Interview with Jan Collins: Bats and Large-Scale Housing Maintenance Projects Guidance for England

Bat Conservation Trust

Bats and Large-Scale Housing Maintenance Projects Guidance for EnglandIn December, the Bat Conservation Trust published Bats and Large-Scale Housing Maintenance Projects, a guidance document focusing on how to take bats into account when managing extensive housing repairs and maintenance. Designed for property owners, ecologists, architects and Natural England, the document is the product of the combined efforts of a working group who reviewed evidence in nine large-scale case studies. BCT held a webinar to outline the content of this guidance on 27th February 2025. A recording of the webinar will be available to purchase soon – email to register your interest in the recording when it is published, or visit .

Portrait image of the author Jan CollinsJan Collins has over 26 years of experience working and volunteering with bats. She has been the Head of Biodiversity at the Bat Conservation Trust for eleven years, following eleven years in ecological consultancy as a bat specialist. We recently had the opportunity to speak with Jan about the origins, production and implications of the recently published guidance. 


Why did BCT decide to produce this guidance? 

Evidence gathered from practitioners during the production of BCT’s Bat Survey Guidelines and CIEEM’s Bat Mitigation Guidelines highlighted that standard guidance documents for bat roost surveys and mitigation are not well-suited to large-scale housing maintenance projects where A) there is relatively limited potential for roosting bats, and B) where the principal focus is retention and repair, rather than demolition.  

Additionally, our Wildlife Crime Project has assisted the police with several cases involving local authority maintenance carried out without due diligence for bats. At BCT, we are keen to see pragmatic solutions to protecting and conserving bats during property maintenance – and this guidance fits that bill! 

Who was involved in the production of the guidance? 

This guidance represents the combined efforts of a working group of practitioners from conservation, ecological consultancy, statutory nature conservation bodies and local authorities – their names are provided in the guidance document and their contribution is very highly valued by BCT. Each member of the group brought experience from a real-life, large-scale housing maintenance project in England, Scotland or Wales. 

Image Credit: Unitura

If the working group discussed projects in Scotland and Wales, why is the guidance limited to England? 

The original intention was for the guidance to be applicable across Britain and Ireland, however Natural England was the only Statutory Nature Conservation Body (SNCB) able to contribute to the working group and review the final product. Therefore, this first edition is applicable specifically to England, and only English case studies are used for illustrative purposes. The principles and approaches set out are likely to be transferable, with licensing as the main difference – but we hope that contributions will be made by NatureScot and Natural Resources Wales in the future. 

Can you outline the types of projects that these guidelines apply to in more detail for our readers?  

The guidance outlines a set of factors which make projects more suitable to be treated as a ‘large-scale housing maintenance project’. These are as follows: 

  • Multiple properties of the same type, or a limited range of types, likely to have been constructed at the same time 
  • Small groups of houses in terraces or blocks 
  • Limited gardens attached to properties (or larger gardens but not maintained as green space) 
  • Limited suitable bat habitat surrounding the estate; other adverse factors such as lighting 
  • Small or cluttered roof voids (area, height and/or volume), or in such a condition or context that they are unlikely to support conditions for breeding by void-dwelling species 
  • Majority of properties assessed as negligible or low suitability 
  • The works concerned will allow reinstatement of roosting opportunities and, often, augmentation of these 
  • Properties are under single ownership e.g. owned by local authority, housing association or other public body 

It’s also worth saying that some higher suitability properties may be present, but these would require standard survey approaches outlined in the latest edition of BCT’s Bat Survey Guidelines.  

Roosting Bat in crevice
Image Credit: Unitura

What else is covered in the guidance?  

The guidance lays out some of the constraints when working on these types of projects – surveys are often constrained due to the vulnerability of residents or surveyors, or the practicality of gaining access for internal inspections. For this reason, pragmatic or creative approaches to surveys may be needed and some guidance on survey types/effort is offered. The key aims are to establish the roosting potential of properties and rule out the presence of maternity roosts.  

Comment is also provided on appropriate licensing for this approach; the case studies presented were all licensed using Natural England’s Licensing Policy 4. Importantly, mitigation and compensation are covered, with an emphasis on ensuring bats are not harmed during works, any evidence of bats is recorded (see below) and access is retained for future roosting. Monitoring of outcomes is key to the approach and can allow methods to be adapted as a project progresses. 

What are the two most important considerations when applying the guidance?  

Early collaborative working between stakeholders is absolutely essential to establish what the project involves and what is likely to be appropriate regarding bat surveys and mitigation. Stakeholders include local authorities or other property owners, ecologists, Natural England and architects. This should be followed by close working with occupiers, contractors and other suppliers as the project progresses. 

Monitoring is also essential to establish if the approach taken is suitable and how it can be iteratively adapted based on site-specific findings. 

Bats in a nest box
Image Credit: Patrick Palmen

BCT are hosting a webinar discussing the guidance in February. Can you tell us more about it? 

The webinar ran on?27th February 2025. Speakers included myself (Jan Collins of BCT), Phil Bowater of Natural England and Daniel Best of Cura Terrae: Land and Nature Division (formerly Ecus Ltd.). Phil and Daniel both worked on the Sheffield case study that is presented in the guidance and between us we were able to answer questions from the attendees.   

