Author interview with Richard Lewington: Pocket Guide to British Spiders

Pocket Guide to British Spiders book cover.Featuring 130 of the most common and readily available spider species, Pocket Guide to British Spiders is the ideal companion for both beginners and more experienced enthusiasts alike. Detailing identifying features, webs, egg cocoons and behaviour, these accounts are interspersed with beautifully illustrated spreads showing similarities and differences at a glance, making this introductory guide the perfect companion for use in the field.


Richard Lewington is a renowned wildlife illustrator, whose beautifully detailed drawings feature in a wide array of identification guides including The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland, Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, and Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1999, he was awarded Butterfly Conservation’s Marsh Award for the promotion of Lepidoptera conservation, as well as the Zoological Society of London’s Stamford Raffles Award for contribution to zoology in 2010.

We recently had the opportunity to speak to Richard about his latest book, including how he first became an author, why he chose to focus on arachnids and which techniques he uses to create these stunning illustrations.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself, and how you first became an author and illustrator? 

I became a freelance wildlife illustrator soon after leaving art college in the 1970s. I’ve always had an interest in the natural world, particularly butterflies and moths, so invertebrates were the subjects I concentrated on right from the start. I’ve always worked in collaboration with various experts, until about 25 years ago, when I wrote and illustrated my first book How to Identify Butterflies. Since then, I’ve written and illustrated five books, though most of the books I work on are collaborations with authors with specialist knowledge of the subjects. 

Pocket Guide to British Spiders is your 29th identification guide published since 1979. What inspired you to focus on arachnids for this book, and how did you choose which of the 680 British species to include?  

I’ve had an interest in spiders for many years and have a collection of paintings, some of which I did about 50 years ago. I thought they would form the basis of a pocket guide, and I added more illustrations in the last few years to go with those I already had. The aim was to include common, well-known and easily identifiable species – about 130 in total. As many spiders are very small and similar to each other, it is necessary to examine them through a microscope to identify many of them, which is the next step up for those who want to study them in greater detail.

Pocket Guide to British Spiders internal pages.

I was surprised to learn about the somewhat limited conservation efforts being undertaken to protect endangered spider species across Britain. What are the largest threats to spiders, and how can we protect these vital invertebrates in the future? 

As with much of the natural world, spiders are under threat from habitat loss and pollution, but because they don’t have the same appeal as some other groups, they receive less attention. However, they are just as important, helping to keep the balance in ecological systems by eating and being eaten by a vast number of other creatures. Gardens are becoming more important, and we can all help spider well-being by not being too tidy in the garden to encourage a good variety of mini habitats in which they can live.   

Pocket Guide to British Spiders includes a vast amount of detail on nomenclature, structure, anatomy, mythology, identifying features and more. What was the most interesting thing you learned while researching this book?  

Probably their diversity. They vary hugely in size, shape and colouring, and can be found in every habitat from mountain tops to beneath the surface of water. Many also occur throughout the year when many other invertebrates are dormant.

Pocket Guide to British Spiders internal pages.

Having illustrated many guides throughout your career, can you give us an overview of the techniques you use to create such detailed works of art, and explain how your painting style has evolved over time? 

I start by doing a detailed, measured drawing on layout paper. This is transferred to watercolour paper and, using Designers’ Gouache paints, I apply washes, gradually building the colour intensity and the effect of light and shadow. Details such as textures and highlights are added to give a three-dimensional appearance. More recently, I’ve been scanning the artwork before sending it to the publishers, so that I can adjust, enhance and touch-up the images using a tablet and image enhancing software.  

What were the most difficult aspects of illustrating spiders, given their intricate and often microscopic features? 

Spiders can’t be preserved in museum collections like butterflies and beetles, as they have soft bodies which shrivel after death, so working from live specimens or from detailed photographs are the best options. This means going into the countryside to find specimens and asking other spider enthusiasts to help. I like to take my own macro photographs from the exact angle to avoid any distortion, I can then work using the photos and the live specimen, observing it under my microscope. It’s also necessary to have a good knowledge, so that the subjects can be correctly identified, as some are very similar.   

Finally, what’s taking up your time at the moment? Are you planning to write or illustrate any more books over the coming years? 

My next book will be a field guide to Orthoptera, which I completed several years ago but has been long delayed. After that I shall be working on a project about my work as a wildlife illustrator, concentrating mainly on British moths, butterflies and their caterpillars.

Pocket Guide to British Spiders book cover.

Pocket Guide to British Spiders is available from our online bookstore.

Author interview with James Shipman: Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland

Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland 263872Packed with insider information, Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland offers expert guidance on how to identify bats in the hand for beginners and field ecologists alike.  Filling a gap between introductory books and more technical volumes, this humorous guide uses detailed images, diagrams and tables to communicate, in simple terms, the fundamentals of bat ecology, survey equipment, techniques required when training for a bat licence and the key features that distinguish one species from another.

James Shipman and his wife and baby at the Eden Project.

James Shipman is an ecologist and bat enthusiast who loves to inspire and motivate future bat workers. He works as a senior ecologist and is involved in numerous bat-related projects. In 2016 he was recognised with the Bat Conservation Trust’s Pete Guest Award for outstanding contribution to bat conservation.

We recently chatted with James about his inspiration for the book, which challenges he faced when constructing a detailed identification guide and more.

Can you tell us a little about yourself, your history of working with bats, and why you chose to write this book?

Originally I planned to work as a game ranger in South Africa, but after returning to the UK, I studied zoology, met my wife and fell into landscaping as my first career and passion. A roofer and a builder both mentioned that I may ‘like’ working with bats, as I’m an animal person, so I explored the idea of them as a hobby!

After a few events I was gripped, and I have now volunteered with bats for nearly 15 years with the intention to install passion, enthusiasm and fun into everything bat-related for volunteers and professionals! Within this time I have helped to train over 50-75 individuals (could be more, I don’t count!) and after nearly 20 years in the landscaping sector, I now work in ecology as a professional.

During my years of training, I found that the more serious and technical books available out there made it hard to learn, and that digestible guidance that was fun, relatable and easy to work with would be beneficial! A lot of my trainees suggested the idea for the book originally, and other bat authors with Pelagic mentioned to the publishers that I would bring a nice approach to ID for ecologists – so here we are.

James Shipman holding a bat under torchlight.

You have taken a relatable, and oftentimes humorous, approach in the way Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland was written. Why did you feel this was important, and with that in mind who is this book designed for?

