, animals and plants such as the St. Helena olive, the Bramble Cay melomys, or the Christmas Island forest skink are unlikely to come to mind. And therein lies a problem: behind the faceless statistics of loss lie numerous stories of unique evolutionary lineages that have been snuffed out. In this emotional gut punch of a book, author and journalist Tom Lathan takes the unconventional approach of examining ten species that have gone extinct since 2000, nine of which you will likely never have heard of. Lathan momentarily resurrects them to examine what led to their loss and speaks to the people who tried to save them.

The one species and individual you are likely to have heard of is Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise, who received much media attention both in life and in death. The remainder are barely known outside of the small circle of conservationists who studied them. Of the unfortunately long list Lathan obtained from the IUCN, he has chosen a nicely balanced mix of species. Each chapter opens with a tastefully executed pencil-and-ink drawing by Lathan’s partner Claire Kohda. The geographic spread similarly includes organisms from around the globe (though no maps have been included, which would have been helpful). What unites these species is that they all lived, literally or functionally, on islands (environments prone to evolutionary experimentation and extinction), and they are no longer with us.

Extinct tortoise line drawing.

Each of the ten chapters mixes several elements such that, despite most chapters being quite long at 30–40 pages, all are very engaging. Lathan introduces what we know about their biology and how the frequent paucity of information frustrated subsequent attempts at captive breeding. By telling the stories of their discovery and formal description, Lathan answers his question of whether naming a species “is itself a life-giving act” (p. 28): it allows us to formulate conservation plans, making naming “the difference between life and death” (p. 29). Of course, species exist before we describe them, and his overview of their evolution is a potent reminder of this. It also highlights how, given enough time, organisms can reach remote islands and establish themselves there, despite the odds not being in their favour.

All of the above is relevant background information, but we are here for the stories of what went wrong. In the introduction, Lathan emphasizes just how incomplete our knowledge is: there is both a long queue of species awaiting assessment by the underfunded IUCN and an even larger pool of “dark extinctions” (p. 4): species that vanish before we even know of their existence. These stories are “a snapshot of extinction […] each a stand-in for other[s] that we will probably never know occurred” (p. 4). There is that importance of taxonomy again.

Extinct lizard line drawing.
If extinctions of Pleistocene megafauna can reasonably be attributed to a mixture of human hunting and climate change, the fingerprint of more recent Holocene extinctions is clearly human. Lathan points out that our species is “one of the most potent agents of ecological destruction, regardless of time, place, or culture” (p. 135). For instance, the arrival of native Polynesians to Hawai’i already triggered a wave of extinction, such that the arrival of Europeans “was more like a passing of the baton in an ecocidal relay race” (p. 136). That said, in his next breath he immediately recognizes that European colonialism cranked up extinction to eleven—it is a good example of Lathan’s balanced reporting. What follows is the usual litany of rapacious resource extraction that destroys natural habitats and the accidental or purposeful introduction of invasive species. The two often work in tandem.

The strongest suit of Lost Wonders is the nearly 50 interviews with scientists, conservationists, hobbyists, and others whose first-hand experiences and frustrations imbue this work with much pathos. There are stories of species slipping through our hands as their habitats vanished (e.g. the Bramble Cay melomys, a rat, or the Alagoas foliage-gleaner, a bird); of ignored warnings, bureaucratic red tape, and apprehensive committees delaying meaningful action (e.g. the Polynesian tree snail P. labrusca or the Christmas Island pipistrelle); and of captive breeding efforts failing (e.g. the Mexican Catarina pupfish). By asking how the people involved experienced witnessing extinction, each chapter delivers an emotional gut punch that, I will not lie, sometimes brought me to tears. Some people still struggle talking about it, even a decade or more later, breaking down during their interviews. Others describe feelings of grief, depression, and loneliness, unable to truly share with others what they experienced. Lathan himself in his epilogue expresses his astonishment at “their capacity to articulate the profundity of what they had witnessed” and wonders out loud: “When a million years of evolution is extinguished right in front of you, what words suffice to describe this moment?” (p. 351).

Extinct bat species line drawing, flying over trees towards the front of the page.Taking a step back to compose myself I do, however, have two points of criticism; or, if not criticism, two points I feel have been omitted. First, there is the proximate question of whether trying to save a species at all costs is always the best use of the limited time, money, and other resources available for conservation. Not everybody agrees it is, and e.g. Inheritors of the Earth provocatively argued that island species are evolutionary dead ends, vulnerable to invasion. Are resources better spent on populations that still stand a decent chance? A counterargument could be made that, yes, these attempts *are* worthwhile because we learn how to improve our protocols, techniques, and technologies for the inevitable next extinction. My point is that Lathan does not broach these questions here. I would have loved for him to wrestle with these and put them to his interviewees. Second, there is the ultimate question of what it would take to turn the tide of extinction, of what such a world would look like. I judge him less harshly on this because very few authors seem willing to mention the root causes that got us here. His interviewees gave him several openings at broaching thorny topics that he did not pursue. This is another set of questions where both his views and those of his interviewees could have further enriched the book.

The above suggestions would have been cherries on the cake but, as it stands, the proverbial cake is both edible and rich. Lost Worlds is an incredibly moving book that tugs at the heartstrings and draws on an impressive number of interviews. These eyewitness stories are a powerful reminder that behind each reported extinction lies a tremendous amount of work, and the loss of a unique way of life on this planet.

