The Climate Change Committee establish its seventh Carbon Budget, the limits of which will be agreed to this year with the aim of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The latest budget allocated for 2038-2042 should be set at 535 megatonnes of CO2 equivalent – including domestic, aviation and shipping emissions – which the government hopes will save individual households £700 in energy bills due to increased energy security. This budget highlights that the government’s economic goals can be achieved whilst also taking action against climate change, benefitting the UK as a whole.
Last week, the UK Government introduced the Planning and Infrastructure Bill. The Bill aims to fast-track the planning and construction process, removing hurdles to boost economic growth and energy security while delivering environmental commitments. This significant change to the planning system encompasses a number of key measures, including the implementation of a Nature Restoration Fund, the abandonment of individual site level mitigation and assessment, and the introduction of Environmental Delivery Plans. The Bill has raised serious concerns for protected species and habitats in the absence of targeted, site-specific mitigation – read CIEEM’s response to the Bill here.
Government pledges to clean up Windermere, after a study reveals it has been contaminated with over 140 million litres of pollution. This commitment has been made after water supplier United Utilities admitted to illegally discharging millions of litres of raw sewage into the lake over three years. Environmental Secretary Steve Reed did not divulge how discharge into the lake would be prevented, however a feasibility study conducted by United Utilities concluded this will require over 42 miles of new pipework to take the sewage downstream, and a further 205 miles to connect private sewage facilities. This is likely to cost hundreds of millions of pounds, which will be paid through increased customer bills.
The Blue Marine Foundation is challenging the government’s fishing quotas in the High Court. There is concern that Defra overlooked scientific advice when setting catch limits after Brexit, which have resulted in concern over the sustainability of fish stocks, and notable decreases in commercial species such as Pollack. Blue Marine Foundation argues that unsustainable management by Defra is irresponsible, risking both fish stocks and the livelihoods of fishing communities – they have asked the court to declare the limits unlawful to inform better practices in the future.
A new study suggests that ancient frogs survived the largest mass extinction due to their varied feeding ecology. This study, conducted by the University of Bristol, has revealed that while purely terrestrial predators depended on dwindling land-based prey that couldn’t adapt to the fluctuating environmental changes, these early amphibians thrived. Their adaptability to freshwater habitats provided a stable food source, which enabled them to flourish in the early Triassic period.
The quantity of microplastic found in crops is significantly affecting their ability to photosynthesise. Marking the first attempt to understand the impact of microplastic on food production, this new assessment has revealed that between 4% and 14% of the world’s staple crops are being lost each year due to pervasive plastic particles. This report combined over 3,000 observations of the impact of microplastics on plants from 157 studies, and emphasised the profound effects of plastic pollution on global food security. Professor Denis Murphy praised the value and timely manner in reminding us of the dangers of these particles in our food supplies, but cautioned that the figures require further research.
In December, the Bat Conservation Trust published Bats and Large-Scale Housing Maintenance Projects, a guidance document focusing on how to take bats into account when managing extensive housing repairs and maintenance. Designed for property owners, ecologists, architects and Natural England, the document is the product of the combined efforts of a working group who reviewed evidence in nine large-scale case studies. BCT helda webinar to outline the content of this guidance on 27th February 2025.A recording of the webinar will be available to purchase soon – email to register your interest in the recording when it is published, or visit .
Jan Collins has over 26 years of experience working and volunteering with bats. She has been the Head of Biodiversity at the Bat Conservation Trust for eleven years, following eleven years in ecological consultancy as a bat specialist. We recently had the opportunity to speak with Jan about the origins, production and implications of the recently published guidance.
Why did BCT decide to produce this guidance?
Evidence gathered from practitioners during the production of BCT’s Bat Survey Guidelines and CIEEM’s Bat Mitigation Guidelines highlighted that standard guidance documents for bat roost surveys and mitigation are not well-suited to large-scale housing maintenance projects where A) there is relatively limited potential for roosting bats, and B) where the principal focus is retention and repair, rather than demolition.
Additionally, our Wildlife Crime Project has assisted the police with several cases involving local authority maintenance carried out without due diligence for bats. At BCT, we are keen to see pragmatic solutions to protecting and conserving bats during property maintenance – and this guidance fits that bill!
Who was involved in the production of the guidance?
This guidance represents the combined efforts of a working group of practitioners from conservation, ecological consultancy, statutory nature conservation bodies and local authorities – their names are provided in the guidance document and their contribution is very highly valued by BCT. Each member of the group brought experience from a real-life, large-scale housing maintenance project in England, Scotland or Wales.
Image Credit: Unitura
If the working group discussed projects in Scotland and Wales, why is the guidance limited to England?
The original intention was for the guidance to be applicable across Britain and Ireland, however Natural England was the only Statutory Nature Conservation Body (SNCB) able to contribute to the working group and review the final product. Therefore, this first edition is applicable specifically to England, and only English case studies are used for illustrative purposes. The principles and approaches set out are likely to be transferable, with licensing as the main difference – but we hope that contributions will be made by NatureScot and Natural Resources Wales in the future.
Can you outline the types of projects that these guidelines apply to in more detail for our readers?
