Wild and Wonderful: A Spotlight on Endangered Mammals in Britain and Ireland

This blog focusses on forgotten species; those that are extinct, endangered or just urban, small and under-recorded. With climate change, habitat loss and invasive species threatening our native mammals, highlighting their importance is vital in driving their conservation, so we have chosen to spotlight three of the UK’s endangered mammals, discussing their biology and characteristics, current conservation initiatives and what the future might look like for these animals.  

Eurasian Beaver (Castor fiber)  

A beaver is swimming through a body of water leaving a wake behind it. Only the nose, top of the head and back are visible. It is covered in brown fur, with small brown ears, small dark eyes and a large button nose.
Image by Gertjan van Noord via Flickr

Habitat: Freshwater, particularly streams and rivers near woodland. 

Diet: Aquatic plants and grasses during warmer months, tree bark and shoots during winter. Preference for willow, Aspen, Alder and fruit trees. 

Conservation Status: Critically endangered in England, endangered in Scotland. 

Distribution: Free-range populations in the River Tay, River Otter and Knapdale, Scotland. Enclosed populations in Kent, Essex and the Forest of Dean. As of 2023, Scottish beavers have established 424 territories, housing up to 1,500 individuals. 

Breeding: Between December and April. Birth in early summer of up to six kits, sexually mature at two years old.  

Description: With distinctive orange, chisel-like teeth and a flat, scaled tail, beavers are instantly recognisable. Similar in size to a medium dog with shorter legs and a rounder body, the fur of a beaver ranges from brown to black. Once widespread in the UK, the Eurasian Beaver was historically persecuted for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The species was hunted for fur, meat and the oil from its scent glands, resulting in extinction by the 1600’s. 

Did you know? High iron content in the enamel of their teeth gives them their distinctive orange colour. This addition provides the teeth the extra strength that is required for felling trees and eating.  

Conservation of Eurasian Beavers 

Beavers are talented ‘engineers’, able to transform wetland and freshwater environments. Through the alteration and modification of these habitats, beavers can create complex wetlands, ponds and nurture more resilient ecosystems. Their dams provide a natural filtration system for freshwater landscapes and water quality is shown to increase as it passes through dam complexes, helping to reduce diffuse pollution in the area. Through improved water storage, beaver activities can also maintain water flow to drought-ridden landscapes, increasing the habitat’s resilience to climate change related conditions. 

A mound of sticks and twigs laid by beavers across a river to create a dam. The trees in the background are yellow and autumnal
Image by Tom Kelly via Flickr

Environments altered by beaver presence host significantly higher diversity compared to those without. Tree felling can shed more light onto aquatic areas, encouraging growth of wetland vegetation. Feeding on larger, fleshy plants can favour smaller, slow-growing species in the surrounding habitat, leading to more abundant, diverse plant communities in the long-term. Species richness and overall abundance of small mammals, amphibians and bird species are also found to be higher in areas close to beaver dams.  

After 400–500 years of local extinction, beaver reintroduction has been gathering traction in the UK.  There are a number of reintroduction projects trialling their release, including the 2009 Scottish Beaver Trial in Knapdale Forest (which introduced around a dozen beavers to over four hectares of land) and the Devon Beaver Project which introduced one family group to an enclosed area in West Devon. England’s first wild project, The River Otter Beaver Trial, was founded due to the discovery of wild beavers in the region. This 5-year project observed eight family units over 28,700ha and is seeking to demonstrate the effect of beavers on other wildlife, local landscapes, water flow, water quality and local communities. Further reintroductions across the country have established both wild and enclosed populations of this keystone species.  

Looking Forward 

Reintroduction projects across the UK have been successful. Populations are breeding successfully and have been expanding their territories. However, there is cause for concern with the potential of conflicts to arise over land management.  It is likely that, with expansion, there will be human-wildlife conflict with landowners and other stakeholders in the future. The impact of beaver activities on the environment can cause flooding of pasture, risk to crops and the felling of trees can cause harm to livestock and structures. Natural England has advised a paced approach to beaver reintroduction, minimising impacts to land use, infrastructure, livelihoods or environmental features while maximising benefits for the environment. 


Water Vole (Arvicola amphibius) 

A small brown water vole with a long tail is standing on the edge of a shallow body of water. It is looking to one side, and is surrounded by small plants and foliage.
Image by Peter Trimming via Flickr

Habitat:  Grassy banks along slow-moving rivers, canals and streams. Marshes, reedbeds, wet moorland, wetland.  

Diet: Grass and waterside vegetation. Wetland plants in spring and summer. Roots, rhizomes, bulbs and bark in autumn and winter. Occasional invertebrates. 

Conservation Status: Endangered in England and critically endangered in Wales.  

Distribution: Found throughout mainland UK. Absent from Northern Ireland and most offshore islands. Estimated population of 132,000, range and numbers have declined by 94% from historical populations. 

Breeding:  March–October. Breed in spring, producing up to four litters a year. 

Description: A small rat-sized rodent, the Water Vole has chestnut brown hair covering their entire body and tail, with a round nose and nearly hidden ears. This semi-aquatic rodent was historically widespread until the population saw a decline, resulting in nearly 90% reductions by 1998.  

Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation are key drivers of Water Vole declines in the UK. General infrastructure development, along with urbanisation of flood plains, have resulted in extensive loss of habitat for this species. Partnered with loss of vegetation and trampling around freshwater banks from grazing livestock, large areas of freshwater habitat are now unsuitable for voles. The unintended introduction of American Mink (Neovison vison) has also been pivotal in the collapse of Water Vole populations across the UK. Initially brought to England for fur farming, escaped mink have predated heavily on this species.  

Conservation of Water Voles 

Through grazing activities on grasses and rushes at the water’s edge, Water Voles manipulate their habitats, much like beavers but on a smaller scale. This manipulation can make space for a new community of wildflowers and grasses, attracting a host of invertebrate species to an area. As a valuable prey species, elevating Water Vole populations can support predators in the surrounding environment. Barn Owls (Tyto alba), Otters (Lutra lutra) and Pine Martens (Martes martes) are examples of native predators that would benefit from the repopulation of Water Voles.  

A chocolate-brown mink with a patchy white chin and chest is standing behind a small patch of grass staring at the camera.
Image by Ryzhkov Sergey via Wikipedia Commons

A number of regional wildlife trusts have undertaken Water Vole recovery projects to support their repopulation in UK waterways. These typically involve recording and monitoring existing Water Vole activity, habitat enhancement, coordination of mink control, and in some cases, reintroduction of the species: 300 voles in the Yorkshire dales, over 600 in Essex, 200 in Gwent and over 1,000 individuals in Kielder Forest. The Forestry Commission has also pledged to make changes in Kielder Forest; improving the landscape by refraining from planting trees on river edges, providing much-needed habitat. In order to protect Water Vole settlement, the species is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), the UK Biodiversity Framework, and is listed as a priority species on the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. 

Looking Forward  

Reintroduction efforts across the UK have had mixed results. A period of growth was observed following initial releases in Nottinghamshire, which has now slowed. Overall occupancy from 2006–2018 has declined by 23%. It is thought that the continued pressure of habitat loss and mink predation is preventing populations from settling successfully. Responding to the poor establishment of Water Vole populations, recovery projects are enhancing existing freshwater habitat and building new areas to establish populations. Breeding and release sites will also be created to facilitate the successful reproduction of Water Voles in a safe environment, away from predation. In addition to habitat enhancement, more widespread mink control is also expected.  