Lost Wonders book cover.

Lost Wonders is available from our bookstore here.

Author interview with Richard Broughton: The Marsh Tit and the Willow Tit

The Marsh Tit and Willow Tit book cover.Marking the first monograph for either species, Richard Broughton’s The Marsh Tit and the Willow Tit reveals the remarkable lives of these wonderful little birds. Compiling decades of personal research, as well as a detailed review of external studies from across both Europe and Asia, it explores each species’ taxonomy, food and foraging patterns, social organisation, challenges and conservation, alongside more than 150 illustrations, maps, charts and photographs. 

Richard_K_Broughton.Dr Richard Broughton is a research ecologist with a wealth of experience across birds, mammals, forests and farmland in Great Britain and Europe. He has studied Marsh Tits, Willow Tits and their habitats for over 25 years, and prior to this he completed a Master’s degree in GIS as well as a PhD in Marsh Tit ecology, before joining the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in Cambridgeshire.

We recently chatted to Richard about his inspiration for the book, which challenges he faced when developing such a detailed study of these two species and more.

You have studied Willow Tits and Marsh Tits for much of your career. What initially captivated you about these charismatic birds, and what inspired you to write a book about them?  

I had Willow Tits on my local patch in Hull when I was a youngster at school, and I had Marsh Tits and Willow Tits around my first office near Huntingdon when I started my science career. Both species were always a bit special and enigmatic – not so common that you saw them every day, but when you did it was like seeing parallel lives going on around you. They’re a lot like us, mostly preferring to live as couples in stable relationships, with busy social lives and a close attachment to their neighbourhood.  

From a research perspective, Marsh Tits and Willow Tits are fantastic species to study. They are widespread from Britain to Japan, they’re territorial and they don’t migrate, so the same birds are present all year round and you can really get to know them – how they communicate, organise themselves within their communities and solve the problems of living in different types of woodland, it’s all really fascinating. And there’s so much that we still don’t know, with lots of discoveries to be made, but also some urgency. We don’t fully understand exactly why they’re declining in many areas, so the inspiration for writing the book was partly to bring together all that we know about their ecology and what pressures they’re facing. If Marsh Tits and Willow Tits are struggling, then we need to listen to what this is telling us about our woodlands and forests. 

Willow Tit, Biaowiea Forest, Poland.Both species have suffered severe range declines – how can the general public work to better support these birds amid habitat loss and climate change?  

The main thing is to know where Marsh Tits and Willow Tits are still hanging on, and where they are declining – taking part in surveys and reporting sightings to the county recorders and BirdTrack are great ways of helping to monitor both species. Protecting and expanding their habitat is essential, but for that we need to know where they are, and in what numbers.  

It’s also important to realise how we can unintentionally make things harder for Marsh Tits and Willow Tits when we do favours for their competitors. There is growing evidence that increasing numbers of Blue Tits and Great Tits could be harming Marsh Tits and Willow Tits by taking over their nests and dominating their foraging space. The vast scale of bird-feeding in gardens, woodlands and nature reserves is changing our woodland bird communities, and it really boosts the dominant species, which can then put extra pressure on Marsh Tits and Willow Tits. For this reason, it’s important to consider the unintended negative impacts of well-meaning interventions, such as bird-feeding and nestboxes, on more vulnerable species like these. 

I was surprised to learn about the ineffectiveness of nest boxes in supporting Marsh and Willow Tit populations in relation to competition. Do you think this is also the case for other species across the UK, and what alternatives could we use to mitigate this issue?  

The problem with nestboxes for Marsh Tits and Willow Tits is that they’re far more likely to increase the densities of their dominant competitors, especially Blue Tits. If you add more nestboxes to a woodland then you will get more Blue Tits, but Marsh Tits and Willow Tits don’t work that way.  

This is because they have much larger territories, and you could fit 15 pairs of Blue Tits into a typical Marsh Tit or Willow Tit territory. These large areas contain enough natural nest sites for Marsh Tits and Willow Tits, and so these species are limited by the area of woodland habitat and not by tree cavities or deadwood for building their nests. As such, adding nestboxes cannot increase the numbers of Marsh Tits or Willow Tits like it does for Blue Tits.  

This shows how it is important to fully understand a species’ ecology for any conservation actions to work. A better solution is to promote diverse, wilder woodlands that have plenty of opportunities for Marsh Tits, Willow Tits and other woodland species at more natural densities. If not over-managed, woodland can quite quickly develop enough nesting sites on its own. 

Marsh Tit nestlings in a nestbox at Monks Wood.

Within the book you mention the woodland restoration projects being undertaken in Scotland, which are striving to establish woodlands to support native species, including Marsh Tits and Willow Tits. Can re-establishing these complex habitats truly help to encourage population growth? And what would be your main recommendations for large-scale restoration projects with these species in mind?  

Expanding woodland habitat is a good way to help buffer Marsh Tits and Willow Tits from population declines, as the losses in Britain are greatest in areas of more fragmented habitat. In Finland, too, logging and habitat loss is driving population declines. Increasing the amount of woodland reduces habitat fragmentation, which in turn helps birds to disperse across the landscape and provides space for more breeding pairs, so it can only help. The natural range of Willow Tits, and probably of Marsh Tits, once covered much of Scotland, and so restoring forest cover in that country could help to re-establish their populations.  