The guidance outlines a set of factors which make projects more suitable to be treated as a ‘large-scale housing maintenance project’. These are as follows:
Multiple properties of the same type, or a limited range of types, likely to have been constructed at the same time
Small groups of houses in terraces or blocks
Limited gardens attached to properties (or larger gardens but not maintained as green space)
Limited suitable bat habitat surrounding the estate; other adverse factors such as lighting
Small or cluttered roof voids (area, height and/or volume), or in such a condition or context that they are unlikely to support conditions for breeding by void-dwelling species
Majority of properties assessed as negligible or low suitability
The works concerned will allow reinstatement of roosting opportunities and, often, augmentation of these
Properties are under single ownership e.g. owned by local authority, housing association or other public body
It’s also worth saying that some higher suitability properties may be present, but these would require standard survey approaches outlined in the latest edition of BCT’s Bat Survey Guidelines.
Image Credit: Unitura
What else is covered in the guidance?
The guidance lays out some of the constraints when working on these types of projects – surveys are often constrained due to the vulnerability of residents or surveyors, or the practicality of gaining access for internal inspections. For this reason, pragmatic or creative approaches to surveys may be needed and some guidance on survey types/effort is offered. The key aims are to establish the roosting potential of properties and rule out the presence of maternity roosts.
Comment is also provided on appropriate licensing for this approach; the case studies presented were all licensed using Natural England’s Licensing Policy 4. Importantly, mitigation and compensation are covered, with an emphasis on ensuring bats are not harmed during works, any evidence of bats is recorded (see below) and access is retained for future roosting. Monitoring of outcomes is key to the approach and can allow methods to be adapted as a project progresses.
What are the two most important considerations when applying the guidance?
Early collaborative working between stakeholders is absolutely essential to establish what the project involves and what is likely to be appropriate regarding bat surveys and mitigation. Stakeholders include local authorities or other property owners, ecologists, Natural England and architects. This should be followed by close working with occupiers, contractors and other suppliers as the project progresses.
Monitoring is also essential to establish if the approach taken is suitable and how it can be iteratively adapted based on site-specific findings.
Image Credit: Patrick Palmen
BCT are hosting a webinar discussing the guidance in February. Can you tell us more about it?
The webinar ran on?27th February 2025. Speakers included myself (Jan Collins of BCT), Phil Bowater of Natural England and Daniel Best of Cura Terrae: Land and Nature Division (formerly Ecus Ltd.). Phil and Daniel both worked on the Sheffield case study that is presented in the guidance and between us we were able to answer questions from the attendees.
Senior wildlife equipment specialist, Johnny, attended the guidance webinar. Here’s what he had to say about the session –
‘On behalf of NHBS, I attended the Bats and Large-scale Housing Maintenance Projects Guidance webinar last month. The session was insightful, well-structured and demonstrated the impressive extent of work and collaboration that has gone into the new guidance. To remain at the forefront of conservation, it is important that we attend a wide range of webinars to expand our knowledge and maintain our expertise, and this recent webinar allowed me to significantly improve my understanding of the challenges involved in ensuring positive outcomes for protected species in large-scale housing maintenance projects.’
A recording of the presentations will be available on BCT’s e-learning platform soon. Email to register your interest or visit to find out more.
Any final words?
I would like to say thank you to the working group – it was a pleasure working with you all, and you brought so much valuable experience to the table. Thanks also to BCT for supporting the production of the guidance.
Finally, thank you to the sponsors of the guidance, including NHBS, Cura Terrae, I & G Ecology, Amey, Ecolybrium, DCS Ecology, Pell Frischmann, Southampton City Council and Gateshead Council.
UK scientists have discovered a biological mechanism making plant roots more attractive to soil microbes. Through enhanced endosymbiosis, crops such as wheat and legumes are now able to scavenge nutrients more effectively from the environment with the help of soil microbes. This natural process reduces the reliance on synthetic fertilizers, which, when used excessively, can contribute to soil degradation, water pollution, and harmful algal blooms. This biological adaptation may result in crops requiring less artificialfertilisers, thus reducing the pressures of excess fertilizer use and opening the door for more environmentally friendly farming.
Spraying the plants in the crocus fields by International Labour Organization ILO, via flickr.
Conservation funding bias is depriving criticalspecies of vital support, a new study has shown. A recent study investigated over 14,500 projects spanning a 25-year period, analysingalmost $2bn of funding allocated across the globe. Of this, 82.9% of funding was allocated to vertebrates (with over 85% to birds and mammals), 6.6% was allocated to plants and invertebrates, and only 0.2% was designated for fungal and algal species. With a large majority of funds assigned tocharismatic megafauna, this bias leaves nearly 94% of threatened species with no support, limiting the opportunities for researchers and protective measures. Researchers have called for a revision of conservation funding awards to ensure a more rigorous, scientifically driven approach in order to address this funding imbalance.
The reappearance of Wild Boar in Dartmoor National Park, after centuries of absence, has raised concerns about ‘guerrilla rewilding’. Despite their potential for ecological regeneration through natural foraging behaviours, the boar’s presence, following sightings and a dog walker incident, has triggered debate. Natural England and the Wildlife Trusts are now working to understand the local population dynamics and provide guidance to mitigate human-wildlife interactions, while the overall impact of their presence continues to be evaluated.