Pine Marten (Martes martes) 

A pine marten is standing on a fallen tree in a green field. It has a long, fluffy tail and its fur is chocolate brown. Under the chin and chest is a creamy yellow colour and it has large pointy ears.
Image by Caroline Legg via Flickr

Habitat: Native woodland, conifer plantations. 

Diet: Small mammals, carrion, birds, eggs, fruit and invertebrates. 

Conservation Status: Critically endangered in England and Wales, least concern in Scotland.  

Distribution: Widespread and relatively common in Ireland. Populations recovering in the Scottish Highlands, some isolated populations in southern Scotland.  Populations in northern England and Wales are fragmented and small. Populations estimated at 1,600–8,900 in Britain and Ireland.  

Breeding: Mating season is during the summer months. One litter per year, born in March or April. Kits are fully grown at six months and sexually mature by three years old.  

Description: Often confused with mink, Weasels or Stoats, the Pine Marten is a fellow member of the Mustelid family. Characterised by its chocolate brown fur and a distinctive, uniquely shaped light-yellow bib around the throat and chest, this elusive species has a long, bushy tail and large, rounded ears. Around the size of a domestic cat, Pine Marten are larger than both Weasels and Stoats and can be distinguished from mink by their chocolate coat.  

Pine Marten populations underwent a major decline in the 19th century due to persecution by Victorian gamekeepers on sporting estates. Extensive habitat loss and fragmentation is another factor which contributed to the decline of these species in the UK.  

Conservation of Pine Martens 

The reintroduction of Pine Martens is favoured by many across the UK. The species is valued for their natural control of the invasive, non-native Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), which can account for up to 14% of a Pine Martens diet. This predation allows the native, endangered Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) to take hold. Eradicating competition from Grey Squirrels, and reducing the risk of the squirrel pox virus, has allowed the Red Squirrel to successfully repopulate areas around Pine Marten territory. 

A red squirrel is perched on tree roots looking at the camera. It has bright orange fur. an upright fluffy tail and very fluffy ears.
Pine Marten reintroductions positively impact Red Squirrel populations. Image by Joachim Dobler via Flickr

The Two Moors Pine Marten Project, the South East Pine Marten Restoration Project, Back From the Brink  and Martens on the Move are programmes founded to support the expansion of Pine Martens in England. A total of 35 individuals have been relocated from Scotland to the Forest of Dean and the Wye Valley, and further reintroductions are expected to take place on Exmoor and Dartmoor National Parks later this year. Other projects aim to facilitate reintroductions through the enhancement of key habitats (Martens on the Move) or to undertake surveys and monitoring to inform on species distribution (Back from the Brink).  

By 2017, around 50 Pine Martens had been relocated to woodland in mid-Wales from their original home in Scotland. The population was radio tracked throughout the first year, which monitored their movement and behaviour. The group have established a viable population, breeding every year since reintroduction.  

Looking Forward 

The future of Pine Martens in the UK is promising. Monitoring of existing projects shows successful breeding and expansion from Scotland into Northern England. It is expected that more Pine Martens will be released in the Forest of Dean, in addition to an estimated 40 individuals to be released with the Two Moors Restoration Project in autumn 2024. It is hoped that, with further expansion, populations may link with Welsh Pine Martens, boosting connectivity and genetic diversity. 

However, as populations continue to expand, there is an increasing risk of conflict. With greater human populations, greater infrastructure, and greater exposure to protected species, concerns may arise among the public. The species are known to find their way into chicken coops and pheasant pens, damaging livestock and causing conflict with local farmers. The Vincent Wildlife Trust, Natural England and NatureScot recommend sufficient Pine Marten monitoring, active engagement and open communication with stakeholders to mitigate potential conflicts before they arise.  

For more information on British mammals and their conservation, visit The Mammal Society website.



Book Review: The Redemption of Wolf 302

The Redemption of Wolf 302 book cover showing wolf 302 walking towards the camera in the snow.**** Tells the story of an unlikely hero

Ever since wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995 they have been intently observed by biologists and wolf enthusiasts. Amongst these, biological technician and park ranger Rick McIntyre has to be the most dedicated, having watched these wolves from dawn to dusk every day for around two decades now. The Redemption of Wolf 302 is the third book in the Alpha Wolves of Yellowstone series and tells the story of an unlikely hero.

Though this book can be read by itself, you will get more enjoyment out of the unfolding multi-generational story arc if you read the previous two instalments. Furthermore, McIntyre refers to earlier wolves quite frequently and this book picks up right where The Reign of Wolf 21 ended, meaning the earliest part of wolf 302’s life is not told here. However, a brief introduction brings you up to speed.

One thing this book makes clear is that wolves have individual characters. Whereas wolves 8 and 21 were devoted males looking out for their pack, the current protagonist is anything but. With the death of 21 in 2004, the second-ranking male 253 temporarily takes over but is quickly ousted by two neighbours from the Leopold Pack: 302 and his younger nephew 480. 302, however, is not a natural leader. An increasingly baffled McIntyre spends the first half of the book describing many instances of his unusual behaviour: he runs away during confrontations with other packs, quickly becomes subordinate to his much younger nephew 480, sneakily tries to mate with females when 480 is distracted, occasionally steals food from pups, and is easily spooked by prey carcasses moving when his packmates tear pieces of meat off them. When 302 snoozes on a nearby hill while the Druids battle a rival pack, ignoring their howls, McIntyre seems truly exasperated: “I had been rooting for 302 to do better in life for over four years, but his total noninvolvement as 480 rushed to confront these wolves made me think 302 was a lost cause” (p. 118).

Two black wolves on the waters edge of a pond in the snow.
Yellowstone National Park by NPS / Jacob W. Frank, via flickr.

As a consequence, the first part actually revolves around male 480 who steps up as the new Druid alpha male. Through the years 2005 and 2006 McIntyre witnesses the waxing and waning of power between the packs. Several Druid wolves are killed by the neighbouring Slough Creek pack in 2005 and the Sloughs expand their territory aggressively. The tide turns from 2006 onwards, though, when an unknown pack moves in from the north and subjects the Slough’s breeding den to a brutal siege and later kills its adult males. Subsequent accidents and poor breeding seasons for the Sloughs allow the Druids to regain much of their territory by 2008.

It takes until 2007 for wolf 302 to redeem himself, by which time he is over 6.5 years old, well beyond the average lifespan of wolves in Yellowstone. He finally starts helping the Druid females and pups, and assists male 480 during hunts and fights with other packs. By 2008 he leaves the Druids with a group of yearlings in tow and, together with a female from the Agate Creek pack, forms the newly-named Blacktail pack. In one example of stories coming full circle in this book, 302 takes up residence in the territory of the now-extinct Leopold pack, the same territory he was born in. Without giving away further spoilers, several other storylines come full circle at the end of 302’s life. Although not tugging on the heartstrings quite as much as the story of wolves 21 and 42, I was nevertheless so invested emotionally in the fully-lived lives of these wolves that by the end of the book I struggled to hold back tears. 302 ultimately transitions from a rebel to an alpha wolf deserving of that status.

3 wolves from a yellowstone wolf pack stood on either side of a trench with scrubland all around.
Yellowstone Wolves by Larry Lamsa, via flickr.

