This Week in Biodiversity News – 5th August


The number of plastic bags found on beaches has reduced by 80%. Since mandatory charges were introduced in the UK, data recorded by the Marine Conservation Society’s annual litter survey has recorded a marked decrease in the number of bags found on UK beaches –  last year the survey recorded an average of one plastic bag every 100m, down from five in 2014.  The discovery has led to calls for action to further reduce other types of marine litter.  

A single diver swimming across a bed of bleached coral. The coral is very branched, and pale white.
Coral Bleaching. Image by The Ocean Agency/XL Catlin Seaview Survey/Richard Vevers via Flickr

The world’s reefs are in the middle of the most widespread heat event since records began. After 18 months of record-breaking temperatures, reefs in over 70 countries have been impacted and over 73% of reefs have experienced temperature extremes high enough to initiate bleaching. This event is the second recorded in the last ten years and is the fourth global coral bleaching event on record. Reef conservationists and researchers are urging the scientific community to rethink ways to tackle these events, and are calling for the redoubling of efforts to reduce other stressors on reef habitats.  



Chimpanzees have been observed turn-taking during conversation. Researchers have followed five groups of Eastern Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in Tanzania and Uganda, recording the chatter between groups. The team recorded over 8,500 gestures used in back-and-forth conversation, finding a response time of around 200 milliseconds – the same time as observed in humans. Gestures involve hand flicking to shoo others away and stretching of hands to ask for food. Researchers believe that, in this species, gestures do the talking, while facial expressions and vocalisations add tone to the conversation.  

A chimpanzee is resting its hand under its chin. It is looking thoughtfully towards the sky with the sun on its face
Image by Vanessa via Flickr

Brazilian wild sharks have tested positive for cocaine. Previous studies have found traces of cocaine in rivers, seawater, wastewater, and smaller marine organisms such as shrimp and mussels, causing serious toxicological effects. However, the concentration observed in Rio’s sharks is around a hundred times higher than other animals testing positive for this substance. The contamination source is currently unknown but is thought to have originated from losses during shipment or the dumping of narcotics to evade authorities. Particularly worrying, the Brazilian Sharpnose Sharks (Rhizoprionodon lalandii) analysed in this study are a component of the Brazilian diet, and it is not yet known how this contamination could impact humans. 



A near extinct species of crocodile is making encouraging progress in Cambodia. In June, sixty Siamese Crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) hatched, following the discovery of five nests in May; a rewarding result from nearly two decades worth of conservation efforts in the Cardamom mountains. Once widespread, these animals have been subject to hunting and habitat loss, resulting in their classification as critically endangered . Since 2012, a collaborative programme by local officials and Fauna & Flora has successfully released nearly 200 individuals, helping to maintain the global population which currently sits at around 400. 

A large, black crocodile is laying on the floor in a patch of bark surrounded by small plants
Image by tontantravel via Flickr

Butterfly numbers in the UK are the lowest on record. An unusually wet spring and summer has dampened mating opportunities for butterflies across the country, resulting in a dramatic decrease in populations. With populations still struggling to bounce back from 2022’s drought, the wettest spring since 1986 has further prevented butterfly recovery across the country. Populations are at the lowest recorded since Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count began 14 years ago, and as a key indicator species for habitat health, the findings are particularly troubling for the wider environment.

There has been a surge in ‘starving’ bats in Britain. Conservation groups have reported an increase in malnourished, underweight bats and fewer individuals overall for this time of year. A wetter-than-average spring and summer have negatively impacted insect, butterfly and moth populations, resulting in a blow to food sources for these animals. With nursing mothers unable to feed their young, volunteer organisations caring for bats are also seeing a surge in admissions. 

Grey long eared bat flying with wings spread at night with leaves in the background
Grey Long-eared Bat via iStock


The NHBS Guide to UK Shore Crabs

A charismatic highlight of any rock-pooling session, crabs are both diverse and wonderful. Here we have a selection of the most common crabs in the UK, detailing their habitats and how to identify them. 

Velvet Swimming Crab (Necora puber) 

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: The species is widespread throughout the UK and can be found year-round on rocky shores at low water. They are found more frequently on sheltered shores and prefer rocky substrates.  

Shell Width: Up to 10cm.  

ID: Also known as the devil crab, the Velvet Swimming Crab has short hairs covering its body, giving the animal a velvety appearance. The crab is blue in colour, but is covered by a reddish-brown pubescence masking the overall hue – they do, however, have visible blue lines on their legs, and blue tips on their claws. The carapace is flattened and has five pointed ridges on either side of the eyes. A fast-moving and aggressive crab, it has distinctive, bright red eyes that give it its alternative name. Pincers are of equal size, and the rear legs are flattened to be used as paddles.  


Edible Crab (Cancer pagurus) 

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: Edible Crabs can be found year-round on rocky shores across the UK. The species is often found hidden under rocks and boulders but can also be found on mixed coarse ground and on muddy sand offshore.  

Shell width: 10-25cm, averaging around 15cm.  

