Author Q&A with Robert Wolton: Hedges

Hedges book cover showing a drawing of hedge and farmers fields.In Hedges, Robert Wolton brings together decades of research and personal experiences from his farm in Devon to explore the ecology, biology, nature conservation and wider environmental values of the hedges in the British Isles. Containing over 300 photographs and figures, this latest addition to the British Wildlife Collection offers a detailed commentary on hedges and their importance in our landscape.

Robert Wolton portrait, showing him from the chest upwards, stood wearing a brown hat, coat and bag with an old tree in the background.Robert is an ecological consultant and writer specialising in the management of farmland and associated habitats for wildlife. He is a former hedgerow specialist for Natural England, the founder, chair, editor and lead author of the Devon Hedge Group, has been involved in Hedgelink since it began, and has written a number of reports and articles specialising in hedges.

Firstly, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to be contributing to the British Wildlife Collection with a book on hedges? 

I’ve had a life-long interest in natural history, even as  a schoolboy I was a very keen birdwatcher. Later, at university, I trained as a zoologist with a strong interest in mammals, although subsequently I have been more involved with insects, especially moths and flies. It was perhaps inevitable that I should pursue a career in nature conservation. My passion for hedges was awakened when we bought a small farm in the heart of Devon, my wife, Paula, looking after the cattle and sheep while I went to the office. Initially it was the flower-filled meadows that drew me to the land, but I soon realised that the many thick hedges, full of different trees and shrubs, were glorious and just as special, particularly when I discovered that those small spherical nests I kept finding were made by Hazel Dormice. At that time, 30 years ago, hedges were very under-appreciated in the nature conservation world – there was a gap waiting to be filled and I was able to persuade my bosses in English Nature to allow me to become a part-time national hedge specialist, a role I continued to fill after the organisation morphed into Natural England. Partial retirement gave me the opportunity to write a book on my beloved hedges. I’d always dreamt of having a volume in the British Wildlife Collection, much admiring the series, so when Bloomsbury offered me the chance I jumped at it. 

Robert Wolton, author of Hedges, photographed stood by a large pile of thin trees being used to construct a man-made hedge.
Robert Wolton making a hedge.

I tend to think of hedges as being man-made. But is there such a thing as a natural hedge? And if so, how do these come about? 

Most hedges in Britain and Ireland are indeed man-made. Some, though, have grown up naturally along fence lines and ditches – these are termed spontaneous hedges and I think they are becoming more frequent, especially along the sides of roads and railway lines. Trees and shrubs, their seeds carried by wind, birds and mammals, can colonise strips of rough grassland remarkably quickly, often protected to begin with by brambles. It does not take many years before there’s at least a proto-hedge present, and after a decade or two it may be difficult to tell it was not planted. Another way hedges have come into being is through strips of woodland being left when land is cleared for agriculture. These are called ghost hedges. Their origin is often given away by the presence of unexpectedly high numbers of trees and herbs characteristic of ancient woodland because they have poor dispersal abilities.  

I particularly enjoyed the chapter in your book on the origins and history of hedges. Do you think that the study of hedges can give us an insight into the natural and social history of our country? 

Without a doubt. Throughout our countryside, away from the open moors and fens, the pattern of fields, as defined by hedges and sometimes drystone walls, allows the history of the landscape to be read, often going back centuries, even sometimes millennia. We are so fortunate in these islands still to have this landscape continuity – it has been lost over much of continental Europe. In places like Dartmoor, which I can see from our farm, layer upon layer of history can be unpicked through studying the networks of field boundaries, most of which are banked hedges. Some can be traced back to the Bronze Age, 3,500 years ago. This may be exceptional, but even so, most of the hedges in Britain, and many in Ireland, probably date back to Medieval times. They are a hugely important part of our cultural heritage. We love our hedges. This is evident not just in the countryside, but across our villages, towns and cities, in our gardens and parks. Hedge topiary is, after all, a national pastime! 

Farmland hedge leading towards a forest at the end of a farm track along the right-hand side of a field.
Hedge, by Damien Walmsley via Flickr.

As you describe early on in the book, there are many different types of hedge, from those that consist of just a single species to very diverse multi-species ones, even ones that have been allowed to mature into lines of trees. Is there a type of hedge that is best for the surrounding wildlife and environment and that we should be trying to replicate or maintain as much as possible?  

If you put me on the spot, I’ll answer this question by saying that thick, dense, bushy hedges are the best for wildlife, preferably with margins full of tussocky grasses and wildflowers. But really we should be thinking about what networks of hedges look like, because there’s no such thing as a perfect hedge. Different birds, mammals and insects like different conditions, and in any case you can’t keep a hedge in the same state for ever, however carefully you manage it. Basically, the trees and shrubs are always trying to reach maturity, and as they do so gaps develops beneath their canopies and between them. That’s when laying or coppicing are needed, to rejuvenate the hedge and make it more dense and bushy. A lot more research needs to be done on this, but probably, from a wildlife point of view, at least half of all the hedges in a network, say that covering a decent-sized farm, should be in this condition. On the other hand, from a climate perspective, where we need to capture as much carbon as quickly as possible, tall hedges with many mature trees are best. You can see there are tensions here, all part of the challenge of managing hedges well. Who said it was easy?   

A dusty track running in a straight line with hedges on both sides and tall, narrow, straight trees behind the left hand hedge.
Into the Distance, by Dave S via Flickr.

As both a farmer and an ecologist, I’m sure you are more attuned than many to the conflicting needs of making a living from the land and managing hedges for the benefit of wildlife and conservation. Do you think financial incentives are the only way to encourage landowners and farmers to both plant more and maintain existing hedges? 

Financial incentives like government grants will always be important to landowners and farmers because good hedges benefit society at large just as much as those who own and manage them. Things like plentiful wildlife, carbon capture, reduced risk of homes flooding and beautiful landscapes rarely bring in any income to offset costs, let alone profit – it is right that they are supported from the public purse.  

Still, hedges can be of direct financial value to farmers through serving as living fences, preventing the loss of soil or providing logs and wood chips for heating. They can also increase crop yields through boosting numbers of pollinators and the predators of pests. To some extent, these direct benefits to farm businesses have been forgotten in recent decades in the drive for increased food production regardless of environmental cost, but they are now being appreciated much more as new ways of working the land, such as regenerative farming, catch on.  

And we should not overlook the fact that more and more landowners and farmers are prepared to bear at least some of the costs of good hedge management simply because they gain huge satisfaction from healthy hedges and all the wildlife they contain. The pleasure of seeing a covey of Partridges or a charm of Goldfinches, or hearing the purring song of the Turtle Dove, cannot be priced. 

A narrow, windy track going through a high sided hedge into the distance in a circle.
by Oli Haines.

Finally, how did you find the experience of writing this book, and will there be other publications from you on the horizon? 

This is my first ‘big’ book, and I was apprehensive to say the least when I started writing it, in 2022. But with a lot of encouragement from my wife and friends I soon got into the swing of things. Challenging for sure but personally most rewarding – exploring new facets, checking information and trying to find the best way to pass on my enthusiasm for the subject. Above all, it felt good to share knowledge collected over many years. Bloomsbury’s support was invaluable, there’s no way I could have self-published. As to whether there are more books in me, I’m not sure. Perhaps one on hedges in gardens? There again, I have a passion for wet woodland, another habitat that’s been much neglected. It’s all too soon to say. 

Hedges book cover showing a drawing of hedge and farmers fields.Hedges is available to order from our bookstore.


Author Q&A with Derek Gow: Hunt for the Shadow Wolf

Renowned rewilder Derek Gow has a dream: that one day we will see the return of the wolf to Britain. As Derek worked to reintroduce the beaver, he began to hear stories of the wolf. With increasing curiosity, Derek started to piece together fragments of information, stories and artefacts to reveal a shadowy creature that first walked proud through these lands and then was hunted to extinction as coexistence turned to fear, hatred and domination.

With bitingly funny but also tender stories, Hunt for the Shadow Wolf is Derek’s quest to uncover the true nature of this creature because, as we seek to heal our landscape, we must reconcile our relationship with it. Before we can even begin to bring the wolf back, we need to understand it.

Derek recently took time out of his busy schedule to talk to us about Hunt for the Shadow Wolf, including how his fascination with the wolf began, what role it could play in Britain’s landscape and more.

As well as being packed with personal stories and fascinating snippets of wolf biology and behaviour, Hunt for the Shadow Wolf is an incredibly well-researched history of the wolf, told through the myths and legends that abound throughout our lands. How and when did your fascination with the wolf and its history in Britain begin? 