The UK government has authorized nature groups to apply for licenses to release beavers into the wild. This decision formalises existing practices, which include both licensed enclosure releases and unauthorized reintroductions. With an estimated 500 wild beavers in England already contributing to habitat creation and flood mitigation, the first of these licensed releases are anticipated this autumn, aligning with broader nature restoration goals in the UK.
Climate Crisis
The UK has released its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), outlining its commitment to meeting international biodiversity targets by 2030. This plan serves as the UK’s response to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, acknowledging the critical reliance of human wellbeing on thriving ecosystems and the urgent need to address the global biodiversity crisis. The NBSAP emphasizes a shift towards a systemic approach tackle these challenges effectively. This publication marks a crucial first step in the UK’s pledge to protect at least 30% of its land and sea, reduce pollution, and ensure sustainable practices in agriculture, forestry, and industry by the year 2030.
The Riverfly Partnership is a collaborative effort between anglers, conservationists, scientists, and water managers to protect the health and quality of our rivers. They use citizen science to monitor riverfly populations, which are sensitive indicators of water quality, and gather data on these fascinating insects to contribute to a better understanding of river ecosystems.
We recently had the opportunity to speak with Trine Bregstein, riverfly partnership development manager, about the work of the Partnership, their citizen science initiatives, the importance of riverflies and more.
Can you give an overview of the Riverfly Partnership, its aims and the work that the group is involved in?
The Riverfly Partnership is a network of organisations supporting projects to assess river health. The aims of the partnership are to protect the water quality of our rivers, further the understanding of riverfly populations, and conserve riverfly habitats. The partnership comprises many individuals and groups, including entomologists, angling clubs, volunteer groups, wildlife charities and Rivers Trusts.
We have data on freshwater invertebrate life dating back to the early 2000s, collected by a dedicated base of citizen scientists that is continuing to grow. Volunteers get to learn about the fascinating world of tiny critters living in their waterways, which are referred to as the canaries of our rivers because they are an important indicator of water quality. The work of Riverfly monitors means pollution incidents are quickly detected and reported, changes in water quality are monitored over time and the impacts of restoration work in and around the river can be tracked.
Can you tell us about the Riverfly Monitoring Initiative?
The Riverfly Monitoring Initiative (RMI) is a citizen science scheme in which trained monitors collect data about the invertebrates living in their local river. Volunteers are trained in the identification of key groups of riverflies, which are invertebrates that spend most of their life cycle living in fresh water. The initiative mainly focuses on the orders Ephemeroptera (also known as up-wing flies or mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies).
Invertebrate sorting and identification. Credit: Trine Bregstein
On a monthly basis, monitors carry out kick sampling at their site and count the numbers of each group of riverflies they have collected. From these counts, an RMI score is generated. This score is compared to the ‘trigger level’ of the site, which is a number set by the local ecology contact at the statutory body. If the RMI score is below the trigger level, it may be an indication that a pollution event has taken place. Another sample is done to confirm the breach, and then the relevant authorities are informed.
What are the main challenges associated with your work?
The national scale of the project, with various regional hubs coordinating groups of monitors at a local level, means it’s important to make sure things are done consistently across the network. We at the Riverfly Partnership HQ in the Lake District facilitate and try to keep track of what’s going on in all of these separate groups, and make sure training and protocols are standardised around the country to ensure the robustness of the data set. This can prove challenging, particularly as many of our hubs are charities and trusts that may not have consistent funding for citizen science projects, whilst others are volunteer run and rely on people managing to co-ordinate their groups in their spare time.
Ribble training day. Image credit: Trine Bregstein
How did 2024 fare for the Partnership and its work?
2024 was a great year for the Partnership. Our monitors submitted 7,832 surveys to our database over the year – this is up from 6,392 in 2023, which reflects how much the partnership is continuing to grow, with many new monitoring groups set up all over the UK. We also launched a new Riverfly data dashboard for easy viewing of all this data.
Citizen science is of increasing importance in wildlife conservation across the globe. How can we get involved and be proactive in protecting our rivers and riverfly populations?
Riverfly monitoring involves carrying out a survey at your allocated site once per month, usually taking about an hour. As a monitor, you’d be contributing to a trusted, long-term, open-access data set that can be used to track gradual changes in habitat quality, as well as quickly pick up on any major incidents that the statutory body can investigate. Anyone can become a Riverfly monitor – no prior knowledge is required; you just need to have attended a training day led by one of our accredited tutors.
Gwent Wildlife Trust sampling. Image by Gareth Edge
If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, e-mail and we will link you up to your local co-ordinator. Most training tends to take place in the spring and summer months, but you can register your interest at any time.
Aside from Riverfly monitoring, you can also get involved in the Rivers Trust’s Big River Watch, Earthwatch has the Great UK Water Blitz, The Angling Trust has the WQMN (Water Quality Monitoring Network), ZSL run the Outfall Safari project, and through the CABA and CaSTCo projects other organisations around the UK have been able to cascade this initiative to their volunteers. Check your local Rivers Trust or Wildlife Trust to see what volunteering opportunities they have, for example balsam bashes, riverside clean ups or restoration works like reed bed planting, tree planting and fence building.