Looking ahead, Scotland could eventually provide an important refuge for Marsh Tits and Willow Tits, being further from the intensive agriculture, urbanisation and more intense warming of southern Britain. We can look to other natural and regenerating forests in Europe to see what this restoration could look like in Scotland and elsewhere in Britain –  varied tree density and structural diversity, lots of standing and fallen deadwood, and plenty of water in streams, pools and soils. Where we still have such places in Europe, like in Poland’s Bia?owie?a Forest, then Marsh Tits and Willow Tits both find places to live in different parts of the same woodland. 

The Marsh Tit and the Willow Tit is very thoroughly researched and includes an extensive breadth of information. Did you encounter any challenges when developing such a detailed study of these two species?  

I was lucky that there have been major studies of Marsh Tits and Willow Tits in Europe over the past century, and I have been involved with several of them in recent decades, so I was familiar with their findings. For other studies, it has never been easier to find and access published papers and reports online, and even to translate them automatically. 

Nevertheless, it was still quite challenging to find many studies from Asia, which is where more than half of the world’s Marsh Tits and Willow Tits are thought to live, along with their closest relatives, the Black-bibbed Tit, Caspian Tit and Sichuan Tit. This is slowly changing, as more research is being done in China, Japan and South Korea, but there are still large gaps. In Europe, too, we still know relatively little about Marsh Tits or Willow Tits in some regions. Even in Britain, the recent discovery of a previously unknown population of Marsh Tits in the Scottish Borders shows that we still have things to learn! 

 Marsh Tit at its nest, Biaowiea Forest, Poland.What have been some of your favourite moments while researching this book? And did any of your discoveries surprise you?  

It’s been a great pleasure to look back through all of the previous studies of Marsh Tits and Willow Tits and pay tribute to the dedicated researchers who spent so many years in the woods and forests, peering into the lives of these little birds. What shone through for me is just how connected the forest ecosystem really is. Marsh Tits and Willow Tits are part of a complex web of life, with some really surprising relationships. For example, Bison and Red Deer stripping bark from trees helps to create the cavities that are the Marsh Tit’s favourite nest sites. Meanwhile, Willow Tits forage on carrion from Wolf kills, which helps them to survive northern winters. At the other end of the spectrum, Marsh Tits and Willow Tits both drink nectar from blossom and might be significant pollinators of woodland shrubs, and they might also be seed dispersers for some woodland plants.  

We’re just starting to understand these relationships, but in many parts of Europe they have been broken by the loss of forest species, such as large mammals. It’s exciting to think that nature restoration and rewilding could rebuild some of these ecological networks in our woodlands. Again, there’s still so much to learn about Marsh Tits and Willow Tits, but getting to know them opens a window into the wider forest ecosystem, and the more you look, the more you find. 

Finally, what is occupying your time now? Are there new books on the horizon that you can tell us about?  

I’m still monitoring my Marsh Tit population at Monks Wood in Cambridgeshire, coming up to 24 years of study, and I’m busy with interesting research at UKCEH on hedgerows, woodland regeneration, sustainable farming and nature restoration. In the past year I’ve been busy as the new Editor in Chief of the BTO’s scientific journal Bird Study, helping other researchers to publish their studies. I’m also still involved with research at the Biaowiea Forest in Poland, which always has exciting opportunities, and last spring I was there finding the nests of Marsh Tits, Willow Tits and Wood Warblers. The Wood Warbler is another declining woodland bird that has lots of really fascinating and surprising behaviour, and that’s another species that I think could be worth writing about. 

The Marsh Tit and Willow Tit book cover.The Marsh Tit and the Willow Tit is available to order from our online bookstore here.

Author interview with Ursula Clare Franklin: Mission Penguin

Mission Penguin book cover showing a King penguin and Gentoo Penguin on a beach.Following the loss of her husband, Ursula Franklin embarked on a mission to see and photograph every species of penguin in their natural habitat. In this breathtaking book, join Ursula on expeditions to some of the most remote places on earth, from the Falklands to Tristan da Cunha and Antipodes Islands, in search of these much-loved birds. Interspersed with stories from Ursula’s adventures, each chapter explores a different species of penguin, detailing their identifying features, the ever-increasing threats they’re facing, and the conservation efforts needed to ensure future generations can experience the wonder of these animals.

Ursula Franklin is a keen wildlife photographer who grew up in Yorkshire, and is now based in Somerset. She developed a keen interest in photography when she was a child and her wonderful husband supported her passion until his sudden death in 2012. As a way to process her grief and heal, alongside her husband’s constant encouragement for her to ‘do something with her photography’, Mission Penguin was born.

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Ursula about her expedition, how she thinks we can we work to protect these vital species in the future, her favourite memories throughout this journey and more.

Plus, enter our prize draw to be in with the chance of winning one of four exclusive Mission Penguin prints here.

Having travelled around the world and seen every species of penguin in every habitat, which species surprised you the most and why? 

Like many people, I had always associated penguins with snow, so it was amazing to discover that some species breed in forests, others in the desert and one species even at the equator.  The species that really surprised me, however, and for a totally different reason, was the Royal Penguin. This species breeds on Macquarie Island, and in the north of the island are the rusted remains of huge digestors which were once used to extract oil firstly from seals and then when they ran out, penguins. Millions of King and Royal Penguins were slaughtered leaving just a few thousand birds when the barbaric practice was finally stopped. Having suffered years of persecution by man, I marvelled at how trusting the birds were. As I sat on the beach, groups of Royal Penguins waddled up to me, inquisitively studying my boot laces, camera bag and equipment. They were so curious and seemed utterly fearless. It was hard to imagine humankind betraying such trust. Luckily, over the last 100 years, their numbers have steadily increased and in 2022 they were finally taken off the list of near-threatened species (IUCN red list). Hopefully they will continue to increase despite the human-induced climate change crisis.   