If you read the previous books then you know what to expect: no embellished writing but a detailed rendition of McIntyre’s field notes that recounts the day-to-day lives of these wolves. This book retains the same structure as The Reign of Wolf 21: short chapters bundled into parts, one part for each year. McIntyre has reverted to putting just one map with home ranges at the start of the book, together with diagrams of the changing pack compositions over the years. The Reign of Wolf 21 put maps and diagrams at the start of each part, which was a useful convention that helped keep track of all the players. It looks as if McIntyre decided that was not necessary for this book as it follows fewer packs.

Like previous volumes, this book overflows with interesting biological observations on e.g. play behaviour of pups and interactions with other species such as bears and ravens. A notable problem is the outbreak of mange, a mite-caused disease that leads to fur loss. Research using infrared cameras has shown the substantial loss of body heat this causes, and the resulting deterioration of health in the subzero temperatures of Yellowstone winters. McIntyre furthermore uses one chapter to shortly summarize observations on wolf injuries and mortalities that he mentioned in this and the previous two books. His observations mirror those of Wolves on the Hunt which showed wolves regularly suffer serious injuries while hunting prey, from broken ribs to fractured jaws. Sometimes these are fatal, though more wolves die as a result of fights with other wolves.

Close up of two wolves in Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park, walking over a snowy ridge.
Wolves in Hayden Valley by NPS / Ashton Hooker, via flickr.

As before, McIntyre rarely inserts himself in the narrative. He mentions notable visitors to the park and personal achievements such as his nine-year streak of daily observations, even when temperatures drop to lows of -44°C. There are two other striking examples of McIntyre’s detachment in this book. One is an incident where he leaves an injured wolf after several hours of observation and finds him dead the next day. McIntyre sticks to an iron rule that he is here to observe, not to interfere, and that means all facets of life and death in the natural world. The second incident is the start of the wolf-hunting season in Montana when wolves are removed from the endangered species list in 2009. The wolves in Yellowstone National Park are still protected, but those venturing outside are at risk. Despite expressing his concern for their safety, he refrains from giving his personal opinion on the hunting of wolves.

This series was originally going to be a trilogy, but by the end, McIntyre foreshadows the subject of the fourth book: the alpha females, particularly female 06. Named after her year of birth, 2006, she was a granddaughter of male 21 and was legendary for her fierce independence. Though she has been the subject of Blakeslee’s book American Wolf, McIntyre is uniquely placed to give an account of her life. For now, wolf aficionados can delight in The Redemption of Wolf 302. With each book, the payoff of following their story in this level of intimate detail is getting bigger – these books are in a class of their own.

The Redemption of Wolf 302 book cover showing wolf 302 walking towards the camera in the snow.

The Redemption of Wolf 302 is available from our bookstore.

Top 5: Bat Detectors

Bats use echolocation, a series of high-pitched calls, to socialise, navigate their habitat and hunt for their prey. Most of these vocalisations are above the range of human hearing, so we require a bat detector to hear them. These devices allow us to monitor bat species by listening to their calls, observe their behaviours and feeding, and to identify species in a given area. Here we look at a selection of our bat detectors, highlighting the key points to consider when expanding your kit. 

#255963 Echo Meter Touch 2  

A popular, cost-effective option. This lightweight, full-spectrum recorder can be attached to your mobile device to listen to, view and record sounds while identifying the species encountered on the free app. For device compatibility, see the Wildlife Acoustics page 

  • Recording format: Full spectrum 
  • Listening mode: Heterodyne 
  • Max frequency: 128kHz 
  • Sample rate: 256 samples per second at 16 bits 




#171849 Magenta 5 

This entry-level detector has a very simple design catering to complete beginners. It allows users to listen in real time, with extended low frequency coverage which can also pick up insects and birds.  

  • Recording format: Heterodyne 
  • Max frequency: 130kHz 
  • Long battery life 
  • Manual tuning 



#194636 Elekon Batscanner 

An auto-scanning, heterodyne bat detector, the Elekon Batscanner allows for simple listening in real time. This detector features excellent audio performance with a digitally driven heterodyne converter.  

  • Recording format: Heterodyne 
  • Frequency range: 15–120kHz 
  • Up to 25 hours operating time 



#177263 Batbox Baton 

A cost-effective, frequency division detector, the Batbox Baton is simple and easy to use thanks to its auto-scanning, one-button operation. This detector also comes with BatScan software to analyse your recordings.  

  • Recording format: Heterodyne  
  • Frequency range: 20–120kHz 
  • Up to 30-hour battery life 




#245798 Anabat Scout 

Designed for transect surveys, this full-spectrum detector features a built-in GPS and a simple press-and-go design suitable for any level of experience. The Scout ensures excellent quality audio and recording, which can be analysed using the free Anabat Insight software.  

  • Recording format: Full spectrum 
  • Frequency range: 10–160 kHz 
  • Sampling rate: 320 ksps, 16 bit  
  • Up to 10 hours of battery life 



For more information on how to choose the right product, see our Buyers Guides 

Recommended reading:  

The Handbook of Acoustic Bat Detection 

September 2021 | Paperback

An in-depth handbook on how to gather and analyse bat calls. 



Acoustic Ecology of European Bats

June 2020 | Hardback

This unique, richly illustrated book offers an extensive reference on the acoustic identification of European bats. 



Book Review: The Alpha Female Wolf

The Alpha Female Wolf cover showing a close up of a wolfs face.**** A long overdue recognition of the female wolf

The wolves reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995 are some of the best-studied mammals on the planet. Biological technician and park ranger Rick McIntyre has spent over two decades scrutinising their daily lives, venturing into the park every single day. Where his previous books focused on three notable alpha males, it is ultimately the females that call the shots and make the decisions with lasting consequences. This book is a long overdue recognition of the female wolf and continues this multigenerational saga.

If wolf 21, the subject of the second book, was the most famous male wolf in Yellowstone, then his granddaughter 06 (named after her year of birth, 2006) can safely be called the most famous female wolf. This fourth book picks up where the third book ended, covering the period 2009–2015. It tells 06’s life story, her untimely death, and the fate of one of her daughters. To refreshen your mind, some prefatory sections give a brief list of notable matriarchs through the years and a short history of the Druid Peak pack, which were the ancestors of 06.

The fact that wolves have unique characters is again confirmed here: 06 is a gorgeous wolf that has many suitors but, until age four, she rejects them all and is a rare example of a lone female wolf. Lone wolves, quite rare to begin with, are usually males in search of a new pack with unrelated females. In 2010 she forms the Lamar Canyon pack with two brothers younger than her: 754 and 755. Three successful years follow in which she has a litter of pups every year. Through a combination of fearlessness and wise choices, all pups survive their first year. A particular challenge is the nearby Mollie’s pack, led by an aggressive female, that starts making incursions into 06’s territory. There is a long-running feud between the Mollie’s and the very successful Druid Peak pack and its descendants, which can be traced back to 1996 when Druids killed several wolves of Mollie’s pack.

Eurasian Wolf in a forest.
Eurasian Wolf by Tom Bech, via flickr.

This book has the task of both continuing the story but also looking back. Several chapters end with boxes that briefly tell the story of other notable female wolves past and present. If you have read all or some of the previous trilogy, you know that the writing might not win prizes for its style. Instead, McIntyre distils thousands of days spent in the field and as many pages of notes into a deeply informed, unembellished eyewitness account of the daily lives of these wolves. He always clearly indicates where he reconstructs likely events not observed first-hand or imagines the inner lives of the wolves. As before, The Alpha Female Wolf is divided into parts that each cover a year, usually subdivided into several chapters. This time there are unfortunately no family trees included, which I would have found helpful, though the cast of characters remains manageable.