Hunt for the Shadow Wolf Chapter 3 sketch. if a wolf baring its teeth in a graveyard.

My personal interest in the wolf story began early. I remember quite clearly my grandmother, who was a slight, erect, sprightly soul, telling both myself and my bored brother on a long car journey to Dundee the story about a place called wolf clyde which was near to where we lived in the Scottish borders at that time where the last wolf in Scotland was killed. It was just nonsense about a woman with children being attacked by the wolf which she brained in response with a pancake griddle, but nevertheless it began a slow smoking interest in the old myths which given the opportunity I was keen to explore further.  

Why do you think that an understanding of the historical culture, myths and legends surrounding a species has relevance to its conservation and role in our ecosystems today? 

A factual understanding of the history of this much maligned species in Britain is very important as the lies we made up in the darkness of our ignorance to try to twist the cultural character of the wolf into one of loathing and repulsion still sway the responses of a phenomenal number of individuals and organisations to this day. Despite the very best of our advanced understandings of what wolves are and what they do, this toxic taint is still bubbling strongly.  

Hunt for the Shadow Wolf Chapter 6 sketch of a wolf baring its teeth at a woman who has a sword in her hand and is trying to protect her sheep from an attack.Even in children’s tales, the wolf invariably represents a character of fear, violence and threat. Do you think these types of stories have a significant role to play in the development of our feelings towards wolves as adults? 

Absolutely as they reflect only the darkness in the minds of the adults who wrote them and by so doing chose to corrupt a bad reputation without thinking into an even darker evil to infect the minds of the young. Nowadays it’s gratifying to see in so many good environmental centres throughout Europe, within the wolves expanding range, more understanding and compassionate explanations about both their history and the reality of living with them.

Britain is in a unique position compared to mainland Europe in that wolves will never be able to repopulate of their own accord. Do you think that a reintroduction project will ever occur, and what are the key challenges that stand in its way? 

I think we should reintroduce the wolf and prepare the way for even more of our lost beasts. Farming has had it all its own way without balance of any sort. If a species gets in our way, we kill it. It’s what we are doing to badgers right now. In the past we inflicted so much heartbreakingly visible cruelty. Now, we destroy on a scale that’s colossal without thinking about the smallest of creatures and those tinier still that inhabit the soil. It’s a viciously unnecessary process.

Eurasischer Wolf sniffing a moss covered rock, taken by C Bruck.
Eurasischer Wolf (Canis Lupus) by C. Brück

What role do you think the wolf could have in healing the landscapes of our currently denuded Britain? 

I think they would both move deer considerably and by doing so disrupt their grazing patterns for the betterment of forest understory regeneration. I think they would make those that keep sheep consider their worth and then, if these animals are of value, protect them better. I think their very presence, wild but unthreatening, would more than that of any other creature enable all of us now living on this island to establish, if we wished to do so, our relationship with the natural world.  

As well as travelling widely to locations where wolves live in the wild, you have also had the incredible experience of hand-rearing wolves in a wildlife centre. What is your most memorable first-hand experience with a wolf or wolf pack? 

Naida, one of my tame cubs, ate my car keys. I only had one set and had to wait for what seemed an eternity for them to pass through her before picking my way through her enormous turds to get them back.

Title page for Hunt for the Shadow Wolf showing a map of Great Britain with different wolf locations labelled across the country.Finally, what is occupying your time this winter? Do you have plans for more books? 

Lots of things. The last of bits of farming feeding my cows. Dog walks and avoiding the rain. Trying to develop a foundation to help us breed even more threatened British species for reintroductions. And books? Well, on long dark evenings I have been researching the intriguing history of the European Bison. not the bits of sadness that brought the species to its knees in the early 20th century, but the complicated individuals who for a time held its future in the palms of their hands. Great characters like the 11th Duke of Bedford, who assembled breeding herds of threatened species on his Woburn estate, and tyrants like Hermann Goering, who used slave labour to create vast parks within which he hunted. It’s an intriguing slant that’s little known but it saved the species for a time when the world for them has become a better place where they can roam in peace, a range that is vast. There might be a book in that!! 

Explore other titles by Derek Gow here.

Author interview with Edward Bent: Plant-Life: A Walk with Nature

Plant-Life book cover showing a photograph of a pair of brown boots stood on a grassy path with a red poppy in the left hand bootThis adventurous and versatile book explores the wonders of our relationship with plants and our involvement with nature. Full of information on botanical science, ecological and environmental factors, artistic appreciation and philosophical reflection, Plant-Life offers a more holistic view of nature than in other books within this field. The text is supported by detailed images, diagrams and tables which provide a framework of understanding for the critical and questioning mind needed to approach biodiversity and climate change. 

Edward Bent, author of Plant-Life, stood wearing a red jumper holding his book.

Author Edward Bents career was founded on a Botany degree from the University of Hull, followed by many years of experience spent working across different sectors, including research, marketing and education. After moving to Italy, he became a self-employed consultant and writer with many of his articles published in leading international publications, as well as a founding director of UK plant breeding company Floranova Ltd. While producing a series of botanical art compositions exploring spatial relationships in plant communities, Edward was inspired to research and write this book as a way of reflecting on his understanding of plants and the ways of nature. 

Edward recently took the time out of his busy schedule to talk to us about the inspiration behind his book, why he chose to write in a journalistic style, other projects hes currently working on, and more.

In the first chapter it says that you have always wanted to explore the beauty of plants and flowers and to share an appreciation of their world with others. How did you first develop this fascination and love of botany?

From an early age I liked to draw and paint plants and flowers to express an artistic temperament and reveal what I thought to be aesthetically pleasing. This extended to outdoor landscapes. At secondary school, I studied botany at ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels, followed by a degree course at University. During these scientific studies, significant periods of practical work allowed greater awareness of the beauty of plants and flowers and led me to make drawings. This same awareness continued through research and teaching, in parallel with a scientific frame of mind. I refer later to the influence of realising botanical compositions of wildflower communities while retaining a botanical coherence.

Marsh Orchid photograph in a meadow with other flowers taken from ground level.

A dichotomous key was one of the first methods used to identify different plant species and variants through a hand lens before pictorial guides were developed. How do you think this early identification technique has affected the ways in which we observe and identify plants in the present day?

Pictorial guides to identify plant species represent a very useful shortcut, but, in many cases, just a few characteristics such as flower type, colour and leaf shape are sufficient to get the answer. While most guides also carry some detailed written descriptions, this is not commonly referred to except for professional reasons or uncertainty. The methodology of using a dichotomous key not only requires more time, but also attentive observation of far more plant characteristics. This helps develop powers of observation, or a trained eye, and better understanding of taxonomy, while providing an enjoyable sense of investigation. I believe that pictorial guides were developed to speed up the process of identification and to provide ordinary people, not just botanists, with an easier-to-use instrument.

I really enjoyed how Plant-Life touched on the relationship between botany and other disciplines such as art, poetry, maths and bio-economics. What inspired you to investigate these relationships throughout the book?

Image of different products that use floral and plant motifs in their design including coasters and jars.

Firstly, reading Keith Critchlow’s book (see my answer to your question six), but also because of the impressions perceived of the beauty of spatial relationships in natural plant communities, through observation and realising the botanical compositions from pressed plant material. The aspect of bio-economics relates to the common denominator of chaos and complexity. Some years ago, I had also written another book that had prepared my mind to be more receptive to these relationships, and gave rise to my logo/trademark WOWWalk on the Wild side.

Plant-Life photograph of a yellow Cowslip plant.

When walking in the country, I always sought the big picture, since nature – of which we are part – is more than just the science. The concept of ‘Art of nature and Nature of art’ also came through in my research, strengthening the wish to break down perceived barriers between science, art and indeed philosophy. Scientific methodology works through separation, not only between different disciplines but also within them, while an examination of nature demands a more holistic approach.

What inspired you to write in a holistic, journalistic style rather than the more traditional, academic style that many ecology books demonstrate?

I think a holistic style is essential to understanding the ways of nature. It involved a strong desire to engage in artistic appreciation and philosophical/spiritual reflection on the perceived beauty of plants and wildflowers in their natural habitats. That is something I have, as long as I can remember, ‘taken aboard’ with a mixture of interest, observation and empathy. The artwork involved in the realisation of a series of botanical compositions also inspired the book and gave rise to logo, N-ART-URA The Culture of Biodiversity.

A journalistic style in communicating information in straightforward language was obligatory after analysing big data scientific papers, news releases, books etc to make the writing more accessible to a wider and multi-level readership. This mission and ability stems from teaching and years of writing feature articles for the horticultural trade press and a few books. Equally, easier, pre-digested science would be unable to deal with some of the concepts and information presented in my book.