ID: A large species, the Edible Crab is also known as the brown crab for its colour – they can be brown to reddish-brown, bearing white patches and young specimens can have a purple-brown carapace. They have a thick, oval-shaped shell with a distinctive ‘pie crust’ edge. Also recognised by the black tips to their claws.  


Spiny Spider Crab (Maja brachydactyla)  

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: Spiny Spider Crabs, also known as European spider crabs, can be found from January to December on rocky areas. They are common on the south and west coasts, but are largely absent from northern England, Scotland and the North Sea.  

Shell width: Up to 20cm. 

ID: Known to be the largest spider crab in Britain and Ireland, they are instantly recognisable for their long legs resembling a spider. They have a distinctively spiky carapace, often covered with algae giving it a hairy, green appearance. The shell has an oval shape, broader at the back and narrower at the front. It has longer, more pronounced spines on the border of the shell, and the rest is covered by smaller spines. They are mostly orange in colour, but have been found in red, yellow or brown varieties.  They have two distinct frontal spines which are sandwiched by two small eyes. The legs are covered in hair, with the first pair bearing small claws.  


Common Hermit Crab (Pagurus bernhardus) 

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: Common Hermit Crabs can be found year-round on rocky shores and sandy substrates along the UK coast. They are most easily found in rock pools at low tide, particularly after storms and turbulent weather, where they can be dislodged and are more easily visible.  

Shell width: Varies according to body size, which can measure up to 4cm in length. 

ID: The largest and most common of the 15 hermit crab species, these crabs live inside the empty shells of sea snails, commonly whelks and periwinkles. Their body is reddish-brown in colour, with a larger right pincer. Their claws are strong, and are covered in uniformly distributed granules, with two rows of larger granulations starting at the base of the claw, converging towards the middle. The species is associated with Calliactis parasitica, a sea anemone which lives on their shell in a symbiotic relationship.  


Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas) 

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: Shore Crabs are found year-round in rockpools. They may also be found while crabbing in shallow waters and are particularly abundant in estuaries and salt marshes.  

Shell width: Up to 9cm. 

ID: The species is slightly green in colour, but can also be found with orange and red carapaces and yellowish spots on the abdomen – varied colouration can be attributed to life cycle stages, and juvenile Shore Crabs specifically can have significant variance in colour. The broad carapace has five teeth on each side of the shell, and three scalloped lobes between the eyes.  


Masked Crab (Corystes cassivelaunus)  

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: A small burrowing crab, the Masked Crab can be found buried in sandy substrates on the lower shore. They are found along most of the British coastline and are particularly abundant in the south and west of the UK. 

Shell width: Up to 4cm. 

ID: Masked Crabs have an elongated oval carapace with long antennae, often the size of their body. Their colour can range from reddish brown to yellow and the lateral margin of the carapace has four distinct spines. The claws are twice the length of the carapace, although females have smaller pincers.  


Broad-clawed Porcelain Crab (Porcellana platycheles) 

Image by Guy F via Flickr

Conservation status: Common, non-threatened. 

Where to find them: Can be found January to December across the UK, although with sporadic distribution. They can be found under rocks and small boulders on rocky shores.  

Shell width: 1.5–1.8cm. 

ID: A small crab covered with long hairs, the Porcelain Crab can be grey to greenish-brown with an off-white underside. They have large, broad front claws that appear to be slightly flattened and two long antennae. The fifth pair of legs are smaller and often concealed, resulting in the illusion of only three pairs of walking legs. Due to its size and impressive camouflage, this species can be hard to spot.  

It can be truly fascinating to sift through rock pools, finding the weird and wonderful creatures that our environment has to offer, but it is important to remember best practices when investigating our wildlife. To look for crabs safely, approach them from behind to avoid pincers, opt for a net for safe retrieval and hold the crab firmly, without squeezing, to ensure that it does not fall whilst handling. When you are finished, remember to leave everything where you found it, replace any rocks that you may have turned over during your search and return crabs to the same body of water you found them in.  

This Week in Biodiversity News – 15th July


Global temperatures have hit 1.5°C above the pre-industrial era average for 12 consecutive months. Analysed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, data revealed that July 2023 – June 2024 were the hottest 12 consecutive months on record – an average 1.64°C higher when compared to the pre-fossil fuel era (1850–1900). Analysis suggests that these results are not an anomaly but are instead consistent with a shift in the global climate.  

Ranking of annual average surface air temperatures in 2023. Image by Copernicus Climate Change Service

A court has ruled that the rights of the Machángara river have been violated in Ecuador. The ruling was based on constitutional rights for natural features, where Ecuadorian authorities recognise the rights of natural features to remain unpolluted and undegraded.  A wide range of contaminants and pollutants are released into the river, including untreated wastewater and litter, resulting in an average oxygen content of 2% which has inhibited the survival of aquatic life in the region. Although the ruling has been appealed by the city government, the court has ruled that a remediation plan will be required. 