My impression is that this book contains more references to scientific research than the previous ones. There are observations on chronic wasting disease, contagious to elk, and how wolves are likely limiting its spread by selectively killing sick elk. McIntyre asks a wolf geneticist just how different the introduced wolves from Canada are from the original wolves that lived in this area, and gives some deeper insights into the genetic history of US wolf populations. And he speaks to two researchers studying wolf howling and how each individual produces unique harmonic overtones by which the wolves might recognize each other, to which McIntyre contributes some informal observations later in the book. There are also numerous interesting behavioural and natural history observations. Food features in particular, with chance observations of wolves feeding on eggs of ground-nesting birds, fruit from a rosebush, and the occasional beaver. McIntyre observes hunting sequences that show the wolves using the local terrain to their advantage.

McIntyre is on form in the first two-thirds of the book, detailing how 06’s fierceness and intelligence help her not only to survive but to thrive. She carefully chooses her partners to form a strong, cooperative team, while her choice of denning site under a natural rockfall provides superior protection from a raid by the Mollie’s pack. At various points in the book, McIntyre highlights how the actions and choices of 06 and others show the important role of alpha females in shaping pack life and pack dynamics in the park. Inspired by the many military veterans that visit Yellowstone, he draws a human parallel, describing the alpha female as a commanding officer while the alpha male is an executive officer carrying out her agenda.

Gray Wolf.
Gray Wolf by David Williss, via flickr.

How cruel, then, is the sudden death of first 754 and then 06 when they venture just outside park boundaries and are shot, legally, by hunters. I have to admit that I found this twist of fate really upsetting to read. Both McIntyre and the book never really recover from the blow. While the first three years (2010–2012) take up two-thirds of the book, the next three years (2013–2015) are covered in the remaining one-third. McIntyre commits himself to documenting the fall-out of these killings, which sees 755 go through several failed attempts at establishing a new family, and follows the fate of one of 06’s daughters, 926. Although there are happy endings of a sort, the lives of both these survivors are shot through with hardship and loss. Where the threat of hunting was only theoretical in the previous book, here it becomes reality with the removal of wolves from the endangered species list. Remarkably, even though the events have an emotional impact on both him and other wolf biologists and spotters, McIntyre continues to refrain from voicing his opinion or discussing in any depth the reasons for, and problems with, the hunting of wolves. He hints at the why of this when talking to a group of schoolchildren: “being a National Park Service employee in uniform, I could not voice a political opinion about wolf-hunting regulations outside the park” (p. 233). There is much here that remains unsaid, and Nate Blakeslee’s book The Wolf offers an outsider’s perspective on the whole situation that is well worth reading.

Ecologists know how important long-term research is, but also both how hard and rare it is. McIntyre’s decades-long commitment to observing the Yellowstone wolves, and then turning these into books for the general public, is commendable. The Alpha Female Wolf succeeds in both celebrating 06’s remarkably successful life and in indicating the important role of the female of this species. In a conversation with McIntyre last year, he mentioned one more book is planned that will cover events up to 2021. There are yet more stories to be told about these iconic animals and I am looking forward to immersing myself one more time in their lives.

Going to Bat for Bioacoustics: How Acoustic Monitoring is Helping to Save Bats – Webinar Round-up

Recently, Wildlife Acoustics and Bat Conservation International partnered together to host a webinar highlighting the use of bioacoustics in bat conservation across the globe. The webinar featured three case studies tackling the impacts of white-nose syndrome, habitat loss and climate change with the help of bioacoustic technology. Here, we provide a summary of these case studies and the applications of acoustic monitoring in these investigations. 

Florida USA, Dr. Melquisedec Gamba-Rios 

Endemic to the region, the Florida Bonneted Bat (Eumops floridanus) is increasingly threatened by habitat loss from sea level rise and destructive development. This species has one of the smallest ranges in Southern Florida and utilises old tree cavities and large, open spaces for roosting and feeding. Dr. Gamba-Rios and his team sought to identify critical habitat for this endangered species using bioacoustics, hoping to support their fragile populations.  

The team used acoustic recorders to identify key roosting and feeding areas for the species. Interestingly, they found that Miami’s zoo, golf courses and tropical parks had high numbers of Florida Bonneted Bat calls. The research showed that the large, open areas surrounded by forest and absence of artificial light of these locations provided an ideal foraging space for the species. 

Since these bats require older, cavitied trees, the habitat of the group is at risk as development increases. Plans for water park construction were proposed on a key site for this species, however the evidence gathered here was used to challenge the proposal, resulting in its rejection to protect key bat habitat. In March 2024, over 1.1 million acres of critical habitat were designated for the species in Florida, including foraging areas in urban habitat and over 4,000 acres of Miami Pine Rocklands. Federally protected species are known to be twice as likely to move toward recovery than those without protection, so the designation of these spaces is incredibly important in securing the future of this species.  

Shows a small brown bat with closed eyes, it is held in a blue blanket in daylight
Florida Bonneted Bat by Florida Fish and Wildlife via Flickr

Nyungwe National Park, Dr. Jon Flanders 

Last seen in 1981, the Hill’s Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hilli) was considered a ‘lost’ species in Rwanda.  In January 2019, a group of scientists and researchers, including Dr. Jon Flanders, set out on a 10-day expedition in Nyungwe National Park, looking to rediscover this elusive animal.  

Nyungwe National Park rangers played a key role in the early stages of this project, identifying caves and key habitat for bats in the area. The rangers conducted acoustic monitoring using SM4 Acoustics to identify foraging and roosting areas, collecting over 260,000 files of acoustic data. Eight of these recordings successfully detected the calls of the Hill’s Horseshoe Bat, found in small, defined ranges. During the 10-day trip, the team worked relentlessly to catch, measure and collect DNA samples from bats using mist nets and harp traps in these locations. The team successfully captured two Hill’s Horseshoe Bats and confirmed the capture of this critically endangered species with museum archive specimens. The expedition highlighted the spectacular diversity of Nyungwe National Park which features a large number of rare and endemic species, and these findings reinforce the parks importance as a biodiversity hotspot.

A brown bat is hanging upside down. it has white fluffy mould covering its wings and face
Little Brown Bat with white-nose syndrome by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr

White-nose Syndrome, Dr. Amanda Adams 

White-nose syndrome is a cold-loving, infectious fungal disease found in bats. The fungus manifests in a total skin infection, most visible around the muzzle of the animal. This infection is responsible for significant mortality in several species, where the infection causes bats to wake often during hibernation – burning their fat stores, causing dehydration and starvation. Infected bats can expend up to twice the amount of energy as healthy individuals during hibernation, severely impacting their ability to survive the winter. Because of this, six million animals have succumbed to this infection so far, impacting 12 out of 44 species found in the USA.  

Dr. Amanda Adams sought to use bioacoustics to enhance the management of foraging habitat to support these species through hibernation. The team used the Song meter mini to search for the presence of bats and observe their feeding behaviours. They found that feeding behaviours were observed up to three times more in prey patches, and this allowed researchers to designate feeding habitats for affected species. The survey will be used to inform vegetative management on passing corridors, aiming to increase the productivity of foraging areas to support the health of infected bats.  