Field of Poppies and wild flowers overlooking Crantock Beach near Newquay Cornwall England UK Europe.

Do you think our plant life will reach a point where species will consistently be able to adapt to, and thrive within, the ever-changing environment that human activities have created? 

Much depends on the timeframe. Our destruction of ecosystems can be total or partial (leaving intact corridors) and usually happens very quickly, whereas the process of plant adaptation is gradual and long drawn out. The protection and conservation of large areas of wilderness are fundamental to securing the absence of damaging human activities. Despite this, nature is programmed to fill any ecological voids that occur.

The so-called ‘generalist’ plant species adapt far more quickly to new environmental challenges, as opposed to more specialist species adapted to precise habitats, such as alpine flora . The latter have a much smaller gene pool when needing to adapt to new conditions, rendering them more vulnerable to extinction. So, the generalist species will adapt more quicky and spread more widely throughout areas of ecological disruption and damage caused by human activity.

Species distributions will become increasingly alike between different geographical areas and continents, caused by human activities travel and transport, for example. There will be new opportunities for hybridisation, mutation and a few new species or sub-species. In a few cases, plant breeding and genetic manipulation in agricultural and horticultural crops, can ‘escape’, potentially affecting wild species from which crops were developed.

How did you develop your Holistic Notion diagram and what can this teach us about the relationship between nature and human emotions? 

This diagram is central to my book and needs further development. The publication The Hidden Geometry of Nature (Floris Books) by the late Keith Critchlow was inspirational and highly informative in providing links to further thought and research. I highly recommend this important book to students and teachers of botany to give the subject a wider context.

The human mind reasons and analyses, whereas the human heart brings natural phenomena together, connecting with natural beauty; something that is impracticable in scientific study, because scientific methodology invariably needs to be separate. The Holistic Notion diagram seeks to present mathematical principles lying behind nature and the universe that translate to specific aspects of ‘being’, the substance of what we are and what we see. In holism, emotions and intuition are as important as the science in terms of understanding. Emotions stem from our interest and perception of form and substance, engendering a feeling of continuity and gratitude.

Views Over Crantock Beach, Newquay, Cornwall, England, UK on a bright June day.

You briefly touched on the role of computers and artificial intelligence in creating ecological models that can be used to analyse data and potentially assist in the recovery of our environment. How important do you think these technologies will be in this process? 

I believe that artificial intelligence and computer power will be very important in realising ecological models because of the huge amount of data and number of variables involved. What is less certain is the success of these instruments in terms of conservation or rewilding, because the whole picture can never be pinned down to one moment in time. Plant-life and nature are in constant evolution, even more so with the dramatic effects of climate change. I define nature as working through dynamic instability, choosing complementary interdependence as the means. So, recovery will depend on the progressive ‘load’ of environmental challenges on plant communities, the biosphere and the Earth system itself, caused by climate change. Just how can artificial intelligence predict these events?

Do you have any current projects in progress that you can share with us? 
I am seeking ways to complete my NARTURA project by printing and publishing a series of nine botanical compositions, because earlier samples were well-received and complement the book. It requires, a printer, marketing, and distribution located in the UK. Living in Italy makes this more difficult, although I do have digital samples and plenty of ideas.

Plant-Life book cover showing a photograph of a pair of brown boots stood on a grassy path with a red poppy in the left hand bootEdward Bent’s book Plant-Life, a Walk with Nature was privately published and is available on the NHBS website at Plant-Life: A Walk with Nature | NHBS Good Reads

Author Q&A with David Seamer: A Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life

David Seamer book coversA Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life is a practical, spiral-bound guide written by David Seamer which offers a fantastic introduction to the multitude of microscopic organisms found in freshwater. For those with a more specific interest, An Illustrated Guide to the Freshwater Protozoa provides an extensive review of taxonomic information and detailed descriptions of 400 genera of Amoebae, Flagellata and Ciliata, all of which have a worldwide distribution.

David Seamer looking at the camera smiling while sat at a table with a pencil in his hand and a large white microscope on his left and a partially complete drawing of a microorganism on his right.In 1993, David Seamer bought an old school bus and converted it into a mobile home and laboratory. He spent the next 20 years travelling around south-east Australia and Tasmania collecting, cataloguing and drawing the biodiversity of the micro-world. David has now settled in a county town in Australia where he has access to a great range of environments from semidesert springs to alpine ponds and lakes and continues to sketch, study and identify microscopic life.

David took the time out of his busy schedule to discuss how he first got into studying microscopic life, the biggest challenges he’s had to overcome while creating these books and more.

Can you tell us about how you first developed an interest in studying microscopic life? 

Ever since I was a small child, the natural world has fascinated me and my bedroom became a study place for caterpillars, tadpoles, lizards, insects of any description and anything else that I could keep in jars, boxes or old abandoned aquariums. But it wasn’t until I was about 15 and in high school that I discovered the micro-world, during a double biology lesson in which the teacher was using amoebas collected from a local pond as examples of an animal cell. While I was drawing an amoeba I noticed other ‘wigglers’ and drew them as well. After the lesson I approached the teacher and asked what these other things were. He pointed to a copy of Ward and Whipple’s Freshwater Biology and once I opened it and saw drawings of what I had seen, I was instantly hooked. I saved my money from a couple of lawn mowing jobs to buy my first microscope and it has become a lifelong passion ever since.  

Black and white pen sketches of microorganisms in David Seamer's book A Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life.

Which techniques would you advise a beginner in this field of study to use? 

My advice to beginners is to be aware that these organisms are real creatures and should be treated with the same respect as any other animal. Collect your samples and examine them as soon as possible. Ideally, they should still be alive for once dead many of them decompose and break down very quickly. Preserved specimens often change shape and distort so live is always best. A good microscope is essential and the use of a measuring slide or an eye-piece micrometer, as well as phase contrast, is of great help. There are thousands of species so don’t try and identify organisms to that level. Genus or even family are as far down as one should go to start with.

I found it really fascinating looking at your illustrations of microbes and the incredible detail you’ve included. Can you explain the process of drawing from live microscopic observations and the challenges of this method? 

David Seamer's progressive drawing of sketching a microorganism, from basic outlined sketch on the left to a detailed 3D representation on the right.

Drawing from life requires patience and lots of it. Starting with basic measurements to get proportions is the first step. This illustration (see above) is fairly typical of my technique. I draw the initial outline and basic details in 2B pencil and then when I am satisfied that all is correct, I use various grades of felt tipped pens to complete the drawing. Of course one must have knowledge of the subject so as to point out specific identification pointers.

What does your essential field kit include? 

David Seamer stood on a lakes edge in a pink shirt and blue trousers collecting samples while holding a conical net over the water.My basic field kit apart from my wellington or gumboots, comprises a 30µm plankton net as seen in this photo, a basting pipette for mud surface collection, several numbered, widemouth jars with screw on lids, and a notebook for the recording of date, location, temperature and any other variable details – all packing into a large knapsack type bag in case a bit of a hike is involved.  

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome while creating these books? 

The biggest challenge one faces is reference material. It is essential to get not only the identification correct, but also the internal structure of these tiny organisms. Because taxonomy is constantly changing and developing, keeping up with name changes can be a challenge. While the internet can be invaluable, it is full of incorrect information and one must be very cautious when using it.  

When I started out, I was constantly frustrated by not only the lack of availability of reference material on this subject but also the language. So many books were written by scientists for scientists, or were so simple that they were pretty well useless, that finally I decided to write a number of comparatively comprehensive but simple guides aimed at the amateur, student and enthusiast. These guides have proved quite popular and have currently been despatched to 50 countries around the world.  

How have environmental changes as a result of climate change affected the distribution of and variation in microorganism species? 

Environmental changes resulting from climate change affect the distribution and variation of microorganisms in very subtle ways. Whilst many species are incredibly robust, others are very delicate and can easily be affected by things like water temperature. Some protists need very specific environmental conditions in order to exist. Freshwater is a fluid (no pun intended) environment and every change has its ramifications. For example, droughts can obviously dry out ponds, streams and even small lakes as well as change the oxygen levels and pH of water bodies and this can result in a change in biodiversity. Likewise, floods will have the same effect with an increase in additional nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates from farmers’ paddocks causing algal blooms. 