There is so much to get involved with, and on a personal level, try look after your own patch. If you’re out walking the dog for example, try to keep them out of the water if they’ve had a recent flea treatment, take a couple of bits of rubbish to the nearest bin (safely, don’t pick up anything potentially dangerous) and know who to call if you spot something untoward – the EA/SEPA/NRW/NIEA for pollution, your local council for fly tipping and don’t forget to report sewage and water leakage problems to your local water company too, they all have helplines or online reporting options.
What projects will the Riverfly Partnership be working on next?
We have a scheme called ‘Extended Riverfly’, which is a more advanced version of Riverfly monitoring that experienced monitors can move on to. It involves identifying and counting 33 groups of invertebrates, rather than the eight in the Riverfly Monitoring Initiative. It’s a fairly new scheme, currently only operating in certain parts of the country, but we recently held an event at which many Riverfly trainers upskilled to become extended trainers, so we’re looking forward to rolling out this project to many more groups in the coming year.
Extended training at the Natural History Museum. Image Credit: Trine Bregstein
We’re also working on our ‘Targets and Triggers’ project, which has been developed with partners at the Environment Agency, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Buglife and CaSTCo. We’re aiming to devise a standard, and relatively easy, method for trigger levels to be set, making it easier for statutory bodies to engage with Riverfly monitoring without it being too much of a drain on their limited resources. Through gathering extra data about each monitoring site and running these through a predictive model, we plan to come up with not just trigger levels, but expand the initiative so that sites also have a ‘target level’ – the maximum RMI score that we would expect to see at a site, which gives a goal for habitat improvement projects to aim for.
The Riverfly Partnership Approved Kit is a complete kit suitable for water quality monitoring. The Riverfly Partnership receives £5 from the sale of this kit to help them continue their fantastic conservation work.
A new restoration project is set to enhance RSPB Geltsdale in northeast Cumbria. The project aims to restore and protect vital habitat across the site, including moorland, wetland and woodland. These enhancements will benefit a number of species including Hen Harriers, Curlews, Snipe, Willow Warblers, Black Grouse and Red Squirrels. RSPB will be working in partnership with North Pennines National Landscape and Natural England for the project, building on the previous conservation successes in Geltsdale, which include renaturalising a river, native tree planting, meadow creation and restoration of blanket bogs.
Ireland’s remaining ancient rainforests are under threat from the rapid expansion of pine monoculture plantations. Despite government efforts to increase woodland cover, the country’s focus on non-native pines is proving detrimental to biodiversity and ecosystem health. Ireland has the lowest proportional tree coverage of all European territories – the Irish Republic reports 11.6% coverage while Northern Ireland has just 8% – despite investing over £1bn into forestry schemes to increase woodland cover. This widescale industrial approach is replacing lost woodland with monoculture, enhancing both ecological decline and rural depopulation. Experts emphasise the need to identify and protect the remaining ancient woodland to safeguard the future of ancient Irish rainforests.
Experts warn that the world’s peatlands are dangerously unprotected. Despite covering only 3% of land, peatlands store more carbon than all of the world’s forests and are crucial for biodiversity and water management. With only 17% of this vital habitat within protected areas, their draining, overgrazing and burning driven by agriculture and extraction is emitting greenhouse gases that would make peatland the fourth biggest polluting country in the world. With over ¼ of peatland under heavy anthropogenic pressure, experts are emphasising the need to restore and conserve existing peat to keep global warming in line with international targets.
Over one thousand dead sea turtles have been found along India’s coastline. An estimated 1,100 Olive Ridley Sea Turtles have washed up on the beaches of Tamil Nadu in southern India. The stranded turtles were found with bulging eyes and lung lesions, indicating death by suffocation and drowning – although it’s difficult to determine, it is possible that net fishing in the area may have caused entanglement and drowning in these animals. Since the incident, local government have created a task force and increased night patrols to protect the hatchlings from harm.
25082: olive ridley sea turtle by Panegyrics of Granovetter, via flickr.
A drove of feral pigs have been illegally released in the Cairngorms. In the wake of the illegal release of Lynx last month, a group of feral pigs have been spotted near the Uath Lochans area, less than five miles from the release site of the Lynx. Working with NatureScot and Forestry and Land Scotland, the Cairngorms National Park Authority is working to investigate the release of these animals and safely capture them.
Policy and Development
The UK government remains committed to Heathrow’s third runway, despite significant environmental and social concerns. The expansion could see a further 4.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year – the equivalent of 101 billion car miles which could have destructive consequences in terms of pollution and the environment. The expansion could generate 51 million tonnes of carbon in five years, over 500,000 people would be exposed to enhanced noise pollution, and there would be severe environmental impacts – diverting five rivers, building a tunnel under the M25 and new flight paths would significantly impact wildlife throughout London, including the eleven bat species that reside within Richmond Park.
EGLL – Boeing 747 – British Airways – G-BNLY by Steve Lynes, via flickr.