Senior wildlife equipment specialist, Johnny, attended the guidance webinar. Here’s what he had to say about the session –  

On behalf of NHBS, I attended the Bats and Large-scale Housing Maintenance Projects Guidance webinar last month. The session was insightful, well-structured and demonstrated the impressive extent of work and collaboration that has gone into the new guidance. To remain at the forefront of conservation, it is important that we attend a wide range of webinars to expand our knowledge and maintain our expertise, and this recent webinar allowed me to significantly improve my understanding of the challenges involved in ensuring positive outcomes for protected species in large-scale housing maintenance projects. 

A recording of the presentations will be available on BCT’s e-learning platform soon. Email to register your interest or visit to find out more.  

Any final words? 

I would like to say thank you to the working group – it was a pleasure working with you all, and you brought so much valuable experience to the table. Thanks also to BCT for supporting the production of the guidance. 

Finally, thank you to the sponsors of the guidance, including NHBS, Cura Terrae, I & G Ecology, Amey, Ecolybrium, DCS Ecology, Pell Frischmann, Southampton City Council and Gateshead Council. 

Training Course: Bats for Building Professionals

The recent training course by the Bat Conservation Trust, Bats for Building Professionals, aimed to provide direction and understanding on the legal protections surrounding bats and their roosts in buildings. Suitable for contractors, pest controllers, surveyors, architects or those working within the construction industry, the session aided building professionals in developing their bat roost identification skills and taught them how to navigate situations where bats are present on site.  

The seven-hour course, run over two interactive online sessions, explored bat ecology, biology, best practices, the latest guidance and legal information. 

The course began with a comprehensive overview of Britain’s breeding bat species, covering their biology, ecology, adaptations, habitat preferences and roosting types. Speaker Katie Swift introduced the Bat Calendar – a particularly interesting aspect of the session which revealed how contractors and construction workers can plan work around bat activity to minimise disturbances (see below).

Bat calendar indicating best times for construction works
The bat calendar shows how contractors and construction workers can plan work around bat activity to minimise disturbances.

This led to a discussion of bat roosts in built structures, where Katie explained why bats favour these spaces and detailed attractive features for both cavity and crevice roosting species, such as soffits, eaves, and cladding. Exploring the different uses of these roosts throughout the year, Katie highlighted how occupied spaces change between summer and winter, and which bat species commonly utilise buildings for this purpose. Using examples like pipistrelles and horseshoe bats, she demonstrated how different species utilize roosting sites and how to recognize an active roost.  

The second part of the discussion focused on legislation and bat protection, educating attendees on the laws that are in place to ensure bat protection, actions that are considered an offence, and highlighting advice services availableKatie then reviewed the European Protected Species License, explaining its role in safeguarding bats within the UK, outlining how construction activities can potentially harm bats in buildings, and when to seek advice as a building professional in keeping with best practice guidelines. 

Common pipistrelle bat
Image by Bio Blitz via Flickr

The second session concluded with an interactive quiz of working examples for building professionals, covering a range of typical building works including barn conversions, door repairs and gutter replacements. 

The ‘homework’ task between sessions was a particularly enjoyable aspect of the course – through independent field work, attendees had the opportunity to report on the potential bat features of their chosen building or structure and apply the knowledge learned throughout the session to understand which species may be present in the area, the areas bats may utilise on the structure and what works might impact a roost.  

This insightful and informative training course provides a valuable resource for building professionals seeking to learn or refresh their knowledge about bats and building projects. The speaker’s expertise ensured a comprehensive and engaging learning experience, covering everything from bat ecology, to bats in buildings and licensing. 

Find out more about upcoming events and the extensive range of training courses with the Bat Conservation Trust via their website. 

Material Guide: Woodcrete

Whether you have upcoming new developments or are looking to enhance existing construction projects with wildlife habitat, you may have come across the term ‘woodcrete’, ‘woodstone’, or a variation of the name. This hardy material is commonly used in bird and bat boxes and is often favoured for its longevity and cost-effectiveness. Here we take a closer look at woodcrete, its properties and manufacturing to help you make informed decisions when beginning new construction projects.  

What is woodcrete? 

Originally patented by Durisol and developed for the construction industry, woodcrete is a building material composed of cement, wood fibres and water. The material is referred to by a number of names, though they are almost identical in composition – woodstone is a trademark registered by Vivara Pro and woodconcrete is the term used by Schwegler, Faunus and Unitura, all suppliers of woodcrete bird and bat habitats. 

A swift entering a built-in bird box
A built-in swift box that has been rendered over, leaving just the access point visible.

Woodcrete Properties 

A long-lasting, durable material, woodcrete can last for decades. It is weather resistant, does not support fungal growth and unlike wood products, does not rot. It does not leak, warp or crack, making it the ideal long-lasting, secure material for wildlife habitats. 

  • The breathability of the material reduces the risk of issues with condensation, helping to maintain a healthy environment for roosting inhabitants.  
  • It has good insulative properties and creates a stable environment inside the box to shelter inhabitants from extreme temperatures – especially important for maternity boxes where young are resting. 