Who said science, research and volunteering can’t be fun! If you enjoy what you do, it’s more fun and you usually get more out of it!

I thought it was important to bring my open, welcoming personality to bats and volunteering into the book, as well as an understanding of how hard it can be to learn in the world of ecology.


Public opinion of bats is often contested, and their associations with rabies and vampirism contribute to this negative perception. This guide contains a section on the myths and rumours of bats – why did you feel it was important to debunk these misconceptions?

Well spotted! It’s one of my favourite parts of any walk, talk, training or even in the book itself. Bats have such a negative view through media – whether it’s Halloween, Covid or other diseases, the positives (not just bats but anything in life) are very rarely talked about! So let’s try and win one for the bats – 2,000 less mosquito bites a night is a good seller!

James Shipman holding a bat detector pointing at a giant plastic pretend bat.


This guide also features vagrants and species that are extremely rare in the UK. How did you navigate writing about species that you may not have met? And did you find it challenging to construct identification guidance for these scarcer species?

Fortunately I have handled and seen these species abroad in my years of volunteering and training (which I will touch more on in your last question), and I have even been lucky to handle one or two of these in the UK too!

The hardest part of it all was trying to address the elephant in the room (or maybe I should say vagrant in the sky!). I believe there are now 21 species found in the UK – some of these are not proven residents, but are not far off – plus a few others that I chose not to include at the time of publication as records were too scarce!


James Shipman holding a bat.

Were there any other challenges that you came across in the process of writing this book?

As previously mentioned, mental health is important in all areas of life, and I felt that slight delays in finishing this book were due to anxiety of judgement on the final product. However, many close friends and ex-trainees assured me that more positives will come of this work than negatives.

The book is aimed at any level of bat worker and should taken with a light hearted approach. It’s important to address these things when discussing books and publishing – it’s a hard process, and without friends, family and a decent publisher (plus the bats) you can sometimes feel isolated. Luckily, I had the best support from all of the above!


What’s your advice for those just getting started in this field?

Well I could say read the book (haha), there are some good sections about starting out with bats. In short, don’t give up, persist, find bat workers who are open, friendly and passionate with no judgement (they are out there, I’m one of them), and most importantly have fun!


Finally, what’s next for you? Do you have plans for more books in the future?

Um… a break! It’s harder than I ever imagined. However, I would love to eventually write a similar book for bats of Europe! But it may take a while to compile some new jokes!


Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland 263872

Identifying Bats of Britain and Ireland is available from our online bookstore here.

Book Review: Lost Wonders

Lost Wonders book cover.***** An emotional gut punch of a book

When you think Sixth Extinction, animals and plants such as the St. Helena olive, the Bramble Cay melomys, or the Christmas Island forest skink are unlikely to come to mind. And therein lies a problem: behind the faceless statistics of loss lie numerous stories of unique evolutionary lineages that have been snuffed out. In this emotional gut punch of a book, author and journalist Tom Lathan takes the unconventional approach of examining ten species that have gone extinct since 2000, nine of which you will likely never have heard of. Lathan momentarily resurrects them to examine what led to their loss and speaks to the people who tried to save them.

The one species and individual you are likely to have heard of is Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise, who received much media attention both in life and in death. The remainder are barely known outside of the small circle of conservationists who studied them. Of the unfortunately long list Lathan obtained from the IUCN, he has chosen a nicely balanced mix of species. Each chapter opens with a tastefully executed pencil-and-ink drawing by Lathan’s partner Claire Kohda. The geographic spread similarly includes organisms from around the globe (though no maps have been included, which would have been helpful). What unites these species is that they all lived, literally or functionally, on islands (environments prone to evolutionary experimentation and extinction), and they are no longer with us.

Extinct tortoise line drawing.

Each of the ten chapters mixes several elements such that, despite most chapters being quite long at 30–40 pages, all are very engaging. Lathan introduces what we know about their biology and how the frequent paucity of information frustrated subsequent attempts at captive breeding. By telling the stories of their discovery and formal description, Lathan answers his question of whether naming a species “is itself a life-giving act” (p. 28): it allows us to formulate conservation plans, making naming “the difference between life and death” (p. 29). Of course, species exist before we describe them, and his overview of their evolution is a potent reminder of this. It also highlights how, given enough time, organisms can reach remote islands and establish themselves there, despite the odds not being in their favour.

All of the above is relevant background information, but we are here for the stories of what went wrong. In the introduction, Lathan emphasizes just how incomplete our knowledge is: there is both a long queue of species awaiting assessment by the underfunded IUCN and an even larger pool of “dark extinctions” (p. 4): species that vanish before we even know of their existence. These stories are “a snapshot of extinction […] each a stand-in for other[s] that we will probably never know occurred” (p. 4). There is that importance of taxonomy again.

Extinct lizard line drawing.
If extinctions of Pleistocene megafauna can reasonably be attributed to a mixture of human hunting and climate change, the fingerprint of more recent Holocene extinctions is clearly human. Lathan points out that our species is “one of the most potent agents of ecological destruction, regardless of time, place, or culture” (p. 135). For instance, the arrival of native Polynesians to Hawai’i already triggered a wave of extinction, such that the arrival of Europeans “was more like a passing of the baton in an ecocidal relay race” (p. 136). That said, in his next breath he immediately recognizes that European colonialism cranked up extinction to eleven—it is a good example of Lathan’s balanced reporting. What follows is the usual litany of rapacious resource extraction that destroys natural habitats and the accidental or purposeful introduction of invasive species. The two often work in tandem.

The strongest suit of Lost Wonders is the nearly 50 interviews with scientists, conservationists, hobbyists, and others whose first-hand experiences and frustrations imbue this work with much pathos. There are stories of species slipping through our hands as their habitats vanished (e.g. the Bramble Cay melomys, a rat, or the Alagoas foliage-gleaner, a bird); of ignored warnings, bureaucratic red tape, and apprehensive committees delaying meaningful action (e.g. the Polynesian tree snail P. labrusca or the Christmas Island pipistrelle); and of captive breeding efforts failing (e.g. the Mexican Catarina pupfish). By asking how the people involved experienced witnessing extinction, each chapter delivers an emotional gut punch that, I will not lie, sometimes brought me to tears. Some people still struggle talking about it, even a decade or more later, breaking down during their interviews. Others describe feelings of grief, depression, and loneliness, unable to truly share with others what they experienced. Lathan himself in his epilogue expresses his astonishment at “their capacity to articulate the profundity of what they had witnessed” and wonders out loud: “When a million years of evolution is extinguished right in front of you, what words suffice to describe this moment?” (p. 351).

