The NHBS Guide to Swift Nest Boxes

Alongside House Martins and Swallows, Swifts are losing suitable nesting habitat at an alarming rate. Through changes to roof design and structure, nesting sites are becoming increasingly rare. This has contributed to the widespread decline of this species which has seen them added to the UK Red list.  

Swifts return to Britain and Ireland from April, following a lengthy flight from Africa. Before leaving in August, Swifts must mate, lay and incubate their eggs. Nest boxes provide Swift colonies with the perfect site to raise their young – boxes should ideally have a large internal cavity with an elongated entrance hole, either at the bottom or downward facing. Swift nest boxes should be placed under the eaves of a building, on walls at least five metres in height. Since these birds nest in colonies, multiple nest boxes or boxes on neighboring houses are ideal for attracting more Swifts.  

Here, we look at a selection of nest boxes suitable for Swifts, highlighting the benefits of each design.  

Key materials 

Wooden nest boxes are preferred by many. This lightweight material is breathable and provides excellent insulation for nesting birds, helping to protect them from temperature extremes between seasons. Typically used for external boxes, harder wood types provide a fair level of robustness and longevity when at least 15mm thick and help to prevent predator access to the nest.  The main drawback of wooden nests is the maintenance they require – they should be monitored to ensure the wood remains in good condition, and care taken in choosing wood treatments as many can be harmful to nesting birds. 

WoodStone and Woodcrete are almost identical in composition, but Woodcrete is a patented material by Durisol. The material is made from a blend of wood and concrete to produce long-lasting, very durable boxes which can last for decades. It has good insulative properties and creates a thermally stable environment inside the box to shelter inhabitants from extreme temperatures. This material is offered for both built-in and mounted nest boxes but is more often used for built-in boxes due to its weight, which is heavier than wood or eco-plastic. WoodStone is typically more expensive than other materials and requires thoughtful design to improve ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture in the nest.  

Certain components of a bird box may be made with eco-, or regular, plastic. A low-cost option, plastic is more lightweight than Woodcrete, and provides more longevity than wood. This weather resistant material is easy to maintain and is often sourced from recycled plastics. Nest boxes featuring eco-plastic require careful design to mitigate issues with insulation and ventilation. This material is, however, less durable and provides little resistance to predators or extreme temperatures. 


Our Suggestions: 

Built in Swift Nest Boxes

Woodcrete/woodstone Swift Nest Boxes

PRO UK Rendered Build-in Swift Box

This built-in box provides Swifts with a thermally stable, secure nesting space. Woodstone is a durable, long-lasting material that is perfect for new builds. Because it is constructed to standard brick dimensions, this nest box can be rendered over to better blend into constructed walls.  


Pino Build-in Swift Box

This box provides nesting birds with ample nesting space in a single internal cavity. Woodstone material improves the thermal stability and longevity of the box, while maintaining breathability. This build-in box is also suitable for sparrows, Starlings and other small urban birds. 


Wooden Swift Nest Boxes

Soffit and Fascia Swift Box

 This built-in box from Unitura is designed to be mounted in eaves and soffits and features a sloped nesting board to allow for mounting at multiple angles. The box has one wood-concrete entrance for extra durability, and a durable plywood box for longevity. This nest box has two nesting bowls to encourage colony nesting. 


Concrete/Brick Swift Nest Boxes

Ibstock Eco-habitat for Swifts

Designed to be incorporated into new builds or renovated properties, this Swift brick comes in three colours to ensure discreet placement. Constructed from brick, this box will be durable and will last for many years. 


Swift Box – Smooth Brick

Made with insulating concrete, this nesting box provides a long-lasting, discrete, internal nesting space for Swifts. It can last for decades in the right environment. This box can also be bought unfaced, allowing it to be rendered to match the building’s aesthetics.  



Woodcrete/woodstone Swift Nest Boxes

Vivara Pro Woodstone Swift Nest Box

This robust nest box is constructed entirely of woodstone, ensuring a long-lasting, enduring design and thermal stability throughout the year. A rear entrance provides easy access for cleaning, and a downward facing entrance hole discourages other small garden birds from occupying the nesting space.  


Unitura External Swift Box

This nest box has a single cavity for nesting Swifts and an elongated entrance hole. The woodconcrete material ensures a climactically stable, long-lasting environment for generations of Swifts and a sloped roof ensures adequate drainage.  


Wooden Swift Nest Boxes

FSC Wooden Swift Box

This robust nest box provides a single compartment for nesting Swifts, with excellent insulation for stability in extreme temperatures. An oval entrance hole and sloping roofs help to exclude Starlings and encourage Swift settlement. Designed to be placed under eaves, the mounting plates and openings are on the sides to allow close-fitting insulation.  


Under-eaves Swift Box

Available with left and right-hand side entrances, this box provides nesting Swifts with an underside entrance and landing ramp for easy access. The wood construction is naturally fungal and insect repellent and provides nesting birds with a well-insulated, stable environment.  


Kiki Bat and Swift Hybrid Box

A hybrid box designed to house both Swifts and bats, the Kiki nesting box provides a thermally-resistant environment suitable for both groups. The compartment that is allocated for Swift nesting has a forward-facing entrance. The durable, long-lasting design can have a lifespan up to 25 years. 


Alternative Swift Nest Boxes

Habi-Sabi Double Swift Box

Constructed with an upcycled material made from recycled waste insulation, this double-chambered swift box is 100% resistant to moisture and has a long lifespan of up to 25 years. It is lightweight and simple to construct, making it a worthy addition to an existing structure. The excellent thermal properties, and downward-facing entrance, make this an attractive nesting choice for visiting Swifts.  


Manthorpe Swift Brick

An unobtrusive nest box, the Manthorpe Swift Brick provides nesting birds with a long-lasting, secure nesting site. This nest box is designed to sit inside the insulation cavity of a building, helping to create a thermally stable environment. This brick is available in six colours to blend into existing brickwork. 


Accessories for Swift Nest Boxes

Schwegler Swift Nest Mould 

Designed to be incorporated into Swift nest boxes or existing cavities, this nest mould provides an appealing base to encourage Swift nesting 


Schwegler Droppings Board

This droppings board prevents the accumulation of droppings from Swift nest boxes around windows and doors. It can be easily assembled and installed using screws and is suitable for use beneath any nest box.


For more information on bird boxes and how to choose them, find our Buyers Guides here. 

The NHBS Guide: House Martin and Swallow Nest Boxes

Modern infrastructure has come with a host of changes to roof design, which have impacted the availability of suitable nesting sites for a number of avian species. House Martins and Swallows have been particularly affected by these changes, and we can encourage their colonisation, nesting and breeding through the provision of artificial habitats. 

These birds live in colonies of around five nests constructed using spring mud, but in drier springs this can be in short supply. Gathering building materials also requires significant energy expenditure for breeding birds, removing energy available for roosting and raising young. Nest boxes provide a ready–made habitat suitable for nesting without spring mud availability. 

Swallows and House Martins require a cup or bowl-shaped nest, with a small, narrow entrance and are generally made of Woodcrete/WoodStone or hard wood. They are typically placed under the external eaves of a building to mimic natural nesting locations and are best placed on a sheltered side at a minimum height of 2m above the ground. Due to their natural nesting habits, House Martin and Swallow nests are designed to be wall mounted. These birds are highly sociable and prefer to nest in colonies, so consider mounting multiple nests to further support natural behaviour. 

Here we look at a selection of nest boxes suitable for House Martins and Swallows, highlighting the benefits of each design.  

Key materials 

Wooden nest boxes are preferred by many. This lightweight material is breathable and provides excellent insulation for nesting birds, helping to protect them from temperature extremes between seasons. Typically used for external boxes, harder wood types provide a fair level of robustness and longevity when at least 15mm thick and help to prevent predator access to the nest.  The main drawback of wooden nests is the maintenance they require – they should be monitored to ensure the wood remains in good condition, and care taken in choosing wood treatments as many can be harmful to nesting birds. 

WoodStone and Woodcrete are almost identical in composition, but Woodcrete is a patented material by Durisol. The material is made from a blend of wood and concrete to produce long-lasting, very durable boxes which can last for decades. It has good insulative properties and creates a stable environment inside the box to shelter inhabitants from extreme temperatures. This material is offered for both built-in and mounted nest boxes but is more often used for built-in boxes due to its weight, which is heavier than wood or eco-plastic. WoodStone is typically more expensive than other materials and requires thoughtful design to improve ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture in the nest.  

Certain components of a bird box may be made with eco-, or regular, plastic. A low-cost option, plastic is more lightweight than Woodcrete, and provides more longevity than wood. This weather resistant material is easy to maintain and is often sourced from recycled plastics. Nest boxes featuring eco-plastic require careful design to mitigate issues with insulation and ventilation. This material is, however, less durable and provides little resistance to predators. 


Our Suggestions: 

External House Martin Nest Boxes

Woodcrete/Woodstone House Martin Nest Boxes

Manuel House Martin Nest Bowl 

The nest bowl is made from wood concrete, ensuring long-lasting durability and a stable interior climate. The chipboard backing ensures easy, lightweight installation.  


House Martin Nests 

A WoodStone nesting box that ensures breathability, durability and temperature stability for nesting House Martins. The exterior grade plywood backing is lightweight making it easy to install, and is hard-wearing to ensure a long-lasting product.  


Vivara Pro WoodStone House Martin Nest 

Made with WoodStone, a mixture of FSC certified wood fibres and concrete, this House Martin nest features excellent durability and thermal properties to ensure temperature stability for nesting birds. The backing is also made with WoodStone to increase the durability of the overall unit. Double nest options are also available.  