More lightweight than concrete, with great durability and strength, this material is suitable for both built-in and mounted nest boxes. The rough inner surfaces provide texture for bats to cling to, and create a safer, more natural environment for nesting animals. Built-in boxes can also be incorporated into brickwork and can be rendered over to blend into the structure whilst providing habitat benefits for local wildlife. 

Shows a series of bat boxes in different stages of installation. the left shows a bat box placed on top of new brickwork, the middle image shows an installed bat box that is flush with the brick and the third shows a bat box that has been rendered over with just the entrance hole visible
Woodcrete bat boxes during installation (left), built-in (middle) and rendered over (right)

Woodcrete Applications  

Woodcrete is used as a construction material, as well as a variety of building and garden products, including artificial habitat products to support wildlife. These can include bat boxes, bird boxes, insect hides, bee bricks and hedgehog domes. Most commonly, woodcrete bat and bird boxes are available in built-in forms that are installed directly into the walls during the construction of new developments. These boxes are designed to cater to species subjected to habitat loss resulting from the development project itself, or urbanisation in the general area.  


A built-in bat box before installation on the left, and installed on the right with only the entrance point visible.
A rendered built-in bat box

Manufacturing process 

The material is made by chipping specially graded recycled waste wood and mineralising the chips to neutralise sugars. The chip is mixed with cement and water to create the woodcrete mixture, before being poured into moulds like regular concrete. These moulds are cured at high temperatures to ensure strength and weather-resistance and can take a considerable amount of time for the full curing process to take place. 

The manufacturing of woodcrete products is a lengthy process which can cause longer lead times.  We recommended ordering any woodcrete product as far in advance as possible to avoid delays. 


If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Nest Boxes for New Build Projects

Nest boxes can be an excellent way to support biodiversity and incorporate additional habitat into new builds or redevelopments. Some nest boxes are specifically designed to cater to certain species, while others are more generalist and are suitable for multiple species. Generally, bird nest boxes consist of a large internal cavity and an access hole in various shapes or locations depending on the target species. They can be made from a variety of materials, however, woodcrete (or woodstone, woodconcrete) is generally preferred due to its robustness, longevity and advantageous thermal properties.  

As low impact, wildlife-friendly construction gains momentum, more choice is added to the market each day, and the range is extensive. We are pleased to offer the largest range of integrated nest boxes in the UK.  Here we provide an overview of some of our bestselling models and their benefits. 

Integrated swift box

Integrated Swift Boxes 

Swift populations have declined over recent decades due to changes in roof design and the choice of materials used to construct our homes and public buildings. This species typically uses existing holes, cracks and crevices to build their nests, especially those in old buildings, so built-in swift boxes are recommended to provide areas for these birds to roost. These boxes provide large internal cavities within the brickwork that can be accessed by horizontally elongated, often downward facing entrance holes. As colony breeders, it is recommended to site multiple swift boxes together, situated with a clear flight path. The boxes should be installed at a minimum height of 5m on a non-south facing wall and should have no less than 40cm between entrance holes.  


Pro UK Rendered Buildin Swift Box (256322) 


  • Can be rendered over
  • Woodstone material
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Built to match standard UK brick dimensions



Schwegler 1A (208155) 


  • Installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over
  • Only the discrete entrance hole is visible after rendering
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Woodconcrete



Manthorpe Swift Brick (242167) 


  • Long lasting PVC
  • Blends into brickwork
  • Available in six colours
  • Visible area is the size of a standard brick
  • Simple to install




WoodStone Build-in Swift Nest Box Deep (248390) 


  • Woodstone material
  • Installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over
  • Long lasting and durable





Integrated Sparrow Boxes 

House Sparrow populations have undergone significant declines in previous decades and remain in a vulnerable state in the UK. As colony nesters, this species would benefit from boxes that are installed close together, or a larger, terraced box with multiple connected chambers. These built-in sparrow boxes consist of a durable woodcrete housing with a discrete entrance hole and a large cavity chamber (or alternatively multiple chambers) for nesting.


Mario Dual Chamber Sparrow Terrace (260169) 


  • Twin nesting chambers
  • Durable and robust woodstone design
  • Good insulative properties
  • Removable front plate for cleaning



Sparrow Box Smooth Brick (197663) 


  • Made to order
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be supplied unfaced or with custom bricks
  • Durable and robust materials




Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Next Box (210670) 


  • Durable and robust materials
  • Can be integrated into the build or fixed to external walls
  • Multiple chambers
  • Removable front plate





1SP Schwegler Sparrow Terrace (185100) 


  • Durable and robust material
  • Can be integrated into the build or fixed to external walls
  • Removable front panel
  • Multiple chambers




General Purpose Integrated Bird Nest Boxes  

Built-in bird boxes have inclusive designs to cater for a number of bird species, and usually consist of a woodcrete nest box with a cavity space and a discrete entrance hole. These self-contained concrete nests are unobtrusive and are typically installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over for more pleasing aesthetics.  