Extinct bat species line drawing, flying over trees towards the front of the page.Taking a step back to compose myself I do, however, have two points of criticism; or, if not criticism, two points I feel have been omitted. First, there is the proximate question of whether trying to save a species at all costs is always the best use of the limited time, money, and other resources available for conservation. Not everybody agrees it is, and e.g. Inheritors of the Earth provocatively argued that island species are evolutionary dead ends, vulnerable to invasion. Are resources better spent on populations that still stand a decent chance? A counterargument could be made that, yes, these attempts *are* worthwhile because we learn how to improve our protocols, techniques, and technologies for the inevitable next extinction. My point is that Lathan does not broach these questions here. I would have loved for him to wrestle with these and put them to his interviewees. Second, there is the ultimate question of what it would take to turn the tide of extinction, of what such a world would look like. I judge him less harshly on this because very few authors seem willing to mention the root causes that got us here. His interviewees gave him several openings at broaching thorny topics that he did not pursue. This is another set of questions where both his views and those of his interviewees could have further enriched the book.

The above suggestions would have been cherries on the cake but, as it stands, the proverbial cake is both edible and rich. Lost Worlds is an incredibly moving book that tugs at the heartstrings and draws on an impressive number of interviews. These eyewitness stories are a powerful reminder that behind each reported extinction lies a tremendous amount of work, and the loss of a unique way of life on this planet.

Lost Wonders book cover.

Lost Wonders is available from our bookstore here.

Author interview with Peter Marren: Rare Plants

Rare plants book cover showing a yellow lino print orchid.Featuring hundreds of stunning photographs, the 14th volume in the British Wildlife Collection explores the meaning of rarity in our changing world and climate. It discusses the importance of these species in our landscape, provides an overview of different conservation techniques, examines the justifications for intervening in the life of a wild species and more.

Peter Marren.

Peter Marren is a natural history writer and conservationist whose wildlife-centred writing portfolio includes newspaper journalism, obituaries, book reviews and humorous opinion pieces. He was a regular contributor to British Wildlife magazine for 33 years and is the author of more than 20 books, including Bugs Britannica, After They’re Gone, and Mushrooms – the first title in the British Wildlife Collection series.

We recently chatted with Peter about Rare Plants, where we discussed how he first became interested in botany, why he chose to focus on rare species, what inspired him to return to the British Wildlife Collection and more.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself, and how you became interested in botany? 

I have been interested in wild flowers since boyhood. I was lucky enough to have had a rural childhood, but my first serious attempt to track down rarities was during my gap year when I tried to find every British species of orchid. I failed.

What I love about flowers is that they evoke so much about our surroundings, the colour and texture of the landscape, its land-use and history, and its seasonality. Rare flowers in particular express the fine tuning of nature, and their presence suggests that here we are standing in a special place – one that, for whatever reason, has changed less, has perhaps preserved more of its naturalness, more stability. They are also wonderful in themselves. Orchids, for instance, trick and confuse insects into doing their bidding. Our alpine flowers are living links with the Ice Age. Bluebells have a scent that is impossible to reproduce chemically. These are some of the reasons why I love field botany.

Your first contribution to the British Wildlife Collection was the first monograph in the series, Mushrooms, which was published in 2012. What inspired you to return to this renowned series for the 14th volume? 

I returned to the series because Katy, who edits the titles, asked me to! In the 1990s I wrote a book in association with Plantlife and the then English Nature, titled Britain’s Rare Flowers (1999).  The rights are now owned by Bloomsbury, who publish the British Wildlife Collection, and she suggested that I revise the book for the series. It didn’t take long for a revision to turn into a completely new book, and I broadened the scope from angiosperms to wild plants in general, including pteridophytes, bryophytes and algae, and to Ireland as well as Great Britain – hence, Rare Plants. I dedicated it to my old friend, the plant photographer Bob Gibbons and his partner Libby, and half the 300-odd images are his.

Cottonweed (Achillea maritima) by Liam Lysaght, via flickr.
Cottonweed (Achillea maritima) by Liam Lysaght, via flickr.

Why did you decide to focus on rare plant species for this book? 

I concentrated on rarities partly because they are the focus of conservation efforts, and partly because they are the highlight of any excursion (as botanical trips are known). Rare plants have more ‘geography’. If only you knew enough, you could probably place yourself exactly where you are in the landscape without recourse to a map simply by looking at the plants. Britain is that kind of place: intimate, complex, infinitely varied. Above that, there’s the eternal thrill of tracking down a rarity, whether it’s a flower, or a bird, or a Ming vase. If you love plants, then setting your eye for the first time on an elusive species you have long known about and pictured in your mind is a moment to savour. As I hope I communicated in my book, Chasing the Ghost.

This is an incredibly well-researched and detailed book that covers all aspects of Britain and Ireland’s flora, from the uniqueness of some species and details on why plants become rare, to their role and representation within our culture. What was the most interesting aspect of researching this book? 

What I enjoyed most when researching Rare Plants (and it was quite an enjoyable book generally) was the impressive new work on apomictic plants, that is, the ones that do without sex and so perpetuate minute differences. It helps that whitebeams and hawkweeds are not only beautiful in themselves, but tend to grow in beautiful landscapes. I was also enthralled by all the activity in the world of mosses and liverworts, mapping them in the same detail as ‘higher’ plants and getting them onto the conservation agenda. Some species have incredibly narrow niches, confined to lead mining spoil or lime kilns, or china-clay pits. Both are the work of relatively small groups of specialists who combine biological know-how with the ability to communicate to wider audiences – and to take brilliant photographs. I could say the same about lichens, but they aren’t really plants. So someone else will have to do them.

Eyebright by Donald Macauley, via flickr.
Eyebright by Donald Macauley, via flickr.

In the first chapter of the book, you discuss the IUCN’s criteria and red list. How accurate do you think this assessment is, and are there any disadvantages to using this method of classification to determine the rarity, and future protection, of any given species? 