No. 13 Schwegler Modular House Martin Nest 

Constructed with Woodcrete, nesting birds will benefit from air permeability and weatherproofing with a low maintenance, long-lasting design. This nest cup is uniquely mounted on a durable backing plate and rails to simplify the installation and cleaning process. Also available in a semi-finished format, allowing House Martins to complete the nest themselves which encourages natural building behaviours.  


Alternative House Martin Nest Boxes

Ceramic House Martin Bowl 

A ceramic nest bowl mounted on a wooden backing plate. Ceramics provide a breathable nesting area with good thermal properties, whilst providing a plastic-free habitat for breeding birds.  


Eco House Martin Nest 

The nest cup is made from a resin-concrete mixture, mounted onto a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) backing plate made from recycled plastic waste. A plastic roof and cup drainage holes ensure a dry nest throughout the season.  


Wooden House Martin Cup 

Made of a mixture of sawdust and cornstarch, this 3D printed nesting cup is fully biodegradable. The result is a durable, weather resistant habitat that is breathable, with adequate insulation for nesting birds. 


Accessories for House Martin Nest Boxes

 Schwegler Droppings Board for House Martin & Swallow Nests 

This droppings board prevents the accumulation of droppings from Swallow and House Martin nest bowls around windows and doors. It can be quickly and easily assembled and installed using screws and is suitable for use beneath any House Martin or Swallow nest box.  


For more information on bird boxes and how to choose them, find our Buyers Guides here. 

Author interview with Gabriel Hartmann: Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds, Volume 1: Introduction

This book (or rather book series, since it will be more than just one book) has been an incredibly long time in the making, and the sheer scale of the project alone makes it a huge achievement. What were the main challenges you came across and how were they overcome? 

Our project began in 1998 when the French publisher Delachaux et Niestlé requested us to create a new feather identification guide based on colour photos. The illustrations of feathers in our Atlas are arranged according to a unique, recognisable pattern on a standardised grey background, each of them depicting the feathers of an individual bird, which allows readers to grasp the essence of different feather types at a glance. We use a method of directly scanning feathers on a flatbed scanner that was developed at the University of Amsterdam. But printing costs were prohibitive. Print-on-demand technology made it possible to produce smaller, more affordable print runs. We used this technology to produce our first collective work of the Feather Research Group titled The Tail Feathers of the Birds of Central Europe. We also produced two feather calendars with a series of colour plates that were composed for our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds as a test run to see how the colours came out in print.     

In 2009, after 10 years of intense work, we produced a DVD with 1,280 colour plates featuring illustrations of feathers for 330 Passerine species. This compilation from many sources resulted in a wave of interest in our project. Meanwhile, the number of Passerine species for which colour plates were ready had nearly doubled to more than 600 species. We decided to publish our collective work under the name The Featherguide rather than any individual names. In this way, everyone in our group can identify with this eponym and no one needs to feel that anyone is adorning themselves with borrowed plumes.  

Hansen Feather Template.
Hansen Feather Template.

The most time-consuming aspect of our work is the composition of feather images for bird species that are not found in any feather collections. Thanks to the kind support of the Feather Identification Laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution, and generous curators at Natural History Museums, it was possible to develop a technique that allows us to extract depictions of isolated feathers from photographs of bird skins. The missing part of the feather that remains in the skin is digitally added in a seamless way. A single colour plate produced in this way from many different puzzle pieces takes up to one week. With 1,350 bird species to be covered in our Atlas and our goal of illustrating all important plumages, you can imagine how many months and years this adds up to. We thank readers for their patience and interest.  

Our project has inspired a number of off-shoots that will be welcome by most readers. For example, the French feather identification book by Cloé Fraigneau, which is now available  under the title An Identification Guide to the Feathers of Western European Birds, emerged from the initial planning sessions we had with the director of Delachaux et Niestlé. The series of books on feather identification by Professor Hans-Heiner Bergmann was inspired by our flyer distributed at the International Ornithological Congress in 2006. A book titled Feathers: Displays of Brilliant Plumage by worldrenowned photographer Robert Clark features several photographs of original feather sheets that were mounted for our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds, each depicted on a full double page. Even Audubon Magazine featured a series of photographs of original feather sheets from our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds. The Feather Atlas for North American Birds, published online by the Forensics Laboratory of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was inspired by our original project description in the Conference Proceedings of the International Bird Strike Committee. The Featherbase website, which gets several million visitors per year, adopted the same grey background colour that we had chosen for our illustrations and also adopted the idea of depicting wing and tail diagrams in the way that we presented in our original project description.

Group photograph of the Feather Research Group in 2016.
Group photograph of the Feather Research Group in 2016 © Jessica Louise Wright.

The study of feathers has an obvious application for species identification, particularly when dealing with bird remains. But can a study of feathers also provide us with an insight into bird evolution and taxonomy, or indeed other areas of research? 

Yes, indeed, much can be learned on these topics through the study of feathers. Subtle variations in the phenotype constitute the raw material for natural selection to act upon. Through the study of feathers, we can gain a deeper understanding of evolution. The high amount of phenotypic plasticity in bird wings is a clear example of evolution in progress. Many species exhibit subtle fluctuations in the extent and depth of emarginations on their primaries, resulting in different numbers of slots in their wings between different individuals. Another area of phenotypic plasticity is unusual variations in the number of flight-feathers. Our Feather Research Group compiled a large body of such variations from scientific literature and from our own research. 

While feathers were not unique to birds, emarginations are. Birds as we know them today are thought to have evolved from Mesozoic stem birds that coexisted with feathered dinosaurs. The only line that survived the cataclysmic event on Yucatan 66 million years ago evolved emarginations in their wings. If we consider birds as a class of their own, then the feature that distinguishes birds from feathered dinosaurs is the presence of emarginations. The evolution of emarginations can bring clarity into today’s scientific discussion on the origin of birds, which largely portrays birds as living dinosaurs, thereby blurring the line between reptiles and birds. Emarginations make birds unique. Neither bats nor insects nor pterosaurs have emarginations in their wings. Not all bird families living today have emarginations in their wings, giving rise to the question whether these bird families never evolved emarginations or whether their emarginations disappeared during the course of evolution. Emarginations can be lost either through the evolution of very narrow, pointed wings or through devolution into flightlessness. 

Whether our findings have any relevance for taxonomy is up to taxonomists to decide. In the past, taxonomy was entirely based on phenotype, while today it is largely based on  genotype. Phenotypic variations do not play a significant role in current taxonomy, unless one is interested in the possible inheritance of epigenetic switches that regulate the expression of the genotype into the phenotype. For example, it is not clear whether the fine-tuning of the gradient in retinoic acid that is linked to two genes on the sixth and eighth chromosomes (and is responsible for the regulation of the vane width of feathers) was already inherent in the genome of Mesozoic stem birds and was activated through one of these epigenetic switches, giving rise to emarginations in modern birds. This question may be possible to answer by looking at the genome of bird families that appear to have never evolved emarginations so far, such as rails. 

Close up of an orange feather.
Feather by Quinn Dombrowski, via flickr.

Who do you think these books will appeal to and who will benefit from such a comprehensive and high-quality atlas? 

Anyone who visits the Featherbase website and finds the scans of feathers depicted there to be useful or interesting will also benefit from our work. If only 1% of the millions of visitors to this website see any value of having a printed Atlas with feather images of similar or even higher quality, this will make our  Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds worthwhile.  

Many of the scans shown on the Featherbase website are from the collection of Dr. Wolf-Dieter Busching, the former director of the Naumann Museum in Köthen, Germany, who built up the largest scientific feather collection in the world, comprising feathers of around 2,500 bird species. During the time of the former communist regime in East Germany, it was difficult for Dr. Busching to obtain paper of a consistent colour for mounting the feathers in his collection. Therefore, his feather specimens are mounted on paper of many different colours, sometimes blue, sometimes red, sometimes yellow. Since the vanes of feathers are semi-transparent, the colour of the paper they are mounted on influences the colour of the feathers. In addition, the feathers in Dr. Busching’s collection often overlap each other, thereby hiding parts of the neighbouring feathers. In our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds, we show all feathers on the same standardised grey background and without overlap. In this way, each feather is fully visible and the colours of the feathers can be reliably compared.  

Of course, the production of a series of books with high-quality colour plates is more expensive than running a website. The cost of such a series in printed form will limit the number of potential buyers compared to the number of visitors to the Featherbase website. We will keep the cost as low as possible to maximise the  number of people able to afford our series in printed form.  

Close up of black and white rooster feathers.
Rooster feathers by Ruth Hartnup, via flickr.


The first volume in the series provides readers with a global overview of feather characteristics. Were there any particularly surprising data or revelations that resulted from compiling such a comprehensive collection? 

There were several surprises indeed. Two of the most peculiar discoveries, or rather rediscoveries, were made in the families Tityridae (tityras, becards and allies) and in the family Trochilidae (hummingbirds). In the families Tityridae, two genera, Tityra and Pachyramphus, have a small, crippled primary number 9 in between normally-sized neighbours in the wings of adult males, while females and juveniles have normally formed wings. The function of the reduced-sized P9  may be related to sound production (sonation) during the display of adult males, but so far, we could not find any references in the scientific literature that would substantiate such an assumption. Amazingly, this peculiar phenomenon had even escaped the attention of Dr. Wolf-Dieter Busching, who devoted his entire life to the study of feathers, and none of our other collaborators in the Feather Research Group noted this phenomenon. 

