The Big Butterfly Count: NHBS Staff Results 2022

Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) sunning on a hazel leaf – Sabine Lang

Butterfly Conservation opened the Big Butterfly Count between 15th July and 7th August this year. This annual initiative sees citizen scientists taking to their gardens, local parks and verges, or heading out into the countryside to spend fifteen minutes counting the butterflies and moths in their chosen patch.

At the time of writing (15th August) the results on the 2022 Big Butterfly Count page state an accumulation of just shy of 95,000 counts recorded by approximately 63,400 participants. Most counts were submitted from the UK but there was a scattering of submissions from elsewhere in the world. It’s a lower participation count than last year, but there’s still time to submit any counts you took between 15th July and 7th August at:

The results from the 2021 Big Butterfly Count suggested a continued decline of the overall number of butterflies across the UK and prompted some sobering thoughts on the diminishing appearances of these beautiful, remarkable and vital members of our ecosystem. “76% of butterflies have declined in abundance in distribution since 1976” heads one article on the Butterfly Conservation website, then goes on to state that “We may be the last generation to enjoy butterflies and moths in abundance.”

Some interesting results from the 2021 Big Butterfly Count were increases in the recorded numbers of some species such as Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) (33%), Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus) (81%) and Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) (42%) and a whopping increase of 213% from 2020 for the Marbled White (Melanargia galathea)!

It’s hard to imagine that 2022 has been more favourable for the UK’s Lepidoptera. A prolonged winter of record-breaking storms that rattled the country was followed by low temperatures through spring that gave way in a burst to record-breaking heat, parching the soil for weeks on end and plunging us into drought and sporadic wildfires by the time the Big Butterfly Count came around.

Town centre meadow of dried grasses in Totnes – Oliver Haines

For one of my counts I took a lunch break trip to a local parkland meadow under a heavy humid sky where the grasses, thistles and cow parsley flowers have been allowed to grow all summer long. Allotments run along one field edge and private gardens with a variety of growing styles along the other. In my allocated 15 minute count a single Large White (Pieris brassicae) slipped past in a hurry, over the wall and away.

A second count along a hedge by the local river bank was a little more fruitful, sporting three Gatekeepers (Pryonia tithonus), one Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina) and five Ringlets (Aphantopus hyperantus) all skipping along the spent bramble flowers and sunning themselves on the leaves.


Elsewhere within the NHBS team, counts were taken by Hana, Catherine and Sabine who spotted the following species in their chosen locations:


1 x Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)

1 x Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

1 x Jersey Tiger Moth (Euplagia quadripunctaria)



7 x Large White (Pieris brassicae)

3 x Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)

2 x Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

2 x Gatekeeper (Pryonia tithonus)

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) – Catherine Mitson


1 x Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)

1 x Comma (Polygonia c-album)

2 x Small White (Pieris rapae)

2 x Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

1 x Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

Comma (Polygonia c-album) – Catherine Mitson

Butterfly Conservation

There’s some interesting reading on the Butterfly Conservation website on their strategy to save and support the UK’s butterfly and moth populations here and a useful guide to ways that you can directly get involved and help out here.

The current top 5 Butterflies recorded in the 2022 Big Butterfly Count are as follows:

  1. Large White (Pieris brassicae)
  2. Gatekeeper (Pryonia tithonus)
  3. Small White (Pieris rapae)
  4. Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
  5. Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

Useful resources

NHBS sells a wide variety of helpful guides to assist in butterfly identification all around the world – some great ones to get you started in the UK include:

Britain’s Butterflies: A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland
Flexibound | 2020
£12.50 £17.99





Pocket Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland
Paperback | 2019
£8.99 £11.99





Collins Butterfly Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe
Paperback | 2009
£13.99 £18.99





Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
Unbound | 2019






Guide to the Day-Flying Moths of Britain
Unbound | 2006






Life Cycles of British & Irish Butterflies
Hardback | 2019

No Mow May 2022

Just days into May the flowers begin. Image – Oli Haines

Throughout May 2022 Plantlife have once again made their impassioned annual plea for garden owners across the UK to resist the urge to mow lawns and tidy up their gardens and to join in with #NoMowMay. It’s a simple enough premise to leave grassy areas alone for a month, and it has huge benefits for biodiversity at this time of year to do so, giving a wide variety of flowering plants a chance to bloom early in appeal to our rich network of vital pollinators.

As in 2021, we here at NHBS have participated this year by letting the grassy areas on our premises flower and the results were quickly quite astounding. Within days there was a carpet of daisies and dandelions, Germander Speedwell and Black and Spotted Medic, and, as the month progressed and we explored further, the picture grew more and more complex. Tangles of Common Vetch, Creeping Buttercup and Common Mouse-ear proliferated, and tall fronds of Beaked Hawk’s Beard, Ribwort Plantain and Prickly Sow-thistle appeared. Hidden deep within a mixed mat of grasses the miniscule flowers of Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill, Thyme-leaved Speedwell and Scarlet Pimpernel flourished and, at the lawn edges, tall stands of Garlic Mustard and Cleavers towered over the last of the seasons Bluebell flowers.