Researchers have identified artificial light on coastlines as another threat for marine ecosystems. A study has shown that artificially lit areas can attract 2–3 times more fish compared to areas of natural lighting. It is thought that juvenile fish are attracted to congregations of plankton in these well-lit areas and are picked off by predators who are also attracted to the light. Nearly a quarter of the world’s coastline was artificially lit when it was last surveyed almost a decade ago, and the extent of the lighting is likely to have continued to increase since then. This issue has the potential to impact the breeding success of a range of marine species.  

A marine port at night time with bright artificial lights illuminating the area, including the water
Image by Martin Garrido via Flickr

Ants have been found to amputate the legs of their nest-mates to boost survival. Researchers have found that Florida Carpenter Ants (Camponotus floridanus) will perform life-saving amputations on others, the first non-human animal found to do so. The colony was also found to cater their choice of care to the injury at hand and were observed ‘treating’ injuries through intensive licking. Ultimately, a survival rate of 90% was observed following amputation, and 75% with treated wounds. These ants are one of the few animals, aside from humans, that have been found to actively tend to the injuries of their own species. 

For the first time, we are farming more seafood through aquaculture than we catch from the wild. The 2024 State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report was released in June and reported that overfishing increased and sustainable fishing declined over 2024 (+4% and –2%, respectively), while overall production rose by over 4%, producing an all-time high of 223 million metric tons of fish. The SOFIA report concluded that progress towards more sustainable fisheries is not moving fast enough, or has regressed to less sustainable practices, and global fisheries management is failing to support these practices when harvesting wild fish stocks.


Bee colonies in north east England are suffering from the worst disease outbreak in a decade. American Foulbrood (AFB) has been reported in more than 30 colonies in a 10km area, the biggest outbreak since 2014. The disease is caused by bacteria that infect the bee larvae, eventually spreading through the hive and resulting in the death of the colony. A spokesperson from the Cleveland Beekeepers Association has labelled the outbreak as ‘worrying’ but believes the disease is under control.  

A bull moose with large antlers standing in scrub
Bull Moose by Denali National Park and Preserve via Flickr

Human-wildlife conflicts are emerging in Colorado as Moose (Alces americanus) populations extend their range. Introduced to the state in the 1970’s, Moose are now moving into more urban areas from the woodlands and mountain ranges across the state, increasing the frequency of deadly human-wildlife conflicts. The number of recorded Moose attacks each year surpasses the number of puma and bear attacks combined, though Moose are less abundant in the area. Colorado reported three incidents in a fortnight in 2022, and over 59 animals were killed in road traffic accidents that same year. At risk of reaching unsustainable levels, the species could be subject to culling and contraceptive intervention in the future to prevent damage to the landscape and its keystone species.  


Going to Bat for Bioacoustics: How Acoustic Monitoring is Helping to Save Bats – Webinar Round-up

Recently, Wildlife Acoustics and Bat Conservation International partnered together to host a webinar highlighting the use of bioacoustics in bat conservation across the globe. The webinar featured three case studies tackling the impacts of white-nose syndrome, habitat loss and climate change with the help of bioacoustic technology. Here, we provide a summary of these case studies and the applications of acoustic monitoring in these investigations. 

Florida USA, Dr. Melquisedec Gamba-Rios 

Endemic to the region, the Florida Bonneted Bat (Eumops floridanus) is increasingly threatened by habitat loss from sea level rise and destructive development. This species has one of the smallest ranges in Southern Florida and utilises old tree cavities and large, open spaces for roosting and feeding. Dr. Gamba-Rios and his team sought to identify critical habitat for this endangered species using bioacoustics, hoping to support their fragile populations.  

The team used acoustic recorders to identify key roosting and feeding areas for the species. Interestingly, they found that Miami’s zoo, golf courses and tropical parks had high numbers of Florida Bonneted Bat calls. The research showed that the large, open areas surrounded by forest and absence of artificial light of these locations provided an ideal foraging space for the species. 

Since these bats require older, cavitied trees, the habitat of the group is at risk as development increases. Plans for water park construction were proposed on a key site for this species, however the evidence gathered here was used to challenge the proposal, resulting in its rejection to protect key bat habitat. In March 2024, over 1.1 million acres of critical habitat were designated for the species in Florida, including foraging areas in urban habitat and over 4,000 acres of Miami Pine Rocklands. Federally protected species are known to be twice as likely to move toward recovery than those without protection, so the designation of these spaces is incredibly important in securing the future of this species.  

Shows a small brown bat with closed eyes, it is held in a blue blanket in daylight
Florida Bonneted Bat by Florida Fish and Wildlife via Flickr

Nyungwe National Park, Dr. Jon Flanders 

Last seen in 1981, the Hill’s Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hilli) was considered a ‘lost’ species in Rwanda.  In January 2019, a group of scientists and researchers, including Dr. Jon Flanders, set out on a 10-day expedition in Nyungwe National Park, looking to rediscover this elusive animal.  