David Seamer has privately published his collection, two of which are available at

Author Q&A with Michelle Sole: Antarctica: A Bird’s-eye View

Antarctica: A Bird's-Eye View hardback book cover showing an aerial view of the edge of a cliff covered in snow and penguins.This stunning photographic book, written in collaboration with penguinologist Dr Tom Hart, offers a unique view of Antarctica from above and captures the wonders of this magical place, from vast icebergs to penguin colonies in their thousands. Each chapter includes an array of incredible captioned images, taken from both land and air, and describes the resident wildlife and conservation efforts in this remote area.

Black and white photograph of Michelle Sole, author of Antarctica: A Bird's-Eye View, holding a Canon camera and facing the camera.

Michelle Sole grew up living between the rolling hills of England and the alpine wilds of Andorra. In 2011 she moved to South Africa, spending the following six years working as a Safari Guide and nurturing her passion for photography, before becoming a photography guide on expedition ships in Antarctica and the Arctic where she continues to challenge her photography in extreme conditions today. Michelle’s thrill for adventure, nature and the outdoors is evident throughout her photography and writing, and since her career began her work has been published worldwide in papers including Africa Geographic and The Daily Mail.

Michelle recently took the time out of her Antarctica expedition to Snow Hill Island to talk to us about the inspiration behind the book, the challenges she faced photographing such a challenging environment and more.

You began getting into photography when you moved to South Africa in
2011. What encouraged you to take the leap from the sunny African
plains to Antarctica, and how does photography compare from one
environment to another?

I worked as safari guide in South Africa and one of my guests just so
happened to be the president of a polar expedition company and he offered
me a job! The opportunity was too good to pass up and in 2017 I started
working as a photography guide in Antarctica and the Arctic regions.

The photography varies drastically between Africa and Antarctica. In Africa
you are often hiding from the sun and in Antarctica the elements are against
you. The light in Antarctica is a lot harsher than in Africa and photographing black and white penguins on bright white snow takes some practice.

Aerial photograph of the sea withicebergs scattered over it and snowy mountains in the distance taken from a helicopter flying over Cape Tuxen, Antarctica.

On the north side of Zavodovski Island in the South Sandwich Islands, a quarter of a million Chinstrap Penguins are lashed by the Southern Ocean at the base of a snowy mountain with the top covered by fog and big waves at the foot of the slopes.

What was it that inspired you to create this book and capture Antarctica
from the sky rather than focusing solely on more conventional, land-
based photography?

I was approached by Dr Tom Hart from Oxford University to collaborate and
make this book. Tom had over 40,000 drone images from penguin and seal
surveys. These are used to try and gather population trends across different
locations in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. I had a similar number of
images from the ground and a collection from helicopters. The aerial shots really add a different dimension and together with the images from the ground tell a grander and more unique story of the landscapes and wildlife of this remarkable place.

Aerial photograph of Gentoo Penguins making paths between their nests and the water on Useful Island, Antarctica.

Did you face any significant challenges that you had to overcome while
taking photographs in such a remote, harsh and often unpredictable

Yes! The weather in Antarctica can be brutal. Some days you are battered by
the winds and you can’t feel your finger tips, or you could be in a snow storm with snow collecting on the top of your camera as you shoot. I always carry a towel in my bag to protect my gear. Salt water takes a major toll on photographic equipment and throughout the years I’ve tried to salvage numerous cameras, sadly they didn’t all survive. On top of that, I am often photographing from an unsteady platform a zodiac (a type of rigid inflatable boat) that I am driving on the ocean.

Were you concerned over any possible impacts on the wildlife
that you photographed even though you used drones to capture some images?

Special permission was given to the researchers from the Penguin Watch
team to fly drones for scientific purposes to conduct penguin and seal surveys. The drones were flown at a non disturbance height. This is evident in the aerial wildlife photographs by the behaviour of the animals the seals continue to sleep and the penguins continue to walk on their highways without so much as looking at the drone.

Aerial photograph of a beach with the sand on the right, covered in King Penguins, and a big wave breaking on the right of the photo, with Elephant Seals led sleeping on the waters edge in Gold Harbour, South Georgia.

I was really surprised to see such a wide variety of habitats and species
in your photographs as I, like many, often think of Antarctica and the
surrounding areas as enormous ice-shelves rather than steaming
volcanoes and vibrant pumice rocks. Was there anything that took you
by surprise while you were out taking photographs for this book?

At the time of putting together this book I had six years of experience in Antarctica, so I was familiar with many of the different landscapes. However, on my first trip to Antarctica, like many others visiting for the first time, I was taken aback by the variety of landscapes on the seventh continent. As a guide in this environment, this initial wonder and surprise is something that I see in other people experiencing this for the first time on nearly every trip.

Are you currently planning to undertake any other photography projects
next year that we can hear a sneak-preview about?

As I write this I am currently onboard an expedition ship south bound to the most northerly Emperor Penguin colony in the world Snow Hill Island,
Antarctica. I also work in the Arctic each summer and spend a significant
amount of time out in Africa. Although I have no current plans to produce
books on these areas, my photography portfolio continues to grow.

Three Gentoo Penguins walking towards the camera with their wings spread using a 'penguin highway' track in the snow on Danco Island, Antarctica.

Antarctica: A Bird’s-Eye View has been privately published by author Michelle Sole and is available at A Bird’s-Eye View.

25% of profits from the sale of this book is donated to Penguin Watch.

You can also visit Michelle’s website and follow her adventures on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Author Interview with Andrea Hart and Ann Datta: Birds of the World, The Art of Elizabeth Gould


Elizabeth Gould's toucan illustration of 2 toucans perched on a forking branch with leaves, both black with a yellow throat and orange and yellow bill, one facing right and one facing left.

Throughout her life, Elizabeth Gould’s work was appreciated mostly through her husbands projects documenting the birds of the world, including John Gould’s Exotic Birds, and she was therefore often not recognised under her own name. Following her tragic death at the age of 37, her artistic talents were nearly forgotten, and her name was completely unfamiliar in the art world.

Ann Detta (right) and Andrea Hart (left) sat in the National History Museum library and archives holding a copy of Birds of the World: The Art of Elizabeth Gould.Birds of the World: The Art of Elizabeth Gould is an incredible, one of a kind volume brought to you by Andrea Hart and Ann Datta, offering a remarkable tribute to Elizabeth’s artwork, reputation and skill. Containing over 200 beautifully detailed and scientifically precise illustrations depicting birds from 19th-century Europe, South America, Central America, Africa, Asia, and Australia, as well as previously unpublished artworks and an introduction to Gould’s life and achievements, this book is a lasting legacy for one of the greatest bird painters in history.

The authors kindly took the time to answer our questions about the inspiration and research behind the book – read our Q&A below. 

Could you tell us a little about how you first began studying Elizabeth Gould’s work and the drivers behind embarking on this book project? 

The Natural History Museum was initially approached by the publisher, Prestel, early last year asking if we might consider working with them on a book on Elizabeth Gould. As Andrea had already published a book on the women artists represented in the Museum’s collections and Ann has published a significant work on the correspondence of John Gould, this felt like a wonderful opportunity to bring the spotlight to Elizabeth and highlight her story and the incredible artist she was.

How did you gather the work for this collection? Did you have access to some of Elizabeth’s original plates?

Andrea Hart and Ann Datta looking at an A1 sized bound book of Elizabeth Gould's original drawings in a library.The Museum’s Library and Archives has an incredible collection of books, manuscripts and artworks and is particularly strong and comprehensive in taxonomic works on natural history. Our rare books collection therefore has sets of all the Gould’s published works, including those published following Elizabeth’s untimely death. While we held some examples of Elizabeth’s original works already, notably the ones she completed for William Jardine, we were incredibly fortunate to have been permanently allocated an album of her and John’s original works through the Acceptance in Lieu scheme of Arts Council England. This publication therefore gave us a wonderful opportunity to share some of these historically significant original drawings with a wider audience, and to further appreciate her artistic talent. 

Do you have some favourite images among the plates Elizabeth made?

This is a really tricky question as most of the illustrations that we chose are most of our favourites! Ann specifically likes the bowerbirds, the Narina Trogon, the quetzal and the Australian wren and Andrea became quite fond of the toucans (but also had to include a magpie).

4 page book spread of images from Birds of the World: The Art of Elizabeth Gould: a red, yellow and black toucan with a green beak, a gyrfalcon, a pink cockatoo and a bustard.

It’s clear from the biography of Elizabeth Gould in your book that she was incredibly industrious and hard-working, and that she experienced a great deal in her short life during a remarkable period in history. Do you get a sense that Elizabeth Gould paved the way for more women to work as artists in this field?