Woodstone Build-in Open Nest Box (217194) 


  • Woodstone
  • Can be rendered over or installed flush to the outside wall
  • Suitable for multiple species
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Good insulative properties




Type 24 Schwegler Brick Nest Box (183018) 

type 24 schwegler brick nest boxe

  • Woodconcrete
  • Can be rendered over or installed flush to the outside wall
  • Suitable for multiple species, including tits, sparrows and redstarts
  • Durable and long lasting




Vivara Pro Build-in Half Open Nest Box (257046) 


  • Manufactured to match UK brick standards
  • Can be integrated into walls and rendered over, or can be mounted onto external walls
  • Suitable for multiple species




Custom Integrated Bird Boxes 

Bird boxes typically consist of a solid box made from insulating materials with an internal nesting space. They can be custom faced with a chosen brick type (or existing brick, wood, stonework or rendered finish) to allow for discrete installation and a better blend into the existing facade. 

Terraced Sparrow Box Custom Brick Facing (218686) 


  • Made to order
  • Suitable for three breeding pairs
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be faced to match your building
  • Robust and long-lasting material




Starling Box Custom Brick Facing (197683) 


  • Made to order
  • Large solid box made of insulating concrete
  • Unobtrusive design
  • Can be faced to match your building




For more information on bird boxes and how to choose them, read our Bird Boxes Buyers Guide.

 Our full range of bird boxes can be found here.

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Bat Boxes for New Build Projects

The range of integrated or built-in boxes designed for bats can be overwhelming. For new developments, or renovation projects, you may be searching for bat boxes to incorporate additional habitats into your build, and support species while providing new infrastructure. With an upturn in low impact, wildlife friendly construction, integrated bat boxes are becoming increasingly relevant in the construction sector. Bat boxes are designed to provide an appropriately sized, predator-free space for bats to roost or hibernate. They are often designed to be built-in to the building itself, whether this be roofing or brickwork and are unobtrusive, often hard to spot, and help to provide various species with a permanent roost. 

There are 18 bat species in the UK, all of which use the same areas of buildings to roost in the absence of natural habitats – most commonly cellars, roofs and loose brickwork, among many more.  In general, bat boxes should be placed between 3-6 metres high, in a sunny location with around 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. It is also best to avoid placing these in areas around artificial light. For built-in products, woodcrete (or woodstone, woodconcrete) is preferred due to its durability, longevity and good insulative properties. 

Here we discuss integrated bat boxes, providing an overview of our selection of bat boxes and their benefits. 

A grey long eared bat

Types of Integrated Bat Boxes 

Bat Tiles, Bricks and Panels 

Tiles, bricks and panels provide bats with an access point to a suitable roosting space, whether this be within the roof, ridge tiles or a cavity area behind bricks and panels. They are designed to be incorporated into the build itself during construction or renovation and should be provided with suitable roosting cavities behind the access point, usually in the form of bat boxes or insulation-free cavity space.  

Bat Access Brick (197697) 

Bat Access Brick

  • Made to standard brick size
  • Suitable for new builds or renovation
  • Available in multiple colours to cater to existing structures
  • Requires a cavity chamber



1FE Schwegler Bat Access Panel (183033) 

Schwegler Bat Access Panel

  • Can be used to conserve existing roosts or create new sites
  • Made with woodcrete to ensure durability and breathability
  • Rot-proof
  • Can be painted or rendered over




Bat Access Tile Set (187127) 

Access bat tile

  • Made to order
  • Provides bats with an entrance to underfelt or open loft
  • Protection from heat extremes
  • Available in five traditional tile colours




Integrated Bat Boxes 

Bat boxes are designed to cater for either crevice and cavity dwelling species through varying complexity or can occasionally be a hybrid design to encourage uptake from both groups. These self-contained roosts are unobtrusive and are typically installed flush to the wall or can be rendered over. Bat boxes can also be designed for hibernation and breeding, providing a well-insulated, larger space to accommodate breeding colonies and larger groups.  

Integrated Eco Bat Box (232521) 

Integrated Eco Bat Box

  • Suitable for crevice or cavity species
  • Weatherproof
  • Long lasting and lightweight
  • Replaces 6 standard bricks
  • Made with recycled plastic





Vivara Pro Build-in WoodStone Bat Box (252139) 

Vivara Pro Woodstone Bat Box

  • Can be rendered over
  • Discreet entrance hole
  • Modular design which can be connected in the facade
  • Long lasting, insulative woodstone material






1WI Schwegler Summer and Winter Bat Box (187994) 

Schwegler Summer and Winter Bat Box

  • Suitable for year-round occupation
  • Suitable for maternity and roosting
  • Woodcrete has good longevity and insulative properties
  • Can be rendered over






1FR Schwegler Tube (178018) 

1FR Schwegler Bat Tube

  • Woodcrete
  • Suitable for rendering
  • Long lasting and durable
  • Discrete entrance hole
  • Suitable as a summer roost






Custom Bat Boxes 

Bat boxes typically consist of a solid box made from insulating materials with an internal roosting space. They can be custom faced with a chosen brick type (or existing brick, wood, stonework or rendered finish) to allow for discrete installation and a better blend into the existing facade. 