Nyungwe National Park rangers played a key role in the early stages of this project, identifying caves and key habitat for bats in the area. The rangers conducted acoustic monitoring using SM4 Acoustics to identify foraging and roosting areas, collecting over 260,000 files of acoustic data. Eight of these recordings successfully detected the calls of the Hill’s Horseshoe Bat, found in small, defined ranges. During the 10-day trip, the team worked relentlessly to catch, measure and collect DNA samples from bats using mist nets and harp traps in these locations. The team successfully captured two Hill’s Horseshoe Bats and confirmed the capture of this critically endangered species with museum archive specimens. The expedition highlighted the spectacular diversity of Nyungwe National Park which features a large number of rare and endemic species, and these findings reinforce the parks importance as a biodiversity hotspot.

A brown bat is hanging upside down. it has white fluffy mould covering its wings and face
Little Brown Bat with white-nose syndrome by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr

White-nose Syndrome, Dr. Amanda Adams 

White-nose syndrome is a cold-loving, infectious fungal disease found in bats. The fungus manifests in a total skin infection, most visible around the muzzle of the animal. This infection is responsible for significant mortality in several species, where the infection causes bats to wake often during hibernation – burning their fat stores, causing dehydration and starvation. Infected bats can expend up to twice the amount of energy as healthy individuals during hibernation, severely impacting their ability to survive the winter. Because of this, six million animals have succumbed to this infection so far, impacting 12 out of 44 species found in the USA.  

Dr. Amanda Adams sought to use bioacoustics to enhance the management of foraging habitat to support these species through hibernation. The team used the Song meter mini to search for the presence of bats and observe their feeding behaviours. They found that feeding behaviours were observed up to three times more in prey patches, and this allowed researchers to designate feeding habitats for affected species. The survey will be used to inform vegetative management on passing corridors, aiming to increase the productivity of foraging areas to support the health of infected bats.  

The Going to Bat for Bioacoustics webinar provided an engaging insight into the applications of acoustic monitoring in bat research, showing how the technology can be used to support bat conservation. To learn more, the Wildlife Acoustics website has a range of training courses and webinars. Upcoming events can be found here 


This Week in Biodiversity News – 1st July


An ocean-dwelling fungus has been found to break down marine plastic pollutionParengyodontium album has recently been added to the list of four species of plastic degrading fungi. Researchers have discovered the fungus’ ability to degrade polyethylene plastic, the most abundant form of plastic in our oceans, following a period of exposure to UV radiation from sunlight. It is estimated that the fungus can break down polyethylene at a rate of 0.05% each day, and with over 400bn kilograms of plastic produced annually, this discovery has the potential to provide an answer to the problem of marine plastic pollution.

Image by Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument via Flickr

A recently launched programme will aim to restore a 193km stretch of coral reef. Named ‘Ako’ako’a, the project will be one of the first to attempt such large-scale restoration and will focus this effort on the west coast of Hawai’i Island. Due to start in 2025, researchers will identify individuals with desirable traits in the face of climate change, such as high thermal tolerance, fast growth and tolerance to pollution. These selected individuals will then be used to produce larvae with strengthened genetic resistance which will be released during natural spawning periods. With increasing declines occurring over more frequent bleaching events, ‘Ako’ako’a aims to restore ailing reefs across the region.  



Canada is set to ban open-net salmon farming in British Columbia in five years. The announcement follows the government’s decision to transition to closed-containment methods in 2019. With more than half of wild salmon stocks declining in the province, the decision has been made to make a step towards protecting wild pacific salmon populations through sustainable aquaculture and clean technology. The commitment has been praised by many, but there are concerns for significant losses in a $1.2bn industry and disruptions impacting up to 6,000 jobs.  

Iberian Lynx are no longer endangered under the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesLynx pardinus has been promoted to ‘vulnerable’, a triumph resulting from a 20-year conservation programme by the EU, national governments in Spain and Portugal and wildlife NGOs. The population initially plummeted to under 100 individuals due to human persecution, reduced food sources and habitat loss across the region. Now, 20 years later, the population has reached over 2,000 in the peninsula. Over 86% of the current population resides in Spain and experts expect to see a full recovery in its native range over the next century. 

A pale rhino laying down on a bed of grass next to a tree
Northern White Rhino by Heather Paul via Flickr

Scientists have successfully implanted a rhinoceros embryo using IVF techniques for the first time. This breakthrough could prove to be a lifeline in saving the Northern White Rhinoceros from extinction. There are only two surviving females in the world, both based in Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya where they are under 24-hour guard. Proving the feasibility of the technology, researchers can now move to transferring a Northern White Rhinoceros embryo into a surrogate Southern White Rhinoceros. This technology brings the scientific community closer to successfully reproducing this critically endangered species, which would significantly benefit the ecosystem of central and eastern Africa.  



The first Scottish Wildcat kittens born outside of captivity have been recorded in Cairngorms national park. Their birth follows the reintroduction of 19 adult wildcats last summer and has been confirmed using camera trap footage. This discovery marks an important milestone in the efforts to reintroduce the species to Scotland, and they are the first to be born in the wild for more than five years. With significant population declines due to habitat loss and human persecution, this success story is an important turning point for the species and will help to reverse centuries of decline.