It can still feel strangely radical to let an area of public space, or even a private garden, to grow wild. Perhaps it can feel like going against the flow to sit back and not mow or trim the grass, and to embrace a modicum of wild chaos. Much of our wildlife relies on the flowering plants that we suppress with our tidiness and our control of lawns. Multitudes of beetles, bees, ants, moths and butterflies have evolved alongside plants that, given half a chance, can still thrive in our green spaces. No Mow May offers us a glimpse into this rich relationship, this conversation in time, and it provides a lifeline. One flower that showed up in our lawn here, by way of an example, is the Cuckoo flower or Lady’s Smock, a light and elegant pink flower of grasslands that is almost exclusively selected by the Orange-tip (and Green-veined White) butterfly in spring to lay their eggs on, as it feeds the caterpillars when they hatch. Growing up to 50cm in height its reach is well within the mowing range.

In addition to the No Mow May initiative, Plantlife have also introduced Every Flower Counts, a citizen science survey that asks participants to count, record and report back the flowers found in a single metre squared patch of lawn . This will enable them to gather important data on the impact that leaving areas to grow can have on abundance and biodiversity.

As May winds to a close, species are still beginning to emerge in our lawn ready to flower in June: Spear Thistle, Oxeye Daisy, members of the Carrot family and, with a final flourish of the month, a Bee Orchid slowly opens its blooms right by the footway, surprisingly cryptic until you meet it at ground level.

Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera). Image – Oli Haines

We hope that we can leave our grass uncut for a little longer so we can see who’s still there to flower, and that those of you who have participated in No Mow May may feel inspired to do the same.

Below is a list (in no particular order) of the flowering plants we discovered on our premises during No Mow May this year and a small selection of guides for wildflowers and grasses, plus some suggested reads for those who have inspired to take wild gardening further.

  1. White Clover – Trifolium repens
  2. Red Clover – Trifolium pratense
  3. Common Vetch – Vicia Sativa
  4. Germander Speedwell – Veronica chamaedrys
  5. Common Speedwell – Veronica persica
  6. Thyme-leaved Speedwell – Veronica serpyllifolia
  7. Common Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale
  8. Common Daisy – Bellis Perennis
  9. Meadow Buttercup – Ranunculus acris
  10. Creeping Buttercup – Ranunculus repens
  11. Cuckoo Flower – Cardamine pratensis
  12. Yarrow – Achillea millefolium
  13. Spotted Medick – Medicago Arabica
  14. Black Medick – Medicago lupulina
  15. Bluebell – Hyacinthoides non-scripta
  16. Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill – Geranium dissectum
  17. Common Mouse-ear – Cerastium fontanum
  18. Ribwort Plantain ­– Plantago lanceolata
  19. Bee Orchid – Ophrys apifera
  20. Herb Robert – Geranium robertianum
  21. Oxeye daisy – Leucanthemum vulgare
  22. Beaked Hawk’s-beard – Crepis vesicaria
  23. Catsear – Hypochaeris radicata
  24. Broad-leaved Dock – Rumex obtusifolius
  25. Sheep’s Sorrel – Rumex acetosella
  26. Southern Marsh/spotted Orchid Hybrid
  27. Creeping Cinquefoil – Potentilla reptans
  28. Primrose – Primula vulgaris
  29. Common Ragwort – Senecio jacobaea
  30. Hemlock – Conium maculatum
  31. Hemlock Water Dropwort – Oenanthe crocata
  32. Cuckoo-pint – Arum alpinum
  33. Scarlet Pimpernel – Anagallis arvensis
  34. Nipplewort – Lapsana communis
  35. Bristly Oxtongue – Helminthotheca echioides
  36. Cleavers – Galium aparine
  37. Ivy-Leaved Toadflax – Cymbalaria muralis
  38. Wood Avens – Geum urbanum
  39. Garlic Mustard – Alliaria petiolata
  40. Red Valarian – Centranthus ruber
  41. Hoary Willowherb – Epilobium parviflorum
  42. Broad-leaved Willowherb – Epilobium montanum
  43. Fringed Willowherb – Epilobium ciliatum
  44. Procumbent Pearlwort – Sagina procumbens
  45. Groundsel – Senecio vulgaris
  46. Cornsalad – Valerianella locusta
  47. Spear Thistle – Cirsium vulgare
  48. Prickly Sow-thistle – Sonchus asper
  49. Common Nettle – Urtica dioica
  50. Lesser Trefoil – Trifolium dubium