The IUCN criteria are only as good as current knowledge allows. Conservationists love to list and pigeon-hole; it creates a kind of order.  But, in a rapidly changing world, the vulnerability of species is itself changing. Government and officialdom haven’t yet caught up with climate change and its implications for our flora. I think the most endangered plants are now our northern and arctic-alpine species, especially those that need long, cold winters with plenty of snow. It isn’t outright habitat destruction so much as the subtle consequences of a warmer but wetter and windier climate. The other problem with pigeon-holing is that it is boring. It creates the idea of fragile ‘things’, like pieces of china, and diverts our eyes from the marvels of the living plant with its ability to meld with its habitat, compete with its neighbours, and find necessary partnerships to survive.

The same idea of plants as passive ‘things’ has led well-meaning conservationists to substitute gardening for conservation. Plant conservation is under-funded and, alas, also under-expertised. Academic botany is in decline (count the university courses – not many).

Lady's-Slipper Orchid - Cypripedium calceolus by Bjorn S, via flickr.
Lady’s-Slipper Orchid – Cypripedium calceolus by Bjorn S, via flickr.

Finally, what’s taking up your time at the moment? Are you planning on working on any future volumes in the British Wildlife Collection?

I doubt I’ll be writing any more books for this series. They take a long time and I’m getting on a bit! Besides, these are hard times for writers who aren’t footballers or chefs, or others who have become famous from constant exposure in the media. While the natural history bookshelf has never been more bountiful, some of us are working for less than the minimum wage! I’ve recently finished a book (my 27th, I think) about the world’s most noxious plants called The Devil’s Garden, which was fun, and I hope will be fun to read. I love plants that defend themselves with alchemy, vicious thorns and stings, horrific poisons, or play mind-games with their pollinators; in short those with a wicked reputation. They provide an antidote to the idea of plants as passive and compliant.

Vivat flores!

(Long live the flowers)

Rare plants book cover showing a yellow lino print orchid.

Rare Plants is available from our online bookstore here.

Field Guides of the Year

Whether you’re shopping for a seasoned wildlife watcher or a curious beginner, these expertly crafted books are perfect for exploring the natural world. From identifying British wildflowers and lichens, to migratory bird calls and hoverflies, these field guides offer invaluable insights and stunning visuals. Here, we have selected a few of our favourite field guides of 2024, just in time for Christmas! 


263609 ID Handbook of European Birds (2-Volume Set) 

ID Handbook of European Birds (2-Volume Set)

This groundbreaking photographic reference book provides the most in-depth coverage of European birds available to date and features stunning high-resolution photographs of over 733 European species to aid identification – a must-have for any birder. 

Britain's Hoverflies book cover showing a hoverfly from above perching on a daisy.

Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland 

A beautifully illustrated photographic field guide focusing on the most readily identified hoverflies in Britain and Ireland. This fully updated third edition covers an additional thirteen species and contains remarkable photographs of hoverflies in multiple life stages to aid identification for beginners and seasoned naturalists alike. 

Front cover of Mammal Tracks of Europe. Shows illustrations of a fox, moose, bear and pine marten.

Mammal Tracks of Europe 

From passionate naturalist, photographer, illustrator and author David Wege, Mammal Tracks of Europe covers the tracks and trails of 72 European mammal species. It features detailed, life-sized drawings of tracks and animal portraits, with species names written in eight European languages to make an accessible field companion for trackers and naturalists across the continent. 

265556?Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain: A Visual Guide to Their Identification (2-Volume Set) 

Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain: A Visual Guide to Their Identification (2-Volume Set) 

Brimming with detailed descriptions and lavish illustrations, this monumental work describes over 700 species and covers a wealth of information including biology, ecology, microscopy, and a short history and lichenology. As such, it is an invaluable reference guide for both beginners and experienced lichen enthusiasts.   

an identification guide to trees of britain and north west europe

An Identification guide to trees of Britain and Northwest Europe 

An easy-to-use introduction to the identification of 89 tree species across Britain and North-West Europe. Expertly photographed, the trees featured in this guide are captured throughout the seasons and feature close-up details to effortlessly distinguish between species.  

253276 Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland 

Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland 

The culmination of over 30 years of study, this book offers the first complete, up-to-date illustrated guide to nearly 200 species of British and Irish brown algae, including unique coverage of the lesser-known, more cryptic, or microscopic varieties. This exhaustive reference work contains over 300 compound plates of photographs and line drawings to complement its extensive coverage of distributions, morphology, anatomy, taxonomy, life histories and more, making it an indispensable research tool for phycologists and students.  

British & Irish Wild Flowers and Plants

British & Irish Wildflowers and Plants 

Brimming with full colour photos and macro shots, this pocket-sized book allows for straightforward identification of the most common wildflowers and plants found in Great Britain and Ireland. It was designed with all capabilities in mind for a seamless identification process, with clearly illustrated drawings, species description and simple visual keys.  

Bird Pellets book cover showing a barn owl stood on a wooden fencepost with a mouse in its mouth, the title Bird Pellets in cream and images of 15 bird pellets below this.

Bird Pellets 

The first complete photographic guide to bird pellets, this book showcases a wide range of pellets produced by different species, including owls, hawks, waders and various garden birds. Pellets from each species are analysed in detail, and readers are informed of how to identify the remains of small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and other birds. This must-have guide fills the gap in bird pellet knowledge and will prove to be invaluable to enthusiasts and field workers alike. 

263092 Identifying Migratory Birds by Sound in Britain and Europe 

Identifying Migratory Birds by Sound in Britain and Europe 

Learn to identify migratory birds with this extensive auditory guide. Often neglected in traditional birding guides, this unique work describes calls with precision and details the flight behaviour of over 450 species. It contains over 1,000 downloadable sounds and annotated sonograms, allowing readers to visualise, identify and memorise flight and contact calls of all European migratory species with ease. 

264814 Field Guide to the Orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean 

Field Guide to the Orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean 

This completely revised second edition draws on the latest research to produce an accessible, easy-to-use guide to the orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean. Written by some of the foremost experts on the group, it is richly illustrated with over 2,000 photographs, demonstrating with great clarity the natural variability seen in over thirty genera, including natural hybrids, making it an essential resource for orchid enthusiasts and botanists alike.  

264826 Smithsonian Trees of North America

Smithsonian Trees of North America

Ten years in the making, this insightful work provides readers with an indispensable illustrated source to hundreds of North American tree species. Visually stunning and insightful, John Kress shares over 3,000 images of identifying characteristics and includes hundreds of range maps for the group. It also covers the diversity, structure, form and beauty of trees, and provides an in-depth introduction to their biology, conservation and value. A monumental marriage of science and art, this important book will be an invaluable reference for future generations.  

wild flowers of britain and ireland

Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland 

Building on the expertise of the first edition by award winning photographer, botanist and mycologist Roger Phillips, this seminal work is the perfect guide to help both beginners and experienced botanists learn about the wildflowers they see around them. Whether in urban green settings or the countryside, identification has never been easier with this updated and extended addition. It features over 1,000 photographed and illustrated wildflowers, detailed descriptions and extensive background information to create an essential photographic guide.  