The Going to Bat for Bioacoustics webinar provided an engaging insight into the applications of acoustic monitoring in bat research, showing how the technology can be used to support bat conservation. To learn more, the Wildlife Acoustics website has a range of training courses and webinars. Upcoming events can be found here 


Author interview with Joe Shute: Stowaway

Stowaway book cover showing an old harbour town with boats on the water and four rats climbing up a rope tying a boat to the dock.This tale of rat catchers, crumbling buildings and back alleys delves into the complex linkages between humans and rats, questioning why some animals are accepted while others are cast aside. Joe Shute follows the course of this intricate relationship through history, from those in the trenches to the present day, where an estimated ten million rats live in Britain alone.

Joe Shute author photograph, showing him leaning against a wall in a park with a pair of binoculars around his neck, brown jacket, scarf and hat.Joe Shute is an author and journalist who has a keen passion for the natural world. He is the long-standing author of The Daily Telegraph‘s Saturday ‘Weather Watch’ column, is currently a post-graduate researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University and lives in Sheffield with his wife and pet rats.

We recently had the opportunity to speak to Joe about his book, including his most unexpected lines of enquiry while writing Stowaway, how his own relationship with rats has changed over time, what he plans to do next and more.

What initially drew you to focussing on rats for this book? 

I am particularly attracted to the less fashionable corners of nature writing, I suppose. In particular I have a soft spot for scavengers, of which rats are obviously the greatest of them all. I find it fascinating that wild rats are creatures which have adapted and thrived in our shadow over centuries of human history and yet we still don’t know much about them. I wanted to unpick the rat stories and mythology and folklore attached to rats and see them as an animal in their own right. Because the history of rats is so bound up in our own, I also hoped that focusing on rats would help change my understanding of how humans interact with the world.

Wild Rat climbing up a breezeblock brick in a field.
Wild Rat – Rutland Water by Airwolfhound, via flickr.

What were some of the unexpected lines of enquiry the writing of this book opened for you? 

I knew about the intelligence of rats beforehand but until I started writing the book I hadn’t appreciated the complexity of the inner lives of rats. Numerous studies have shown that rats feel empathy, regret, possess the power of imagination and even enjoy dancing. I also hadn’t appreciated until writing the book how little is known about rats in the wild. Despite being such a familiar animal, we really have little idea about the size of rat populations or exactly where and how they live in cities. Also, I hadn’t fully appreciated just how clever rats are. I visited a project in Tanzania where rats are taught to detect landmines. In the US, scientists have even taught rats how to drive cars. 

Rats have pretty bad PR and this book does an illuminating and erudite job of portraying them with a nuanced and sympathetic appreciation. Why is it important that we scrutinise our relationship with rats?

It’s important to redress our relationship with rats because I believe we are entering a new era of history alongside them. The 20th century was marked by a ‘war on the rat’ with countries committing huge resources to eradicate populations with mostly limited success. This has also had a terrible impact on the natural world, with toxic rodenticides poisoning animals throughout the food chain. This is now changing and various cities such as Paris and Amsterdam are asking whether we might be able to better co-exist with rats. In the UK and elsewhere greater restrictions are also being placed on the indiscriminate use of rodenticides. There are certainly settings where rats are destructive and cause great harm, for example in important seabird colonies where they can devastate nesting populations or indeed when living in someone’s house. But why should they not share our parks and gardens with us?

Wild rat photographed in amongst long grass and damp leaves.
Wild Rat by Airwolfhound, via flickr.

What are some ways in which rats, and our misconceptions of them, hold mirror up to our own behaviours?

I argue in the book that rats thrive where humanity has failed. Industrial farming, where wildness and natural predators have been lost and monoculture of crops exist, provide the ideal conditions for rats. Similarly in urban areas rats flourish among poor sanitation and low quality housing stock and lots of litter. War, waste and a devastated natural environment are all places where you will find rats. If we address these very human problems and behaviours then rat populations will automatically be kept more in check.

What are your hopes for what rat appreciation can offer us? 

I think an appreciation of rats can offer all of us a different perspective on how we interact with nature. When you look at a rat out foraging for food and put aside the cultural baggage attached to it, you see a supremely adaptable creature that can also be very cute! 

Joe Shute with his brown rat on his shoulder.

How has your own relationship with rats changed throughout the process of researching and writing this book? 

I started writing this book as someone with an innate fear of rats. Once I started interrogating this, however, I came to realise that so much of this is cultural – the books I read as a child and urban myths about rats which we all grow up with. To conquer my fears I adopted pet rats, Molly and Ermintrude, who revealed to me so much about the inner lives of rats and are the little beating hearts of my book. So much so in fact that I dedicate Stowaway to them. 

Finally, are you currently working on any other projects that you can tell us about? 

I am currently based at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Centre for Place Writing where I am undertaking a research project on rivers specifically a lost urban river called the Irk in Manchester. I am doing a lot of work with communities, running writing workshops to connect people to the river and the urban flora and fauna which flourishes there. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of rats along the Irk, but Kingfishers, Dippers and Grey Wagtails too. It is exactly the sort of contested and overlooked environment rich in human history which I love writing about and where I always feel most inspired.

Stowaway book cover showing an old harbour town with boats on the water and four rats climbing up a rope tying a boat to the dock.

Stowaway has been published by Bloomsbury and is available via our online bookstore.

Author Interview with Jenny Macpherson: Stoats, Weasels, Martens & Polecats 

Stoats, Weasels, Martens and Polecats book cover showing an orange, white and purple lino print of a two stoats on a rock within ferns.The latest volume in the New Naturalist series, Stoats, Weasels, Martens & Polecats focuses on the four species of ‘small mustelids’ – highly specialised predators and ubiquitous assassins, some of which were once hunted to near-extinction. This delightfully rich text details their physiology, distribution, daily lives, significance in UK history and folklore, while also intertwining the authors own experiences working at the forefront of mustelid conservation across England and Wales.

Jenny MacPherson portrait, wearing a yellow knitted hat and a thick winter coat with the hood up.

Jenny MacPherson managed the Pine Marten Reintroduction Project for many years before taking over as the Principle Scientist at The Vincent Wildlife Trust. She has a longstanding background in zoology and research, holds an MSc in Conservation at the University College London and a PhD from Royal Holloway.

Jenny recently took the time out of her busy schedule to talk to us about the book, including how she first became interested in mustelids, how she thinks these animals will fare in relation to the current climate and environmental challenges and more.

Can you tell us a little about your background and what first interested you in mustelids? 

I studied zoology at university as a mature student, having worked as a theatre costume assistant in London when I left school. Actually, my first experience of mustelids was the rather unflattering portrayal of the Stoats and Weasels in the National Theatre production of The Wind in the Willows that I worked on, back in 1990! – I was responsible for getting Otter into his costume, a 1920s style knitted bathing suit. Then, as an undergraduate at Royal Holloway University, I planned my dissertation project on Pine Martens, having been captivated by them on holidays in Scotland, where it was such a rare treat to see them. Since then, mustelids, and especially Pine Martens, have been a major interest of mine. 

Stoat stood on a log.
Stoat by Andy Morffew, via flickr.

What are the challenges of studying this group?  

It is very difficult to study elusive, nocturnal animals that live at low density and are patchily distributed. It certainly tests our ingenuity. Thankfully some of the rapid advances in technology are helping, as I describe in the book. 

How do you think small mustelids in the UK will fare in the face of climate and environmental change? 

It is difficult to predict and it will likely vary between species. Pine Martens might ultimately benefit from increases in afforestation for carbon storage, but in the meantime existing forests are coming under multiple pressures from recreation, timber harvesting and emerging plant diseases. The impacts of environmental change on prey populations shouldn’t be underestimated either. Some long-term studies have already shown declines in the abundance and diversity of small mammal communities linked to climate change, which is of concern for all of our native carnivores. 