 Suggested books and equipment

Wild Flower Flowcharts Species: ID the Easy Way
Spiralbound | March 2022



A Field Guide to Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
Spiralbound | April 2016





The Wild Flower Key: How to identify wild flowers, trees and shrubs in Britain and Ireland
Paperback | March 2006




Harrap’s Wild Flowers: A Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland
Paperback | November 2018




Collins Wild Flower Guide: The Most Complete Guide to the Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland
Paperback | June 2016




Making a Wildflower Meadow: The Definitive Guide to Grassland Gardening
Paperback | February 2015




Wildlife Gardening: For Everyone and Everything
Paperback | April 2019




Q1 Quadrat





Q2 Quadrat





Opticron Hand Lens 23mm 10x Magnification
£12.95 £14.95



All prices correct at the time of this article’s publication.

The Big Garden Birdwatch: NHBS Staff Results

We have reached the end of the 43rd Big Garden Birdwatch, which took place between Friday 28th and Sunday 30th January. Run by the RSPB, it’s one of the largest citizen science surveys in the UK and encourages the public to record their garden birds and submit their results. Over a million people took part last year, recording over 17 million birds, helping the RSPB gain an accurate understanding of how bird populations are faring.

Great spotted woodpecker on a window feeder by Ian Watson-Loyd

There’s still time to submit your results if you took part over the weekend, the final date to let the RSPB know what you saw is 20th February. But don’t worry if you didn’t get to take part this year; it is an annual event, so make sure to look out for it next year! To take part, all you need to do is spend 1 hour counting the birds that land in your garden, balconies or outdoor spaces. It’s important to count the highest number of each species, rather than the total amount you see over the hour, otherwise, you might end up counting the same individual twice. You can submit your results online on the RSPB website. To help you identify certain species, take a look at our range of field guides, as well as our previous identification guide blog posts here.

Over a million people took part last year, recording over 17 million birds, helping the RSPB gain an accurate understanding of how bird populations are doing. They now have over four decades of data, showing the trends in UK bird populations, which helps them which species are faring ok and which are in decline. Both goldfinches and great tits have benefited from gardens, with goldfinch populations in gardens increasing by 50% over the last decade. However, the Big Garden Birdwatch has also shown that thrushes and greenfinches sightings have decreased, with greenfinch recordings down by 65% and thrushes by 78%. We hope that more people have taken part this year, and, as always, many of our staff got involved. Scroll down to see what we found.

We’d also love to see what you’ve spotted if you took part – let us know in the comments below. 


Beth saw the highest quantity of birds this year, at 32 individuals:

Beth’s top 10

Woodpigeons: 4

Blackbirds: 4

Chaffinches: 6

Magpies: 1

Robins: 2

Starlings: 4

Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) by hedera.baltica via Flickr

Sparrows: 5

Jackdaws: 2

Blue tits: 3

Blackcaps: 1

Female blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) by Mick Sway via Flickr

Over the weekend, Catherine was visited by a large flock of starlings, as well as the most blue tits of all our staff results this year. She also managed to spot a reed bunting, an amber listed bird in the UK:

Starlings: 9

Male blackbird by Catherine Mitson

Crows: 2

Blackbirds: 1

Magpies: 1

Blue tits: 7

Woodpigeons: 2

Goldfinches: 1

Great tits: 1

Reed bunting: 1

Blue tit by Catherine Mitson

Ian managed to spot the largest number of species this year, including a wren (Troglodytes troglodytes), another amber listed species:

Starlings: 1

Blue tits: 2

Woodpigeons: 4

Blackbirds: 1

Robins: 1

Great tits: 2

Magpies: 2

Dunnocks: 1

Goldfinches: 2

Blackcaps: 1

Wrens: 1

Starling by Catherine Mitson
Male house sparrow by Steve Colwell (Channel City Camera Club) via Flickr
Female house sparrow by hedera.baltica via Flickr








I completed my Big Garden Birdwatch in East Sussex:

Woodpigeon with stick in its beak

Great tits: 2

Blue tits: 1

Sparrows: 4

Starling: 1

Woodpigeons: 2

Robins: 1

Blackbirds: 1

Notably, one of the woodpigeons picked up a stick from my garden and flew off with it, a potential sign of nest-building behaviour.

Europe’s Birds: An Identification Guide

Sabine had the highest number of jackdaws, one of our most recorded species in 2021:

Jackdaws: 6

Great tit by Catherine Mitson

Woodpigeons: 3

Blue tits: 2

Dunnocks: 3

Robins: 2

Great tits: 1

Magpies: 1

She also managed to capture this beautiful footage of one of her Robin visitors:

Reed bunting by Catherine Mitson

Our total

Total individuals per species 2022

In total, we saw 16 different species and 105 individuals across our 5 gardens. Our most common bird species were starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and woodpigeons (Columba palumbus). Last year, our most common were long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus) and jackdaws (Corvus monedula), and in 2020 it was house sparrows (Passer domesticus), followed by great tits (Parus major). It will be interesting to see how our results compare to the overall results of this year’s Big Garden Birdwatch.