Habibat Bat Box 003 Custom Brick Blended Facing (205039) 

Habibat Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Blended facing
  • Insulative properties
  • Customisable brick facing and plinth to blend with existing brickwork




Habibat Bat Box 001 – Custom Brick Facing (193477) 

Habibat Bat Box - Custom Brick Facing

  • Made to order
  • Insulative properties
  • Blended facing in brick to match building
  • Unobtrusive design





Ibstock Enclosed Bat Box ‘B’ (214595) 

Ibstock Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Intended as a summer roosting space
  • Available in two sizes and three colours





Habibat 3S Bat Box (249968) 

Habibat 3S Custom Brick Bat Box

  • Made to order
  • Available in a variety of facings to suit any existing brick, wood, stonework or aa rendered finish
  • Insulative properties




External Bat Boxes  

An alternative to integrated habitat boxes, externally mounted bat boxes can be attached to trees, fences, or buildings and are typically made of woodstone or woodcrete. These versatile boxes can be designed for summer roosting, hibernation, or maternity roosting, varying in size to accommodate different species. 

2F Schwegler Bat Box (General Purpose) (174814) 

2F Schwegler Bat Box

  • Woodcrete
  • Summer roosting space
  • Removable front panel
  • Long lasting






Large Multi Chamber WoodStone Bat Box (246918) 

Large Multi Chamber Woodstone Bat Box

  • Woodstone
  • Suitable for maternity and summer roosting
  • Also suitable as a hibernation box in mild winters
  • Long lasting
  • Removable front panel




Elisa Bat Box (259840) 

Elisa Bat Box

  • Wood concrete
  • Long lasting
  • Suitable as a summer roost
  • Curved for a closer fit to trees





Vivara Pro WoodStone Bat Box (210820) 

Vivara Pro Woodstone Bat Box

  • WoodStone
  • Suitable as a summer roosting space
  • Long lasting
  • Removable front panel





2FE Schwegler Wall-mounted Bat Shelter (Pack of 2) (190558) 

2FE Schwegler wall mounted bat shelter

  • Suitable for summer roosts or for winter hibernation quarters
  • Fixed to external walls
  • Long lasting




For more information on bat boxes and how to choose them, read our Bat Boxes Buyers Guide.

 Our full range of bat boxes can be found here.

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Bat Box Basics: A Guide

Whether you are planning a construction project, are in the middle of a newbuild or are looking to update an existing structure, you may be exploring options for providing bat habitats. We have an extensive range of bat boxes available on our website, in a variety of formats and materials. Here we explore the different types, how they may be used and where they can be installed.  

Bat Box Material Properties 

A three-part bat box located under the gables of a house, it is grey and has entrance holes at the bottom of the box. 1FQ Schwegler Bat Roost (For external walls)

Bat boxes are constructed with a variety of materials, each with differing properties.  

  • Most commonly used for external boxes, wood is lightweight with good thermal properties for inhabitants. However, it does rot without treatment and therefore does not last as long as other materials.  
  • Woodcrete (also named woodstone or woodconcrete) is a very durable material with exceptional thermal properties and is often the material of choice for built-in boxes. It can also be used externally and can last several decades once installed.  
  • Eco-plastics are used to create lightweight boxes, typically designed for external use. They have good weather resistance and longevity, although less durability.  
  • Concrete is exceptionally durable and is used for built-in boxes. It has good thermal properties but due to its weight, is unsuitable for external mounting. 


Maternity Boxes  

Typically larger in size with multiple internal chambers, maternity boxes are designed to support breeding colonies by providing a well-insulated roosting space for raising young.  

These boxes are mostly made for external installation but are also available in a built-in format which is installed into the brickwork and can be rendered over.  

Since these boxes are mostly available in an external form, they can be installed once construction has taken place. Built-in boxes should be fixed during the construction process and installed directly into the brickwork.  


A black bat box attached to a tree in the woods. Improved Roose - Maternity Bat Box

Improved Roost-Maternity Bat Box


An FSC certified crevice box, suitable for roosts or maternity groups.





Bat Tubes  

Bat tubes are longer internal cavities with multiple sections or crevices. These are often made of woodcrete and are available in modular versions which can be connected in the facade allowing for side-by-side or a longer tower format. 

These boxes come built-in and are incorporated into the building’s brickwork during exterior wall construction where they can be rendered over.  


1FR Schwegler Bat Tube


A modular option available in multiple depths and styles for crevice and cavity species.





Bat Bricks     

Constructed to industry standard size, bat bricks have a dome-shaped access hole to allow bats into a suitable cavity.  

These products are designed to be incorporated into the brickwork of a building, whether this be a new build or an existing structure under renovation, and are available in standard colours enabling them to seamlessly blend into existing walls. When installing bat bricks, it is important to ensure that a chamber free from insulating material is available behind the access brick to allow bats to safely roost. 

Example: 197697 

Bat Access Brick

Bat Access Brick 


A standard-sized brick available in red, golden and brown colours.




Access Tiles and Panels 

Similar to bat bricks, these tiles provide an access point to open roof space or the underfelt of the roof, allowing bats to roost in confined spaces beneath the tiles. They can be installed within the roof or ridge tiles during construction, or they may be used to replace tiles on existing structures, and are available in multiple colours to blend seamlessly into existing tiles.  