There are currently three mounted feather specimens of adult males of these two genera on the internet, one of them from the collection of Dr. Busching and two from other feather collections. In each of these three feather collections, the reduced-size P9 was mistakenly glued in front of P10 rather than in its correct position between P8 and P10, indicating that the respective feather researchers had no clue where this feather belongs and seem to have misjudged it to be a reduced outer primary, as is found in many passerines. However, when we consulted an older publication on feathers from 136 years ago, it turns out that this odd, reduced-size feather was already noted by Hans Gadow in 1888, at least in the genus Tityra, while its presence in the genus Pachyramphus seems to have escaped his attention, too.  

The second peculiar discovery in the family of hummingbirds concerns the presence of emarginations at the tips of the outer primaries in males of 22 species from five genera. Most of us in the Feather Research Group had assumed by default that none of the hummingbird species have any emarginations, based on our experience with the many species for which we had examined feathers. The great majority of the 377 extant hummingbird species do not have any emarginations, as in the related family of swifts. So, it would have been easy to miss these exceptional few species if the effort had not been made to look at every single hummingbird species based on photographs of live birds. Again, the fact that only males of these exceptional species have emarginations, while females are missing them, leads to the assumption that these emarginations have something to do with the display flight of males. In this case, there is indeed a scientific paper dating back to 1983, which confirms this assumption for just one of the 22 hummingbird species in which males have emarginations. The only feather experts who knew about this study are Professor Lukas Jenni and Dr. Raffael Winkler from Switzerland. The authors of this study found that males create noises with their emarginated primaries and that these noises are used to protect nectar resources. Filling the slot between emarginated primaries with a glue film or clipping the distal 2–3 mm of these primaries caused males to sing more to protect their territories. We can deduce that the other hummingbird species in which males have emarginations use them in a similar way to produce sound. There is, however, a sixth genus of hummingbird in which males have inverse emarginations at the base of the primaries, not at their tips. This phenomenon of emarginations at the feather bases instead of at their tips does not make any aerodynamic sense, so it is likely that these inverse emarginations have some type of ornamental function in males.  

These two discoveries, or rather rediscoveries, in the families Tityridae and Trochilidae teach us to remain open and not adhere to preconceived ideas. They also teach us to consult old literature that may have been forgotten or considered outdated.  

Hansen Feather Template.
Hansen Feather Template.

The first volume will initially be published in black and white to make it affordable to as many people as possible. The online database of feathers is also available to everyone in the hopes that citizen scientists and members of the public will help to verify and correct the results. Given that birdwatching is such a popular pastime, do you think that there is a large body of untapped knowledge within the birding public? 

There definitely is a large body of untapped knowledge within everyone, not only within the birding community. The key is to allow everyone to express their inner potential themselves. We are in favour of encouraging birders to publish their own data under their own names. Professor Peter Finke, who advises our Feather Research Group, calls this approach of empowering citizens to publish their own data Citizen Science Proper. What has been prevalent so far is Citizen Science Light, in which so-called experts scoop off the knowledge of the public and make a name for themselves with borrowed plumes, so to speak. Professor Finke published a book titled Citizen Science: The Underestimated Knowledge of Laymen (, which answers this question in much greater depth, giving many examples for birdwatchers in particular.  

With regards to the global survey of emarginations in all bird species of the world, that became possible on the basis of photographs of live birds, which citizen scientists generously share on the internet. Our approach of opening our research findings on the number of emarginations in all bird species of the world by listing the internet links of the original photos that were used for this study is a way of thanking  these many thousands of photographers. They all deserve to be mentioned as co-authors of our study. By sharing our findings and providing the original links to the photos that were used, we offer these photographers a way to give us their feedback on what we discovered thanks to their generosity. Anyone else who likes to share their observations on the photographs of live birds and scans of feathers that were used for our study is also welcome. We greatly value this interaction with birdwatchers and the general public. 

close up of grey and brown feathers,
Photo by Tina Hartung, via unsplash.


How many volumes will the series eventually comprise, and do you know when they are due to be published? 

After our last meeting in 2016, the World Feather Atlas Foundation purchased ten large scanners for our Feather Research Group. Five of these scanners went to the Featherbase team to support their endeavour of creating a World Feather Atlas. The remaining five were given to other collaborators in our group. The Featherbase team adopted the same grey background for newly mounted feather specimens as we adopted in 1998 for our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds. This unified the backgrounds on all scans,  creating the basis for a potential cooperation to speed up the work on our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds 

The production of colour plates for the passerines took 24 years because they were all produced by only one person. If the work on the colour plates for the non-passerines is divided up by the holders of these ten scanners, it will be possible to produce the remaining colour plates more quickly. At the same time, the holders of these scanners can use them for their own projects.  

Most important to us is to respect the copyrights of everyone who produces scans of feathers. Any contributions to our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds must be based on mutual respect for everyone’s free will. Those who contribute scans of feathers are treated at an equal level to those who contribute text. In the past, illustrators of bird guides were often underappreciated compared to the authors. All too often, illustrators were not even mentioned on the book cover. We feel that this relationship between illustrators and authors needs to be amended. Illustrators deserve to be cited alongside authors. In our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds, the work of those who produce scans of feathers is even more important than those who write the texts, because the texts can only be written on the basis of these scans. 

The Full Edition of our Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds will comprise a total of ten volumes including the introductory volume. Each of the subsequent nine volumes will cover about 150 bird species, adding up to a total of about 1,350 bird species. The Concise Edition will consist of two volumes. . The most precious thing we have to offer are the large-size colour plates in the full edition. The illustrations of feathers in the Concise Edition will be a cut-down version of the original colour plates and considerably smaller.


Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds book cover.

Atlas of Feathers for Western Palearctic Birds, Volume 1: Introduction is available to pre-order from our online bookstore.

Author Q&A with Rob Thomas: The Storm-petrels

In the latest work of the Poyser series, Rob Thomas brings us the definitive work on Europe’s storm-petrels. Meticulously researched by one of the world leading experts, this book follows European Storm-petrels, tracking their lives as they breed, migrate and overwinter. Rob shares the story of the group’s evolution, behaviour, ecology and adaptations, interspersed with charming personal anecdotes and observations.  

Portrait of Rob Thomas facing the camera

Rob Thomas has been working at Cardiff University for over 20 years. He is a senior lecturer in Zoology who specialises in bird behaviour and ecology, and has been studying storm-petrels since he was 16. His work has taken him to Wales, Scotland, Portugal and the Faroes, where he studies storm-petrel breeding behaviour and long-distance migration journeys. He is the co-director of Eco-explore Community Interest Company and is a trustee of the Initiative for Nature Conservation Cymru (INCC). 

We recently had the opportunity to chat with Rob about what inspired him to write a book on storm-petrels, his favourite storm-petrel facts and more.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to write a book about Storm-petrels? 

I’ve been birdwatching since I was a small boy – initially in the land-locked county of Breconshire in mid-Wales where I grew up, but as a teenager I started visiting the islands of west Wales and later Shetland, where I encountered storm-petrels for the first time. Since then, I have been fascinated by these remarkable little seabirds and the islands where they breed. Birdwatching led me into bird-ringing, and later into a career as a university researcher and lecturer, and storm-petrels have been the subject of much of my research and teaching work, including supervising various MSc and PhD projects on the behaviour, ecology and conservation of different storm-petrel species around the world. In recent years there has been an explosion of storm-petrel studies, partly due to advances in miniaturised tracking technology and the genetic methods that can be used to study storm-petrel diet and evolutionary relationships. Given the mass of new discoveries being made, together with renewed interest in the folklore, art and literature relating to storm-petrels, they became the natural subject for a new book about these truly remarkable seabirds.  

a small brown and white bird is skimming over the ocean water, with droplets falling from its feet
White-faced Storm-petrel (Pelagodroma marina). Image by Ed Dunens via Flickr

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing these species, and how do you think we can work to minimise the impacts of this challenge in the future?

Seabirds are among the most threatened groups of birds globally, and storm-petrels themselves are vulnerable to a wide range of threats, including various forms of pollution (e.g. plastics, oil and other chemical pollutants, as well as light pollution), overfishing, and the looming impacts of rapid climate and oceanographic changes. For storm-petrels, perhaps the greatest threat of all comes from the arrival of non-native predators on their breeding islands; rats and cats have caused the local extinction of storm-petrels on numerous islands, as well as the likely global extinction of one species, the Guadalupe Storm-petrel. Fortunately, this threat can very effectively be addressed by the eradication of non-native predators, and this is steadily being carried out on seabird islands around the world, including in the UK and British Overseas Territories such as South Georgia. This is one of the most dramatically – and immediately – effective methods for helping storm-petrels that we have in the conservation toolbox. 


There are often challenges with tagging storm-petrels due to their small stature. Are there any technological advances in surveying and research techniques that you would like to see employed and that would aid in tagging and monitoring them?

The miniaturisation of tracking technologies over recent years (geo-locators and GPS tags, as well as associated technologies such as accelerometers and depth-loggers) has led to a genuine revolution in our understanding of the behaviour and ecology of storm-petrels at sea. It is only in the last few years that GPS tags have become small enough to track birds as small as the smallest storm-petrels, including our own European Storm-petrel; the familiar species of the NE Atlantic (weighing approx. 25g), and we suddenly have a quite detailed understanding of where they go and what they do at sea. This tracking technology is now being deployed on some of the very rarest species (e.g. Monteiro’s storm-petrel of the Azores), to understand their conservation needs. One very exciting new development is the combination of tracking storm-petrels on their foraging trips at sea, with DNA analysis of the prey that storm-petrels deliver to their chicks, and remote-monitoring of behaviour in the nest burrow using miniaturised cameras and audio equipment – these can be used alongside more traditional methods, such as manual nest-checks and weighing of nestlings, to understand the factors on land and at sea that contribute to breeding success or failure. 