Percentage per species of overall total 2022


For more information on UK garden birds, the Big Garden Birdwatch and how you can help them, please visit Here you will find a wealth of information to help you find and identify UK bird species.

NHBS Staff Picks 2021

Welcome to our annual round-up of the books and equipment we have enjoyed reading and using this year, all chosen by members of the NHBS team. Here are our staff picks for 2021!

Song Meter Micro

Released earlier this year, the Song Meter Micro produces high-quality soundscape recordings at a significantly lower price point than standard acoustic recorders. The Micro opens the door to keen naturalists, like myself, to begin exploring the world of bioacoustics. This spring, we recorded our local dawn chorus (highly recommended!) and found it incredibly easy to set up using the free app on our own smartphone. Of particular use was the preset recording schedules, one of which uses your location and time zone to target recording around sunset and sunrise. The ease of use and beautifully clear recordings make the Micro a clear choice for my 2021 staff pick.
Gemma – Senior Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Islands of Abandonment: Life in the Post-Human Landscape

Officially abandoned places are often still very much inhabited by people on the fringes of society, as well as being reclaimed by nature. Islands of Abandonment is a highly enjoyable read about places, people and nature; part travelogue, part anthropology and part natural history, it reminded me strongly of The World Without Us. Cal Flyn writes engagingly, intelligently, and with compassion. I enjoyed reading this in hardback when it was first published, and the paperback is due to be released soon.
Anneli – Head of Finance and Operations


Recon Force Elite HP4

Being able to record the presence and often secret behaviour of the more elusive wildlife on my local patch with a trail camera is thoroughly rewarding. At the start of the year, Browning launched their latest trail camera, the impressively well-designed Recon Force Elite HP4. After seeing the stunning quality of video it captures in 1920 x 1080 FHD, it has become one of my firm favourites and I am excited to get it out into a wider range of habitats. Just ten years ago, having a trail camera that could record in this quality and also offer so many practical features and settings would have been prohibitively expensive, so I feel the Recon Force really does offer excellent value.
Ian – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Beasts Before Us: The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution

Beyond a few academic textbooks and technical monographs, the deep evolutionary history of mammals has remained largely hidden in the academic literature. Beasts Before Us unleashes their story most spectacularly and engagingly. This beautifully written debut marks Panciroli as a noteworthy new popular science author.
Leon – Catalogue Editor


Defender Metal Seed Feeder

I have a Defender Metal Seed Feeder in my garden and absolutely love it. The ports and perches are all made of metal meaning that the local squirrel isn’t able to chew and wreck the feeder! Everything is easy to disassemble and reassemble, making cleaning the entire feeder a breeze. Paying a little bit extra for a metal bird feeder was definitely well worth it for the quality and longevity.
Antonia – Wildlife Equipment Manager


A Trillion Trees: How We Can Reforest Our World

A Trillion Trees is my choice for this year’s staff picks as it’s an optimistic take on the future of the world’s forests, championing the role of trees in the fight against climate change and in people’s daily lives. This book celebrates trees, exploring their importance, the history of our relationship with forests and the future role they may have in an emerging community-centred approach to the land.
Hana – Ecology Content Writer/Editor


Kite Falco Binoculars

Kite Optics have a great reputation for their entry- and mid-level optics. I’ve had my 8×32 Falcos for a few months now, and I’m absolutely loving them. The ED glass provides a bright, crystal-clear image even in lower light, while the smaller size keeps them portable. In most lights very little chromatic aberration is visible. I’ve had great fun seeing some of the winter migrants that are currently in residence around the UK’s coasts. A great choice for any birder looking for quality optics at a good price.
Josh – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


NHBS Moth Trap Starter Kit

Handmade in our workshop here in Devon, the NHBS Moth trap is my 2021 staff pick. Constructed from lightweight plastic panels covered with white nylon and weighing in at 2kg, the trap is portable, easy to assemble, and convenient to store. The sturdy 4.5m mains power lead runs a single 20W Blacklight bulb and the white fabric sides help to reflect UV light ensuring good attraction rates. I’ve always been a fan of the standard skinner shape which allows you to easily lay egg boxes along the bottom, whilst the upper panels help to retain the catch. At an attractive price point, this trap is ideal for beginners or anyone looking for a convenient trap for their garden.
Johnny – Senior Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Advanced Bug Hunting Kit