A scottish wildcat walking across a fallen tree in the woods
Scottish Wildcat by Chris Parker via Flickr

A subgroup of Gray Whales has undergone a significant decline in body length in the past 20-30 years. The Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG), consisting of around 200 individuals, have decreased in size over the past 20-30 years. Researchers found that the group is 13% smaller than those born before 2000, which equates to around 1.65 metres lost in a mature adult. This smaller size could have significant consequences for the health and fecundity of the group, impacting survival rates of calves and their ability to store energy for growth and maintenance.

Solitary Bee Week 2024

Solitary Bee Week was founded in 2018 to raise awareness of the importance of solitary bee populations across the globe. Now hosted by Buglife, this week-long event hopes to encourage the public to pledge their support for these unsung heroes. Solitary Bee Week 2024 (Monday 1st July – Sunday 7th July) gives us a chance to support these vital pollinators and #EarnYourStripes. 

A hairy mining bee resting on a leaf. It has orange hair on its hind legs and long white hair on its thorax, legs and head
Andrena gravida by Frank Vassen via Flickr

What are solitary bees and why are they important? 

It is estimated that there are between 20,000–30,000 solitary bee species across the world, and the UK is home to 240 of them. Solitary bees do not produce wax or honey, do not form hives, and do not exhibit swarming behaviours – a striking difference to the behaviours we usually associate with bees. They typically nest in underground burrows or in the hollows of plant stems and tunnels, so it is no surprise that we are seeing a downturn in the abundance of the group with increasing urban development and environmental decline.  

As we urbanise, we remove the habitat of these extraordinary pollinators – we are seeing fewer hedgerows and wildflower meadows, which would otherwise provide vital food sources for these insects. Partnered with agricultural intensification, environmental changes are contributing to the significant declines we see in pollinators. Solitary bees are important for pollination, and their loss could be devastating not only to the environment, but for food security worldwide. Solitary Bee Week is helping raise awareness of these insects in the hopes of managing their threats and preventing further declines in the future. 


Image by Buglife


How can I take part? 

From pollinator identification workshops to solitary bee walks, Buglife is hosting a range of events in support of Solitary Bee Week. An interesting highlight of the week, Buglife have collaborated with Hayley Herridge the Pollinator Gardener to create the ‘B-Lines Garden’ to be featured in the Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival – highlighting the importance of insect pathways to provide corridors for pollinators. Find the full week’s itinerary here 


What can I do to support my local bees? 

Solitary Bee Week is the perfect time to pledge your support for local solitary bees.  

Leaving an area of exposed soil and providing bee hotels are great ways to provide nesting areas. Mining bees account for around 70% of solitary species – patches of exposed soil are an excellent way to provide space for this group, where they create underground nesting burrows. For cavity nesting bees, such as Red Mason Bees, hotels are a great way to provide nesting habitat where they will lay eggs in the dry, hollow tubes. Planting wildflowers and nectar-rich plant species is another way to support pollinators by providing an important food source. 

Here we have chosen a selection of products in our range that can support solitary bees in your outdoor space: 

#262715 Solitary Bee Bricks  


#217363 Insect Tower 


#257245 Solitary Bee Nesting Tin 



#264931 Bee Barn Gift Box 


#259552 Solitary Bees (Hardback) 

#261456 Hairy-Foot, Long-Tongue (Paperback) 


#244919 The Solitary Bees (Hardback) 


Top 5: Trail Cameras

Trail cameras can be extremely useful tools for ecologists and naturalists, enabling simple non-invasive monitoring of wildlife. Here we feature five of our most popular models, highlighting the key features of each for easy comparison. 

For more detailed information please read our Trail Cameras Buyers Guide. 

#256294 Browning Spec Ops Elite HP5  

Browning Spec Ops Elite HP5 trail camera

A good quality trail camera with fast trigger speed, this model is an excellent all-rounder.

Image quality: 24 mp
Video quality: 1920 x 1080p
Video length: Max 2 minutes
Glow: No glow
Trigger speed: 0.1-0.7 seconds
Recovery: 0.5 seconds
Flash range: 30 metres
Detection range: 24 metres
RADIANT 5 illumination technology


#258744 Spypoint Flex 

#258744 Spypoint Flex trail camera

An innovative low-glow trail camera with cellular transmission to transfer images to a mobile device.

Image quality: 33 mp
Video quality: 1920 x 1080p
Video length: Max 15 seconds
Glow: Low glow
Trigger speed: 0.3 seconds
Flash range: 30 metres
Detection range: 30 metres



#259714 Num’axes PIE1059 Trail Camera

Cost-effective and entry-level, the Num’axes PIE1059 is a robust, no-glow trail camera with great resolution.