A small black bird in a hand
European Storm-petrel. Image by Rob Thomas

I really enjoyed learning that the oldest European Storm-petrel recorded was estimated to be 40 years old, an astonishing age for such a small seabird. Do you have a favourite piece of information you discovered throughout researching and writing this book?

Yes! I have many favourite storm-petrel facts, including my provisional top five:1) storm-petrel chicks can hibernate (i.e. strategically reduce their body temperature and become torpid across multiple days) in order to save energy between food deliveries by their parents; 2) storm-petrels have the largest eggs relative to their body size (approx. 25-30% of the mother’s body mass) of any birds; 3) we still don’t know how many storm-petrel species there really are (the 28 formally-described species in the book is definitely an underestimate); 4) the New Zealand Storm-petrel was thought to be extinct for 176 years, until it was re-discovered in 2003 and happily seems to be thriving; and 5) the name ‘petrel’ may not refer to the disciple Peter walking on the waters of the Sea of Galilee as has often been stated, but may actually be derived from a much older old word ‘pet’, meaning ‘to break wind’ (yes, I am easily amused). 


The world is currently facing a worrying decline in not only storm-petrel populations, but also many other seabird species worldwide. What would you say to people who might question the importance of safeguarding and conserving these animals 

Most people have never heard of storm-petrels, let alone seen one. But this does not mean that storm-petrels are unimportant – they are perhaps more important that even I (a self-identifying storm-petrel fanatic) had assumed. Species do not need to be useful to humans to be an important part of the ecosystem that they inhabit; they are ecologically important in their own right, whether we are aware of them or not. Furthermore, storm-petrels reveal to us many of the ways in which our own activities as humans are impacting the natural world. Even storm-petrels, among the wildest of creatures, breeding in some of the most remote parts of our planet, are badly affected by our pollution, our entourage of non-native pets, livestock and plants, and they are highly sensitive biological indicators to the ongoing climatic and oceanographic impacts of our activities that are changing the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. For all of these reasons, it is important that we understand and act on the things that storm-petrels can tell us, or we ignore these messages at our peril.  

two small brown-black birds are flying above the sea surface, they have their wings outstretched and a bar of white feathers at the base of their tail
Wilson’s Storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) Image by Ryan Mandelbaum via Flickr

Is there a species of storm-petrel that has so far eluded you, and which you would still love to see? 

Oh yes, there are many! I have personally encountered only six or seven of the 28 or so storm-petrel species that are currently available (depending on how species are counted). I am hoping to spend the rest of my life occasionally meeting new storm-petrel species; two of my most-longed-for are the White-vented Storm-petrel (probably the smallest seabird in the world), and the Matsudaira’s Storm-petrel (one of the least-known and most-endangered of the storm-petrel species). 


Finally, are you currently working on any other projects that you can tell us about?

Yes, an exciting new project involves working with local conservationists on the Faroe Islands (which host the largest colonies of European Storm-petrels) to understand the impacts (both positive and negative) of marine developments such as wind farms, fish farms and artificial lighting on these internationally important breeding colonies. Another very exciting new initiative is a collaborative project known as ‘Seaghosts’, led by Raül Ramos Garcia of the University of Barcelona in Spain, tracking the movements of different species of storm-petrels from breeding colonies across the North Atlantic, across their annual cycles. Seabirds ignore national boundaries, and such international collaborative projects are key to understanding threats and conservation solutions at a global scale. 


The front cover of storm petrels, shows a small brown and white bird swimming above water

Storm-petrels is published by Poyser Monographs and is available in harback and flexibound here.

How to Choose a Pair of Binoculars

A good pair of binoculars is an invaluable part of any field kit and they provide some of the most memorable wildlife encounters. There is an overwhelming array of sizes and specifications and it can be difficult to choose between them when purchasing a new pair. In this post we will provide a summary of some of the key features of a pair of binoculars, to help you find the best pair to accompany you on surveys, whilst travelling or when enjoying your local wildlife.

Once you have decided on your budget, there are a few key metrics that will help you decide which pair of binoculars will suit you best. With binoculars it really is worth paying as much as you can afford as the glass, lens coatings and specifications improve with every step up in price.


Binocular models generally have two numbers in their description. The first of these relates to the magnification. (For example, 8 x 42 binoculars will have a magnification of 8x). In general, binoculars have a magnification between 8x and 12x. As you would expect, the higher the magnification, the larger objects will appear when looking through them. As magnification increases, the field of view can be reduced and you will need to ensure that you have steady hands or use some kind of support.

Lens Diameter

Larger diameter lenses provide brighter images at dawn and dusk. Photo credit: Paulo Valdivieso –

The second number in the binocular model description (e.g. 8 x 42) refers to the diameter of the objective lens. Standard size binoculars tend to have objective lenses of 32mm to 42mm whilst lenses in compact binoculars usually measure 25mm. Larger lenses can dramatically improve low light performance and are particularly good for use at dusk or dawn. The trade-off is that larger lenses are heavier. The most popular size of binoculars for birdwatching was traditionally 8 x 42, but with advances in manufacture and lens performance, 8 x 32 binoculars now offer fantastic specifications in a more compact body.

Glass Type

The type and quality of glass have a huge impact on image quality. Image by Bicanski via Public Domain Images

The type of glass used to manufacture the lenses can vastly affect the quality of the image. Two types of glass to look out for are extra-low dispersion (ED) and fluoride (FL) glass. These reduce chromatic aberrations giving clearer and sharper colours and reduced colour “fringing”.


Fringing is the blurring that can occur between light and dark parts of an image. If your budget allows for an upgrade to ED glass binoculars, you will notice a distinct improvement in clarity compared to binoculars without ED glass. Affordable pairs of ED binoculars include the Hawke Optics Endurance ED and the Opticron Explorer ED.

Lens and Prism Coatings

The primary difference in performance and the brightness of images between different pairs of binoculars is often due to lens and prism coatings. Light is lost as it travels across every surface inside a pair of binoculars and the aim of a good pair of binoculars is to keep light transmission as high as possible between the objective and the ocular lens. Lens and prism coatings reduce the amount of light that is lost helping to produce a brighter and sharper image. Lenses that are multi-coated have multiple layers of lens coatings. High-quality binoculars are fully multi-coated which means that they have multiple layers of coating on all lens surfaces. Roof prism binoculars have a particular problem with “phase shift” where the polarisation angle of the prism causes the light passing through to be split into two slightly out of phase beams. This results in an image that has lower resolution and may look slightly blurred. Prism coatings correct this problem by forcing the split light back into phase. Look out for binoculars with Phase Correction (PC) prism coatings.

Dunlin (Calidris alpina). Photo credit: Ron Knight –
Key Comparison Metrics

Comparing some of the performance metrics of a pair of binoculars can help when deciding which pair would best suit your purposes. In particular, field of view will be useful if you are looking at large landscapes (e.g. whale or sea watching) and close focus is very important if you are looking at insects.

Field of View – The field of view is how wide an image can be seen at a specified distance (usually 1000m). A wide field of view is useful for large landscapes and for fast-moving animals. Models with a particularly wide field of view include all of the Kite Optics range, the Opticron Discovery, Traveller ED and Explorer ranges, the Bushnell Prime and Forge ranges and the Swarovski EL and SLC binoculars.

The Opticron Discovery range of binoculars has a fantastic field of view and great close focus.

Close Focus – The close focus is the minimum distance at which the binoculars are able to focus. People interested in viewing insects using their binoculars would be advised to choose a model with a small close focus distance. Models with particularly low close focus include the Opticron Discovery and Traveller ranges, the Swarovski EL and the Kite Lynx HD+ binoculars.

Weight – The weight of the binoculars is incredibly important, as it is likely that you will be carrying them around for long periods of time. Higher quality models of comparable specification will tend to be lighter than entry-level models, and those with larger objective lenses will weigh more than those with smaller ones. Binoculars that are particularly lightweight and excellent for travelling include the Opticron Traveller range and the Hawke Optics Nature-Trek and Endurance ranges.

Eye Relief – This is the maximum distance from the eyepiece lens that the eye can be positioned at which the full width of the image is visible without vignetting (darkening of the image around the edges). Longer eye relief is useful for those who wear glasses.

If you have any queries regarding binoculars then our Customer Services team and trained Wildlife Equipment Specialists would be delighted to assist on 01803 865913 or via email at

Recommended Models

Entry Level

Kite Ursus Binoculars
Ease of use and excellent build quality in conjunction with a wide field of view and high image quality make this model ideal for beginner binocular users.


Budget Friendly 

Yukon Sideview Compact Binoculars

Lightweight, robust and budget-friendly. These binoculars are ideal for fieldwork in almost any condition.


General Purpose

Bushnell POWERVIEW 2 Binoculars 

A high-power , budget option for birders and other outdoor enthusiasts. Light and comfortable with the option for tripod mounting.  



Black binoculars

Nikon Sportstar EX DCF Compact Binoculars Ultra-lightweight, pocket-sized and weatherproof. Don’t get caught out when away from home with these binoculars.