Although it’s a product we’ve sold for a long time, my staff pick is the Advanced Bug Hunting Kit. This year I fell back in love with bug hunting in my local area. While not being able to travel far but having the freedom to explore my surrounding countryside, bug hunting helped transport me to a whole other world, the vast and fascinating world of insects! This kit has all you need to get you started. While being suitable for use with children for family fun, it also includes the Collins Complete Guide to British Insects and Super Fine Pointed Forceps to accommodate a more delicate, detailed look into what you have captured.
Beth – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


The Big Butterfly Count: NHBS Staff Results

Red Admiral – by G. Hagger

We have reached the end of the Big Butterfly Count 2021, which took place between Friday 16th July and Sunday 8th August. It’s the world’s biggest survey of butterflies and is aimed at assessing the health of our environment by recording the number of our most common butterflies and day-flying moths.

But don’t worry if you didn’t get to take part this year; it is an annual event, so make sure to look out for it next year! To take part, all you need to do is spend 15 minutes counting butterflies on a sunny day. You can count from anywhere you like, such as in the garden or park, in the woods or fields or wherever you find yourself outdoors.  You can submit your results online on the Big Butterfly Count website. For a list of handy butterfly ID guides as well as some tips on how to distinguish certain species, take a look at our previous blog post here

This count is extremely important as butterflies are vital to the ecosystem, as pollinators and within the food chain. Populations have decreased significantly since the 1970s, therefore monitoring butterfly numbers is crucial. We hope that more people have taken part this year, and, as always, many of our staff got involved. Scroll down to see what we found.

We’d also love to see what you’ve spotted if you took part – why not let us know in the comments below. 


Catherine spotted all of these butterflies during her lunch break:

Small White: 10

Meadow Brown: 5

Gatekeeper: 9

Meadow Brown – by C. Mitson
Small White – by C. Mitson






Small Skipper – by O. Haines

Gemma found:

Large white: 2

Meadow brown: 2

Ringlet: 1

Red admiral: 1



Gatekeeper – by H. Ketley
Marbled White – by C. Mitson








Tonie did the butterfly count by the coast:

Meadow browns: 5

Red admiral: 2

Large white: 2

Small skipper: 2

Marbled white: 1

Gatekeeper – by C. Mitson
High Brown Fritillary – by H. Ketley
Speckled Wood – by A. Rietveld








I managed to complete a butterfly count at the end of a hike on Dartmoor:

Small white: 1

Meadow brown: 4

Gatekeeper: 1

Red admiral: 1

Meadow Brown – by C. Mitson

Angeline completed her big butterfly count in Plymouth:

Ringlet: 3

Small skipper: 2

Silver-Washed Fritillary – by A. Rietveld
Meadow Brown – by H. Ketley
Small Skipper – by A. Rietveld








Oli spotted:

Peacock – by O. Haines

Gatekeeper: 2

Small tortoiseshell: 1

Red admiral: 1

Peacock: 1

Ringlet: 1

Meadow brown: 1

Ringlet – by O. Haines


Gatekeeper – by A. Rietveld

Butterfly Conservation

For more information on UK butterflies and how you can help them, please visit Butterfly Here you will find a wealth of information to help you find and identify butterflies and moths.

An Evening at Sharpham – Bat and insect survey

The lengthening evenings of late Spring or early Summer are an ideal time for an evening wildlife walk. Now the vegetation has become more lush and the air has become warmer, the insects form in thicker clouds and the bats are now on the wing.

The Sharpham estate is a 550-acre area which runs alongside the River Dart just outside Totnes. This historic landscape is home to the Sharpham Trust, an educational charity whose Wild for People project aims to rewild areas of the estate and enhance biodiversity in the region. To read more about the history of the Sharpham Estate and the launch of their Wild for People project, click here.

A few of us from NHBS walked up to the Sharpham estate where we met a group of Ambios’s conservation volunteers and trainees for an evening wildlife walk. We brought a selection of bat detectors with us and explained the differences between our most popular professional detectors. We distributed any active bat detectors among the volunteers and showed them how each type worked. We then left the farm just as dusk was settling with detectors armed and ready.

As we wandered the footpaths and fields of the estate, we watched several Noctule and Leisler’s bats commute high above the fields, along with some Common and Soprano pipistrelles zipping along the hedgeline foraging.

We then cut across a field to a dead tree where NHBS Wildlife Equipment Specialist Josh had previously set some insect bait traps. The traps were baited with a mix of banana and beer and had been set in the hopes of catching saproxylic beetles emerging from dead wood.