Weasel stood with its front paws on a rock in some long grass.
Weasel by Alan Shearman, via flickr.

Historical opinions held by some across the UK favour culling of mustelids. For instance, Pine Martens in Scotland are at risk of predator-control trapping due to a perceived risk to livestock and game birds. What can we do to challenge these long-held, traditional ways of thinking in relation to UK predators? 

We need to raise greater awareness of natural processes, including predation. Predators have a number of important functions and play a key role in supporting our ecosystems. In Britain, these have been out of balance for centuries as a result of human intervention and we have become used to ‘controlling’ any animals that cause us an inconvenience, rather than working together to find practicable ways of living alongside predators. 

Pine Marten stood on a broken Silver Birch log.
Pine Marten by Caroline Legg, via flickr.

Citizen science projects are a great way for people outside of the field to get involved with conservation research. Are there any resources where the public can submit sightings? And how can citizen science benefit the conservation of this group? 

Citizen scientists and volunteers are crucial to conservation research and we have a long history of their involvement in Britain. Vincent Wildlife Trust collect sightings and other records of Pine Martens and are currently also carrying out a two-year national survey of Polecats. More information can be found on the website at www.vwt.org.uk. The collective effort of citizen scientists makes it possible to gather huge amounts of information over large areas and time frames, which helps to focus conservation efforts where they are most needed for these species. 

Are you working on any other projects you would like to share with us? Can we expect more books from you in the future? 

I am currently working on a number of projects in my role at Vincent Wildlife Trust, including a feasibility study for reintroducing European Mink to the southern Carpathians in Romania, and I have just started writing another book. 

Stoats, Weasels, Martens and Polecats book cover showing an orange, white and purple lino print of a two stoats on a rock within ferns.

Stoats, Weasels, Martens & Polecats is available to pre-order from our online bookstore.

Author Q&A with David Wege: Mammal Tracks of Europe

Author David Wege holding a feather for the camera
Author David Wege via Davidwegenature.uk

Passionate naturalist, author and illustrator David Wege has led an exciting 30-year career in international bird conservation. Now sharing the joy of tracking through teaching, he aims to encourage others to deepen their connection with the world around us.  

For his latest work, he has turned his attention to mammals and has created Mammal Tracks of Europe. After rediscovering his passion for tracking, David hopes to inspire others to engage with the art through his latest work. This book includes the tracks of 72 European mammals, with detailed drawings and portraits of each species.  

We recently had the chance to chat with David about how he first became interested in tracking, why he included Homo sapiens in his new mammal tracks field guide, what he’s currently working on and more.

This unique field guide features a broad selection of European mammals. What criteria did you use when choosing which species to include? 

I set out with the intention of creating a mammal tracks guide that anyone could take out into the field, anywhere in Europe, and identify the tracks they were looking at. This meant including all of Europe’s larger terrestrial mammals, including the Arctic species from Scandinavia (such as Wolverine, Arctic Fox and Muskox), and the species that have ranges just into the Mediterranean countries (like Crested Porcupine and Egyptian Mongoose). So, all larger European mammals that you are likely to find tracks of are featured. Even the domesticated species that, as trackers, we often find the tracks of such as cats, dogs, cows, sheep and Alpacas! The small mammals (such as the mice, voles and shrews) are not covered quite as well, but all species for which we have track photos are included. The end result, is a book with the tracks and trails of an incredible 72 European mammal species. 

Creating a book that anyone can use meant making it accessible to people right across Europe. So, each species is represented by a small portrait of the animal; is identified by its scientific name; and its common name is given in eight European languages. As well as helping people navigate the book quickly, I think the species portraits make sure that we keep the connection between tracks and the animal that made them. 

Tracking is increasing in popularity across Europe and is being used more and more as we rewild areas and reintroduce species in the region. My hope is that this guide will help encourage more people to connect with mammal tracks and engage with the conservation movement, wherever they are. 

Castor fiber page from european mammal tracks, showing illustrations of footprints and a portrait of a beaver

Why did you choose to include Homo sapiens in the field guide, and why were these tracks presented first? 

Humans are part of nature. We’re mammals just like every other mammal in the book, so presenting human in exactly the same way as our mammalian cousins – as Homo sapiens, a species that also makes tracks – seemed important. Connecting with nature starts with us recognising our place within it, so human on Page 1 is a nod to our place as equals among other animal beings. There’s a practical aspect to this too. As a teacher passing on tracking knowledge to others, using our human hands and feet as a reference point for where toe pads, nails, palm pads, heels, carpal pads etc. are, is a great way for people to learn and relate to the track morphology of other mammalian beings. Human hands and feet (and the tracks they create) are a wonderful baseline against which we can start comparing the tracks of other species. 

Instead of written descriptions, the field guide uses drawings as a primary aid to identification. What challenges did you face in illustrating the guide? 

The guide really does have very little text and relies on drawings to do the talking – to be a graphic reference when you’re out in the field. I wanted to create precise representations of tracks for each species – to let the illustrations communicate all that was needed in a true to be used in the field field guide. A noble desire, and easily said, but there really are many challenges. The first of which arises from the fact that no two tracks in the mud, sand, clay or snow are the same, so which one is best to illustrate? To overcome this, I traced (electronically, on a tablet) as many track photos as possible to build up (as near as possible) a perfect average. This hopefully compensates for the vagaries of different substrates. Drawing from track photos means that those images need to be good too! They have to be taken from directly above, with not too much shadow, and with a scale or ruler in the photo. When you start drawing from photos it really makes you appreciate which are good (and useful/usable) and which are not. Once I had my good track photos, I started drawing trying to keep strictly to what I was seeing in the tracks. This has hopefully resulted in illustrations that allow people to pick out the identification features that are most noticeable to them. 

Another challenge is that some of the species I’ve illustrated are rare, or from parts of Europe I have not been tracking, so I have had to rely on track photos shared generously by other trackers. It is definitely harder to illustrate a track that you’ve never seen in the field yourself – it’s difficult to get a feel for the essence of it, but I think I’ve managed to create good representations of tracks for all the mammals. 

Illustration of a wolf footprint from mammal tracks of europe

Where did your initial interest in animal tracking come from, and how did you begin your journey into this field of study? 

I was totally hooked on tracking as a child when my parents gave me a book  Nature Detective by Hugh Faulkus. However, without a tracking mentor, I actively pursued my other passion of birds and birdwatching – a passion that I still have and that led me to a successful career in bird conservation with BirdLife International. Then, about ten years ago, I chanced upon a tracking mentor in John Rhyder (author of Track and Sign, and one of Europe’s foremost trackers), and have been learning from him and teaching with him ever since. We have just finished a book together titled Bird Tracks: a field guide to British species. Tracking just seems like a natural component of being in nature for me. Wandering in nature means intuitively noticing who was there, doing what and when, which birds are calling or singing, what plants are emerging or flowering (and so much more). Reading the tracks is just a part of this awareness, although I’m still learning how to balance an awareness of tracks on the ground with noticing birds up in the trees! 

What will be next for you? Are there any plans for more tracking guides? 