GPO Passion HD Binoculars
Multi-layer lens coating offers unbeatable image quality for the price, and a magnesium rubberised chassis creates a robust housing for the German-engineered optics.


Top of the Range

Swarovski NL Pure Binoculars
Enhanced optics offer the widest field of view with almost discernible edges all housed within a revolutionary ergonomic housing.


Specialist Models

Kite APC Binoculars 42

Powerful image-stabilising binoculars ideal for use in vehicles or other fast-moving situations.



Hawke Frontier LRF 8×42 

High-quality optics with an integrated laser range finder.  



Swarovski Axio

The expected Swarovski quality with integrated Artificial Intelligence identification features brings binoculars into the AI age.  



Hawke Endurance ED Marine Binoculars 

Ideal for marine surveys, these fully waterproof (IP67) binoculars come with an integrated compass and supplied floating neck strap. 



 Viking Swallow Smartphone Adapter

Two available smartphone adapter options allow users to take crisp and stable shots directly down the lens of their binoculars or spotting scope using most smart-phone cameras.


Banner image features Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus). Photo credit: Tony Hisgett –

Author interview with Ed Drewitt – Bird Pellets

Bird Pellets book cover showing a barn owl stood on a wooden fencepost with a mouse in its mouth, the title Bird Pellets in cream and images of 15 bird pellets below this.This is the first comprehensive guide to bird pellets showcasing a wide range of pellets produced by different species, including owls, hawks, waders and various garden birds. Author Ed Drewitt offers a methodical introduction to pellets, outlining what they are, how they’re formed, dissection methods, analysis and common findings, accompanied by an array of detailed illustrations and photographs. Bird Pellets provides a closer look at those produced by each species in turn and outlines how to identify the remains of small mammals, which can be an important tool for discovering what a bird feeds on, understanding dietary change over time and other aspects, making this an invaluable resource in ecology.

Image of author Ed Drewitt from the waist upwards wearing a grey waterproof coat stood in front of a hedge, holding a pair of binocularsEd Drewitt is a professional naturalist, wildlife detective and broadcaster for the BBC who specialises in the study of birds and marine mammals. He studied Zoology at the University of Bristol, before working at Bristol’s Museums, Galleries and Archives for numerous years. He is now a freelance learning consultant who runs bird identification courses, provides wildlife commentaries on excursions, writes for wildlife magazines and is involved in bird ringing studies. Ed is also the lead researcher in a study focusing on the diet of urban-dwelling peregrines in the UK and author of Urban Peregrines.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to write a book about bird pellets? 

I have been interested in wildlife, particularly birds, since I was six or seven. Back then I would love collecting feathers and skulls, and bird pellets. I remember being excited at finding a Sparrowhawk pluckingperch in the woods where I lived in Surrey and finding small pellets – packed full of small feathers – from the hawk. Much of my career has involved developing and delivering learning workshops and resources for school-aged students and my public engagement work involves communicating science in plain English. Therefore, I am well versed in writing a book that appeals to families, schools and researchers alike. For several years I worked part-time in the teaching laboratory for the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol. Each spring I would help oversee students dissecting several hundred Barn Owl pellets; I also arranged for a live owl and Kestrel to come in, to bring the practical ‘alive’. I have also been studying what urban-dwelling Peregrines eat (and am author of Urban Peregrines and Raptor Prey Remains) over the past 26 years. Therefore, I was in a brilliant and timely position to tap into my own pellet and bone collection, and source more material from others across the country and beyond, to write the ultimate bird pellet book!

A child stood at a table dissecting pellets with a pair of green tweezers.

Most people are aware that owls and raptors produce pellets, but are there any pellet-producing species that we’d be more surprised to hear about?

Absolutely – any bird that eats something that is indigestible and unable to pass through the intestines and out the other end, will produce a pellet. People are always surprised when I explain that even Robins and Blackbirds produce pellets, often made up of bits of woodlice and beetles. Interestingly though, two raptors, that you might expect to produce pellets do not: the Osprey and the Honey Buzzard. Both eat foods that either are digested or picked at, meaning harder parts, such as bones, are not swallowed.

I was interested to read in your introduction to the book that pellets can be used to study what birds were eating thousands or even millions of years ago. Are bird pellets generally well represented in the fossil record?

The brilliant thing about pellets is that, while their general structure may break down, their contents, for example, mammal and bird skulls, may accumulate in one area, even if they get buried over time. While some bits will slowly decay or move over time, others may remain in situ and intact. Palaeontologists and archaeologists often study how animals decay; it is known as taphonomy. It can also be applied to pellets. While complex, researchers can work out which species has produced a pellet and what happens to its contents with time. In turn, researchers can determine previous assemblages of prey species, such as small mammals, and how these have changed over time depending on environmental and ecological conditions. This type of study can also work out which species are more (or less) likely to be found in such accumulations and therefore how the fossil record may be biased towards particular prey species.

Close up of a Water Vole skull.

Many of us will be familiar with the technique of using the visual observation of bones and other remains in pellets to study what was in a bird’s diet. But are there more advanced laboratory methods that are now being used to study them in more detail? 

Yes, although I don’t think they are quite as fun or smelly! In essence, taking swabs from pellets can reveal the DNA of what has been eaten, including things that may not otherwise be detectable, although some of these items may have been eaten by the prey itself, if the DNA is intact enough. It can work the other way though; well digested food remains may mean the DNA of prey is undetectable or so degraded it cannot be assigned to a species or taxa, while traditional visual techniques may be able to confirm its identity.

Can pellets be useful for studying the presence of pollutants in the environment, such as plastics and microplastics? 

Absolutely, and this is not a new thing, although it is now more topical in the media. Some seabirds, such as terns and gulls, have been producing pellets with polystyrene particles going back to the 1970s. However, now we have a better idea of just how much plastic is in our environment, we are now looking for it more in the stomachs and pellets of birds. Dippers are a very good example. Small invertebrates, such as stonefly larvae, ingest microplastics. They are then eaten by Dippers and the plastics accumulate in the pellets they regurgitate. Of course, the cumulative health effects that ingesting plastic has on birds such as Dippers is difficult to ascertain. Even Barn Owl pellets may contain microplastics, ingested from the stomachs of small mammals they are eating.

Pellet produced by a Long-eared owl containing bones, hair and skin.

What is the most surprising or unusual thing you have found in a bird pellet to date?

Gull pellets are often the most interesting, mostly because of the litter they contain, from plastic particles and bags to condoms! On a more natural note, the most spectacular pellet I have found was on the Flannan Isles, a remote island west of the Isle of Lewis, Scotland. The pellet was from a Great Skua, and it contained a whole Leach’s Petrel, which also live on the island. The petrel had gone down into the stomach where it had been digested. It was then regurgitated as a pellet, pretty much as a whole bird including intact wings, just minus any flesh! Skuas and Great Black-backed Gulls will also do the same thing with young rabbits and Puffins. Pellets can also be useful for finding the rings of wild birds and discovering that a bird has eaten another bird with an interesting origin of ringing, such as Norway or Russia!

Finally, what’s keeping you occupied this summer, and do you have further books in the pipeline that we can look forward to?

During the summer I am busy taking people out to see wildlife, especially in the Forest of Dean, where I live. I especially love birdsong and helping others to hear it. I am also working with the RSPB on the Gwent Levels, doing some training courses on identifying saltmarsh plants and wildlife. My wife, Liz, and I have two children, aged four and seven, so we will also be busy keeping them occupied! They love the outdoors and enjoy seeing wildlife just like we do. I have some papers in the pipeline as I am halfway through a part-time PhD at the University of Bristol. My 26-year study of the diet of urban-dwelling peregrines has given me plenty of data to analyse and write into chapters for my PhD. 

Bird Pellets book cover showing a barn owl stood on a wooden fencepost with a mouse in its mouth, the title Bird Pellets in cream and images of 15 bird pellets below this.

Bird Pellets will be published by Pelagic Publishing and is available to pre-order from our online bookstore.

Wilder Sensing: An Interview with Geoff Carss

Wilder Sensing, founded in 2021, is bringing innovative techniques to conservation, providing additional insights into biodiversity. This promising tech start-up featured on Springwatch this Wednesday (12th June), showcasing the applications of this innovation. We had the opportunity to chat with Geoff Carss, CEO of Wilder Sensing, on the organisation, its role in conservation and the future of technology in the field.

Can you share with us why Wilder Sensing was founded and what the company is involved in? 

Wilder Sensing was founded to ensure that anyone can collect high-quality, long-term biodiversity data. There are many different ways of doing this, but we focus on sound. By recording 24/7 for weeks, or even months, you can build up a very rich picture of what is present in an environment. The technology we use is low-cost with limited bias, and it is easy to use, even for non-professionals. It’s not perfect, especially because we are focusing on birds at the moment. Not all birds make much noise – some make very subtle noises which we can’t pick up – but for most species it works well. 

Can you tell us about the capabilities of Wilder Sensing technology and the insights that it can provide for a given environment?

We work with our customers to agree on survey patterns and how many recorders should be deployed on each site. The customer uploads their audio files to our website, and once they have arrived, we automatically process them using machine learning. It takes us around 20 seconds to process an hour-long file, and we can process many in parallel. During this, the technology checks every three seconds to see if a sound has been detected – every sound gets a species match, and a probability is assigned. So, for instance, the technology will be 92% certain that it has detected a Robin. Through this, we can give a species richness assessment, which is a species list at the moment. Our technology is currently unable to tell us how many individuals there are in a given space – there could be one very noisy bird, or ten very quiet ones.   