Image quality: 32 mp
Video quality: 1920 x 1080p
Video length: Max 30 seconds
Glow: No glow
Trigger speed: 0.6 seconds
Flash range: 20 metres
Detection range: 20 metres
2″ colour screen



#256293 Browning Recon Force Elite HP5

A low-glow alternative to the Browning Spec Ops Elite HP5. This camera is a good all-rounder and is suitable for fast-moving animals.

Image quality: 24 mp
Video quality: 1920 x 1080p
Video length: Max 2 minutes
Glow: Low glow
Trigger speed: 0.1-0.7 seconds
Recovery: 0.5 seconds
Flash range: 39 metres
Detection range: 30 metres
RADIANT 5 illumination technology


#246930 Spypoint Solar-Dark Trail Camera

A super fast, no-glow model, this trail camera features a solar panel providing users with an extended battery life.

Image quality: 12 mp
Video quality: 1280 x 720p
Video length: Max 2 minutes
Glow: No glow
Trigger speed: 0.07 seconds
Flash range: 27 metres
Detection range: up to 33.5m
2″ colour screen




Recommended Reading:

#222466 Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research  

Paperback | June 2016

A guide to the use of camera trapping for most common ecological applications to wildlife research.



#227479 CCTV for Wildlife Monitoring 

Paperback | June 2016

A handbook on the use of CCTV in nature watching, conservation and ecological research.


Restore Nature Now 2024

The Restore Nature Now March took place in Central London on Saturday 22nd June. The march saw the coming together of over 350 charities, businesses and direct-action groups calling on the government to work harder to protect biodiversity in the UK and Restore Nature Now!  Some of the NHBS team travelled up from Devon and joined the estimated 100,000 people that took part in the march. 


‘The Restore Nature Now march felt really galvanizing. It was heartening to walk with so many ecologists, scientists and activists and to dip into conversations about the amazing work people are participating in around the country to lead and assist in nature recovery. I was really moved by the impassioned speeches in parliament square from a host of brilliant speakers, and the sight of three peregrine falcons over Westminster was a potent and magical moment too!’ – Oli


A large puppet bat held by a crowd.
A large bat puppet made by the Bat Conservation Trust.
A vibrant banner to stand up for nature.


‘It felt great to be a part of the march and join so many other people passionate about our nature and wildlife.  The speakers at Parliament Square were inspirational, sadly I’m not sure if our politicians heard them, but we will be back and continue to be a voice for nature.’ Adam

An estimated 100,000 took part in the march.
The march was supported by a range of nature-focused organisations including RSPB, Plantlife and WWF.
The family-friendly march had lots of entertainment and interactive activities.


Restore Nature Now took place to call on political parties to act on the climate crisis and use the upcoming general election as a turning point. Their demands are as follows: 

A PAY RISE FOR NATURE: To facilitate nature recovery, agricultural landowners need more support to make climate-friendly choices, and to do this, Restore Nature Now urged the UK government to double the nature and climate-friendly farming budget.  

MAKE POLLUTERS PAY: Big business significantly contributes to environmental decline and the climate crisis, and to tackle this, organisers asked for new rules and regulations to be introduced to enforce greater contributions.  

MORE SPACE FOR NATURE: Restore Nature Now campaigned for the expansion and improvement of protected areas and called for an improvement of public land and national parks to make a greater contribution to nature recovery. 

A RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT: Calling for the creation of an Environmental Rights Bill, organisers are looking for the UK Government to drive better nature decisions to improve public health. 

FAIR AND EFFECTIVE CLIMATE ACTION: To solve the climate crisis, and in turn save nature, more investment is required into effective climate action. 

Restore Nature Now was a fantastic demonstration of hope and a call to action for the UK government. Our staff had an enlightening experience and thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and talks throughout the day.  

This Week in Biodiversity News – 17th June

Climate Crisis 

Wildfires are threatening the unique ecosystems of Brazil’s tropical wetlands. The Pantanal encompasses the world’s largest tropical wetland and contains a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The wildfire season has arrived earlier than normal – state climate experts, and has already destroyed 32,000 hectares of land. Since the start of 2024, there have been over 1,300 recorded wildfires, and as the region moves into the dry season, dry winds and reduced rainfall increase the risk of further environmental deterioration. Brazil’s federal government has announced that it will be working with other state governments to combat the fires, emphasising preventative measures for these disasters.  

Specialist pollinators in the tropical rainforests of South America are under threat from land use change. A study revisiting historic data on the baseline diversity of orchid bees in Brazil found that deforestation and intensifying agriculture has caused significant disruption in the abundance and diversity of the group. Important both economically and ecologically, this vibrant group are key pollinators of over 30 plant families in the region and play a vital role in agriculture. In 1997, Brazil was considered one of the most diverse regions for orchid bees across the globe, but this changed with significant losses of tree cover. Their loss is part of a broader picture of the Amazon’s native pollinators, and without them, agriculture and natural ecosystems could collapse. This study highlights the need for regular monitoring, allowing us to observe the impacts of destruction more clearly. 