Royal penguins waddling across Sandy Bay, Macquarie Island.
Royal penguins waddling across Sandy Bay, Macquarie Island.

You were lucky enough to witness the full, daily lifecycle of a number of penguin colonies by watching them from dawn until dusk, and I particularly loved the photographs of the Gentoo penguins on Saunders Beach at sunset. What does the typical day in the life of a penguin look like?

A day in the life of a penguin varies hugely depending on the time of year, especially during the breeding season, or when moulting. At other times of year, the birds spend their time foraging in the open ocean. During their annual moult, which usually lasts around 3 weeks, they are no longer waterproof so cannot go into the ocean to feed instead they must stay on land living solely off their fat reserves. The breeding season is when they spend time on both land and sea. For most species, males and females share incubation of the egg/s and often take it in turns to go foraging to feed the hungry chick/s whilst the other parent stays to protect it/them.  With some species, as the chicks get older, they are left in a crèche, or some stay in a burrow, allowing both parents to go to the ocean to collect food for their increasing appetites. The birds often leave at dawn when foraging, and the length of time they are away depends on how far they must swim to find food. For some species, warming ocean temperatures have shifted prey populations further from the colony leading to chick starvation and mass breeding failure. When the parents do return with food, some species engage their older chicks in long food chases before finally stopping to feed them. This is done to build up the strength of the chicks prior to fledging and is hilarious to watch. The adults then stay with their chicks at the colony overnight before the whole process starts again early the next morning. 

A Gentoo penguin colony at sunset, Saunders Island, the Falklands.
A Gentoo penguin colony at sunset, Saunders Island, the Falklands.

You travelled around the world and have seen so many different places as a result of this project – what was your favourite memory and why?

This is such a hard question. I could say the very beginning of the mission on the Antarctic Peninsula with the sighting of my first penguin – this was a Chinstrap Penguin and has since become my favourite species, probably because the black strap under their chin makes it look as if they are smiling. Or I could go to the very end of the mission at Snow Hill Island with the Emperor Penguin colony, which was like being on the film set of the movie Happy feet and a very fitting and emotional accomplishment of Mission Penguin 

My favourite travel destination, however, is the Falkland Islands. With fewer than 4000 people, beautiful coastlines and over one million penguins of five species I’m sure you can understand why. My favourite island is Saunders Island and my favourite location there is ‘the neck’. The accommodation is very basic and although small can technically sleep 8 in 4 sets of narrow bunk beds. Incredibly, on my last visit, my friend Hazel and I were the only occupants – apart from the penguins of course! What a joy and privilege to be the only humans sharing their world and a memory that will stay with me forever.

The Neck, Saunders Island, The Falklands.
The Neck, Saunders Island, The Falklands.

Having witnessed first-hand the negative effects of both climate change and human activity on penguin colonies, and their respective habitats, how can we work to protect these vital species in the future? 

Penguins are key indicator species for the health of our oceans and the effects of global warming. Although there are no penguins naturally occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, our everyday actions here will ultimately filter down to the Southern Hemisphere and affect these animals. 

One of the most threatened penguins is the African Penguin, and research suggests that this species could become extinct in the wild by 2035 unless we act now. Whilst we have little influence on African governments regarding marine ‘no-take’ zones, limiting coastal development, (oil refineries etc) can still help. For example, all of us can reduce our use of plastics (especially single use), and switch to renewable energy sources. 

For more direct and immediate help we can also sponsor penguin nest boxes. African Penguins naturally lay their eggs in burrows which are dug out of layers of guano (bird poo!) laid down over hundreds of years. In the 1800’s most of this guano was collected and shipped to the UK to be used as fertiliser. As a result, there has been a 99% decline in the population over the last 100 years. As land temperatures continue to rise, penguins now nesting out in the open air are either dying from hyperthermia or abandoning their nests to save themselves, leading to mass breeding failure. Carefully researched and crafted nest-boxes that replicate the conditions of a guano burrow are proving effective – to help visit the Saving Penguins website. 

A shortage of suitable nesting sites mean breeding African penguins are exposed to the full heat of the sun often with disastrous consequences.
A shortage of suitable nesting sites mean breeding African penguins are exposed to the full heat of the sun often with disastrous consequences.

Photographing every species of penguin is no small feat, especially alongside a full-time job! What were some of the biggest challenges you faced and what did you learn along the way? 

When I announced to a friend that I was going to photograph every species of penguin in their natural habitat, I had no idea how many species there were or where they could be found. My research took me to places that I had never even heard of and to say many of them were ‘off the main tourist route’ would be an understatement! Simply getting to the required and often incredibly remote locations was definitely the first challenge. Many of these are also found in the roughest oceans in the world, and I suffer dreadfully from sea sickness. Needless to say, I was often very unwell but even that could not detract from the awe and wonder of these amazing expeditions. Once at the location, sometimes I only managed fleeting glimpses of just a few penguins of that species so not many photographs, but I appreciate how very lucky I was to actually see and photograph every penguin species on the first attempt. 