However, bioacoustic surveying technology does not remove the need for ground truthing. It is still important to get the baseline. Ecologists will find species that we don’t pick up. And the converse is true as well. We can find 20-30% more species when combining acoustic and traditional surveys. We are also working on other approaches for the future, like triangulation, which could identify exactly where a sound is coming from. 

Over 45,000 records were species-matched in the Peruvian Amazon. Image by Wilder Sensing.Can you tell us about the current projects that you are involved in and the role that bioacoustics played in conservation?  

We’re involved with a whole raft of different projects. We are working with environmental consultancies, Wildlife Trusts and NGO’s using acoustic technology for long-term surveying. Wendling Beck in Norfolk is a site that we have been working on for around 18 months. We realised that Skylarks are using one small part of the site, but you don’t see this until you look at the data – when you are just walking around, you don’t make that connection. If you look at some species, you might think that you have a ubiquitous habitat, but when you start looking at the distribution of birds and their calls, you may find that there are many times more calls in one part of the site. If you were to redevelop an area, you would probably lose some species altogether, but going into a development project, knowing that’s a likely ecological consequence, is really important and that is why acoustic technology is so valuable. 

What is the future for AI in conservation? Where do you think its applications could take us over the coming years??

I think it has a lot to contribute. To get good, accurate data you need highly skilled ecologists, people that really understand bird sound – it takes years to build those skills. I think the role will change so that ecologists will get more involved in survey design and interpreting the data to understand the consequences of a project. It becomes much more evidence-based and more quantitative. We have some customers who deploy up to 20 recorders, and you can get a quarter of a million acoustic records on each device. With that amount of data, you can start to ask different questions and we can see all kinds of behaviours that we couldn’t see before.   

In the South-west, some farmland was purchased to develop into allotments and after digging, they found that Skylarks were nesting on-site. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) does not look at species, so a habitat survey would not record Skylarks in the area. If acoustic recorders had been deployed on site, ecologists would know they were present – so well-rounded data will also help developers plan better, mitigating issues from the onset of construction. The BNG survey was designed to be consistent and relatively easy to use, and species surveys could prove to be more difficult because of inconsistencies and methodologies etc. With AI we can move to a new level of understanding. If you just stick the recorder out, it is consistent in how it works and removes bias.

Over 4,000 calls were detected from Meadow Pipits at Wendling Beck. Image by Kev Chapman via Flickr.

For those interested in bioacoustics, it is worth noting that you will be holding webinars from July. What can we expect from these sessions?  

We have three sessions lined up. The first one is on 7th July and is about measuring nature using sound. It’ll dig into both how the technology works and how it compares against other methods, and hopefully we’ll have an open discussion around its strengths and weaknesses. The session is intended for people who are interested in the subject, and we will go through some examples. 

This will be followed by two in the autumn, which are more technical and are perhaps more suited to professional ecologists. These sessions will be touching on some of the technology behind Wilder Sensing and some of the ways it should and shouldn’t be used.

What is Wilder Sensing hoping to achieve over the next decade?  

I am hoping to move onto other taxa, the obvious ones being insects and bats. We would also like to look at triangulation as well – if we can triangulate how birds and bats are using a landscape, we can use this to help inform better environmental management. I think this data will be used with other environmental data in the future. People doing nature restoration or project planning need to understand the water quality, air quality, the climate etc. to get a better environmental outcome. And even forward-looking companies, we can look at their supply chain as well.

An acoustic sensor deployed at Honeygar Farm. Image by Wilder Sensing.

Increasingly the media are reporting on the quietening of British soundscapes, a symptom of the biodiversity and climate crisis we are facing. How do you think Wilder Sensing will adapt to an increasingly quiet environment? Will technology need to adapt to keep up?  

Wilder Sensing technology will quantify exactly what is happening in the biodiversity crisis. I have a copy of the iconic Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, which was published 60 years ago, and we haven’t learned from that. I think this type of technology will hold a mirror up to people to show exactly what is going on. I would love to get a good quality recording from 50 years ago, maybe two or three hours of dawn chorus in woodland, and go back to the same time of year in the same place (assuming it still exists) and compare it. Showing exactly that this is the difference in diversity.   

To find out more about the innovative work by Wilder Sensing, their blog features some interesting case studies on the applications of their technology and they are also active on LinkedIn. For more information on Wilder Sensing and their product, email   


The NHBS Guide to UK Finch Identification

Finches, in the family Fringillidae, are small to medium-sized birds, often having colourful plumage and short, triangular beaks, though this can vary depending on food preference. They’re found across the world, excluding Australia and the polar regions, and include more than 200 recorded species. The family Fringillidae is split into two subfamilies: Fringillinae and Carduelinae. In the UK, there are more than 15 finch species with breeding populations, along with several migrants and occasional visitors.

Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) 

A Hawfinch perched on a snapped twig in the centre of frame
Hawfinch by Luiz Lapa via Flickr.

Distribution: Mainly found in southern England, with populations in the north and south of Wales as well as southern Scotland. 

Habitat: Woodland, particularly forest canopies. 

Size: Length: 18cm, Wingspan: 31cm 

BoCC5 status: Red  

What to look for: This is the largest finch in the UK, with a large head and thick beak. They are mainly a rusty brown colour, with a darker brown back and wings. Their white undertail, tail tip and wing bars are easy to see in flight. Their head is a warmer orange-brown and they have a grey band around their neck. The black border to the base of their beak stretches down the front of their throat and towards the eye. The prominence of these features can vary between individuals, with females usually paler than males.  


Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) 

a male bullfinch with a bright red breast sitting on a branch
Male Bullfinch by F. C. Franklin via Flickr


Female Bullfinch by Luiz Lapa via Flickr
Female Bullfinch by Luiz Lapa via Flickr






Distribution: Widely distributed across Britain and Ireland. 

Habitat: Woodlands, orchards and hedgerows. 

Size:  Length: 14.5–16.5cm, Wingspan: 22–26cm 

BoCC5 status: Amber 

What to look for: A larger species of finch, the Bullfinch has a thick, black bill and distinct colouring. Males have a vibrant pink-orange breast, with a contrasting white rump, grey back, black cap and tail. Females are duller in colour, with a light reddish-brown breast and back.  


Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis

A goldfinch sat on a small branch
Goldfinch by Caroline Legg via Flickr

Distribution: Widespread throughout England and Wales, largely absent in upland areas such as northern Scotland 

Habitat: Urban greenspaces, heathland and commons with seeding plants such as thistles, farmland, wetlands and woodland.   

Size: Length: 12cm, Wingspan: 21–25.5cm 

BoCC5 status: Green 

What to look for: A recognisable and colourful finch, the Goldfinch has a bright red face with white cheeks and a black crown. Its golden-brown back is framed with black wing edges and yellow wing patches. Both males and females look alike.  


Greenfinch (Chloris chloris

Greenfinch on a tree branch
Greenfinch by Andy Morffew via Flickr

Distribution: Widespread, largely absent in upland areas such as northern Scotland 

Habitat: Urban greenspaces, heathland and commons with seeding plants such as thistles, farmland, wetlands and woodland.   

Size: Length: 15cm, Wingspan: 26cm 

BoCC5 status: Red 

What to look for: Adult Greenfinches are, as their name suggests, green, but their wings and tail are mostly grey with a bar of bright yellow. They have a grey patch on their cheeks and a pink bill and legs. They have two distinct calls: a long wheezing call and a more melodic call consisting of trills and fast whistles.  


Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs

Chaffinch standing on grass
Chaffinch by Sid Mosdell via Flickr

Distribution: Widespread. 

Habitat: Woodlands, hedgerows, urban greenspaces, farmland and heathland. 

Size: Length: 14.5cm, Wingspan: 24.5–28.5cm 

BoCC5 status: Green 

What to look for: One of the most common garden birds in the UK, the Chaffinch has a loud, distinctive song and colourful plumage. Males are memorable for their chestnut-orange breast and back, contrasted with a blue-grey crown and white shoulder patches. Females are less colourful, featuring a light brown breast and back.  


Linnet (Linaria cannabina

Linnet on a small branch
Linnet by Alan Shearman via Flickr

Distribution: Widespread in Britain and Ireland, absent from upland north Scotland.  

Habitat: Commons, heathland, farmland, saltmarshes and urban greenspaces. 

Size: Length: 13.5cm, Wingspan: 21–25.5cm 

BoCC4 status: Red 

What to look for: A smaller, slenderer finch, the Linnet is historically known for its melodic song. The male Linnet boasts a crimson forehead and chest, with a grey head and brown back. Females are paler in appearance and showcase the characteristic streaky brown hue of the species, though lacking reddish patches. Linnets may be found in large flocks during winter, often mixing with other seed-eating finches.  


Siskin (Carduelis spinus)  

Male Siskin on a pine branch
Male Siskin by Caroline Legg via Flickr  
Female Siskin on a broken piece of wood
Female Siskin by Caroline Legg via Flickr.

Distribution: Found across the UK, most abundant in Scotland and Wales.  

Habitat: Tree tops in coniferous and mixed woodland, urban greenspaces. 

Size:  Length: 12cm, Wingspan: 20–23cm 

BoCC5 status: Green  

What to look for: A streaky green finch with a narrow bill, the Siskin is a resident breeder in the UK. Males have a distinct black crown and chin, with yellow cheeks and breast, and yellow streaks on black wings. Less colourful, females are a dull yellow on the head and back, with a streaky breast and underside. Both have a forked tail. Often found gathered in groups over winter with other finches.   