A forest burning under wildfire
Wildfires are increasing in severity and frequency across the planet. Image by Thibaud Moritz

Exposure to toxic particles from wildfires has led to the death of over 50,000 Californians in a decade. The first study to quantify long-term impacts of chronic exposure to PM2.5 from wildfires, found that over 52,000 premature deaths were attributed to exposure and over $432 billion was spent on wildfire smoke-related health expenses from 2008–2018. PM2.5 microscopic particles can bury into lung tissue before entering the blood stream – they are associated with various health conditions and can cause heart attacks, premature birth and early death. The study has conjured a call to action for forest management and mitigation of climate change.   


After an absence of around 200 years, a small group of the world’s last truly-wild horses have been translocated to Kazakhstan. Seven Przewalskis’s Horses, one stallion and six mares, have been translocated from zoos in Prague and Berlin. Historically part of steppe grasslands in central Asia over 5,000 years ago, these animals have returned to their native Kazakhstan to improve the biodiversity of the landscape. Their dung can spread seeds and fertilise the land, and foraging behaviours can encourage water absorption in the soil. This translocation is part of a plan to relocate 40 horses to the region over the next five years. This follows a similar project undertaken in Mongolia, with nine flights of Przewalski’s Horses relocated with great success – there are now over 1,500 wild horses in the region with a stable population.  

Przewalkski’s Horses are returning to Kazakhstan after 200 years. Image by Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr.

A new tool has been developed which allows conservationists to forecast coral disease. Led by the University of Hawai’i, researchers have developed an ecological forecasting technology using environmental indicators to better predict disease outbreaks in coral. This allows conservationists to intervene at the appropriate time, improving conservation outcomes for affected coral species. Coral species are increasingly threatened by pollution, human impact and climate change, yet we depend on coral-based ecosystems for many things, including medicine and coastal protection from storms and erosion. The use of ecological forecasts could prove to be critical in conserving and managing marine ecosystems, ensuring environmental resilience in the face of climate change. 


Australia’s foxes are contributing to devastating declines of freshwater turtle populations across the country. It is estimated that 1.7 million foxes kill around 300 million native Australian animals a year, including reptiles, and have been consuming entire nests of turtle eggs and reproductive females. The Eastern Long-necked Turtle, the most common species along the Murray River, has experienced 90% declines since 1980. Nearly half of all freshwater turtle species are listed as threatened in at least one state in Australia, and with foxes found in over 80% of the mainland, the threats to the species are mounting. To counteract these pressures, the 1 Million Turtles scheme is hoping to hatch one million eggs, eventually returning the turtles to the water while overcoming data gaps for the group. The scheme is also looking at preventative measures through the construction of fox proof fences and artificial islands.  

African Elephant
Elephants have been found to call each other by name. Image by Mandy Goldberg via Flickr

Research has shown that elephants call each other by name. This is the first recorded example of naming in wild animals that does not involve imitation, as seen with parrots and dolphins. Researchers have used AI to analyse the vocalisations of two wild herds in Kenya, identifying over 400 distinct calls. The study found that the herds were using specific sounds to address an individual, and were able to recognise and react to calls addressed to them, even reacting positively to calls from family members. Names were more commonly used by adults and were typically used over long distance or when addressing young elephants. There have been calls for further research, but this study suggests that elephants may have the ability for abstract thought.  

Supplier interview with Unitura

Unitura are experts in nature-inclusive construction and renovation who provide off-the-shelf solutions to projects that require roosting and habitat mitigation. They are involved in the design and manufacture of their own product lines, including bat boxes, bird boxes and insect hotels. They are specialists in green architecture in the form of green roofs or facades and provide bespoke services for nature inclusivity projects. 

We recently had the opportunity to talk to the founders of Unitura, Sicco, Robert-Jan and Henk, about the company, their product range, what they hope for the future of the business and more. 

Photo of the three Unitura founders stood in their warehouse by a bat box.

Firstly, can you tell us about what inspired the establishment of Unitura?  

The founding of Unitura stemmed from our shared interests. Prior to founding Unitura, Sicco and Henk were already engaged in providing ecological advice, while Robert Jan was primarily involved in the building sector. During a casual gathering, we brainstormed and landed on the concept of bat boxes. At that time, there was limited knowledge about such products in the market, presenting us with an intriguing challenge. 

We started out quite simply – making and painting bat boxes in a small, rented office in a farmhouse. During the week, we focused on consultancy work and at the weekend we focused on producing bat boxes. We noticed that more was possible than just bat boxes and started to expand our range. It was no longer just about bats, but a complete range of in-field, nature-inclusive building. 

Unitura warehouse with bat boxes laid out on a table.

How has the idea of nature-inclusive building been received since the company was founded, and how important do you think this is for the future of the planet?  

Since our company was founded, the idea of nature-inclusive building has mainly been driven by legislation. However, we are now seeing a shift where it is becoming more of an integral part of construction projects and people are recognising its broader importance. We expect that in the future, it will become a standard component in the construction industry, particularly in the Netherlands where we see nature-inclusive building gaining more traction. 