261544 Field Guide to Birds of Greater Southern Africa 

Field Guide to Birds of Greater Southern Africa 

An essential reference guide to all resident, breeding and migrant species for anyone exploring or living in the wildlife-rich landscapes of Southern Africa. Part of the Helm Field Guide Series, this field guide describes over 1,000 regularly occurring species in the region, illustrated in 272 colour plates by three of the world’s leading bird illustrators.  

259092 Frustrating Flowers & Puzzling Plants 

Frustrating Flowers & Puzzling Plants 

Coming to the rescue of exasperated novices and those troubled with unfamiliar and complex groups, this accessible guide identifies a new approach to identifying difficult plants. The author directs readers to parts of the plant in which to investigate more closely for accurate identification, using user-friendly keys and diagnostic illustrations. This novel approach was designed for those getting to grips with baffling or cryptic specimens.  

Our Favourite Paperbacks of 2024

The last few years have seen a fantastic range of paperback releases, ranging from deep dives into the fungal kingdom, to enthralling explorations of lost British landscapes. In this blog post, we highlight some of our top picks that are sure to delight naturalists this festive season. 

Birds, Beasts and Bedlam 

Birds, Beasts and Bedlam 

Farmer-turned-rewilder Derek Gow recounts his rewilding adventures, the realities of the practice and documents his work to save species in his Devonian farm. From Beavers to Glow Worms, Gow houses an array of animals, with hopes of one day releasing them into the wild. 



After taking the plunge to move to the remote highlands of Scotland, Annie learns of the raw beauty and force of this incredible habitat. This memoir tells the story of Scotland’s valleys, the glaciers that carved the landscape, the rivers that traversed through the mountains and how the earliest people established life in this forceful environment.  

What an Owl Knows

What an Owl Knows 

The natural history of owls is brought to life with a captivating blend of art and science in this charming work. Through revelatory new behavioural research, this touching book invites readers to take a glimpse into the lives of these creatures and discover how these birds have fascinated humankind for millennia. This book covers their evolutionary quirks, romantic relationships and parenting styles. 

The Jewel Box 

The Jewel Box 

An enriching reflection on the magical creatures and colourful jewels that can be conjured from the darkness with moth traps. Inspired by the diversity within the trap on his London roof, Tim Blackburn considers how the insects found in a moth trap can tell you more about the workings of nature and how paying true attention to these species, their relations and their connections to the web of life, we can discover a greater truth. 

Late Light

Late Light 

The winner of the 2024 Wainwright Prize for UK Nature Writing, this meditative book is a rich blend of natural history and memoir. It tells a story of migration, belonging and extinction through the close examination of four overlooked animals – eels, mussels, crickets and moths. Michael Malay tells the story of the natural world, alongside his own story, and delves into the lives of our animal neighbours.  

Wild Air 

Wild Air 

From shearwaters on coastal mountains to Nightjars on lowland heath, Wild Air provides readers with an audible introduction to eight birds and their habitat, each unique. The book is beautifully written as though the author is describing the bird song to his almost-deaf grandfather. 

Meetings with Moths 

Meetings with Moths 

In search of Britain’s most beautiful moths, author Katty Baird explores Scotland to document and observe these striking, yet often overlooked, insects. From Green Longhorns to Pimpinel Pugs, Katty shares her passion and highlights the unique adaptations, ecological importance and extraordinary beauty of these creatures.  

The Swimmer

The Swimmer 

Written primarily through his own words, this unconventional biography of wild swimming champion and environmentalist Roger Deakin draws from notebooks, diaries, letters and recordings, with the help of friends and family, to bring his voice to life in this work.  

The Earth Transformed 

The Earth Transformed 

The Times Best History Book 2023, The Earth Transformed, paints a cautious environmental history on a big canvas. This groundbreaking work focusses on the impact of the environment on human history, and indeed how human history has impacted the environment. An epic Sunday Times bestseller, this work provides an expansive chronological history, from the big bang to present day, to understand how changes in natural patterns have shaped history and human evolution. 

Blue Machine

Blue Machine 

Dive deep into the inner workings of the Earth’s oceans with the winner of this year’s Wainwright Prize for Writing on Global Conservation. This timely book draws on years of experience at the forefront of marine science to illuminate the inner workings of the world’s oceans, and examines the people who live in it, rely on it and travel over it. This book elegantly explores this complex system and builds on knowledge that is crucial to our future.  

Black Ops and Beaver Bombing 

Black Ops and Beaver Bombing 

A lively and light-hearted peek into Britain’s mammals, as never seen before. From Pine Martens to Water Voles, this delightful book reveals the peculiarities of our wildlife and reveals the wonder of these creatures in the search of answers to the problems that beset them through scientific insight and comedic anecdotes.  

The Orchid Outlaw 

The Orchid Outlaw 

An inspiring reintroduction to Britain’s most endangered flora, The Orchid Outlaw is a splendid combination of memoir, natural history and call to action. Decimated by land use changes, climate change, inadequate protection and habitat loss, Britain’s 51 orchids are in desperate trouble. This book follows Ben Jacobs rescue journey which put him onto the wrong side of the law and saw his home turn into an orchid refuge.  

Deep Water 

Deep Water 

Through a thrilling blend of history, science and nature writing, James Bradley dives into the darkest corners of the natural world. In this personal meditation, Bradley delves into the history, science and ecology of our oceans and exposes the urgent threats on this ecosystem in a thought-provoking reflection on the relationship between humankind and the natural world.  

The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi  

The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi  

Authored by esteemed mycologist Keith Seifert, The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi explores the connection between the fungal kingdom and all life on earth, reveals how these organisms enrich our lives and investigates the environments in which they live. Venture into our homes, bodies, farms and forest to find out more about the rich world of fungi and learn about how these species have evolved and adapted over millions of years.  

Hairy-Foot, Long-Tongue 

Hairy-Foot, Long-Tongue 

An accessible introduction to bee biology and diversity providing readers with an affordable alternative to a more technical handbook. Featuring themed double-page spreads, this book explores the complexities of solitary bees, their lives and evolution in an easily digestible format. Sections detail species diversity, taxonomy, anatomy and responses to climate change and feature over 400 drawings and photographs, most of which were produced by the author. 