Serin (Serinus serinus

Serin bird sitting on a small branch covered in lichen
Serin via RSPB

Distribution: An occasional visitor in southern England and the Channel Islands

Habitat: Coniferous woodland, farmland and urban greenspaces 

Size: Length: 11–12cm, Wingspan: 18–20cm 

BoCC5 status: Not assessed, former breeder 

What to look for: A small, brown streaky finch with a stubby bill. Males feature a vibrant buttercup-yellow head and breast, with brown patches on the crown and cheeks. Females are less eye-catching, browner in colour with soft yellow hues. Both males and females have a forked tail and yellow streaks on brown wings.  


Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus

Common Rosefinch breeding-male sitting on a branch
Common Rosefinch breeding male by Birds of Gilgit-Baltistan via Flickr
Common Rosefinch female by Imran Shah via Flickr

Distribution: A rare visitor, mainly observed in the northern Isles, east coast of Scotland and southern England. 

Habitat: Woodland, scrubland and urban greenspaces. 

Size: Length: 13.5–15cm 

BoCC5 status: Not assessed 

What to look for: Common Rosefinch are similar in size to a Chaffinch. Males have a striking scarlet head, breast and rump. The wings are a woody-brown, contrasted with a pale, whitish underside. Juveniles and adult female Common Rosefinch have a lightly streaked olive-brown plumage and a short beak. Juveniles are mostly observed in autumn during migration, and adult males may be seen in spring.  


Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) and Parrot Crossbill (Loxia pytyopsittacus

 Common Crossbill: 

Common Crossbil (male) by Ashley Wahlberg via Flickr
Red Crossbill (female) by Luiz Lapa via Flickr


Parrot Crossbill: Female (left) by Tero Laakso via Flickr, Male (right) by Alan Shearman via Flickr 

Parrot Crossbill (female) by Nina Laakso via Flickr


Red Crossbill (male) by Ashley Wahlberg via Flickr

Distribution: Common Crossbill: widespread throughout Britain and Ireland. Parrot Crossbill: rare resident in Caledonian pinewoods of north-eastern Scotland. 

Habitat: Coniferous woodland. 

Size: Common Crossbill: Length: 16cm, Wingspan: 29cm. Parrot Crossbill: Length: 16–18cm, Wingspan: 30–34cm 

BoCC5 status: Common Crossbill: Green, Parrot Crossbill: Amber 

What to look for: Common Crossbill: Named for their distinctive crossed beak, the Common Crossbill is a large finch with a forked tail and colourful plumage. Showcasing a vibrant, brick-red head, breast and underside, a male Common Crossbill is easily distinguished from its female counterpart. Instead of the characteristic vibrant plumage, females have an olive-green colour on the head, breast and belly, with a yellow rump and grey wings. Juveniles have a grey-brown streaky appearance. Parrot Crossbill: A slightly larger species, with a deeper, heavier bill, the Parrot Crossbill is difficult to distinguish from their common cousins. Males feature a similar, orange-red head and breast with muted grey wings and tail. Females also have olive-green plumage with the characteristic crossed bill.  

Did you know? A close relative, the Scottish Crossbill (Loxia scotica), is endemic to the Caledonian pine woods of Scotland. They are the only bird to be found in these forests and nowhere else in the world.  


Common Redpoll (Acanthis flammea) and Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 

Common Redpoll by Lisa Hupp/USFWS via Flickr
Lesser Redpoll by Signhmanb via Flickr

Distribution: Common Redpoll: Visitor to the UK in winter during migration, seen in eastern Scotland and England. Lesser Redpoll: Widespread. 

Habitat: Birch, Larch or Alder woodland, urban greenspaces, farmland. 

Size: Common Redpoll: Length: 12–14cm, Wingspan:20–25cm. Lesser Redpoll: Length: 12–13cm, Wingspan: 22cm 

BoCC5 status: Common Redpoll: Red, Lesser Redpoll: Not Assessed. 

What to look for: Common Redpoll: Paler than their vibrant cousins, Common Redpoll are streaky brown from above, with a pale white plumage from below. Displaying a vibrant red forehead and pink breast in summer, they are remarkably similar to their smaller cousins. Lesser Redpoll: Slightly smaller, Lesser Redpoll are a similar streaky brown with red colouring on the crown and pink-red breast in summer. They have a black bib under a small, yellow bill. Females appear similar to male counterparts, without the pink flush on the breast. Juveniles are streaky brown and do not have a red crown or pink flush. 


Twite (Linaria flavirostris

Twite by Gertjan van Noord via Flickr

Distribution: Found in upland England, Wales and coastal Northern Ireland during summer months. East coast of England in winter. Widespread in Scotland.  

Habitat: Moorlands, coastal saltmarshes, coastal crofts. 

Size: Length: 14cm, Wingspan: 22–24cm 

BoCC5 status: Red 

What to look for: A small, streaky brown finch with a forked tail and a short bill. Twite have a brown back with dark streaking, a pale underside and streaking on the breast. During summer months the bill is grey, where it turns yellow for winter. A rich golden-brown face and upper breast are also present during winter months. Males are distinguished by a pink rump during summer.


Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla

Brambling by Caroline Legg via Flickr

Distribution: Widespread in the UK during winter 

Habitat: Beech woodlands, hedgerows, stubble fields, farmland and urban greenspaces.  

Size: Length: 14cm, Wingspan: 26cm 

BoCC5 status: Green 

What to look for: A brightly marked winter visitor, Brambling are of similar size to a Chaffinch. They have a rust-orange hue over the breast and shoulder which is more vibrant and extensive among males. Males have a blue-grey head which transforms to a sleek black during summer breeding. During winter, they sport a flecked black and brown plumage, contrasting a white belly and rump. Wings are dark in colour with orange bars. Females have a softer orange breast than males, and a brown head with two pronounced dark lines running across the head and down the nape. When part of a larger flock, Brambling are recognisable for their white rump and a yellow bill during winter.  

Author interview with Bjørn Olav Tveit: A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway

A Birdwatcher's Guide to Norway book cover showing a photograph of a puffin on a blue background.Norway is home to some of the most sought-after bird species in Europe, including the King Eider, Gyrfalcon, Capercaillie and Jack Snipe. A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway is the first guide to the birds of Norway and Svalbard, detailing over 350 of the best birdwatching sites in this country. The guide efficiently explains where and when to visit these sites, which species are present in each area, how to use tower hides and shelters, other animal species you may encounter and more. The upcoming second edition includes 265 photographs, 95 maps and comprehensive information about each site, this is an essential travel guide for anyone planning to birdwatch in mainland Norway or Svalbard. 

Photograph of author Bjorn Olav Tveit with some hills behind him wearing a hat and walking top.Bjørn Olav Tveit lives in Oslo, Norway and has explored many of the country’s best birding sites throughout his life. He is a long-standing member of the Norwegian Rarity Committee for Birds and acts as the nature conservation contact for his local BirdLife Norway division. He runs bird-spotting guided tours for nature enthusiasts, composes music, authors books and works for the Norwegian Ministry of Culture. 

We recently had the opportunity to talk to Bjørn about how he became interested in birdwatching, what can be expected from the second edition of his book and more. 

Birdwatching Norway page.Firstly, can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into birdwatching?

I have been an avid, Oslo-based birder since childhood, which is more than 40 years ago. When travelling abroad with my parents as a kid, I would lose myself in the birdwatcher’s site guides for that country or region, although I was puzzled by the fact that no such book existed for Norway. Rumours were that some older and more experienced birdwatchers were in the process of writing such a book, but the years went by, and it never materialised. Not only would I need the guidebook myself, as my activity range gradually expanded beyond Oslo, but also I was embarrassed on behalf of my country by the lack of such a guide. In my eyes, at least at the time, a birdwatching site guide defines a country’s identity and level of development. So, I decided to go forward and make the guidebook myself. 

For anyone that enjoyed the first release of A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway, what can they expect to discover in this updated edition?   

A lot has changed since the first edition came out 15 years ago. This change is most eye-catching in regard to Norway’s infrastructure: roads are improving and changing course; in some places, ferries have been replaced by bridges or tunnels; new tower hides have been built, and so, all maps and text have been updated accordingly. There have been quite a few changes in birdlife as well. For example, the Barred Warbler no longer breeds regularly along the Skagerrak coast, and the numbers of most cliff-breeding seabirds have greatly reduced to a point where e.g. Leach’s Storm Petrel is no longer expected on boat trips in Lofoten. On the positive side, the population of Rustic Bunting seems to be recovering, Red-flanked Bluetail is on the move into Norway, and Great Grey Owl now breeds regularly near Oslo. Furthermore, the book has expanded to a slightly larger format, allowing for more, easier-to-read maps and even more stunning images taken by some of the best photographers in the country.  

Page 196 of Birdwatching in Norway showing a map of Rundle Island.

This book details over 350 birdwatching sites in Norway and Svalbard – what was your process in deciding which sites to include? 

Based on my experience with guiding birdwatchers from abroad all over Norway, I have prioritised the sites that can produce the target species that birders from abroad tend to aim for. I have also included many all-round good birding sites, especially those situated close to larger towns or popular tourist attractions.  

Can you share any stand-out birdwatching experiences during your research for this edition? 