The weather also presented significant challenges (especially the wind), and trying to photograph from a Zodiac (Rigid Inflatable Boat) while being tossed around in large swells was at times nigh on impossible. I also needed to keep my equipment warm in Antarctica and dry in the humidity of the Galápagos. Sunshine, although lovely in itself, also made photographing black and white birds more difficult than normal in terms of achieving correct exposure. I certainly learned to tolerate imperfections but also became a better photographer along the way. I also witnessed firsthand how tenacious and resilient penguins are – characteristics that we can all learn from. 

The strong wind blowing the crests of these Moseley’s rockhopper penguins also made photographing them more challenging.
The strong wind blowing the crests of these Moseley’s rockhopper penguins also made photographing them more challenging.

Mission Penguin came to fruition as a result of loss and grief, and throughout the book I found it heartwarming to read about the healing effects of your expeditions. How important do you think nature is in healing from grief, and what are the benefits of spending time exploring the natural world? 

Nature is indeed an incredible healer. I have lovely memories of my mother taking us out on nature walks when we were young as we didn’t have much money, and nature was all around us and free! I think from that age I learned to appreciate the wonder of nature and delight in simple things, so when grief struck, getting out in nature and reconnecting with life and beauty was essential to my healing. Nature stimulates all of our senses which certainly helped me to feel fully alive even in the context of death. What inescapable joy to hear the birds singing, see the dappled light in a woodland glade, smell the flowers, taste the salty sea air, and hug a tree! Being immersed in the natural world really helps to put things into perspective and to feel part of something much greater than ourselves. In nature I feel fully grounded which gives me an inner peace and the strength to keep going, one step at a time. 

Southern rockhopper penguins, Pebble Island, the Falklands.
Southern rockhopper penguins, Pebble Island, the Falklands.

What’s taking up your time at the moment? Are you working on any other projects or planning any upcoming expeditions that we can hear about? 

Following the completion of Mission Penguin I have spent more time delighting in the natural world on my doorstep. In the last couple of years, I have finally taken up gardening, which my husband would have found hysterical having tried to persuade me all our married life! My focus however is gardening with wildlife in mind, and I think we would have had very different definitions of a ‘weed’! I am also rewilding one large area and quickly learned the hard way that rewilding is not the same as letting things go wild! I am still taking lots of nature photographs and readers can see more of my images here.  

As well as writing the book, I started giving talks on Mission Penguin to local groups and this quickly expanded to other topics as they keep inviting me back for more. I now have about 6 talks in my repertoire so that is keeping me busy as well as continuing with my singing – another fabulous activity for wellbeing.   

King penguins returning from a fishing trip.
King penguins returning from a fishing trip.

I am a firm believer in making the most of every moment. We only have one life, so live it well. Fill it with friends, joy, laughter – and of course, penguins.

Enter our competition to be in with the chance of winning one of four exclusive Mission Penguin prints signed by author Ursula Franklin here – good luck!

Mission Penguin book cover showing a King penguin and Gentoo Penguin on a beach.

Mission Penguin is available from our online bookstore here.

Nest Boxes for New Build Projects

Nest boxes can be an excellent way to support biodiversity and incorporate additional habitat into new builds or redevelopments. Some nest boxes are specifically designed to cater to certain species, while others are more generalist and are suitable for multiple species. Generally, bird nest boxes consist of a large internal cavity and an access hole in various shapes or locations depending on the target species. They can be made from a variety of materials, however, woodcrete (or woodstone, woodconcrete) is generally preferred due to its robustness, longevity and advantageous thermal properties.  

As low impact, wildlife-friendly construction gains momentum, more choice is added to the market each day, and the range is extensive. We are pleased to offer the largest range of integrated nest boxes in the UK.  Here we provide an overview of some of our bestselling models and their benefits. 

Integrated swift box

Integrated Swift Boxes 

Swift populations have declined over recent decades due to changes in roof design and the choice of materials used to construct our homes and public buildings. This species typically uses existing holes, cracks and crevices to build their nests, especially those in old buildings, so built-in swift boxes are recommended to provide areas for these birds to roost. These boxes provide large internal cavities within the brickwork that can be accessed by horizontally elongated, often downward facing entrance holes. As colony breeders, it is recommended to site multiple swift boxes together, situated with a clear flight path. The boxes should be installed at a minimum height of 5m on a non-south facing wall and should have no less than 40cm between entrance holes.  


Pro UK Rendered Buildin Swift Box (256322) 


  • Can be rendered over
  • Woodstone material
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Built to match standard UK brick dimensions



Schwegler 1A (208155) 


  • Installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over
  • Only the discrete entrance hole is visible after rendering
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Woodconcrete



Manthorpe Swift Brick (242167) 


  • Long lasting PVC
  • Blends into brickwork
  • Available in six colours
  • Visible area is the size of a standard brick
  • Simple to install




WoodStone Build-in Swift Nest Box Deep (248390) 


  • Woodstone material
  • Installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over
  • Long lasting and durable





Integrated Sparrow Boxes 

House Sparrow populations have undergone significant declines in previous decades and remain in a vulnerable state in the UK. As colony nesters, this species would benefit from boxes that are installed close together, or a larger, terraced box with multiple connected chambers. These built-in sparrow boxes consist of a durable woodcrete housing with a discrete entrance hole and a large cavity chamber (or alternatively multiple chambers) for nesting.