Josh has also been monitoring the beetle diversity of Sharpham through a series of pitfall traps placed across the estate, although prior to our walk they had unfortunately been closed due to heavy rain. Unfortunately no beetles were found in the traps this time, but we did spot a variety of species scurrying along the field and forest paths including Anchomenus dorsalis, Dromius agilis and Staphylinus dimidiaticornis, along with the very common Nebria brevicollis (gazelle beetle) and Pterostichus madidus (black clock beetle).

Once it was much darker, on our way back up to the farm, we also had the pleasure of listening to the alien-like call of a sitting Lesser Horseshoe bat that was perched just meters away from the group. It made for an exciting end to the walk and we hope to detect even more bat species through passive detector recordings.

See the full range of bat detectors and insect survey equipment on the NHBS website.

To find out more about Ambios and the work of Lower Sharpham Farm, please visit

No Mow May 2021

Plantlife’s “No Mow May” campaign asked gardeners around the UK to lock up their lawnmower and let the wild flowers in their lawn bloom. This simple change in mowing has been shown to bring huge benefits, providing a feast of nectar for our hungry pollinators.

At the end of May, Plantlife opened its “Every Flower Counts” survey, a fun and easy way to discover how many bees the UK’s lawns can feed. People from all around the country took part, recording the different flowers which had bloomed on their lawn. These results will then be compiled to produce the National Nectar Score.

Image by Antonia Peacock

Here at NHBS we were delighted to take part in No Mow May, with a number of our staff members saying “no” to the mow in order to help our bees, butterflies, and wildlife!

You can find out how we got on below:

Outside the NHBS building

The grass outside the NHBS building was left unmown during May, allowing lots of daises, dandelions and speedwell to bloom. This created a beneficial space for a variety of insects and pollinators.

Image by Antonia Peacock


Nigel turned his lawn into a wild haven, allowing an abundance of dandelions and forget-me-nots to blossom.

Image by Nigel Jones

Nigel also contacted the local council, persuading them to set aside an unmown patch of grass at a local cemetery – an area usually mown twice a month from March to November. The photo below shows the contrast between the the unmown area and the area which continues to be mown and strimmed. As shown below, leaving an unmown patch has allowed a number of daises and dandelions to sprout up.

Image by Nigel Jones


Oli’s garden remains wild year-round, attracting a variety of plants and wildlife. Most recently, his garden saw the arrival of this rather impressive-looking slow worm!

Slow Worm by Oliver Haines


Natt’s lawn was left unmown during May, with the long grass helping to provide habitat for a variety of different insects.

Image by Natalie Mawson


Elle’s garden saw the blooming of these stunning buttercups, ideal for pollinators and other wildlife.

Image by Elle Mason


Marie’s lawn was also left to grow during May, allowing lots of lovely daises to sprout up.

Image by Marie Shute


Angeline’s dog Freya enjoyed exploring a field of buttercups which had been left untouched during May.

Image by Angeline Rietveld  

Have you taken part in No Mow May and are keen to learn more about some of your local flora? You can find our ‘Guide to UK Wild Flower Identification’ here.

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

The 29th-31st January marked the 42nd Big Garden Birdwatch. This citizen science survey asks members of the public across the UK to count the numbers and species of birds that land in their gardens in a one hour period. In 2020 almost half a million people took part and 7.8 million birds were counted.

This year, the RSPB launched the Big Garden Birdwatch Live to run alongside the counts. A full weekend of live events including interviews and Q&As with Nick Baker, Chris Packham and a host of RSPB staff members. Bird feeders from nature reserves around the country were live streamed throughout.

At NHBS more of us than ever decided to take part and record the species that visited our gardens. Some of us were luckier than others; with weather warnings across Devon it was a wet and windy weekend. Despite the conditions we were treated to some wonderful sightings and as a group spotted 23 different species.

Overall a much higher number of pigeons and corvids visited our gardens than in previous years, as it seemed these larger birds were the least phased by the rain. Long-tailed tits and blue tits were the most highly spotted passerines.

See our results below:


Nigel’s three children assisted with his survey and helped identify a great range of species.

Image by Nigel Jones

3 Blue tits
3 Tree sparrows
2 Carrion crows
2 Blackbirds
2 Dunnocks
2 Long-tailed tits
1 Coal tit
1 Great tit
1 Robin
1 Wren
1 Magpie
1 Woodpigeon



Blackbird by Catherine Mitson

Catherine had a quieter hour, but still counted 3 species, all of which were in last year’s top 10!

1 Blackbird
1 Great tit
1 Woodpigeon



Angeline’s dog Freya must have brought her some good luck! She was treated to 12 species including a nuthatch and firecrest, two fantastic sightings.