In its first year, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) has significantly underperformed. First-year figures for BNG show only 773 hectares of habitat creation and enhancement (onsite and offsite combined), which marks just 13% of Defra’s annual generation estimations for the scheme. This shortcoming is due to broad exemptions, limited resources and poor monitoring and enforcement. Environmental groups are calling for a strengthening of the scheme through the upcoming Planning and Infrastructure Bill , including more ambitious targets, reducing exemptions to BNG, enhanced monitoring and enforcement, and a guarantee that reforms will not weaken existing protections while delivering more effective off-site nature compensation.
Find an official response from CIEEM on the UK Government’s Planning Reform Working Paper here. The working paper will be used to build the Planning and Infrastructure Bill that will seek to fast-track development across the UK and could see impacts on the role and effectiveness of biodiversity net gain.
Butterfly Conservation’s Moth Recorders Meeting provides an essential update for ecologists, wildlife watchers, and naturalists interested in the latest developments in moth recording, research, and conservation. Introduced by director of business and research, Russel Hobson, this year’s meeting was held online via Zoom on Saturday 25th January, and comprised of a variety of talks by keynote speakers including Dr Zoë Randle, David Hill and Dr Avalon Owens.
Dr Zoë Randle, Butterfly Conservation: National Moth Recording Scheme Update
The first speaker, Butterfly Conservation’s Dr Zoë Randle, shared an update on the National Moth Recording Scheme and key trends. Over 600,000 observations were submitted on iRecord throughout2024, bringing the total macro moth records to 36.2 million and micro moth records to 7.4 million in the National Moth Recording Scheme. Despite an increase in moth recording last year, Zoë emphasised the importance of both recorders and verifiers, while also stressing the need for more volunteers to streamline the verification process.
Number of Records in the National Moth Recording Scheme per km square. Credit: Dr Zoë Randle
Dr Norman Lowe, County Moth Recorder, Breconshire: Charismatic Clearwings in mid-Wales.
Dr Norman Lowe, County Moth Recorder for Breconshire, discussed clearwings in mid-Wales, presenting the group as flagships for dayflying moths and provided an update on clearwing records during 2024. Last year, 31 more recorders and ten more pheromone traps/lures were supplied to aid in recording, resulting in a total of 80 clearwing observations for 2024. Data revealed some local and scarce species, including the Welsh Clearwing and Red-tipped Clearwings, and highlighted species which are common and widespread, like Lunar Hornet Moths.
David Hill, Conservation Manager (Scotland), Butterfly Conservation: Black, White, Red & Gold – surveying Argyll’s rare moths
Next to speak was David Hill, who reported on two key species that he has been working with in Scotland: White Spotted Sable Moths and Transparent Burnet. He discussed the background and biology of the species, as well as the efforts undertaken to better understand their pressures and distribution.
2024 larval surveys uncovered 30 White Spotted Sable caterpillars over three days and allowed surveyors to categorise habitat. This coming year, the team will look to rear caterpillars to confirm identification, start adult surveys and seek out sites where Anania terrealis, a commonly mistaken species, is present.
Transparent Burnets are a focus for Scottish conservation projects as part of the Species on the Edge programme. This rarely recorded species is one of concern due to loss of suitable habitat and work will continue throughout 2025 to establish the distribution and abundance of this moth across Argyll.
Transparent Burnet. Credit: David Hill
Dr Luke Evans, Butterfly Conservation: Can we measure the impact of insect change on bird and bat populations?
Dr Luke Evans discussed the DRUID project, which has operated since 2021 and aims to investigate the drivers and repercussions of UK insect decline. Evans discussed the impact of this catastrophic decline on species whose diets are adapted to insects, true correlation vs random correlation (the observation data conundrum) and the suggestive patterns of decline in birds as a result of this. The use of key data, including that in the National Moth Recording Scheme, demonstrates the importance of national monitoring data for evaluating insect abundance and the direct impacts of insect change.
Dr Sam Fabian, Imperial College London: Understanding why artificial lights trap flying insects using high-speed videography
The next presentation was delivered by Dr Sam Fabian, who explored the aggregation of insects around bright light sources, how artificial light can impact insect flight and the behavioural mechanisms behind it. Fabian suggests that circling behaviour around bright light sources is due to dorsal light response – a stabilising reflex where insects angle their body to orientate bright lights above them – which causes erratic flight paths around artificial light sources.
Circling behaviours around artificial light sources. Credit: Dr Sam Fabian
Dr Avalon Owens, Rowland Institute, Harvard University: Do sustainable lighting practices sustain moths?
Last to speak was Dr Avalon Owens, who concluded the session with an insightful discussion on the impacts of light pollution on moths. This growing threat is one of many that impacts global insect abundance and diversity, and can have a range of negative impacts on insect behaviour, including: fatal attraction, temporal and spatial disorientation and visual confusion. These can have catastrophic effects on insects internal body clock, navigation ability and recognition of resources. With light pollution levels growing and expanding exponentially, Dr Owens also outlined key routes to tackle the issue by creating sustainable lighting that is useful, targeted, controlled, low level and warm coloured.
Five lighting principles for responsible outdoor lighting and impacts of artificial light on insects. Credit: Dr Avalon Owens
This year’s Moth Recorders Meeting was a fascinating insight into the National Moth Recording Scheme, key trends and developments in moth ecology and conservation, and the threats to these undervalued insects. Find out more about Butterfly Conservation, their valuable work and ways to get involved on their website.