One of the many wonders of tracking (by which I mean reading and interpreting the tracks and signs that animals leave on the landscape) is that there is always more to learn. Animals constantly surprise and we’re often discovering new behaviours revealed in tracks and signs. I’m still learning but I also have the privilege of teaching the art and science of tracking to others. So, I will be spreading the tracking joy, with my book in hand, to people who can hopefully then use the skill to connect to nature, or apply their tracking skills to help monitor, conserve and restore wildlife. This book was designed as a resource for people across Europe, but I would like to see my track and trail illustrations used for local or national field guides that might then be accessible to a wider audience. Anything to help encourage nature connection through tracking. 

Front cover of Mammal Tracks of Europe. Shows illustrations of a fox, moose, bear and pine marten.

Mammal Tracks of Europe: A Field Guide to The Tracks and Trails of European Mammals is available on our online bookstore here.


The biodegradable dormouse tube trial

Hazel Dormouse by Frank Vassen via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
The dormouse nest tube problem

At NHBS, the environmental impact of our products, both in terms of their manufacture and eventual disposal, is at the heart of our manufacturing business. Of equal importance is the practicality of their design and how fit for purpose they are for their users. With this in mind, we are always looking for ways to both design new and improve existing products based on current research and feedback from our customers.

Last year, we began to apply this thinking to our dormouse nest tubes. We had some concerns about any tubes that might be left behind at survey sites, thus polluting woodlands with unwanted plastic. We were also thinking ahead to the disposal of tubes that, following years of use outside, are no longer fit for purpose and which must then be thrown away.

With this in mind, our manufacturing team began developing an alternative, biodegradable version of our dormouse nest tubes.

The current plastic dormouse nest tube
A new environmentally friendly design

Dormouse tubes consist of a plastic sleeve into which slides a wooden tray that also serves to seal one end when in place. These tubes create a dark and narrow enclosure that is ideal for dormice to build their nests. By strapping a number of these tubes to horizontal branches in a suitable woodland, they can be used to determine the presence of dormice by periodically inspecting them for evidence of nests and/or inhabitants. As this is a standard survey technique within the UK, our new, environmentally friendly dormouse tubes would need to be able to be used in the same way.

Our new design would use the same wooden inserts in combination with a modified sleeve constructed from Earthboard. Earthboard is a plastic-free biodegradable material, often used to make tree guards. It is coated with a non-toxic water repellent coating which makes it suitable for use outside, lasting for up to two years before decomposing naturally. Critically, being plastic-free, Earthboard does not shed microplastics into the environment.

Its relatively slow breakdown means that Earthboard would be ideal for our purposes. It would last for more than a single survey season in the field and, if accidentally left outside, would decompose naturally over time. Any tubes that fell to the ground would take around 16-20 weeks to break down and, at the end of the season, they could be recycled in the same way as cardboard (although they are not suitable for home composting due to their relatively slow rate of natural decomposition).

In 2023, our manufacturing team produced a number of Earthboard sleeves that were compatible with our existing wooden inserts. These were sent to several of our customers and associates who kindly agreed to undertake some field tests during the 2023 survey season.

Initial field tests

At the end of the dormouse survey season, our field testers helpfully provided us with lots of feedback. Unfortunately, not all of it was good. While most were broadly positive about the intention of the product, there were some significant problems.

The most serious of these was that, after a short amount of time in the field, deterioration by the elements meant that the tube was no longer a good fit for the wooden insert. The top of the plastic tube became curved, thus creating a space into which light, draughts and moisture could enter, making the tubes much less desirable to dormice as a nesting location. Similarly, the relatively pale colour of the Earthboard meant that the interior was not as dark as that of the original plastic tubes, again making it less attractive to dormice.

After a period in the field the Earthboard tube proved a poor fit for the wooden insert and allowed light and draughts to enter the nesting space.

A further concern related to how dormouse tubes are generally used. It is typical for ecologists to collect all of their tubes at the end of the survey season and re-use them in subsequent years. It is unusual for tubes to be left in the field, unless they cannot be located for any reason. Equally, there is a cost factor involved. Although Earthboard is suitable for recycling with cardboard via kerbside waste collections, which makes their disposal preferable to traditional plastic tubes, the need to purchase new sleeves at the beginning of each season isn’t an attractive option for most ecologists.

So, what next?

Due to the lack of positive feedback, along with concerns about the practicalities and economics of these biodegradable dormouse tubes, we have decided not to continue with their development. Despite the fact that this particular project didn’t ultimately lead anywhere, however, we are incredibly proud of our continuing endeavours to improve our products and make sure they are as user friendly and environmentally responsible as possible.

We would like to thank everyone that was involved in field testing this product and taking the time to provide us with such valuable feedback. It is only through constant communication and cooperation with our valued customers that we can continue to design, manufacture and provide such high-quality products and support conservationists worldwide.

Q&A with Matt Larsen-Daw and Alana Scott: Celebrating 70 years of the Mammal Society

The Mammal Society, founded in 1954, is a UK charity formed to support evidence-based mammal conservation in Britain and Ireland. The Mammal Society is involved in promoting and enhancing conservation initiatives working to restore mammals and their habitats, with the overall mission of securing thriving populations of native species.   

The Mammal Society will be celebrating their 70th anniversary in 2024, which will be the focus of this year’s annual mammal conference. The conference will focus on the past challenges and successes of mammal conservation, and discuss opportunities for future work.  

Matt Larsen-Daw is the CEO of the Mammal Society. Having worked with WWF for some time leading education programmes, Matt is now working with the local mammal groups at the base of the Society’s work. Alana Scott works as communications officer for the Society, with a strong history in conservation biology and ecology. She also has significant achievements in the reintroduction of Water Voles in southern Cornwall.  

In anticipation of the upcoming National Mammal Week (22nd 28th April), we recently had the opportunity to talk with Matt and Alana about the successes of The Mammal Society, their upcoming 70th anniversary and goals for the future. 

Small dormouse resting on a branch in front of leaves.
National Mammal Week is an annual event encouraging awareness and conservation of mammals. Image by The Mammal Society.

Firstly, could you give us a brief insight into how The Mammal Society came into existence back in 1954? 

Seventy years ago, in 1954, The Mammal Society was formed under the name of The Mammal Society of the British Isles (TMSBI), following a meeting of prominent zoologists, naturalists and the Zoological Society of London. The aim was to link amateurs and professionals in promoting the study of mammals, and by doing so to power conservation of mammals at a time when an alarming decline in the populations of several species was already being observed. 

Three years later the society started to deliver on its remit when it published its first book – A Field Guide to British Deer. Perhaps some well-thumbed 1st editions of this vintage text are still sitting on shelves? More likely readers may have one of the beautifully illustrated 4th edition copies of this handbook, published to coincide with another significant anniversary – the 60th year of the British Deer Society – in 2023. The British Deer Society is one of several organisations (including the Bat Conservation Trust and SeaWatch) that started their lives as subgroups within The Mammal Society, until their objectives became sufficiently ambitious and broad in scope to warrant a separate charity. This highlights one of the key roles that The Mammal Society has played over the past seven decades. By acting as a lightning rod for discussion and research around the big issues in mammal science and conservation, the Society has convened experts and enthusiasts to foster collaboration and initiate vital projects at all levels of mammal conservation. From collaborative research projects to species-focused organisations and grassroots local groups, the work of the Society has helped shape the mammal conservation sector we see today.  

What do you think has been the key to the enduring success of The Mammal Society? 