Bat access panels are also available to provide bats access to a roosting site, and are particularly advantageous for renovation projects with existing roosting colonies. These panels can also be rendered over, and can be installed at any point during construction.  

Access tiles and panels require an insulation-free cavity behind the product to provide roosting space. 


Bat Access Tile

Bat Access Tile Set


This set includes three tiles available in five traditional roof tile colours.



1FE Schwegler Bat Access Panel

1FE Schwegler Bat Access Panel


A woodconcrete access panel with an overall depth of just 8cm for easy integration.





Bat Box 

These boxes are available as external or built-in designs and consist of a simple box with an entrance hole and varying interiors. Bat boxes can come in a range of forms, and can have one large, single cavity or a multi-chamber interior and can cater to both crevice and cavity-dwelling bats. There are also hybrid options, where a box is designed with cavities for multiple species, for example a box may cater to bats and Swifts.  

Built-in boxes are designed to be installed among the brickwork and can be rendered over. External boxes can be mounted to trees, fences and buildings with the appropriate fixings. It is important to consider the weight of an external box before mounting, more lightweight boxes (made from wood or plastic for example) can be fixed to trees, but heavier woodcrete boxes should be fixed to a solid structure.  


Large Multi-chamber Woodstone Bat Box

Large Multi Chamber Woodstone Bat Box


A large multi-chamber box that is also suitable as a hibernation, maternity or summer roosting space.



Kiki Bat and Swift Hybrid Box

Kiki Bat and Swift Hybrid Box


A hybrid box designed to support multiple species, including cavity and crevice dwelling species.




PRO UK Build-in Woodstone Bat Box

PRO UK Build-in WoodStone Bat Box


A maintenance-free woodstone box designed to work with UK brick dimensions.





Elisa Bat Box

Elisa Bat Box


Features a single internal cavity that is suitable as a summer roost.




Rocket box  

Rocket boxes are large, pole-mounted habitats that provide a large roosting area over multiple chambers. Typically made with a plastic shell, these boxes allow for 360 movement and are available with both crevice and cavity designs.  

Rocket boxes are external and do not attach to any part of the building. They are particularly useful when there are no suitable trees for external boxes, and a wall mounted box is undesirable. They have also been used to provide an alternative roosting site near building works.  


Eco Rocket Bat Box

Eco Rocket Bat Box


A pole-mounted bat box available in a cavity or crevice design.




For more information on bat boxes and how to choose them, read our Bat Boxes Buyers Guide.

 Our full range of bat boxes can be found here.

If you have any questions about our range or would like some advice on the right product for you then please contact us via email at or phone on 01803 865913.

Top 10 Bird Boxes for Walls and Fences

Vivara Pro WoodStone House Martin NestWelcome to the second in a series of three posts designed to help you choose the best bird box for your garden or other outdoor space.

This article includes a list of our top 10 bird boxes for positioning on a wall or fence. The first and third posts cover the best options for installing on a tree in a garden, park or woodland and for building into a new build or development.

For each box we have provided a quick guide to the material that it is made from, the dimensions, and the species that the box is suitable for. Follow the links provided for more information about the box, including pricing and availability, or contact our customer services team for more advice.

NHBS Wooden Bird Nest Box1. NHBS Wooden Bird Nest Box

• Made from: Softwood (FSC)
• Dimensions: 245 x 135 x 185mm
• Suitable for: Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Marsh Tits, Crested Tits


Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Nest Box (Double Chamber)2. Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Nest Box (Double Chamber)

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 160 x 290 x 210mm
• Suitable for: House Sparrows, Redstart, Spotted Flycatchers


Dual Chamber Sparrow Terrace3. Dual Chamber Sparrow Terrace

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 360 x 220 x 180mm
• Suitable for: House Sparrows


Vivara Pro WoodStone Swift Nest Box4. Vivara Pro WoodStone Swift Nest Box

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 245 x 380 x 265mm
• Suitable for: Swifts


House Martin Nests (Double Entrance)5. House Martin Nests (Double Entrance)

• Made from: Woodstone and plywood
• Dimensions: 115 x 160 x 380mm
• Suitable for: House Martins



FSC Wooden Swift Box6. FSC Wooden Swift Box

• Made from: Softwood (FSC)
• Dimensions: 210 x 430 x 210mm
• Suitable for: Swifts


Eco Barn Owl Nest Box7. Eco Barn Owl Nest Box

• Made from: Recycled plastic and FSC timber
• Dimensions: 670 x 660 x 530mm
• Suitable for: Barn Owls


Ceramic Swallow Bowl8. Ceramic Swallow Bowl

• Made from: Ceramic and FSC timber
• Dimensions: 125 x 202 x 125mm
• Suitable for: Swallows


Eco Small Bird Box9. Eco Small Bird Box

• Made from: Recycled plastic and FSC oriented strand board
• Dimensions: 260 x 170 x 170mm
• Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Marsh Tits, Great Tits, Crested Tits, Tree Sparrows, House Sparrows, Nuthatches and Pied Flycatchers (species depend on entrance hole size).