Image by Angeline Rietveld

4 Long-tailed tits
3 House sparrows
2 Magpies
2 Great tits
1 Firecrest
1 Robin
1 Blue tit
1 Nuthatch
1 Carrion Crow
1 Blackbird
1 Dunnock
1 Chaffinch



Magpie by Rachel Ud-din

Rachel had the highest number of house sparrows – the species that took last year’s national top spot

8 House sparrows
2 Feral pigeons
1 Common gull
1 Magpie



Phoebe’s family had the highest quantity of birds visit their garden, an impressive 26 individuals. Her sister Amabel even managed to take this beautiful photo of a Great spotted woodpecker.

Woodpecker by Amabel Jeffries

2 Blackbirds
8 Long-tailed tits
5 Blue tits
2 Chaffinches
2 Coal tits
2 Nuthatches
2 Great tits
1 Woodpigeon
1 Dunnock
1 Great spotted woodpecker



Pigeons by Oliver Haines

Oli’s garden seems to reliably attract corvids and pigeons, as he counted very similar numbers to his 2020 survey.

3 Woodpigeons
2 Carrion crows
2 Jackdaws
1 Robin



Antonia was treated to a large flock of jackdaws. She also saw a grey wagtail – a species more fond of riverside habitats, although they do tend to venture further during the winter.

Robin by Catherine Mitson

10 Jackdaws
2 Blue tits
2 Magpies
1 Robin
1 Goldcrest
1 Grey Wagtail
1 Blackbird



Jackdaw by Oliver Haines

Living in the centre of town led to my own list being dominated by relatively urban species.

11 Feral pigeons
5 Herring gulls
2 Carrion crows
2 Jackdaws


Across our 8 gardens we counted a total of 117 birds across 23 different species.

Have you taken part in the Big Garden Birdwatch? Don’t forget to submit your results by the 19th of February here.

NHBS Staff Picks 2020

Welcome to our annual round-up of the books and equipment we have enjoyed reading and using this year, all chosen by members of the NHBS team. Here are our choices for 2020!

Browning Patriot

The new Browning Patriot has really impressed me this year. It is very competitively priced for a top of the range camera and produces fantastic quality photos and videos. The standout features are the 0.15s trigger speed and 0.35s recovery time between pictures ensuring you catch even the fastest moving of animals. I would highly recommend this camera for professionals and naturalists alike.
Gemma – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Orchard: A Year in England’s Eden

Orchards have been a traditional component of the British landscape for many centuries and their value for wildlife has long been underestimated. This passionate eulogy observes over a single year the abundant wildlife in one of the few traditional orchards left in Britain. It is a brilliantly written and informative insight into the ecological niche traditional orchards can provide and the benefit they can have for the larger ecosystems around them. Unfortunately, as in so much of the UK’s agricultural landscape, modern orchards are often deserts of biodiversity: depending on expensive machinery, pesticide controls and extensive pruning to keep competitive. However the authors make an excellent case for working with nature rather than against it, to control pests and maintain productivity that is both commercially viable and provides a haven for nature. I enjoyed this book immensely and it has inspired me to plant a couple of apple trees in my tiny back garden.
Nigel – Books and Publications


Field Guide to the Caterpillars of Great Britain and Ireland

This recent addition to the Bloomsbury Nature Guides was published in March. All throughout the first UK lockdown, I spent a considerable amount of time in the NHBS warehouse, and the book’s popularity was very visible: spotting the bright orange spine on the book trolleys and the packing benches always cheered me. This field guide is very accessible with a comprehensive introduction, a lot of detail in the species accounts, and outstanding illustrations. It’s perfect for both the novice with a little curiosity, like myself, and for experienced naturalists.
Anneli – Head of Finance and Operations


British Wildlife Magazine

I’ve loved reading British Wildlife this year, particularly the wildlife reports and columns. There’s been some amazing articles, including a recent Patrick Barkham article ‘Crisis point for the conservation sector’.
Natt – Head of Sales and Marketing



Bringing Back the Beaver

After having a previous life as a beaver researcher and seeing Derek Gow in action, Bringing Back the Beaver had to be my staff pick of 2020. Derek’s passion for beavers and nature in general really comes across and I was entertained from the first page to the last whilst being educated along the way.
Hannah – Operations Assistant


Buff-tailed Bumblebee Mug

I bought this mug and notebook as gifts for my Mum who, as a trainee beekeeper, adored them! Both products are high quality, adorable and have some lovely words about the bumblebee on it. The hand-drawn bumblebee image is detailed, lifelike and adds to the charisma of the products.
In addition to this, for every sale made, a donation is given to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust! If you are a bee lover and would like to help make a difference to conserving this enchanting species, then I highly recommend these items.
Holly – Customer Services