There is no evidence that Elizabeth Gould was influential in inspiring other women to become bird artists due, probably, to her short life. After her death in 1841, Gould’s folios were continued seamlessly by the draughtsmanship of Elizabeth’s successor, Henry Constantine Richter. Only those who knew the Goulds intimately would have been aware of her early contribution to the success of the folios. John Gould went on producing bird books for another 40 years, their contemporaries died and few questioned who was the ‘E’ in the ‘J & E Gould’ plate credits in the earlier books.   

Also, although Elizabeth may have been a promising artist as a young woman, it was not an easy career path to succeed in, and she chose to become a governess with more security. Elizabeth probably would not have become a bird artist had she not married John. John had the scientific knowledge to identify the birds in the preserved, dried skins and provided sketches to guide Elizabeth’s meticulous watercolours. They were truly an equal partnership. 

During Elizabeth’s lifetime, plants were a much more popular subject for women artists to take up than animal subjects, and a few women who were Elizabeth’s contemporaries were successful in this line. But in general, there were few opportunities for women to follow a successful career in art.

I found it fascinating that many of Elizabeth’s plates are made using a lithographic process. I wonder if you could elaborate a little on that process and the time it would have taken to produce an individual plate?

All Elizabeth Gould’s published plates for John Gould were made by the lithographic process. Lithography seems a very strange process but in the 19th century it was adopted by hundreds of aspiring artists of all subjects – history paintings, genre scenes, topography and natural history. The lithographic method dominated print and book plate production in the 19th century replacing the more expensive engraving process. By using lithography, artists could make monochrome prints of their original paintings which they could sell to the public – the rising middle classes who wanted affordable art to hang in their homes. Learning and doing the lithography themselves had two advantages for the artists: total control of the print-making process and avoiding the expense of hiring a lithographer. Those artists who mastered the technique, such as George Scharf, had no need to go to the extra expense of adding colour as they could create great delicacy of tones and lines in landscapes and street scenes etc,  just by adding shading and stippling effects on the stone. Some of the most acclaimed natural history artists such as Edward Lear (contemporary of Elizabeth) and Joseph Wolf learned lithography. Lithography was especially well-suited to reproducing bird plumages, from soft down to large feathers.  

The process of lithography consists of drawing or painting with greasy crayons and inks on fine-grained limestone blocks. At the lithographic printer, where the stone would be taken after the artist had finished, the stone would be moistened with water. The parts not covered by the crayon would become wet while the others where the greasy drawing was made would repel the water and remain dry. In a special lithographic press the printer would rub an oily ink with a roller over the stone. The oily ink would adhere only to the drawing but be repelled by the wet parts of the stone. After a sheet of paper was pressed against the inked drawing an exact copy of the original on the stone would be transferred to the paper but in reverse. The process would be repeated until the requisite number of prints was taken after which the stones would be cleaned for the next person, although the stone with its original drawing could be preserved for several years. The stones were very heavy. A Gould plate measured 22 × 16 inches. A stone measuring 18 × 22 inches would be about 3 inches thick and weigh 100 pounds.

Original cover of C Hullmandel's The Art of Drawing on a Stone with a lithographic print of a dark haired lady in a dress sat down painting onto a stone.The Art of Drawing on Stone, courtesy of

The lithographic printer Charles Hullmandel was responsible for all Elizabeth’s plates. His book, The art of drawing on stone (1824), has a vignette on the titlepage of a woman working on a stone. The first prints that came off his printing press – proof plates before lettering – were sent to Gould to approve. Then they went back to Hullmandel for him to add lettering to the stone according to Gould’s instruction (title = bird name, credits to the names of the artists, lithographer and printer). The proof plate after lettering, still a monochrome print, would go back to Gould again for her to colour to match her original watercolour.  This artist’s colour proof would go to Gabriel Bayfield, the proprietor of a firm of colourists used for all Elizabeth’s plates, for his employees to copy the proof print on the requisite number of copies of each plate that Gould ordered. 

Using this complicated and time-consuming process, each title took several years to complete. The books were sold by subscription (maximum number of subscribers often 250) who received parts, perhaps four times a year, and each part might contain 20 hand-coloured plates. The time taken to produce a lithograph would depend on the competence and confidence of the lithographer, and the complexity of the subject. 

Elizabeth’s life contained many intense hardships. Aside from her incredible artworks, is there much record of her personal life and experience, such as in letters and diaries?

Very little extant information exists about Elizabeth with only about 15 letters dating between 1838 and 1840 surviving, all of which are now preserved in the Mitchell Library in Sydney, Australia. They were written by Elizabeth to her mother and cousin who had moved into her house in London to look after the children while Elizabeth and John were in Australia. The letters record some details of their visit including the people she met, especially Sir John and Lady Franklin, who accommodated them for nearly 12 months in Tasmania. Other topics include some of the problems faced by European settlers, e.g. acquiring servants, schooling, and the adverse climate, John’s collecting trips and his helpful Aboriginal guides, and making plant drawings. She writes proudly about her new son Franklin, born in Tasmania in Government House, and regularly enquires about the health of her mother and children. She does, however, reveal profound sadness at being away from her three young children in London. 

In addition, there is one earlier letter written by Elizabeth in 1827 to her mother when she was working as a governess in London before her marriage. Only a fragment of a diary written by Elizabeth over the few days from 21st August to 30th September 1839 is known. It was written after she had left Tasmania and travelled to New South Wales to stay with her brother Stephen Coxen.  In it she describes seeing several unusual birds. 

From other sources it is possible to glean a few snippets about John and Elizabeth’s life in London. For example, she travelled with John to visit museums in Europe, and she probably accompanied him on some visits to Sir William Jardine’s estate. In a letter to Stephen, John Gould wrote in May 1841 that all the family had gone to stay in Egham for four months (Egham was then a village in the country).

3 page spread of Elizabeth Gould's illustrations of 2 European Blackbirds, 2 Spotted Bower Birds and a Short-eared owl.

In what ways does the industry of art for scientific publications differ today? Are there any similarities to the time in which Elizabeth was active? 

Elizabeth Gould’s bird drawings served the scientific community. Accuracy of posture, colours and pattern of plumage and external anatomy were particularly important, alongside the impact of an attractive image, all of which are still required for taxonomic identification today. This could be achieved by painting the figure on a branch or on the ground according to its natural habits, often in a profile position. For Elizabeth, we believe, she would have started with a pencil outline, following the sketch that John would have made to assist her assemble a life-like figure from a dried bird skin. Elizabeth’s first meticulous drawings were rather conventional figures of very static birds – a style which persisted for many years until it was broken by John James Audubon in the early 19th century.  Audubon spent many years in the field in North America and was the first to successfully paint the birds in their authentic natural habitat. Influenced by Lear and Audubon, Elizabeth would gradually develop her technique to produce more lively birds reaching a pinnacle in the Birds of Australia with the inclusion of appropriate flora and landscapes. 

Today, an aspiring artist might attend art school before specialising in natural history art. Those who progress onto becoming wildlife artists would still observe their subjects in the wild and have additional equipment and technology to assist them, including binoculars and digital cameras to record and perfect their art. The detail required remains the same in terms of studying the subject’s internal and external anatomy and showing in their illustrations the required detail to be able to determine differences between species. 

Bird art, however, includes many different styles and techniques which can change according to the artist’s preferences or the client’s requirements. There is, for example, a particular style used in field guides to compare large numbers of species on a page. Bird monographs, on the other hand, might just focus on a particular family and devote a whole page to an image of just one species showing male, female and juveniles, and so there is endless variety depending on the nature of the publication. Some bird artists, such as John Busby, also have a uniquely ‘casual’ style that is perfectly capable of depicting birds accurately and recognisably, but is very different from that of a more traditional modern bird artist such as the brilliant Robert Gillmor, who sadly passed last year. Those that illustrate for scientific purposes would also, just like Elizabeth, need recourse to examining bird skins or taxidermy in museum collections at some stage in their work. 

Digital photography has certainly made images of birds and the natural world more widely available for guides and species identification, but there is still definitely a demand for artists to illustrate new species and produce illustrations and detail that is not possible to achieve with a camera.

Do you have plans for any future projects or publications that you’d like to tell us about?

There are so many other collections and artworks held by the Natural History Museum that would be amazing to research and publish on. For Ann, who did publish a significant volume on the correspondence of John Gould, she has some additional research papers to complete and, if time permits, would like to publish a biography of Thomas Hardwicke, who was an army officer and naturalist in India. Andrea would like to work on the botanical artist Worthington George Smith and the natural history artist Denys Ovenden in addition to developing a new temporary exhibition on artworks in the Richard Owen collection at the Museum, for display in the Museum’s Images of Nature Gallery in 2024. 