Friday 14th February marks the start of National Nest Box Week. With widespread population declines due to habitat loss and urbanisation, National Nest Box Week presents us with the perfect opportunity to provide habitat for local birds, boosting breeding success and contributing to the enhancement of biodiversity in our green spaces.
Mid-February marks the start of the breeding season for many British bird species, with many beginning to actively seek new territory and suitable nesting sites. Nest Box Week is a great time to install a new nest box or do some maintenance on any existing boxes. By providing artificial nesting sites, we can assist species such as Robins, House Sparrows, and Swifts, while simultaneously raising public awareness about the diverse range of birds that benefit from these resources.
Image by Vine House Farm via Flickr
Here are some ways to get involved in National Nest Box Week:
Install a nest box in an outside space, garden or balcony
Plant native flora and provide access to fresh, clean water to keep your garden bird-friendly
Support bird conservation organisations by donating, volunteering or sharing their work
Encourage friends and family to get involved in supporting their local wildlife
Garden Bird Species
Robins are a familiar sight in UK gardens and are easily recognised by their bright red breast and cheerful song. They prefer open-fronted nest boxes, often tucked away in hedges or shrubs, to mimic their natural nesting preferences in sheltered crevices and vegetation.
Blue tits are small, vibrant birds common across the UK that are often seen flitting through gardens and woodlands. They prefer small, enclosed nest boxes, hung high to mimic their natural nesting sites in tree cavities.
With their distinctive yellow beak and melodious song, Blackbirds are a common sight in various habitats across the UK. They prefer open-fronted nest boxes, at a slightly higher location, tucked away amongst dense vegetation or climbing plants for added security.
Common in UK gardens and urban areas, Sparrows prefer nest boxes with a small entrance hole, placed high up on walls or under the eaves of houses, mimicking their natural nesting sites in crevices and holes in buildings.
Why is National Nest Box Week important?
Increasing urbanisation, human development and changing land-use have had devastating impacts on bird populations in the UK. A loss of natural nesting habitats has introduced extra challenges for rearing young, and nest boxes provide nesting birds with vital habitat to rear chicks – helping to mitigate the impacts of habitat loss which is essential for supporting local bird populations.
Find a selection of nest box blogs on the Conservation Hub, including:
Flea and tick treatments are contaminating songbird nests. A recent study surveyed 103 tit nests that utilised pet fur in construction, and found that 100% were contaminated with fipronil, a chemical component of pet flea and tick treatments that is banned for agricultural use in the UK and the EU. Contaminated nests were found to have an increased number of unhatched eggs and dead chicks, placing significant pressure on breeding bird populations. The findings have led to calls for a thorough environmental risk assessment of veterinary treatments, and to consider restricting their use as a preventative measure to an active treatment.
The Arctic carbon sink is now a source of emissions, a new study concludes. Rising temperatures in the Arctic landscape are facilitating the release of vast amounts of carbon dioxide, which is currently stored in the region’s permafrost, and over 40% of this is now significantly contributing to greenhouse gas emissions in the context of global warming. The effects of rising temperatures are also reflected by visual changes in the landscape – ground collapse, increased plant growth, microbial domination – and changes in the carbon cycle in the region.
Wales’ plan to reverse wildlife decline lacks plan, action and investment according to Senedd’s cross-party environment committee.A recent report identified several shortcomings that have impacted the Welsh government’s ability to tackle nature loss and boost biodiversity. These include legislation that failed to deliver, outdated key policy documents, a broken promise to update the Nature Recovery Action Plan, and a history of delays, undelivered commitments, and missed deadlines. With 1 in 6 species at risk of local extinction in Wales, and a 20% decrease in wildlife over the last three decades, the committee urged the Welsh government to prioritise setting targets to address biodiversity loss by 2030, bringing Wales in-line with previously agreed biodiversity commitments.
One in six Welsh species are threatened with local extinction. Image by Antje Schultner via Flickr
The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has published a report on the prospect of the UK meeting its environmental targets and commitments. The third OEP assessment analysed the government’s current progress towards improving the country’s natural environment between April 2023 and March 2024, and determined that the UK remains off track in meeting legal commitments due to slow progress and a loss of momentum. Key issues identified were as follows: policy or regulatory frameworks are not adequately developed or delivered; actions do not address all major pressures; inadequate resource provision and a lack of urgency. To tackle this, the report concluded that the UK government should speed up, scale up, stack up and catch-up actions to make adequate progress.
Wildlife and Conservation
A Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Mytosis mytosis) has been discovered in Sussex. In mid-January 2025, a breeding female Greater Mouse-eared Bat was found hibernating in the South Downs National Park, marking the first identification of a new female since the 1980s. This species was declared extinct in the UK in 1992 following decades of species decline, however two male sightings, one in 2002 and one in 2023 suggested the potential for their return in the future. Conservationists have ringed the newly discovered female to allow for future identification, monitoring and research, with the hope of discovering an established breeding population in Britain.