Hedgehog Nest Box

My pick this year is the hedgehog nest box. When an underweight and sick hedgehog had to be rescued from outside our offices this year, we were advised to place a hedgehog box out for the hedgehog’s return once she had recovered. The Hedgehog Nest Box was an obvious choice, being sturdy, well-designed and tested extensively by the Hedgehog Preservation Society. The in-built tunnel ensures inhabitants are kept safe from draughts and any unwanted visitors, and the removable lid meant we could fit a nestbox camera inside the nesting chamber to keep an eye on the recently recovered hog.
Antonia – Deputy Wildlife Equipment Manager


1080p HD Wired Outdoor Bird Feeder Camera

I love being able to see the wildlife in my garden but never want to scare any of it away and this little camera is a great solution to that problem. It allows you to live stream footage in full HD straight to your TV or monitor, day and night. It is small enough to fit into a nest box and watch the “behind the scenes” of the start of garden birds’ lives, or the comings and goings of hedgehogs from their daytime refuge in a hedgehog box. But on top of that, with this camera’s completely weatherproof casing, it can be used outside of nest box season to watch feeders in the garden or small mammal highways with no additional protection.
Beth – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Aquapac Trailproof Daysack

Despite having only a ten minute walking commute to the office here in Totnes, the inclement winter weather means I have to be well prepared if I want to arrive dry and warm! That’s why my pick this year is the Aquapac Trailproof Daysack. Its all-welded construction and roll top seal make it a thoroughly reliable waterproof pack. I’ve used it for a variety of purposes, from wet weather running and hiking and even loading it with groceries! It’s 500d vinyl construction makes it a very rugged pack for day hikes and the padded straps mean it can hold a surprising amount of weight whilst remaining comfortable. If you’re looking for a versatile hard-wearing dry pack then this is it!
Johnny – Wildlife Equipment Specialist


Owls of the Eastern Ice

Owls of the Eastern Ice is a spellbinding memoir of determination and obsession with safeguarding the future of this bird of prey that firmly hooked its talons in me and did not let go.
Leon – Catalogue Editor



Batbox Duet Bat Detector

Having worked as a freelance bat surveyor for a couple of years now, I can say that the BatBox Duet is by far my favourite entry/mid-level bat detector on the market. The main reason for this is that it enables me to simultaneously monitor calls via frequency division – meaning that a bat calling at any pitch will be heard in real time – and heterodyne feeds, affording me a rough idea of which species I’m listening to. It is robust and easy to use, and comes with BatScan pro, a comprehensive analysis program that allows recorded calls to be studied later. With an affordable price to boot, this detector is always an easy recommendation for those looking to advance their bat knowledge.
Josh – Wildlife Equipment Specialist

Bat Detecting for International Bat Night

The weekend of the 29th-30th August was the 24th International Bat Night. Organised by Eurobats, this annual celebration of bats saw events taking place all around the world in an effort to educate and inspire people about these fascinating flying mammals.

To mark International Bat Night, a small team from NHBS ventured out to an area of local woodland with a selection of bat detectors. The site we visited has been managed for the past two years by Steve and Tamara Davey, with the aim of maximising biodiversity. They are also ensuring the continued provision of habitat for certain species including seven recorded bat species, Nightjars and Woodcock. (Read more about how they are supporting nature in our recent interview or on the Woodland Wildlife website).

We arrived at the woods just before 7pm and were treated to a brief tour of the woodland as the light faded. Steve showed us the areas where the conifer plantation had been thinned, allowing more light to enter. In these areas there have already been increases in native plants and there were many seedlings present from native trees. He also showed us where he had planted a hedgerow boundary, with the intention of creating more commuting corridors for both bats and other wildlife. The second part of the woodland consisted of immature sitka spruce trees, some of which have now been cleared to make way for native trees, shrubs and plants.

In the two years that Steve and Tamara have been managing the site, the biodiversity of the plot has increased and the area is abundant with birds, small mammals and insects. Following advice from the Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project, they have also created three ponds, and this is where we spent most of our time on International Bat Night.

We used a selection of bat detectors including the Song Meter Mini static recorder, which was useful as it could be left to record while we kept our eyes on the skies watching bat movement and behaviour. We also used some handheld detectors including Magenta Bat 5s, an Anabat Scout and an Echo Meter Touch 2 which was extremely popular with the group due to the visual representation of the sound along with the incredibly useful auto-ID function.

During the evening we detected common pipistrelles, soprano pipistrelles, Noctules and Leisler’s as well as a suspected Nathusius’ pipistrelle and a Barbastelle that are awaiting ID confirmation from recorded files. Although the night was chilly, there were lots of moths and other flying insects that the bats were feeding on, and we enjoyed listening to pipistrelle feeding buzzes and watching them hunt and catch insects above us in the tree canopy.

The evening was extremely enjoyable and it was a great opportunity to see the work that Steve and Tamara have been doing on their land. The range of bat species we heard is testament to the quality of habitat that they have created and it was a great place to celebrate the 2020 International Bat Night.