Natural History Bestsellers

natural history bestsellers

Here we explore a selection of timeless classics, both old and new, that celebrate the wonders of the natural world. 


A passionate plea for restoring wildness to our landscapes from one of the world’s most celebrated radical thinkers. In this monumental work, Monbiot explores the ecological and psychological benefits of allowing nature to take its course, and draws on scientific research and riveting tales of personal experience to illustrate how rewilding can restore damaged ecosystems on land and sea, mitigate climate change, enhance biodiversity, and improve human well-being.

Entangled Life book cover showing three species of mushroom (close ups) in bright colours with the text Entangled Life in white between these.

Entangled Life 

Winner of the 2021 Wainwright Prize for Writing on Global Conservation, this fascinating book takes readers on a mind-altering adventure to showcase the incredible detail, vibrant colour and sometimes strange features of fungi. Spectacular, yet often neglected, Merlin Sheldrake expertly reveals the inner workings of this mysterious third kingdom and explores our understanding of the group and how they have shaped our planet.  

The Lost Rainforests of Britain

The Lost Rainforests of Britain 

A celebration of the long-forgotten temperate rainforests that once thrived in Britain. Guy Shrubsole tells the captivating story of this fragmented habitat, its history, how it was lost and how we can protect the last patches of this unique habitat. From Welsh wizards to Celtic druids, this book takes the reader over Britain to show how we can restore these places to their former glory. 

259201 book of wilding

The Book of Wilding 

In this highly anticipated work, Isabella Tree and Charlie Burrell share some of the many lessons they have learned from their pioneering rewilding project at the Knepp Estate in Sussex. This inspiring book is packed with practical solutions for rewilding on a range of scales, from farms and estates to allotments and gardens and explores the importance of rewilding techniques for nature conservation.  

Bringing back the beaver

Bringing Back the Beaver 

Farmer-turned-ecologist Derek Gow documents his experience rewilding Beavers in England and Scotland. This inspirational and riotously funny firsthand account shares the story of Gow’s work since the 1990’s to import, quarantine and assist the reestablishment of this species in Britain. Bringing Back the Beaver emphasises the importance of these animals in the face of climate-induced flood and drought, and their critical role in creating rich wetland habitats for a broad spectrum of British wildlife. 

250813 secrets of a devon wood

Secrets of a Devon Wood 

Artist and illustrator Jo Brown has captured hearts and minds across the globe with this awe-inspiring nature journal. In a bid to document the small wonders of the wood behind her home, Jo beautifully depicts fauna and flora with rich detail and documents facts about each species’ physiology and life history in an exact replica of her original Moleskin journal. 

251033 rebirding


The winner of the 2020 Wainwright Prize for Writing on Global Conservation, Rebirding highlights a forward-thinking roadmap to reversing the decline of bird populations, and wildlife decline, in Britain. It describes solutions to the ever-increasing problems our landscapes face, with visions of a beautiful, profitable British countryside.  

143162 the wildflower key

The Wildflower Key 

A comprehensive guide to identifying wild plants in Britain and Ireland. This revised and expanded second edition contains detailed keys to more than 1,600 wild plants and is packed with a range of identification tips and innovative features to benefit both beginners and experienced botanists. The text covers a wide range of flowers, shrubs and trees in great clarity, making it an invaluable reference for year-round identification.  

All the Birds of the World 250837

All the Birds of the World 

This all-encompassing new guide lists all the birds of the world, allowing readers to browse and compare Earth’s amazing avian diversity between the covers of one volume. All the Birds of the World presents over 11,000 species, accompanied by 11,558 distribution maps and 20,865 illustrations detailing sexual dimorphism, morphs and distinctive subspecies. 

261235 All the mammals of the world

All the Mammals of the World 

An exhaustive reference book featuring over 6,000 mammal species, including wild, domestic, and extinct species. It includes an enormous number of exquisite illustrations, distribution maps, and measurements for each species. This book is designed for a broad audience, including wildlife enthusiasts and researchers, offering a visually stunning and informative overview of the world’s mammalian diversity. 

259552 Solitary Bees

Solitary Bees 

Often overlooked, solitary bees have remarkably complex behaviour and ecology, as is revealed in this New Naturalist volume. Solitary Bees draws on a new wave of knowledge to provide readers with a wonderful insight into the complicated lives of solitary bees – from nesting behaviours to interspecies interactions, this book calls on scientific literature and the authors’ own observations to explore the lives of these insects further.  

254972 silent earth

Silent Earth 

Part love letter to the insect world, part elegy, and part rousing manifesto, Dave Goulson draws on the latest ground-breaking research and a lifetime of study to reveal the shocking decline of insect populations. This powerful book is a call to arms for change at every level and argues that it is not too late to love, respect and care for our insect friends.  

257180 otherlands


Otherlands, the exceptional debut of Scottish palaeontologist Thomas Halliday, immerses readers in a series of past world landscapes. Journey to all seven continents to visit the birthplace of humanity, giant fungal forests and the highest waterfall the world has ever known and discover the fantastical planet earth over the last 550 million years. Though very much grounded in fact, each ecosystem is lyrically written with an eye for detail and drama, making this work a masterpiece of spellbinding science communication.  

Other Minds book cover featuring an octopus illustration.

Other minds 

Combining science and philosophy, Peter Godfrey-Smith dives into the extraordinary history of evolved intelligence and explores how early forms of communication gave rise to advanced nervous systems in humans and cephalopods. Interspersed with captivating firsthand accounts, Other Minds sheds a new light on consciousness and the convergent evolution of intelligence in a fascinating blend of natural history, philosophy and evocative writing.  

wilding 245847


Wilding chronicles the transformation of a struggling Sussex farm into a thriving 3,500-acre ecosystem through rewilding. By introducing free-roaming grazing animals like Exmoor Ponies, Longhorn Cattle, and Tamworth Pigs, the Burrell’s have allowed nature to take over the land with extraordinary results. This book is a hopeful and inspiring tale of ecological restoration and reveals the ways in which we can regain a wilder, richer country.  

Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers banner

From bite-sized reads to nature-inspired games, we’ve curated a selection of delightful stocking fillers for this festive season. Whether you’re shopping for an avid birder or a wildlife enthusiast, we have something for everyone to enjoy.  