Book cover of Birds of the World The Art of Elizabeth Gould showing a print of a red, black and yellow Toucan stood on a branch.

Birds of the World: The Art of Elizabeth Gould was published by Prestel in September 2023 and is available from NHBS – Wildlife, Ecology & Conservation

Interview with Jan Collins: Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists 4th Edition

Purple cover for Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists with lots of images of bats.The 4th edition of Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines is the latest update of the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) Guidelines and features new content on biosecurity, night-vision aids, tree surveys and auto-identification for bat sound analysis. Several key chapters have been expanded, and new tools, techniques and recommendations included. It is a key resource for professional ecologists carrying out surveys for development and planning.

Portrait image of the author Jan Collins

Jan Collins is the Head of Biodiversity at the Bat Conservation Trust and a former ecological consultant. Her fascination in bats began when participating in a bat biodiversity survey on a Vietnamese expedition in 1999 and she has worked in bat conservation ever since. She has been in her current role for the last 10 years and has played a central role in the editing and refining of the BCT Guidelines.

In this Q&A we had the opportunity to speak with Jan about some of the key aspects of the 4th edition of the BCT Guidelines and its consequences for ecologists.

What led you towards a career specialising in bats?

From a young age I was interested in being outdoors and engaging with nature. My studies followed this route, with a degree in Environmental Sciences and a Masters in Ecology and Management of the Natural Environment. I was first introduced to bats on a Frontier expedition to Vietnam in 1999 where we were trapping bats as part of a biodiversity survey. I was immediately hooked (what an amazing group of animals, with unique behaviours, and so very diverse!) and sought both voluntary and paid work involving bat conservation upon my return. I was an ecological consultant specialising in bats for over 10 years before joining Bat Conservation Trust in my dream job as Head of Biodiversity almost exactly 10 years ago now.

Grey long eared bat flying with wings spread at night with leaves in the background
Grey Long-eared Bat (Plecotus austriacus).

Could you tell us briefly about the work that the BCT does?

BCT is a dynamic, influential and growing national charity. We are the leading non-governmental organisation in the UK devoted solely to the conservation of bats and their environment. Our work represents the gold standard in bat conservation providing a lead for the rest of the world. We work to ensure that bat conservation is acknowledged as an integral part of sustainable development. Our work ranges from best practice guidance, advice and training through to engaging wider audiences so that we can get more people to understand the importance of bats and their conservation. A lot of our work also involves working with partners on the ground, local bat groups play a huge role in all aspects of our work. More information about all of our work can be found in the most recent annual review, found here or take a look at the Bat Conservation Trust Website here.

The 4th edition of Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines is due to be published in September 2023. What have been some of the key challenges in getting this ready for publication?

One of the key challenges for this edition was gaining consensus from the Technical Review Board on some of the recommendations. This included the continued use of transects for bat activity surveys and how tree surveys for bat roosts should be carried out, acknowledging the various limitations, and how approaches should be adapted to different types of projects. Another challenge has been how much to include on night vision aids such as infrared cameras. BCT are planning a kick-off meeting for a working group to develop separate night vision aid guidelines in the autumn (to include infrared and thermal imaging cameras) and therefore many aspects are still to be discussed and decided. We will also run a public consultation on night vision aids to help us to understand current practice and expectations from new guidelines on this topic.

Infrared camera setup in foreground pointed at a house in the background for bat survey
Infrared camera setup. Photo and setup by Richard Crompton.

How has the outlook for bat populations in the UK changed since the last edition of the Guidelines?

Data from the National Bat Monitoring Programme indicate that populations of the bat species we monitor in the UK are stable or recovering. However, it should be remembered that these trends reflect relatively recent changes in bat populations (since 1999 for most species). It is generally considered that prior to this there were significant historical declines in bat populations dating back to at least the start of the 20th century. This suggests that current legislation and conservation action to protect and conserve bats is being successful, and it is vitally important that this continues. Detailed information on trends for the 11 species monitored can be found in our National Bat Monitoring Programme reports here. We are also seeing signs of regional variations that deviate from the overall positive trend at the national level and we want to gain a better understanding of those. More data would help this process so we would encourage everyone to join in with one or more of the National Bat Monitoring Programme surveys. There are surveys that are suitable for anyone regardless of experience or equipment.

What are some of the key changes in the Guidelines?

A number of chapters have been expanded and new tools, techniques and recommended best practice incorporated. Below are a few of the changes but we will be developing a webinar in the coming months, detailing all of the changes so readers should watch out for that!

  • A new section on Biosecurity has been added to Considerations for Bat Surveys chapter, recognising that precautionary approaches are needed to protect both ecologists and bats from potential health risks.
  • Chapter 6 on Surveying Trees and Woodland for Bat Roosts has grown from five pages in the 3rd edition and now includes details of newer technologies and sources of information such as night vision aids, motion activated camera monitoring, The Bat Tree Habitat Key and the Bat Roost Tree Tag Project as well as updated guidelines for categorising the suitability of potential roost features.
  • Chapter 7 focuses solely on dusk emergence surveys, with dawn re-entry surveys removed as a standard approach due to the improved quality of emergence surveys with night vision aids and the variability in the time that bats return to their roosts.
  • Chapter 10 on Data analysis and Interpretation incorporates information on auto-identification systems and has a new section on data science which includes details on elements such as tidy data, minimal data requirement and data standardisation. There are also case studies to help illustrate key points.

How will the new Guidelines improve the way ecologists approach bat surveying?

The guidelines are the key resource for professional ecologists carrying out surveys for development and planning. The Biosecurity section in the 4th edition will ensure that ecologists carry out their work in a safe way, minimising health risks to both themselves and to bats. The latest edition acknowledges the constraints involved in surveying trees for bat roosts and offers different approaches to surveys depending on the nature, scale and timeline of the project. A new categorisation system for Potential Roost Features (PRFs) and trees reduces the subjectivity in initial assessments of trees. Dawn re-entry surveys are no longer recommended as there are questions around their efficacy for presence/absence and because emergence surveys can be vastly improved by the use of night vision aids. A stepwise approach is offered to those using auto-identification systems to analyse acoustic datasets and the section on Data Science aims to standardise approaches to data management. The guidelines also make reference to a wealth of resources that can be used to improve surveys and, in particular, interpretation of survey data.

Horseshoe bat hanging from a rock by its feet with its face facing the camera.
Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum).

Nocturnal survey equipment such as night vision, thermal imaging and infrared cameras are becoming more important in bat survey with the 2022 Interim Guidance Note providing clarification of their role. How will the 4th edition of the Guidelines impact the way ecologists conduct bat surveys using these types of equipment?

The 4th edition supercedes (but is consistent with) the Interim Guidance Note published in May 2022. It emphasises that surveys should usually be carried out with night vision aids and that if they are not used this should be justified in reporting, with reasons provided (e.g. at known roosts when bats are known to emerge early or in situations/locations with higher levels of natural or artificial light). Dawn re-entry surveys are no longer recommended as a standard approach because the use of night vision aids vastly improves the quality of emergence surveys, when used properly. The new guidelines state that a still shot must be taken at the darkest point of the survey to show the field of view and that appropriate illumination has been used. They suggest that the use of night vision aids can be used to reduce the number of surveyors but only if the cameras/lighting reliably match or exceed what a surveyor can achieve, with evidence provided. See the 4th edition for more information on use of this equipment!

BCT are planning a kick-off meeting for a working group to develop separate night vision aid guidelines (with much more detail) in the autumn (to include infrared and thermal imaging cameras) and therefore many aspects are still to be discussed and decided. We will also run a public consultation on night vision aids, to help us to understand current practice and expectations from new guidelines on this topic.

Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists: Good Practice Guidelines is now available to pre-order from

Author interview with Lee Raye: The Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife

The Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife is a ground-breaking volume compiling the observations of early modern amateur naturalists, travellers and local historians for the first time. Drawing on over 10,000 records, this book looks at the early modern state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland, the era before climate change, before the intensification of agriculture, before even the Industrial Revolution. The book presents maps and notes on the former distribution of 153 species, providing a new baseline against which to discuss subsequent declines and extinctions, expansions and introductions. This remarkable resource will be of great value to conservationists, archaeologists, historians and anyone with an interest in the natural heritage of Britain and Ireland.

Lee Raye is an associate lecturer at the Open University and a Fellow of the Linnaean Society, specialising in the history of wild animals and plants in pre-industrial Britan and Ireland. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak with them about what inspired them to write this atlas, what the most difficult aspect of creating this book was, what their future plans were and much more.