A key factor in the ongoing success of The Mammal Society is the community of mammal specialists and nature enthusiasts that has formed around it in the form of our members and local groups network. The staff team at the Society has never been big – in fact we are often assumed to be much bigger than we are, due to our vibrant social channels and the large influence we have on policy and practice. Our Council of Trustees, our Committees, and our ever-growing community of local mammal champions are just as important in the achievement of our aims. We are nothing without our members, and we hope that we give plenty back to those who join us in our mission to support and protect British mammals. Members receive our acclaimed seasonal magazine Mammal News, receive substantial discounts on our trainings and events, and have the opportunity to influence the priorities and projects of the Society. Why not join, or gift membership, today?!  

At the hub of this thriving community of volunteers and supporters, the staff team arranges forums, events, training, campaigns and research projects that channel the huge energy and expertise in the wider community, while ultimately strengthening and energising that same community. 

Our small size has allowed us to be agile and respond to urgent challenges quickly and efficiently – such as the discovery of the non-native Greater White-toothed Shrews in Britain in 2022. It also means our overheads as a charity are low – ensuring that we can put every penny of membership fees and donations to good use in our work to ensure a bright future for mammals. 

A group of people smiling in a field with a wheelbarrow.
ARK (Action for the River Kennet) participants of a Harvest Mouse Survey, 2023.

The world has changed a lot in the last 70 years. Have the key purposes and goals of the charity evolved during this time to adapt to this changing world, or have they broadly remained the same? 

Conservation science is powerless without first being able to answer the questions ‘what to conserve?’ and ‘where to conserve?’; to do this we need to know, for each species, how large the population is, where it is (and was) distributed, and its status, threats and requirements. This science is exactly what The Mammal Society has been promoting since its inception, seeking to ensure that whatever the approach needed, it is undertaken in the right way – informed by science and data. 

This central remit has certainly not changed. However, the role of The Mammal Society in the conservation sector was a hot topic of discussion in the first few decades. In 1963, a resolution was passed at a meeting that the Society should be ‘a scientific body to which those in authority can turn for factual information about mammals and mammal biology’, upon which to base a judgement of the conflicting claims of different champions. To be accepted as such a body, the Society should not itself become involved in any way with […] controversial matters. In other words, The Mammal Society should gather and present scientific facts but not campaign for any particular action to be taken. This perspective shifted within ten years, with members wanting the Society to be prepared to call for action where it was scientifically justified. Nowadays we certainly consider ourselves to have a key role not only in establishing scientific evidence, but also in ensuring it is seen, understood and acted upon to bring positive outcomes for mammals. Communicating the science and advocating for its application are as important as the science itself if we want change. 

The other facet of our work that has become more important in recent years is communicating the importance and wonder of mammals to public audiences, in order to build public support for mammal conservation and encourage more engagement with life sciences – especially among younger people and communities currently under-represented in conservation. This objective is part of our remit to strengthen and energise the conservation sector. For example, our annual Mammal Photographer of the Year competition allows us to spotlight photographers who have captured beautiful and surprising images of mammals in the wild and inspire others to share in their wonder and excitement at spotting our elusive wild neighbours going about their everyday lives.  

In 1995, The Mammal Society entered a new phase when it established a network of local groups that could monitor the state of mammals in their area and respond to local issues while playing a key role in contributing to a better national picture of mammal populations. Through this process of evolution, The Mammal Society moved from connecting amateurs to professionals in mammal conservation, to providing anyone concerned about the decline of mammals with ways to get involved and directly help tackle the key issues. 

Some of these original groups are still going strong, and others have joined in the nearly 30 years since then. Led by volunteers, these groups provide opportunities for nature-lovers from all walks of life in their community to support citizen science activities that provide essential data and insight to inform mammal research, conservation practice and landscape management policy. 

Now we have more than 30 local mammal groups in the network, and their contribution to projects such as the Mammal Atlas, the Harvest Mouse Survey and many other projects cannot be under-estimated – as well as the profound impact many have had on mammal populations locally through their targeted efforts. The Mammal Society have sought to guide and support these groups over the years, but we feel there is much more we could do. 

Our new Local Mammal Groups Strategy (reflected in our new Local Groups Handbook) sets out how we intend to invest in growing, strengthening and diversifying the community of local mammal champions that participate in mammal conservation at the grassroots level through the local groups network. 

Red squirrel peeking out from behind a Silver Birch tree on the right and directly looking at a Bumblebee flying towards the tree.
The Squirrel and the Bee. Image by Garry Watson, winner of the Mammal Photographer of the Year competition, 2024.

Biodiversity loss and the climate crisis are key issues for everyone involved in conservation at present. What are your main goals for the coming years and decades?

Seventy years on, the challenges that need to be overcome to ensure a bright future for wildlife and people are just as daunting. This means that over the decades to come, our role as convener and mobiliser in the world of mammal conservation will be more important than ever. There is no doubt that reversing the loss of nature will require work from everyone, and the more joined-up those efforts are, the more positive the impact for wildlife and people. 

As we move into our eighth decade, we continue to do everything we can to foster collaboration and inclusion in mammal conservation. We aim to bring the scientific insight and expertise of our committees, members, council and staff to strengthen and support any initiatives that can help address the threats faced by our native mammals. As an active member of Wildlife & Countryside Link, we are already adding our voice to those of varied stakeholders across the nature sector to call for urgent action to address issues and redress shortcomings in policy and practice. Via European Mammal Conservation Europe, we have strengthened joint challenges on issues such as the protected status of wolves in the EU. We are active contributors to the RSPB-led UK State of Nature Report, and members of coalitions and steering groups on various species recovery strategies. We continue to engage with government to ensure that policy and priorities are informed by science. 

Our commitment to ensuring that everyone understands the importance of mammals, and can play a role in monitoring and protecting mammals, is reflected in our reinvigorated approach to supporting local groups – including an equipment loan scheme, free training for local groups, and an ambitious plan to see at least three new groups in currently under-represented urban areas by 2025. Alongside this our new school programme launches this year, creating opportunities for young people to explore and support mammals, and prioritising schools in areas of deprivation and serving communities under-represented in conservation. 


A group of children sat at a school desk dissecting owl pellets.
Owl pellet dissection as part of the new school programme.

Seventy years as a successful charity is an incredible achievement, not to mention the research, support and training you have undertaken and provided during this time. How are you marking and celebrating this important milestone? 

We’re spending 2024 looking back, and looking forward. We want to celebrate what’s been achieved over the past 70 years but also to take the opportunity to look at the challenges ahead and how we can all play a role in meeting them. 

To help us highlight this significant milestone, talented illustrator Silvie Tonellotto has designed our beautiful 70th anniversary badge, which will feature on communications throughout 2024. You can see more of her work on Instagram (@silvietonelottodesigns). 

An illustrated dormouse sat inside the number 70.
The 70th anniversary badge, designed by Silvie Tonellotto.

One of the key things we are focusing on is celebrating the people whose actions are key to ensuring a bright future for mammals, and especially to show the rich diversity of people and variety of roles people can play in supporting mammal conservation. We have therefore marked this 70th year with the launch of a new awards scheme – Mammal Champions. NHBS generously supported the prizes for the 2024 awards, and we’re delighted to have been able to shine a spotlight on some incredible volunteers, campaigners and thought leaders. 

National Mammal Week (celebrated in the autumn in previous years, but now moving to a new home in the spring) is 22nd to 28th April 2024. We’ll be celebrating the wonderful individuals shortlisted for Mammal Champions Awards, while also providing loads of opportunities for anyone in Britain and Ireland to find ways to become mammal champions in their own lives and communities. 

Learn more and get involved through The Mammal Society website.