Vivara Pro Seville 32mm WoodStone Nest Box10. Vivara Pro Seville 32mm WoodStone Nest Box

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 310 x 200 x 200mm
• Suitable for: Coal Tits, Blue Tits, Marsh Tits, Crested Tits, Redstart, Nuthatches, Pied Flycatchers, House Sparrows, Tree Sparrows

Browse our full range of nest boxes for external walls and fences.

The full range of nest boxes can be found in our online shop, as well as a useful nest box price list which can be downloaded as a pdf.


Top 10 Bird Boxes for New Builds and Developments

Vivara Pro House Sparrow Nest BoxThis is the final post in a three part series, designed to help you choose from our bestselling bird boxes. All of the boxes listed below are suitable for building into the masonry of a new build or development.

The previous two posts provide suggestions of boxes suitable for positioning on a tree in a garden, park or woodland, and for siting on a wall or fence.

For each box we have provided a quick guide to the material that it is made from, the box dimensions and the species that it is suitable for. Follow the links provided for full descriptions, pricing and availability, or contact our customer services team to chat about finding the box that’s right for your needs.

Schwegler 1SP Sparrow TerraceSchwegler 1SP Sparrow Terrace

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 245 x 430 x 200mm
• Suitable for: House Sparrows, Tree Sparrows


Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Nest Box (Double Chamber)Vivara Pro WoodStone House Sparrow Nest Box (Double Chamber)

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 160 x 290 x 210mm
• Suitable for: House Sparrows, Tree Sparrows


Dual Chamber Sparrow TerraceDual Chamber Sparrow Terrace

• Made from: Wood-concrete
• Dimensions: 260 x 220 x 180mm
• Suitable for: House Sparrows

PRO UK Rendered Build-in Swift BoxPRO UK Rendered Build-in Swift Box

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 140 x 440 x 150mm
• Suitable for: Swifts

Manthorpe Swift BrickManthorpe Swift Brick

• Made from: PVC and polypropylene
• Dimensions: 347 x 200 x 153mm
• Suitable for: Swifts


Woodstone Build-in Open Nest BoxWoodstone Build-in Open Nest Box

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 180 x 220 x 180mm
• Suitable for: Robins, wagtails and black redstarts


WoodStone Build-in Swift Nest Box DeepWoodstone Build-in Swift Nest Box Deep

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 180 x 420 x 155mm
• Suitable for: Swifts


Schwegler Brick Nest Box: Type 24Schwegler Brick Nest Box: Type 24

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 235 x 180 x 180mm
• Suitable for: Great Tits, Blue Tits, Marsh Tits, Coal Tits, Crested Tits, Redstart, Nuthatches, Tree Sparrows and House Sparrows

Orlando Swift BoxOrlando Swift Box

• Made from: Wood concrete
• Dimensions: 350 x 220 x 180mm
• Suitable for: Swifts, House Sparrows, Starlings

Starling Box - Smooth Brick

Starling Box – Smooth Brick

• Made from: Concrete and brick
• Dimensions: 215 x 215 x 150mm
• Suitable for: Starlings, Tree Sparrows, Blue Tits, and Great Tits

Browse our full range of build-in nest boxes.

The full range of nest boxes can be found in our online shop, as well as a useful nest box price list which can be downloaded as a pdf.


Top 10 Bat Boxes for New Builds and Developments

Schwegler 1WI Bat BoxLooking for a bat box but don’t know which one to buy? This article is the third in a three part series designed to help you to make the right choice. Here you will find our top 10 boxes for incorporating into the masonry of a new build or development. The previous two posts feature the best boxes for trees and woodland and for walls and fences.

For each box listed you will also find helpful information such as its dimensions and weight and the box type (e.g. whether it is for summer use, for hibernation or for access into an existing roost space).

The Glossary below provides a guide to the key terms used in the descriptions.

• Woodcrete/WoodStone: A blend of wood, concrete and clay which is very durable. It is also breathable and helps to maintain a stable temperature inside the box.
• Summer: Summer boxes are suitable for the warmer months but are less likely to be used over the winter.
• Hibernation: Designed to be larger and better insulated, hibernation boxes will provide a safe and warm space for bats over the winter.
• Maternity: Suitable for the formation of colonies and raising of young.
• Access: Provides an entrance to an existing roof space such as a wall cavity or loft.
• Crevice: Provides one or more narrow roost spaces. Species which prefer this type of box include common, soprano and Nathusius pipistrelle, Brandt’s and whiskered bats.
• Cavity: Provides a more spacious roost space. Bats such as brown long-eared, Daubenton’s and Natterer’s bats prefer cavity boxes.
• Large cavity: These boxes allow space for flight within the roost which is preferred by brown long-eared bats in particular.