Mario Dual Chamber Sparrow Terrace (260169) 


  • Twin nesting chambers
  • Durable and robust woodstone design
  • Good insulative properties
  • Removable front plate for cleaning



Sparrow Box Smooth Brick (197663) 


  • Made to order
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be supplied unfaced or with custom bricks
  • Durable and robust materials




Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Next Box (210670) 


  • Durable and robust materials
  • Can be integrated into the build or fixed to external walls
  • Multiple chambers
  • Removable front plate





1SP Schwegler Sparrow Terrace (185100) 


  • Durable and robust material
  • Can be integrated into the build or fixed to external walls
  • Removable front panel
  • Multiple chambers




General Purpose Integrated Bird Nest Boxes  

Built-in bird boxes have inclusive designs to cater for a number of bird species, and usually consist of a woodcrete nest box with a cavity space and a discrete entrance hole. These self-contained concrete nests are unobtrusive and are typically installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over for more pleasing aesthetics.  


Woodstone Build-in Open Nest Box (217194) 


  • Woodstone
  • Can be rendered over or installed flush to the outside wall
  • Suitable for multiple species
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Good insulative properties




Type 24 Schwegler Brick Nest Box (183018) 

type 24 schwegler brick nest boxe

  • Woodconcrete
  • Can be rendered over or installed flush to the outside wall
  • Suitable for multiple species, including tits, sparrows and redstarts
  • Durable and long lasting




Vivara Pro Build-in Half Open Nest Box (257046) 


  • Manufactured to match UK brick standards
  • Can be integrated into walls and rendered over, or can be mounted onto external walls
  • Suitable for multiple species




Custom Integrated Bird Boxes 

Bird boxes typically consist of a solid box made from insulating materials with an internal nesting space. They can be custom faced with a chosen brick type (or existing brick, wood, stonework or rendered finish) to allow for discrete installation and a better blend into the existing facade. 

Terraced Sparrow Box Custom Brick Facing (218686) 


  • Made to order
  • Suitable for three breeding pairs
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be faced to match your building
  • Robust and long-lasting material




Starling Box Custom Brick Facing (197683) 


  • Made to order
  • Large solid box made of insulating concrete
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be faced to match your building




For more information on bird boxes and how to choose them, read our Bird Boxes Buyers Guide.

 Our full range of bird boxes can be found here.

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Birds of Conservation Concern Red List: Species Spotlight

In September, five species of seabird were added to the UK Birds of Conservation Concern Red List. Arctic Tern, Great Skua, Leach’s Storm Petrel, Common Gull and Great Black-backed Gull have joined the list of species most in need of conservation. Each of these species has experienced population declines due to pressures including climate change, avian influenza and habitat loss. Over 30% of all British birds are now on the Red List; the most recent additions joining Kittiwakes, Puffins and Arctic Skuas, among others. An alarming ten out of 26 UK seabirds now feature on the list.   

In this blog we shine a spotlight on these seabirds and explore the threats that have resulted in their addition to the Red List.  

Leach’s Petrel (Hydrobates leucorhous) 

A dark grey bird with a black, hooked beak and black legs. It is standing on the sand with its wings spread
Image by Alexis Lours via Flickr

Identification: Leach’s Petrel is a Starling-sized bird with a wingspan of up to 48cm. This burrow-nesting seabird is mostly black in colour, except for a white rump with a black line running through it. The wings are angled, with darker wingtips and a lighter coloured ‘V’ over the wingspan and the tail is dark and forked.  

Distribution: Most sightings of this species are recorded around coastal headlands and sea-watching hotspots during autumn. The UK has an estimated 48,000 breeding pairs which can mostly be found on remote offshore islands (particularly in Ireland and Scotland) before migrating to the tropics over winter.  

Threats: Leach’s Petrel was added to the Red List due to population declines and localised breeding concerns. It is thought that more than half of the UK’s population resides at fewer than ten sites, areas which carry the risk of predation by introduced mammalian predators as well as avian predators.  

Fun fact: Leach’s Petrels spend most of their time offshore, close to deeper waters beyond the continental shelf, before returning to underground nests at night.  


Common Gull (Larus canus) 

A seagull standing on a rock. It has a yellow beak and legs, a white body and grey wings. The wings are tipped with black.
Image by Ekaterina Chernetsova via Flickr

Identification: A medium-sized gull with a wingspan of up to 130cm. This species is similar in appearance to the Herring Gull but is smaller in size. It is mostly grey from above, with a grey back and upper wings. The underside, head, tail and body are white. The small bill and legs of the Common Gull are yellow-green in colour and, up close, a red orbital ring can be observed around the iris. Their call is a high-pitched ‘kee’ or ‘kee-ya’ sound.  

Distribution: There are approximately 49,000 breeding pairs of Common Gull in the UK, which breed in the north and west of Britain and Ireland. They are generally widely distributed throughout the country but are found with the highest densities on the eastern side of Scotland. Predominantly a coastal bird, this species has a preference for upland areas and can be seen in towns along the coast throughout the year. 

Threats: Severe declines have been observed over the last 25 years, with over half of the breeding population lost during this time. These losses are due to a number of factors, including predation, habitat loss and degradation.  

Fun fact: Despite its name, this bird is scarcer than other gull species and is found in lower numbers.


Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) 

A large gull flying over the sea. It has a yellow beak with a red patch. Its body is white but the backs of the wings are a dark slate grey
Image by Gertjan van Noord via Flickr

Identification: A thick-set, very large gull with a powerful beak. Great Black-backed Gulls are easily recognised by their black upper wings and an impressive wingspan of up to 167cm. The head, neck, tail and underside are white and there are visible white edges to the upper wings in flight. This species has pale pink legs, and a distinctive large yellow beak with a red spot on the underside towards the tip.  

Distribution: There are around 17,000 breeding pairs of Great Black-backed Gull in the UK which can be seen throughout the year in coastal locations. This species is found across the UK but has high densities around the northern Isles and south-west Ireland.  

Threats: Populations of Great Black-backed Gull have declined by an estimated 50% since 1985, brought on by suspected declines in food availability in their natural habitat, habitat loss and threats from entanglement and development.  

Fun fact: The Great Black-backed Gull is the largest gull species in the world. 


Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) 

A small white bird with a black head. Its legs and beak are a vibrant red and the wing tops are a light grey
Image by Alaska Region U.S Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr

Identification: A small, slender seabird with a wingspan measuring up to 85cm. The Arctic Tern is a white bird with a black cap and grey wings. It is streamlined in shape and has a deeply forked tail with long streamers. The legs and pointed beak are red in colour and their calls are hard and repetitive, with a ‘kee-arr’ sound.  

Distribution: There are approximately 54,000 breeding pairs in the UK that can be seen in good numbers around Shetland and Orkney. Arctic Tern can be seen from April to September in Britain, breeding coastally in the north.  

Threats: Arctic Tern populations have undergone long-term declines for several reasons: habitat loss, human disturbance in breeding and feeding habitats, impacted chick survival by avian influenza, and declines in Sand Eels, a critical food source. 

Fun fact: The Arctic Tern has the longest migration of any tern – this species breeds in the Arctic and travels south to summer in the Antarctic.  


Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) 

A mottled brown bird standing on long grass. It has a dark grey beak and legs. It is a brown bird with mottled white, yellow, gold and black
Image by Kjetil Rimolsronning via Flickr

Identification: A large, dark brown bird with a wingspan up to 140cm. Great Skua are heavy in build and almost black in colour when viewed at a distance, with white flashes on the wing visible in flight. Up close, their plumage is streaked with black, brown, white and yellow and their bills and legs are black. They have a distinctive gull call – a harsh ‘hah-hah-hah-hah’ sound.  

Distribution: Great Skua can be seen around British coastlines throughout the year, with most sightings documented between April and November. This species is known to breed on northern islands, including Shetland and Orkney during the summer months.  

Threats: Great Skua populations have been severely impacted by avian influenza, resulting in at least 2,500 deaths of Scottish birds since 2022.  

Fun fact: Considered ‘pirates of the sea’, Great Skuas are predatory birds and will hunt small birds, rabbits and rodents. 


Recommended Reading:

Seabirds: The New Identification Guide

Lavishly illustrated, this comprehensive guide covers all known seabirds and features more than 3,800 full-colour figures.




The front cover of storm petrels, shows a small brown and white bird swimming above water

The Storm-petrels 

The definitive work on the European Storm-petrel and its relatives, by one of the world’s leading experts on the species.




The Seabird’s Cry

In ten chapters, each dedicated to a different bird, this book travels the ocean paths along with them, looking at the way their bodies work and the strategies needed to survive in the most demanding environment on earth.

Author interview with Stephen Moss: The Starling

The Starling A Biography cover.Marking the sixth volume in Stephen Moss’ Bird Biography series, The Starling delves into the fascinating life of one of our most talented and surprising birds. Starlings are renowned for their iridescent plumage, impressive vocal abilities and stunning murmurations, and this captivating tale explores how they’ve shaped our world, inspired art and music through the decades, influenced the agricultural industry and more. 

Stephen Moss portrait.Stephen is a naturalist, author and broadcaster well known for his work with the BBC Natural History Unit working on landmark programmes such as Springwatch and The Nature of Britain. He currently holds the position of senior lecturer in creative writing at Bath Spa University and is also president of the Somerset Wildlife Trust. 

Stephen recently took time out of his busy schedule to answer some of our questions about his latest book The Starling, including what inspired him to write about this species, how his opinions of this bird has changed throughout the writing process and more. 

The Starling marks the sixth volume in your bestselling Bird Biographies series. What inspired you to turn your attention to Starlings for this latest volume?   

I always look for three things when it comes to choosing a subject for a bird biography. 

First, does the species show some unusual or specific behaviour or habit which mark it out from other species? For example, the Robin’s habit of singing and holding territory in winter, the Wren’s bizarre breeding behaviour where the male builds several ‘cock’s nests’ for the female to inspect, or the Swallows’ epic migrations. 

Second, does it have a strong cultural presence – in music, literature, mythology, popular culture and day-to-day society? Examples include the Robin’s association with Christmas, the Swallow’s position as a herald of spring, the Swan’s royal connections, and the owl’s reputation as a mysterious bird of the night. 

And third, does the species relate to both me and the reader? Basically, is it one of Britain’s favourite birds, and if so, why? It also helps if I like the bird and have had a lifelong connection with it – which is true of all the species I have featured in the series so far – as then I can add personal anecdotes from my life as a birder. 