A few years ago, green buildings were rare, but now architects are increasingly incorporating them into their designs. This rapid development in the Netherlands is due to both political and corporate recognition of its urgency. Governments are implementing more regulations and companies are eager to adapt to these changes. 

You have a very wide range of products on offer, from nest boxes, insect hotel and seeds, to equipment needed to create live, biodiverse green roofs. Can you tell us a bit more about your bestselling products?  

Our best-selling products are the wood-concrete built-in facilities for birds and bats. Our range includes an extensive series of modular bat boxes that can be endlessly expanded and exchanged. This allows you to put together your bat boxes according to your own wishes. These boxes are specifically designed for bats that live in buildings. We also offer various built-in facilities for birds, including swifts and House Sparrows, which can be easily integrated into the masonry. 

Three swifts flying into a swift box.

How did the introduction of the Nature Conservation Act in 2017 affect the design and manufacturing of your products?  

The introduction of the Nature Conservation Act in

 2017 likely impacted the design and production of our products. Similar legislation already existed in the Netherlands prior to this. At the moment, according to Dutch law, it is mandatory to conduct ecological research on protected species and their habitats before construction activities can commence. As a solution, a Species Management Plan (SMP) is now in place. An SMP outlines the protected species present in an area and the threats they face, whether across the entire municipality, in specific neighbourhoods, or within areas earmarked for significant sustainability or construction activities. It also describes the actions needed to protect, restore, or even increase the population of species. 

For our company, this may entail adjusting our designs and manufacturing processes to comply with the regulations set forth in the SMP. For instance, in the insulation industry, our designs must account for specific insulation values to ensure that our product is suitable for use in various construction projects, such as installing nest-boxes in cavity walls.

I think the live, biodiverse roofs and building facades that you create are a fantastic idea and look stunning, however they are sadly quite uncommon here in the UK. Can you talk us through how you create them, why they should be used instead of a flat roof and how they benefit the environment?  

Our green roofs offer various benefits, including reducing heat stress, significant water buffering capacity and CO2 reduction – they are also well-suited for renovation, as they are made with cassettes (HDPE units containing pre-cultivated wildflowers and herbs used to make green roofing). Within these cassettes, we use native species that contribute to promoting biodiversity and support local flora and fauna. 

The process begins with the manufacturing of cassettes, which are then placed on the roof. These cassettes are produced by specialised nurseries and contain a substrate in which we sow native seeds from our partner organisation, De Bolderik. After approximately 12 weeks, the cassettes are ready to be installed on the roof. 

Photograph of a Unitura living roof on top of one of their company buildings.

Do you have any new products on the horizon that you can tell us about?  

We continuously work on developing new products. We recently launched a new sensor specifically designed for detecting incoming and outgoing bats. With an active lifespan of two years, this sensor enables long-term monitoring. Users can easily view and download the sensor results via the companion app.  

What is the hope for the future of Unitura? 

Our aim is to broaden our model into a complete supplier of nature-inclusive solutions, integrating green elements such as green facades and green roofs. Moreover, we are firmly committed to expanding our presence in the international market. We are curious what the future will bring us! 

Unitura Modular bat tubes.

Unitura Modular Bat Tubes

This modular bat tube from Unitura is a highly versatile built-in solution for bat mitigation and integration into a wall. Each tube has a single or multiple large crevices with a sloped entrance hole to accommodate bats leaving and entering the site and promote the runoff of water away from the interior of the tube. The tubes come in single, double and triple crevice layers and with/without an entryway. They can be mixed and matched completely depending on the design specification of the build and built as large or as small as needed.

Unitura tall external bat box.Unitura Tall External Bat Box

This single crevice external bat box from Unitura provides a suitable and durable roost for crevice-dwelling bat species. Made from thermally stable and resilient woodconcrete this bat box can be mounted to any external walls where a roost may be needed. MULTI-MONTI fixings are included and are designed to be used without a Rawl plug. The screw anchor is approved for installation in cracked and uncracked concrete, as well as a whole range of other building materials.

Unitura External Swift Box.

Unitura External Swift Box

This external single-cavity swift box has been designed as a long-lasting nest box for swifts. Constructed from woodconcrete this swift box has a sloping roof to provide drainage and prevent dirt streaks from forming on the external wall. These boxes come with all the required fixings and an instruction card for easy assembly.

Soffit and Fascia Swift Box.Soffit and Fascia Swift Box

These under-eaves swift nest boxes are a subtle and attractive way of providing swifts roosting opportunities in your eaves and soffits while remaining durable and secure for both the home and birds. The roost is made of both a wooden concrete entrance stone and an FSC plywood box, with ideally only the entrance stone being exposed to the elements, improving the durability and longevity of the box. The box is designed to be mounted in multiple directions depending on the angle of mounting and the shape and angle of the soffit/fascia.

Unitura Little Owl Box.

Unitura Little Owl Box

Designed to provide a secure nesting solution for Little Owls, whilst excluding unwanted species, this nestbox has an entryway vestibule to help discourage Stone Martens, a large open nesting space with a removable roof and drainage/ventilation holes in the base.