Galicia’s shellfish stocks are declining at an alarming rate. Europe’s primary source of mussels, and the world’s second largest producer of shellfish, has seen a dramatic fall in cockles, clams and mussels. In 2023, cockles crop fell by as much as 80% and last year, mussel production was at its lowest for the last 25 years with some stocks falling by 90%. It is thought that the climate crisis and pollution from agriculture and local industry are at the root cause of this catastrophic decline, with increased rainfall reducing the salinity of the water and invasive species attracted to rising water temperatures.
Brown Trout survival is at serious risk as English rivers warm with climate change. A Government report suggests that these native fish are at risk of extinction in large parts of England within decades. The first national temperature projections by the Environment Agency forecast an unliveable environment at the height of summer by 2030. Brown Trout have a temperature threshold of around 12°C, above which there is a significant risk of egg mortality, small hatching sizes and development defects. For adult fish, this increased temperature could also amplify the impact of pollutants and an individual’s susceptibility to pathogens.
Although the term was initially coined in the 1990s, ‘rewilding’ has come to dominate conservation thinking in the last fifteen years. This seemingly paradigmatic shift was consequent of a growing perception that a vision of planetary future should not merely appease a bare minimum criterion for ecological longevity. Instead, conservationists should envision an ecologically prosperous future that supersedes the conditions of the present or the recent past. Many of the initiatives enacted under the banner of ‘rewilding’ may be seen as the attempted actualisation of this vision.
Six years have passed since Citizen Zoo’s original Rewilding Symposium in 2019. This period has seen a rapid acceleration in the global recognition of rewilding alongside the now widespread presence of rewilding initiatives. The growth and support of the rewilding movement has coincided, of course, with the continued acceleration of global biodiversity loss and the increasingly unignorable impacts of anthropogenic climate change. The common philosophy across the sometimes-disparate presentations of participants was that the process of actively reinstating biodiversity is inextricably tied to the viability of our planetary future.
Rewilding Futures played host to a globally diverse set of speakers from organisations including Rewilding Chile; Rewilding Europe; Rewilding Britain; Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique), Blue Marine Foundation; The Wildlife Trusts and Rewilding Argentina.
This year, the University of Cambridge played host to the conference, bringing together leading voices to tackle pivotal issues in the field and discuss the future of rewilding in the coming decades. Key highlights for me were as follows:
Carnivore Reintroductions
Luigi Boitaniasked, ‘What role for wolves in Europe?’ – a fascinating presentation which argued for the conservation status and continued legal protection of wolves across the continent. The recovery of the species has been successful across swathes of Europe, and this has raised questions of the potential down listing of the species. Most interestingly, the presentation pulled into question the oft perceived justification for wolf reintroduction – their capacity to create a trophic cascade of top-down ecological restoration. The speaker argued that this justification has been historically overstated in the same way that their potential to prey on livestock has been underplayed. For Boitani, we must acknowledge that our desire for the presence of wolves is based on our perception of the species’ intrinsic value and simultaneously the real concerns about livestock predation must be mitigated.
A presentation from Scotland: The Big Pictureprovided a summary of their efforts in working towards a reintroduction of Eurasian Lynx in Scotland. Similarly to Boitani’s consideration of wolves in Europe, they also acknowledged that the carnivore’s potential to prey on livestock has been understated by previous groups who have lobbied for lynx reintroduction. Most importantly, Scotland: The Big Picture acknowledged the necessity of garnering support from stakeholders who may be impacted by the presence of lynx. The organisation’s more clearheaded approach to the possibility of lynx reintroduction in Scotland marked a stark contrast to the mysterious and illegal releases in the Cairngorms which preceded the conference.
Perhaps the most contentious presentation of the event came from the Colossal Foundation– a Texan initiative that claims they are enacting a process of Thylacine ‘de-extinction’. A mandated project will see the Tasmanian Tiger, extinct since 1936, re-animated and playing a significant role in future Tasmanian ecology. This, alongside their programme of Woolly Mammoth ‘de-extinction’, could be perceived as representing the boldest outreaches of the rewilding movement. Pragmatists within the conference raised concerns about the detrimental implications that this unprecedented project, the mandate of which transcends ordinary legal barriers to reintroduction, could have on Tasmanian ecology.
Land for rewilding: Legal mechanisms and Ownership
The Lifescape Projectoffered an analysis ofthelegal mechanisms used to secure land for long-term rewilding, such as conservation covenants in England and conservation burdens in Scotland. Their talk Using Novel Legal Mechanisms to Secure Land for Rewilding: Lessons from across UK and Europeoutlined the ways in which various mechanisms allow or impede the long-term dedication of land for rewilding. Utilising cross comparison case studies from across Europe, this talk encouraged innovative and collaborative approaches to improving land use legislation.
Similarly, Ted Theisinger’sworkshop To Own and Control: The Future of Land Governance Structures in Scotland and Beyondpresented an interesting consideration of the future of conservation in Scotland. Scotland is one of the most depleted terrestrial landscapes and simultaneously has one of the most concentrated structures of land ownership in the world. Throughout the workshop, participants considered the ways in which existing legislative instruments define the parameters of conservation within the context of Scottish land ownership. The workshop oriented toward imagining a future where non-human voices were interwoven into considerations of what to do with our lands and seas.