What inspired you to write this atlas?  

Several years ago I worked for the RSPB. I went on a weekend induction to The Lodge in Sandy, Bedfordshire, and had a walk around with the reserve archaeologist. He explained that, although it was simple enough to know which animals had declined and gone extinct in the historical period, there was a lack of clarity about how and when this happened. I realised that I already had some of the answers he needed. Around that same time, as a research project, I was translating and analysing the records of wild animals and plants from a single 17th-century natural history book, Robert Sibbald’s Scotia Illustrata (1684). That source is really valuable because it was contributed to by so many people and contains so many important records. For example, there are records of the Great Auk, the Bustard and the Angel Shark amongst the animals and Darnel, Shepherd’s Needle, and Greater Water-parsnip amongst the plants. While doing this project, I started making a list of other comparable texts from the same time period, and to my surprise I realised there was a whole understudied genre of them! I realised that if I combined all of these sources together I could give a decent estimate of the distribution of species in the 16th-18th centuries. 

Greater Water-Parsnip by Jeremy Halls via Flickr

Do you think it’s possible for us to restore our wildlife to the condition it was in early modern Britain or has our landscape changed too drastically? 

When we are doing conservation work it’s really important that we have a strong baseline to work against, otherwise we don’t know when we are restoring biodiversity and when we are just adding species to an environment. I think the early modern period is a good choice of baseline for two reasons. First, it comes before some of the most alarming declines in biodiversity which followed trends like the industrial revolution, the 20th century agricultural revolution, and the gamekeeper culls of raptors and mammalian predators of the nineteenth and early 20th century. But it was still a period when all of Britain and Ireland was managed for human needs, including some big cities. Secondly, there are a lot of sources available from the time period, so the Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife could reconstruct the fauna found at the time. But we are never going to be able to perfectly return to that baseline. The islands of Britain and Ireland are even more intensively managed and exploited now, and we need to keep that up to provide for the human population. The early modern period was also a time when there was a temporary climate change, the Little Ice Age, which meant that the so-called ‘northern species’ were doing really well, and the ‘southern species’ had a more restricted range. Modern global heating is going to become much more severe than the Little Ice Age was, and is likely to magnify the differences so that Britain and Ireland in the 21st century is going to have significant differences in its flora and fauna to the 17th century, no matter what we do. 

The distribution trend for the majority of species mentioned in this book was either uncertain or unchanged, compared to 24 increases and 26 decreases. Did this surprise you? 

I knew that there would be lots of uncertainty in the data from the time period, but I was a bit surprised that so few species showed a decline in distribution. We know that we are in a biodiversity crisis now, but the declines in abundance we are currently facing are going to take some time to result in declines in distribution at a regional level, which is the rather crude metric I was able to track in the Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife. It’s also true that there have been official and unofficial reintroductions in the modern period, which have restored species like Beaver, Otter and Greylag Goose across much of their early modern range, meaning that comparing early modern and present distribution hides what happened to these species in between. 

Greylag goose by ianpreston via Flickr

You mention that there was a bias towards recording exploitable species in the early modern period and a bias towards recording birds now. Did this affect which species you were able to include in this book? 

Yes, with the exception of a few species of conservation concern, I included only the best-recorded species in my Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife. That means that there is a bias towards certain groups of species. For example, I was able to map the past distribution of 18 freshwater fishes but only five small songbirds. Don’t ask me about the distribution of the Sparrow or the Great Tit in the early modern period, because my sources don’t offer much data about them! 

What was the most difficult aspect of creating this book? 

The most complicated part of the Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife has been trying to solve the recorder-effort problem. I needed to be able to tell when species were not recorded because they were absent (like the Wolf, which seems to have been extinct in England and Wales already by this time period), and when animals were not recorded simply because not enough effort had been put into recording them (like those Sparrows and Great Tits which no-one really cared about). My solution was to statistically compare how many records I had for each species from different regions of Britain and Ireland with a figure of how well-recorded each different region was in the early modern period. I also used some habitat suitability modelling to try and establish patterns behind absences, but this has been complicated, speculative work! 

Do you have any future plans that you can tell us about? 

I think I could take this project further in the future. It should be possible to map the distribution of wild plants 250-500 years ago, or to join up the distribution of Britain and Ireland’s wildlife with the distribution of wildlife in other parts of Europe from the same time period. But I also want to work a bit more on poetry from the early modern period. There are a few very strange poems written c.1580-1650 that protest environmental destruction and are told from the perspective of animals which I think deserve to be much more widely known. 

The Atlas of Early Modern Wildlife by Lee Raye is due to be published by Pelagic Publishing in July 2023 and is available for pre-order from

Author Interview with Katty Baird: Meetings With Moths

In her debut book, Meetings with Moths, ecologist Katty Baird delves into the Scottish landscape in search of some incredible moths that have formed remarkable relationships, responses and adaptations in order to prevail. Meetings with Moths is a journey through all seasons, across a range of habitats and taking in each stage of the moth life cycle; investigating the ways in which moths utilise sight, sound, and smell in their lives, as well as their unique camouflage abilities and navigational skills. Along the way Katty meets with fellow ecologists, researchers and moth enthusiasts and draws on past research, records and recorders to explore the changing fates of these often overlooked (by their very nature) insects, and the intricacies of their fascinating lives.

Following a Zoology degree and PhD, Katty Baird continued in academia as a postdoctoral research fellow, studying insect-plant interactions. She now works as an ecologist, recording and monitoring invertebrates throughout Scotland. Since 2016 she has run the Hibernating Herald project and in 2019/20 she wrote a popular blog, recording moths on the Whittingehame Estate in East Lothian.

We were delighted to be able to ask Katty a few questions prior to the release of Meetings with Moths.

There are some beautiful ponderings throughout the book alluding to your early encounters and memories with moths. Could you tell us a little more about what got you hooked on moths, and how you’ve come to work so closely with them, both in the wild and in your work with museum collections?

I’m a big fan of all insects (and other invertebrates) and generally, as long as I’m learning new things, I’m happy. However, with moths, I love that you don’t need a microscope to enjoy their beautiful variety and a light trap means many species can be enjoyed relatively easily. It’s hard not to be impressed by the stature of a Poplar Hawk-moth or the delicacy of a White Plume Moth. They are also great insects to share with others; excellent ambassadors for our often-overlooked smaller fauna.

Moths are a relatively well-studied insect group in the UK which provides useful context for me to understand my own recording efforts. But at the same time, there is so much we don’t know, particularly about moth life cycles and ecology, leaving plenty of opportunity for making new discoveries!

As for museum collections, through my endeavours here, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of information waiting to be unlocked. Sadly, there just isn’t the resources to extract this data and make it available to all. I’m fortunate that I’ve been able to offer some time to help, though it wasn’t entirely altruistic – I have also learned much about moths and moth recording in the process; I only wish I had more time to give.

The book contains many fascinating introductions to prominent lepidopterists, ecologists and enthusiasts, some of whom are at the forefront of current moth research, and others from the early days of modern appreciation and understanding. Did you set out with clear influences to research and include in the book, and have some surprised you along the way?

I’m naturally quite shy and like nothing more than being outdoors on my own, but I think this book has highlighted how important people in the moth-ing community have been to me. An initial aim of the book was to share some of the wonders of our native moths through my own experiences of seeking them out, but as I got stuck into the writing, I realised that my best stories were those that included the people I’ve met along the way. Lots of wonderful characters, a few quirks here and there, each pursuing moths in their own way but ultimately for the same reason: because they love seeing these insects. Wanting to know more about the animals and plants around me has led me to an interest in moths, but my fellow Lepidopterists have definitely enhanced it.

From your experiences working among archives of invertebrate specimens, do you think the character of a collector comes through in their collections?

Yes, I think so, particularly in archives with accompanying notes and diaries. Just as contemporary recorders have slightly different motivations; for example seeing as many species as possible or understanding the moths of a particular area well, so did collectors from the past. The details that are written on the labels, the handwriting, the comments in notebooks all hint at the personality of the characters involved. I’m not sure our modern legacy of spreadsheets and digital photo archives provide the same back story. Of course in many cases – a bit like social media feeds – only the significant finds and achievements get documented for prosperity. Failures are brushed aside and conveniently forgotten.

As the title suggests, you meet with many incredible moths within the journey of this book, and you deftly extol their virtues while inspiring the reader to do the same. What initial advice would you offer to those wanting to start meeting moths?