Schwegler 1FR Bat TubeSchwegler 1FR Bat Tube

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 47.5 x 20 x 12.5cm; 9.8kg
• Box type: Cavity, summer


Habibat Bat BoxHabibat Bat Box

• Made from: Concrete and brick
• Dimensions: 44 x 21.5 x 10.2cm; 9kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer


Vivara Pro Build-in Woodstone Bat TubeVivara Pro Build-in Woodstone Bat Tube

• Made from: Woodstone
• Dimensions: 21 x 50 x 7.7cm; 6kg
• Box type: Cavity, summer, maternity (south or west facing), hibernation (north facing)


2FE Schwegler Wall-Mounted Bat Shelter

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 25 x 5 x 30cm; 2.5kg
• Box type: Cavity, access




Bat Access Tile SetBat Access Tile Set

• Made from: Clay
• Dimensions: 25.5 x 16cm; 3.5kg
• Box type: Cavity/crevice, access


Bat BrickBat Brick

• Made from: Brick
• Dimensions: 6 x 21.5 x 10cm; 1.9kg
• Box type: Cavity, access


PRO UK Build-in WoodStone Bat BoxPRO UK Build-in WoodStone Bat Box

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 14 x 21 x 15cm; 6.7kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer



1WI Schwegler Summer and Winter Bat Box

• Made from: Wood-based concrete
• Dimensions: 54.5 x 34.5 x 9.5cm; 15kg
• Box type: Cavity, hibernation and maternity



Ibstock Enclosed Bat Box CIbstock Enclosed Bat Box C: Small

• Made from: Concrete and brick
• Dimensions: 21.5 x 21.5 x 10.5cm; 6.7kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer


Habibat Bat Access SlateHabibat Bat Access Slate

• Made from: Slate
• Dimensions: 41.8 x 37.5 x 8cm; 1.3kg
• Box type: Large cavity, access

Browse our full range of build-in bat boxes.

The full range of nest boxes can be found in our online shop, as well as a useful nest box price list which can be downloaded as a pdf.

Top 10 Bat Boxes for Walls and Fences

Improved Cavity Bat BoxLooking for a bat box but don’t know which one to buy? This article is the second in a three part series designed to help you to make the right choice.

Here you will find our top 10 boxes for installing on an external wall or fence. The first and third posts cover the best options for installing on a tree in a garden, park or woodland and for building into a new build or development respectively.

For each box you will also find helpful information such as its dimensions and weight and the box type (e.g. whether it is for summer use, for hibernation or for access into an existing roost space).

The Glossary below provides a guide to the key terms used in the descriptions.

• Woodcrete/WoodStone: A blend of wood, concrete and clay which is very durable. It is also breathable and helps to maintain a stable temperature inside the box.
• Summer: Summer boxes are suitable for the warmer months but are less likely to be used over the winter.
• Hibernation: Designed to be larger and better insulated, hibernation boxes will provide a safe and warm space for bats over the winter.
• Maternity: Suitable for the formation of colonies and raising of young.
• Access: Provides an entrance to an existing roof space such as a wall cavity or loft.
• Crevice: Provides one or more narrow roost spaces. Species which prefer this type of box include common, soprano and Nathusius pipistrelle, Brandt’s and whiskered bats.
• Cavity: Provides a more spacious roost space. Bats such as brown long-eared, Daubenton’s and Natterer’s bats prefer cavity boxes.
• Large cavity: These boxes allow space for flight within the roost which is preferred by brown long-eared bats in particular.

Schwegler 1FF Bat Box1. Schwegler 1FF Bat Box

• Made from: Woodcrete and wood
• Dimensions: 43 x 27 x 14cm; 9.5kg
• Box type: Cavity; summer, maternity


Vivara Pro WoodStone Bat Box2. Vivara Pro WoodStone Bat Box

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 25 x 19 x 16.5cm; 4.5kg
• Box type: Cavity; summer


Schwegler 2FE Bat Shelter3. Schwegler 2FE Wall-Mounted Bat Shelter

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 30 x 25 x 5cm; 2.5kg
• Box type: Cavity, hibernation


Chavenage Bat Box4. Chavenage Bat Box

• Made from: FSC Wood
• Dimensions: 38 x 18 x 10cm; 1.2kg
• Box type: Cavity, summer


Schwegler 1WQ Bat Roost5. Schwegler 1WQ Summer & Winter Bat Roost

• Made from: Woodcrete
• Dimensions: 58 x 38 x 12cm; 22kg
• Box type: Crevice, hibernation and maternity


Improved Cavity Bat Box6. Improved Cavity Bat Box

• Made from: FSC Plywood
• Dimensions: 38 x 24 x 15cm; 1.5kg
• Box type: Cavity, summer


Large Multi Chamber WoodStone Bat Box7. Large Multi Chamber WoodStone Bat Box

• Made from: WoodStone and wood
• Dimensions: 27.5 x 15 x 16cm; 4kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer, maternity, hibernation (mild winters)


Beaumaris WoodStone Bat Box8. Beaumaris WoodStone Bat Box: Midi

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 39 x 29 x 6cm; 4.4kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer


Improved Roost Maternity Bat Box9. Improved Roost Maternity Bat Box

• Made from: FSC Plywood
• Dimensions: 49 x 26 x 13cm; 6.6kg
• Box type: Crevice, maternity


Low Profile WoodStone Bat Box10. Low Profile WoodStone Bat Box

• Made from: WoodStone
• Dimensions: 44 x 29 x 9cm; 4.7kg
• Box type: Crevice, summer


Browse our full range of bat boxes for external walls.