Among the many intriguing discussions of individual sites where rewilding is enacted was Andrew Osborne’shistorical ecology of Chat Moss, a 36km square area of lowland raised bog in Salford. The presentation traced the history of Chat Moss over the last 200 years, including industrial habitat destruction which resulted in a significant loss of flora and fauna in the area. The talk highlighted the work of restoration projects dating back to the 1980s, driven by the imperative to preserve carbon stored in the peat and encourage carbon sequestration. Consequentially, the last forty years have seen the translocations of many species into the area, including the recent reintroduction of the Large Heath Butterfly (Coenonympha tullia).
Marine Rewilding
Another highlight was theBlue Marine Foundation’spresentation Rewilding the Seas: A modern odyssey of hope and challenge. Charles Clover outlined the work of the Blue Marine Foundationand looked to answer the question: why rewild the sea, which in comparison to land, is seemingly already wild? The presentation argued that the principles of sea rewilding are essentially the same as that of land, to bring back lost and depleted species to our oceans and restore ecosystems that have been harmed by human activities?– simply by stepping back and letting nature repair the damage, or by reintroducing species/ restoring habitats.
While aspects of rewilding remain deeply contentious and there continues to be a vast diversity in perspectives of what rewilding should and could be, the most substantial thematic takeaway is that rewilding has galvanised people in a way that traditional conservation approaches have not.
In 2025, the impacts of anthropogenic climate change and unprecedented biodiversity loss are met with deterministically inactive governing bodies across the globe. In many ways things seem more hopeless than ever before, yet actors within the conservation field understand that without hope there can be no inspiration for change.
The revolutionary potential of the rewilding movement has come to represent the last beacon of hope for a viable future for people and nature – a possible catalyst for change.
Water Vole populations are undergoing a national decline in the UK. A new report from the Wildlife Trusts, The National Water Vole Database Project Report, was released last month to document the findings of a nationwide investigation examining Water Vole distribution over the past ten years. Although the report documented a 39% decrease in the number of occupied areas across the UK, it also identified a further 11 new regional key areas of increasing local populations, including several in East Anglia and Yorkshire. The report reveals a bleak national picture with declines across the country due to habitat loss and deterioration, but shows that in the right conditions, and with the help of conservation practitioners, it is possible to reverse their historic decline.
Conservationists have observed active worker bumblebees nest-building in Scotland during the winter months. Unusually mild weather during the Christmas period has led to early awakening from hibernation, and at least two species have started to build new nests early in the winter season. However, the subsequent return of cold weather and the scarcity of winter food sources pose a significant threat to these early nests, risking their collapse. In this instance, fewer queens would be available to build nests in the spring and could contribute to the national decline of bumblebees.
The National Trust has announced plans to create 250,000 hectares of biodiverse landscape. Equivalent to 1.5 times the size of Greater London, these nature-rich landscapes across England, Wales and Northern Ireland will address a current national need and are estimated to provide habitat for 1 billion earthworms. Labelled audacious yet achievable, this goal will be actioned on Trust properties, but also in partnership with other organisations, farmers and communities, to create larger tracts of landscape to tackle the climate and nature crises.
Last week, Lynx were reported in the Cairngorms National Park. A total of four animals were illegally released and subsequently captured by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RSS), where they were taken to be quarantined at Highland Wildlife Park (later one sadly died). The source of these animals remains unknown, but experts have raised concerns about the nature of their release – these animals were released in sub-zero temperatures within areas of logging activity, which has been deemed a highly irresponsible action that has drawn criticism from conservationists.
Climate Crisis
2024 marks the first calendar year to surpass the 1.5°C warming limit. Now thought to be the world’s hottest year on record, 2024 has brought the world closer to breaking the international warming target of 1.5°C – although this target is based on long-term temperature averages, last year’s trends signify an upturn in global temperature, with the last decade being the warmest on record. Predominantly due to harmful greenhouse gas emissions, which are still at record highs, this record is met with calls for cuts in emissions over this calendar year.
The UK generated its cleanest electricity ever in 2024, with 58% from low-carbon sources. The amount of electricity generated from fossil fuels has halved in the past decade, with the UK having seen an upturn in the use of renewable energy sources. In the past twelve months, renewables have generated 45% of the UK’s power, and when including nuclear sources, this number totals to 58%. Despite this, fossil fuels are still generating approximately 29% of electricity in the UK, and in order to meet climate and emission targets experts are urging for an accelerated phase out.
In a ‘landmark’ deal, the world’s first private sector loan based on biodiversity net gain unit models has been granted. Triodos Bank UK has loaned £3.85m to environmental consultancy Nature Impact – the money will be used to purchase a total of 122 acres over two sites, unlocking degraded farmland for biodiversity net gain. These degraded sites will undergo restoration and habitat creation, including native wildflower meadows and wetlands, to enhance their support of British wildlife and climate goals.
Ecologists at Oxford University have designed a new framework to classify how a unit of nature is defined for biodiversity credits. In the review, researchers acknowledge the lack of clarity on how one unit of nature is defined, or how measurements are standardised, and demonstrated the challenges involved with the biodiversity credit market. It presents a framework exploring how biodiversity is quantified, how positive outcomes are detected and how the number of credits can be adjusted to account for uncertainties. The authors caution against biodiversity credits to offset negative impacts, and instead direct focus on avoiding and reducing these factors.