Just like the previous subjects in the series – the Robin, Wren, Swallow, Swan, and owl(s), the Starling fits the bill in all three of these categories. It is a very sociable bird – more so than almost any other species during both the breeding season and in autumn and winter, when they gather in those famous murmurations. There are also plenty of historical and cultural references, including the fact that Mozart kept a pet starling which used to whistle his new compositions, and which he mourned in a solemn burial ceremony after it died. Most of all, we have a love-hate relationship with this bird, giving it a real ambivalence in our eyes – which makes it a fascinating subject for a book. And as you mention later on, like most of us, I grew up with Starlings. I now live on the Somerset Levels, just a stone’s throw from the famous winter gatherings, which I have now enjoyed for almost twenty years.  

Starling by nmahieu, via flickr.
Starling by nmahieu, via flickr.

This book explores how starlings have influenced both farming and the arts throughout the years – were there any discoveries that surprised you on this line of inquiry?  

The biggest surprise was that the widely known and oft-repeated story that Starlings were introduced into North America by a German emigrant who wanted to bring every bird mentioned in Shakespeare to the New World turns out to be mostly a myth! He wasn’t German (though he did come from a high-ranking New York family of German descent); he had no interest in Shakespeare, and most importantly he wasn’t the first person to release Starlings into the wild in the USA – that happened over 20 years earlier. Check out the chapter on ‘The Global Starling ‘to find out more details! 


You mentioned having been around starlings for most of your life in the first chapter. Has your research and writing of this book altered your opinion of these birds?  

Definitely! I do have a real soft spot for Starlings – though I also agree with the expert scientist Chris Feare that they look like second-hand car salesmen when they walk! I love the fact that they live alongside us but don’t really care about us – just going along with their day-to-day lives.  

I also discovered a lot more about the science of their murmurations, and also about our human response to them, which ranges from loathing to love.  

Finally, their ability to adapt to locations around the world where they have been introduced – including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand as well as North America – is also very interesting, and again tells us a lot about our ambivalent attitudes towards these fascinating and often overlooked birds. 

Starling by Keith Ellwood via flickr.
Starling by Keith Ellwood via flickr.

Starlings are often regarded with distaste and annoyance by many. Are there any common misconceptions impacting people’s perceptions of this overlooked species? And how can we move towards acceptance, and ideally, appreciation of these birds?  

As my old friend and colleague Bill Oddie famously said, people think of Starlings as ‘bird table bullies’! And yet those same people who don’t like them in their garden love watching their spectacular murmurations! They are also often overlooked – like all common, familiar and widespread species, we tend to take them for granted.  

Yet paradoxically, as we saw when another common and familiar bird, the House Sparrow, started to go missing from our towns and cities, when we begin to lose a species, we do begin to appreciate them more!  

Starlings are in decline, and almost all urban roosts like the ones in the middle of London, including the famous one in Leicester Square that I used to see when I was growing up, are no more. Fortunately roosts in the wider countryside do appear to be making a bit of a comeback.  

If anyone still doesn’t like Starlings, I would urge them to come down to Somerset on evenings between November and February, where we still get a quarter of a million or more Starlings murmurating together before going to roost on the Avalon marshes – it really is truly incredible!  


How do you think the historical representation of ‘pest species’, such as Starlings, has affected our attitudes towards them, and how do you think we should approach the somewhat controversial topic of conservation vs agriculture vs pest control in the future?  

I don’t like the word ‘pest’, though it is at least a bit less loaded than ‘vermin’! As I discuss in the book, Starlings have always been unpopular with farmers, even though they predate on many so-called insect pests in the soil, such as leatherjackets. They do eat fruit and can also cause problems with their droppings, but overall, I think they are less harmful than many people think.  

I also believe that we tend to dislike species, especially those that live alongside us, that remind us of ourselves. This includes gulls, crows and of course starlings, which often seem to behave rather like us, and we don’t like that! 

Starling Murmuration - Eastbridge.
Starling Murmuration – Eastbridge by Airwolfhound, via flickr.

I, along with many of your readers, will be excited to see where this series will go next. Have you begun working on the next book? And can you give us any clues as to what comes next?   

I have, although I am taking a bit of a break from writing as I am trying to get a better work-life balance and travel to see birds around the world – including Starlings (exotic species in Africa and Asia as well as our own familiar species!). I have long wanted to do the House Sparrow, as it has such a fascinating historical relationship with human beings, and lives closer alongside us than any other species of bird. As a result – just like the Starling – we are very ambivalent towards it.  

When we chose the Starling, we had a shortlist of three, the others being Skylark and Kingfisher; yet bizarrely, when I did an X/Twitter poll amongst 2,000 people, the vote split almost exactly to one third for each!  

I can’t do some species that readers of the series have suggested, either because, like the Blackbird and Blue Tit, they don’t have very unusual or distinctive behaviour or cultural importance; or because others have already written similar (and excellent) books – such as Sam Lee on the Nightingale and Charles Foster and Sarah Gibson on the Swift.  

Currently I am keen on either the Peregrine Falcon or the Puffin, both of which have really strong biological and cultural aspects to their lives – I’d be fascinated to hear which of these species NHBS customers – and your excellent staff – think I should choose! 

STEPHEN MOSS is a lifelong birder, broadcaster and bestselling author, whose books have appeared in almost twenty different countries. The Starling is the sixth volume in his celebrated ‘Bird Biographies’ series, following the Robin, Wren, Swallow, Swan, and Owl – and of course The Twelve Birds of Christmas, which featured the dozen species in the famous festive carol. In total these have sold over 100,000 copies, and been translated into Dutch, German and Chinese. 

The Starling A Biography cover.

The Starling is available to pre-order from our bookstore here.