188866 Little Books of Nature Collection

Little Books of Nature Collection

A stunning collection of richly illustrated mini reference guides covering an array of nature topics. This collection features eight expertly-written volumes, including weather, dinosaurs, whales, fungi, trees and beetles. Each pocket-sized book contains over 100 photographs and illustrations and is brimming with surprising facts and unique insights about the chosen topic. Beautifully designed with a foil stamped cloth cover, these little books are a highly collectible series, and the perfect gift for anyone with an interest in the natural world.  

Bloomsbury Concise Guides Collection

Collins Gem Guides Collection 

This excellent selection of mini-pocket guides provide an accessible introduction for a range of topics, including mushrooms, butterflies, insects and garden birds. Each volume is packed with authoritative text and detailed images to aid in identification, making it the ideal companion for those wanting to learn more about the natural world. Digestible and portable, the Gem Guides collection is an ideal starting point for children and nature enthusiasts alike. 

Collins Gem Guides Collection 

Bloomsbury Concise Guides Collection

Suitable for both beginners and seasoned naturalists, these popular guidebooks allow users to quickly identify a variety of different species, including pond wildlife, insects and herbs. This collection is particularly affordable, and is supplemented with stunning full-colour artworks, making these pocket guidebooks the ultimate gift for those that are nature-inclined.  

#265127 Robin Mug - extended range available

Ornithology Mug Collection

High quality porcelain decorated with delightful drawings from Dutch artist and biologist Elwin Van der Kolk. Each mug is decorated with adult and juvenile birds, such as Robins, Blue Tits and Avocets. Shipped in a gift box, this range makes a lovely present to enrich a nature lover’s morning cuppa. 

Mushrooms Playing Cards

Playing Cards

A wonderful reference to the sheer variety of organisms that exist in our natural world, these delightful playing cards from Heritage Playing Card Company are a perfect stocking filler. Each pack is illustrated in colour to showcase the diversity of flora and fauna in each group, with topics ranging from mushrooms to insects and spiders.  

3D Wooden Animal Models Collection 

Gift in a Tin Collection

The Gift in a Tin range makes a wonderful stocking filler and offers creative fun for all ages. The collection includes a selection of self-assembly models such as Woolly Mammoth, Sabre Tooth Tiger and British Wildflowers. These natural history themed items are designed to be self-assembled to create a charming model, perfect for display.

#211252 Bug Bingo - different varieties available in the full range

Nature Bingo Collection

A fun and engaging take on the classic game, the Bingo collection by Laurence King contains some uniquely themed varieties including Ocean Bingo, Tree Bingo and Monkey Bingo. Suitable for up to eight players, each box contains fabulously illustrated double-sided bingo boards, themed bingo chips, brightly coloured counters and a large bingo board. Suitable for people of all ages, this unique game is ideal for the festive season. 

Puffin Soft Toy

Soft Toys

A lovely collection of soft toys, depicting a range of British wildlife including Puffins, Red Squirrels, Pipistrelle Bats and Brown Long-eared Bats. These soft toys are made from thick, double-lined fabric and the bats come with fully bendable wings. Each toy comes with an information tag featuring educational facts about the animal, its habitat and diet, making it the perfect gift for children who are learning about nature.  

Woolly Mammoth in a Tin - different varieties available in the full range  

3D Wooden Animal Models Collection 

Build your own menagerie with these easy to assemble wood model kits. Suitable for both adults and children, these models will make an exciting addition to anyone’s bookshelf and make a unique displayable art piece. Each kit contains 42 FSC wooden pieces, step-by-step instructions and ideas for decoration. There are a number of different animal models to choose from in this collection, ranging from rays and sharks to owls and spiders.  

Books of the Year

Books of the year banner

2024 has seen a fantastic range of field guide, academic and nature writing releases, ranging from fascinating visual guides to British lichen, to deep dives into the peculiarities of the fungal kingdom. In this blog post, we highlight some of our favourite releases of 2024 that are sure to delight naturalists this festive season. 


The Starling A Biography cover.

The Starling: A Biography  

Marking the sixth volume in Stephen Moss’s Bird Biography series, The Starling delves into the fascinating life of one of our most talented and surprising birds. Starlings are renowned for their iridescent plumage, impressive vocal abilities and mesmerising murmurations, and this captivating tale explores how they’ve shaped our world, inspired art and music through the decades, influenced the agricultural industry and more. 

127504 Ponds, Pools and Puddles 

Ponds, Pools and Puddles 

A recent addition to the New Naturalist Series, this long-awaited title has been in the works since the 1950’s. This detailed account synthesizes a wealth of information on these valuable freshwater habitats, covering what they are, how they differ from rivers and lakes, their types, origins, abundance and distribution. This book has made an invaluable contribution to raising awareness of these overlooked freshwater habitats and concludes with a chapter on conservation and pond management. 

261415 Hedges


Part of the British Wildlife Collection, Hedges introduces readers to the humble hedgerow, and celebrates the ecology, biology and cultural history of these rich habitats in Britain. In this book, Robert Wolton collates decades of research to explore the wider values of hedges and provides a comprehensive commentary on our relationship with these habitats. 

263609 ID Handbook of European Birds (2-Volume Set) 

ID Handbook of European Birds (2-Volume Set) 

This groundbreaking photographic reference book provides the most in-depth coverage of European birds available to date and features stunning high-resolution photographs of over 733 European species to aid identification. This monumental work is a must-have for any birder. 

#263857 Oaklore 


Join author Jules Acton on a joyful and creative exploration of one of Britain’s most important trees and their incredibly diverse history. This fascinating book is a treasure trove of botanical information, insights and anecdotes into the historical, mythological and ecological significance of oaks.  

Close encounters of a fungal kind cover.

Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind 

Acclaimed scientist and author Richard Fortey reflects on the unique and otherworldly charm of the mysterious third kingdom. As told through the author’s own adventures to find the most extraordinary, strange and delicious fungi, this book explores the vast fungal kingdom with warmth and enthusiasm.  

British & Irish Wild Flowers and Plants

British and Irish Wildflowers and Plants 

Brimming with full colour photos and macro shots, this pocket-sized book allows for straightforward identification of the most common wildflowers and plants found in Great Britain. It was designed with all capabilities in mind for a seamless identification process, with clearly illustrated drawings, species description and simple visual keys.  