Oddly enough, making a birdwatching site guide is not easily combined with birdwatching! In the process, I first spent a lot of time at home, taking notes while reading trip reports and local bird magazines. Then I corresponded with over 100 local birdwatchers, who all helped me in various ways on picking the sites and giving me their opinion on how to get the most out of a birding trip in their area. Then I fired up the car engine and drove across Norway, double-checking all the theoretical information, with a focus on ensuring that a lone birdwatcher would be able to find the way and make the most of his or her birdwatching trip, solely with the help of this book. In order to visit all the included sites (and a few that were subsequently dropped), I couldn’t afford to spend as much time at each site as I would have liked to. All in all, the remarkable experience of travelling across Norway, taking in the spectacular scenery and variation in habitats and birdlife, was perhaps the most outstanding part of it all for me personally. I did see a lot of good birds along the way, though. 

Fifteen years have passed since the first edition was published, and during this time environmental pressures have continued to increase for wildlife. Have you noticed any changes over this time that may illustrate these impacts? 

I have witnessed a lot of negative impacts at several sites and areas, but at the same time, the general public in Norway has become gradually more concerned with nature preservation. By watching the reactions from people visiting the country from abroad, the locals have understood that they live in a country that is unique in terms of nature and wildlife. And so they have become prouder and more prone to taking better care of the environment. During the process of making this book, the environmentalist in me has been awakened to an even greater extent than before. I was particularly shocked by the urbanisation of my childhood local patch, Fornebu near Oslo, when I visited it for the first time in a long time during the making of this book. In the aftermath, I have been strongly engaged in preserving and enhancing the bird habitats there. 

Page 183 of Birdwatching in Norway showing the Lonaoyane delta in Voss, Western Norway.

You mentioned observing a greater accessibility to birdwatching sites since the first edition. Are you anticipating any changes in bird behaviour resulting from this? And how can birdwatchers minimise disturbance to bird species?   

One of the negative effects that birdwatching tourism may have on birds and habitats is the heightened disturbance caused by the increase in foot traffic. However, if you lead people along paths to designated hides, you reduce this risk. And you get the added bonus of getting to see the birds close up, without disturbing them. By doing this right, I hope even more people become interested in watching birds. I believe that increased awareness and interest in birds among the public is a key element in preserving birds and their habitats. 

What’s next for you? Are there new books on the horizon? 

I plan to make a third edition of the Norwegian version soon, because the English second edition is much better than the Norwegian one that I put out four years ago. And I have contemplated writing a book presenting the birds and sites in my home municipality west of Oslo. Furthermore, I have been waiting in vain for four decades on a book presenting the rare and vagrant birds of Norway… as the case was with the site book, maybe I will have to write it myself! 

A Birdwatcher's Guide to Norway book cover showing a photograph of a puffin on a blue background.

A Birdwatcher’s Guide to Norway is published by Pelagic is available to pre-order from our online bookstore.

Interview with the authors of The Little Owl

The Little Owl, Athene noctua, is one of the most well-studied species of owl. Despite being widespread across Europe, Asia and North Africa, populations are now in decline, making studies of its behaviour and ecology all the more important. The revised second edition of The Little Owl, which vastly expands on the original, published in 2011, covers everything you could wish to know about the species. From its history, taxonomy and genetics, to details of its habits, diet and breeding, the wide-ranging text consolidates all of the current available knowledge, obtained both from the author’s personal experience and research, as well as scientific and conservation literature.

The authors, Dries van Nieuwenhuyse, Ronald van Harxen and David H Johnson generously gave up some of their time to answer our questions about the book, the issues currently affecting Little Owls globally, and their hopes for the future of this captivating species. The Q&A is also illustrated with some of the beautiful images from the book, all of which were created by scientific illustrator and graphic designer Joris De Raedt.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourselves and the work you are currently involved in?

Dries is a life-long owl researcher and statistician active in ecological method development and publication. He has authored five books on the impact of technology and statistics on the decision-making processes of organisations, and in particular brings his skills as a statistician to his ornithological work.

Ronald is Chairman of the Dutch Little Owl Working Group (STONE), and has been active in research on breeding biology and population dynamics within nest box populations and conservation of the Little Owl in the Netherlands and internationally for more than four decades.

David is Executive Director at Global Owl Project, USA and working since more than a decade on a demographic study of the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia). He has worked in natural resource conservation for four decades and has written two previous books on owls, wildlife and fisheries.

Joris De Raedt is scientific illustrator and graphic designer
visualising the wonders of the natural world. He illustrated the book through a combination of graphite sketches and digital illustrations. Color and details are added on the computer using a graphic tablet. More on his workflow at

For anyone that enjoyed reading the first version of The Little Owl which was published in 2011, what new things can they expect to discover in this updated second edition?

The subtitle of the first edition was Conservation, Ecology and Behavior, the second edition paid special attention to Taxonomy, Population Dynamics and Management. Major improvements are the illustrations that were all created by Joris De Raedt. This allowed us to make compilations of photos of the subspecies and their habitats to obtain extremely detailed and standardised artistic plates. The fact that this edition is in colour allowed excellent drawings of the embryonic development, the evolution of nestlings in function of age and high quality distribution maps by country and globally. The global distribution map was revised with much more accurate data than even before, thanks to the internet and technological advances.

Plenty of new insights were brought in by Ronald on breeding biology, prey items and behaviour in nestboxes that were equipped with webcams. Photos led to video, and that led to online webcam data that was tagged with time, prey species and specific behavior by volunteers.

The final major evolution was the intensification of replicated experiments since the first edition. Crucial questions on the yellowness of the beak of the female in relation to breeding performance and feeding preference of female nestlings by females, and also in relation to the yellowness of the beaks of the offspring, led to major breakthroughs in our knowledge. Due to the publication of the first edition, the start of a pdf and citizen science website for data collection improved the international cooperation tremendously and facilitated access to international data bases of ringing data, geocoded pictures and vocalisations.

Historically the Little Owl has suffered due to intensive agriculture practices and abundant use of pesticides. Are Little Owls still widely affected by these issues, and do we yet have a clear idea of how they are likely to be impacted with the additional challenges posed by the climate crisis?

Little Owls are ambassadors of small-scale landscapes. In some countries they disappear due to intensification of the agriculture, while in other countries they disappear when farming is halted (grazing cattle disappear) and after forestation. Climate change is expected to have a positive impact on the species in the north and the east due to less snow cover. Increasing heavy rain during the breeding season, on the other hand, will probably have a negative impact on breeding success. Increase in desertification might not be an issue, as this typical Mediterranean species can even be found in the Sahara and the Arabian Peninsula. In Europe, most negative impacts comes from agricultural intensification, with an increase in maize leading to less grassland, increase in pesticides and rodenticides, increase in scale of the landscape with fewer parcel borders, fences or shrubs.

An important part of the book deals with management techniques that have proven to work over the long term. Reintroducing short grassy vegetation with commanding perches and provision of nestboxes can significantly help Little Owls to cope with modern agriculture. If conservation is started timely enough, this simple management can help preserve healthy populations. When densities drop too low, this might not be sufficient and, in combination with a lack of food, can lead to local extinctions.

What are the key ways in which Little Owls are surveyed? And how comprehensive is our knowledge of where they occur and their current population sizes?

The species is excellent for research due to its easy response to playback of vocalisations, historically mostly undertaken in western Europe but recently increasing in eastern Europe. Monitoring efforts have continued since the 1980s and offer a good view on population numbers. This has led to extra research on the possible impact of habitat deterioration, food availability and the increase of Stone Marten and Tawny Owls as possible limiting factors.

Since the first edition plenty of new local and large scale atlases have been published leading to a very detailed knowledge on the distribution and population numbers in Europe. The new EBCC atlas has distribution data at the 50 by 50km level, the 27 EU member states monitor Little Owl presence at the 10 by 10km level, and a number of local atlases have data available at the 1 by 1 km level.

Outside of Europe, the species is rather common but distribution knowledge remains anecdotal with population estimates largely based on local average densities and, in rare cases, on habitat modelling. More insights emerged from North Africa and the East (eg Iran and Pakistan) but much more work is still needed outside Europe. Hopefully this book can boost research in less well-studied countries, as many methods that have proven to be working simply need to be replicated elsewhere.

How effective have captive breeding and reintroduction projects been for the Little Owl so far? And is this approach likely to be an important one for their future conservation?

Not very effective. Some initiatives have been undertaken but with moderate outcomes. Reintroduction remains an emergency brake that rarely works. Supplemental feeding, provision of nestboxes and landscape improvements are much more effective, particularly when they are started in a timely manner. The key is not to wait too long before starting with small-scale management and to keep healthy populations, even in areas with intensive agriculture.

How likely are Little Owls to utilise artificial nestboxes?

Very likely, and this makes The Little Owl one of the best and easiest models for biological and conservation research. The ease of installing nestboxes with webcams and with predator protection allows data to be collected in an unprecedented manner, without special tools or tedious field work. People can observe the species seated at their kitchen table, youngsters can easily be involved in playback monitoring, nestbox maintenance and food supplementation, which eventually leads to experiments and dedicated citizen science. This make the species so special.

Finally, what’s next for you? Are there new books on the horizon?

Sure, Ronald and Dries will publish a non-scientific version of the book in Dutch for the 2000+ local volunteers to thank them for their tremendous help in collecting and digitising Little Owl data through conservation, management and ringing. David and Dries are currently preparing a similar book on the close relative of the Little Owl, the Burrowing Owl. Finally, Ronald is currently working on a book on all owl species that can be found in The Netherlands. We’ve still got some work to do.

The Little Owl by Dries van Nieuwenhuyse, Ronald van Harxen and David H. Johnson was published by Cambridge University Press in October 2023 and is available from