Blue Machine

Blue Machine 

Dive deep into the inner workings of the Earth’s oceans with the winner of this year’s Wainwright Prize for Writing on Global Conservation. This timely book draws on years of experience at the forefront of marine science to illuminate the inner workings of the world’s oceans, and examines the people who live in it, rely on it and travel over it. This book elegantly explores this complex system and builds on knowledge that is crucial to our future.   

Britain's Hoverflies book cover showing a hoverfly from above perching on a daisy.

Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland 

A beautifully illustrated photographic field guide focusing on the most readily identified hoverflies in Great Britain. This fully updated third edition covers an additional thirteen species and contains remarkable photographs of hoverflies in multiple life stages to aid identification for beginners and seasoned naturalists alike.  

The Accidental Garden 

A lyrical reflection of the natural world by Richard Mabey, inviting readers to reconsider the ‘disorder’ of nature. Rooted in the daily life of his own garden, Mabey shares a story where nature becomes its own gardener, reorganising itself against a background of disorder. 

#248959 The Osprey 

The Osprey 

This Poyser monograph is a captivating dedication to the Osprey featuring more than 150 full-colour photographs. It looks at the distribution, foraging ecology, migration, breeding behaviour and population dynamics of the species and covers the conservation efforts that have been undertaken to successfully reintroduce Osprey in Britain. 

265556?Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain: A Visual Guide to Their Identification (2-Volume Set) 

Lichens of Ireland & Great Britain: A Visual Guide to Their Identification (2-Volume Set) 

Brimming with detailed descriptions and lavish illustrations, this monumental work describes over 700 species and covers a wealth of information including: biology, ecology, microscopy, and a short history and lichenology. This book is an invaluable reference guide for both beginners and experienced lichen enthusiasts.  

Our Staff Favourites

Staff favourites

Welcome to our annual round-up of the books and equipment we have enjoyed reading and using this year, all chosen by members of the NHBS team.

Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind 

Close Encounters of the Fungal Kind 

This book takes you on a mycological odyssey, exploring the vast fungal kingdom through beautiful prose, engaging anecdotes, and fascinating facts. I particularly liked how the chapters are broken up into mushroom-based ecological niches like rotters or parasites, making an overwhelming amount of information easily accessible. An ideal gift for the fungally-inclined people in your life.

– Tom, Technical Advisor 

#265277 Ocean Bottle Original 500ml 

Ocean Bottle  

I love the simple design and vibrant colours of this recyclable bottle! Although what really sets the Ocean Bottle apart is its commitment to cleaner oceans – each item sold funds the removal of 1,000 plastic bottles from the marine environment! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to reduce their plastic consumption and help protect our planet.

– Jess, Equipment Purchasing Coordinator

Living on Earth cover.

Living on Earth 

I was very excited to get my hands on the finale to this ambitious trilogy – and I was not disappointed! This book marks the conclusion to an exploration of intelligence on planet Earth and its origins. It touches on how life shapes, and has been shaped by, its environment and takes readers on an exploration through compelling accounts of intelligence in the natural world – an excellent read, and the perfect finish to this thought-provoking trilogy!

– Poppy, Ecology Content Editor 

Viking Cygnus Monocular

Viking Cygnus Monocular 

If you are looking for a handy monocular then the Viking Cygnus is a great choice. It is easy to fit in my coat pocket so I tend to take it with me much more that I would a heavier pair of binoculars. It is also lightweight and easy to handle – my son had a great time with it in the woods!

– Adam, Marketing and Sales Manager 

wilding 264403


Isabella Tree’s Wilding is a special blend of personal narrative and ecological exploration. Her vivid descriptions and terrific storytelling bring rewilding to life and paints a hopeful picture for the future of ecological recovery in Britain – it has left me with a renewed appreciation for the power of nature and its remarkable ability to heal itself.  This illustrated children’s version makes a lovely gift.

– Jo, Marketing Assistant 

Bird Photographer of the Year, Collection 9

Bird Photographer of the Year 

As a wildlife photographer and cameraman, it’s always been a draw to me to look at the structure and composition of how others “see” their subject. Ansel Adams once said that it is the 12 inches behind the camera that is the most important part of an image making process. While the camera hardware is important, the photographer’s eye is more so. This book shows that that is the case, with amazing studies of birds, their lives, and the beauty of nature. This year’s book is truly inspiring.

– Simon, Books Purchasing Coordinator

Num'axes Bird Feeder Camera

Num’axes Bird Feeder 

A step-up from the average bird feeder, this innovative product captures high-quality videos and photos of birds and other wildlife in action. It works well in all weather conditions and has been used to capture superb videos around my garden – a must have for any bird enthusiast!

– Mark, Product and Purchasing Manager

265810 Under the Changing Skies

Under the Changing Skies  

Under Changing Skies is a sweeping, lyrical and illuminating journey through the British countryside as written by some of the countries most celebrated nature writers. This collection of entries for the Guardian’s Country Diary will make a beautiful gift for nature lovers!

– Oli, Designer 

3D Wooden Animal Models Collection 

Gift in a Tin Range 

The Gift in a Tin range has everything you need to create your own wooden models, plus a cool fact sheet to learn more about the animals in the kit. They are a great way to spark children’s interest in nature, while having some creative fun at the same time, and are perfect for an affordable gift, or a treat for yourself!

– Dan, Technical Advisor

Shesali Artisan Bird Nester Gift Box

Bird Nester Gift Box 

This gift box is a fantastic little package for any budding birdwatcher. The nest itself is beautifully designed and is made with recycled saris which adds a unique touch to every nest. Plus, the included bird food is a great way to support local wildlife, especially during the colder months – a great way to bring a bit of nature into your home.

 – Elle, Marketing Coordinator

Nature's Calendar The British Year in 72 Seasons

Nature’s Calendar 

Inspired by the traditional Japanese calendar, this book takes the reader through 72 seasons in the British Isles. Each season is represented by different natural phenomenon, and the book features themes of folklore, tradition and natural history. It is a great way to learn more about how nature changes throughout the seasons and has allowed me to interact with the world around me in a unique way.

– Sam, Publishing Assistant 

StarSense Explorer LT 70AZ Refractor Telescope

StarSense Explorer LT 70AX Refractor Telescope 

This telescope is a great choice for budding astronomers! It’s the first telescope that uses a dedicated app to analyse the night sky, which identifies all the constellations and celestial objects visible to the user. It’s perfect for those who are just getting started with astronomy and would make a brilliant gift this Christmas!”

– Adam, Technical Advisor