Get out there and start looking! Try an early morning check of walls of buildings that have been lit overnight (toilet blocks are surprisingly good) or wandering around at dusk looking at flowers with a torch. To start with, just enjoy finding them but as your curiosity is piqued you will probably want to know their names. There are various guidebooks and online identification resources – try the ‘What’s Flying Tonight?’ app or join a social media moth group (there are many!). Best of all though is to learn from and be inspired by others. Many local Butterfly Conservation groups run moth events where you can see moths, and some have light traps to borrow if you want to try before you buy. Once you start using a light trap, you will wonder what took you so long.

It’s clear that moths face a myriad of existential challenges in our changing climate and with many unique habitats and relationships under increasing threat, the stories in your book of their adaptations and adjustments in life are remarkable and admirable. What do you see as the conservation priorities that would actively support greater moth abundance and diversity in the UK?

We need to improve, connect and protect habitats beyond the limited spaces within nature reserves so moths can move across landscapes more easily. This means things like limiting chemical use, reducing grazing pressures, flailing hedges and verges less frequently, and allowing areas for nature to do its own thing. It can be helpful to focus on saving a particular species of moth, or a particular habitat, but it is the wider benefits of that focus that will make the most difference.

It’s easy to feel a bit helpless, but planting gardens, balconies, window boxes with plants that insects can use, will make a difference to your local moth populations and has the bonus of attracting them to you.

I really enjoyed reading about how you return to certain species each year to check in with them in both new and familiar places. Could you tell us a bit about a species that calls you back, and why they speak to you?

It has to be the Tissue, Triphosa dubitata. In Scotland, this is sparsely distributed and quite hard to catch up with, but through seeking overwintering adults out in various caves and mines we are learning a bit more about its life here. They arrive in these overwintering sites in late summer, and for the last six years, I’ve got inexplicably excited when seeing the first ones of the year. Even though they are almost expected in some places, I still get a buzz from seeing them. It is a beautiful moth, with lovely patterns of silver, grey and pink. Each one has slightly different patterning which makes them individually recognisable and easy to follow over the winter (though I’ve stopped short of giving them names). A big part of the attraction of finding Tissue is exploring the caves and mines where they turn up. On a bleak October day, with the wind and rain lashing, the peace and restoration of being enveloped in the darkness of a cave in the company of beautiful moths can’t be replicated.

Tissue – Triphosa dubitata

Is there a moth you can tell us about that you’ve not met that you’re eager to see?

There are many species I’ve still to meet. If I put my mind to it, I expect I could see a lot of them by visiting known sites at the right time of year but I’m not in that much of a hurry. In my home county of East Lothian, one of my most-wanted is Portland Moth. It’s a rather optimistic wish; this is a rare moth anywhere in the UK and hasn’t been seen for about a hundred years in East Lothian. They live in dune areas, but we don’t really know exactly how they like their dunes to be. We’re not even sure what range of plants the caterpillars will eat. It is one of the species that Butterfly Conservation Scotland is hoping to find out more about, so I’m hoping to join them on some of their planned searches for caterpillars at known sites further north. Nocturnal crawling around sand dunes with a bunch of moth enthusiasts can only be fun.

Lastly, I’d like to ask what you have in mind next, if there are further writing projects you’d like to tell us about or a new line of research on the horizon?

I would love to write more about Alice Balfour and other forgotten Scottish entomologists from the past. There are some interesting stories to be told. I would also like to do more moth science. Butterfly Conservation have a list of ‘priority species’, rare moths that they want to know more about. If I could, I would pick one of these, go and base myself somewhere in the middle of Scotland and spend my days and nights finding out all there is to know about them. Anyone is welcome to come and help!

Meetings with Moths
By: Katty Baird
Hardback | April 2023 | Forth Estate

Author Interview with Peter Holden and Geoffrey Abbott: RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife

Now in its third edition, the RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife is a comprehensive and inspiring guide to making the most of your garden for wildlife. Full of practical tips, the book provides information on what plants to grow and how to structure your outside space to make it as attractive as possible for garden species, including mammals, birds, insects, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians. A DIY chapter includes lots of projects such as nest box building and making your own pond.

There is also a comprehensive species account section which includes information and colour photographs of almost 400 garden species, helping you to take stock of the wildlife that is present in your garden, and to monitor how this changes over time. The third edition of the RSPB Handbook of Garden Wildlife also features new material on climate change, recycling and encouraging wild spaces in gardens.

Peter Holden

Peter Holden is the author of the bestselling RSPB Handbook of British Birds. He held senior positions at the RSPB for over 30 years and is the author of several books. Geoffrey Abbott formerly worked for the RSPB and now lectures part-time for the Field Studies Council. He is responsible for the book’s plants and insects sections.

Geoffrey Abbott

In this Q&A we chatted with Peter and Geoffrey about the book, about the importance and benefits of keeping our gardens ‘wild’ and their recommendations for small but impactful changes we can make in our outdoor spaces.


Now in its third edition, it has been 14 years since the first Handbook of Garden Wildlife was published. Do you think there have been significant changes in terms of types/styles of gardens and the wildlife they support during this time?

Geoffrey: there is now even more pressure on natural habitats and wildlife, and a continuing decline in many species such as bees, Starling and House Sparrow. This means that gardens are of even more value for conservation. At the same time there are more new houses, with smaller, or no gardens, and a continuing trend (as David Lindo so graphically points out in his foreword) to cover gardens with concrete or paving. There are also changes in our gardens due to the arrival of new species, some perhaps due to climate change. We have included some of the species (like Ivy Bee and Tree Bumblebee) that you are most likely to see in your garden.

Peter: Gardens will also be affected by changes in climate, especially if we have drier summers so we have introduced a new chapter on dry gardens.

In the book, you recommend keeping a log of the wildlife observed in a garden over the year. Do you think that this has become something of a lost art – taking the time and having the patience to observe the same bit of land over time and enjoying the process of noting the changes?

Peter: Yes, I see fewer people using a notebook and pencil when out birding and they don’t seem to be recording on mobiles either, even though there are excellent Apps like the BTO’s Birdnet. It should be easier than ever to keep notes at home using electronic spreadsheets and diaries. With programmes such as iRecord you can input photos and sightings and have the satisfaction of knowing these records are added to local and national databases – helping to build up a picture of changing wildlife populations.

In the introduction, you mention how important our gardens became to us during the Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. Improving them for the local wildlife has obvious benefits for conservation, but do you think there are also benefits from making these changes for ourselves and for our children?

Peter: There is more and more evidence showing environmental benefits on wellbeing and general health. There are also the additional benefits of exercise that comes from gardening and opportunities for relaxation. However, best of all, I see gardens being the ideal place for small children to start to learn about nature. It might be watching an ant’s trail, planting wildflowers, feeding the birds or helping to prepare a small pond, making pitfall traps for bugs or doing the Big Garden Birdwatch. And it’s not just parents – grandparents are often the ideal teachers for the next generation – with more time to share their own knowledge and experience.

In the section of your book on wilding, you describe the ideal garden as ‘organised chaos’. Do you think that the current trend for neatness and tidiness in a garden can be problematic in terms of attracting wildlife?

Geoffrey: Absolutely. Just one example is clearing all the dead heads from the borders which removes important food sources in the form of seeds, for birds and small mammals. Hollow dead stalks are also important sites for many hibernating insects. Tidying beds of leaf litter removes a whole community of invertebrates, and important feeding sites for thrushes, Blackbirds and Robins. Colonies of House Sparrows love scruffy corners and dense shrubs, while a pile of prunings and dead leaves can even provide a hibernation site for hedgehogs and a home for beetles and other invertebrates. Converting part of the garden to concrete or paving, or even replacing a lawn with Astroturf for easier management, will make whole areas sterile of wildlife.

One part of the book that I found particularly useful was the section on seasonal management, which also includes a handy monthly guide to the wildlife you might see and the tasks that need to be undertaken. How much would you say that maintaining a garden for wildlife differs from more ‘conventional’ gardening techniques?

Peter: That is an interesting question as there is not really a right or wrong way of doing things. It’s really about empathy – understanding your garden environment and gradually moving it from a homocentric place to one where wildlife is the focus. Every action will have nature in mind, while still keeping the garden as our own special place – it’s a delicate balance…and its fun…and over time our knowledge will grow as well.

For any readers with an average sized urban or suburban garden who wants a quick and affordable change that they can make, what would you recommend as something impactful but achievable that they could begin with?

We are both agreed that by far the best single improvement is to create a pond.

Geoffrey: This will greatly encourage garden wildlife by providing a source of water (for animals such as bees, birds and hedgehogs), mud for nesting birds, and a variety of extra insects as food. The pond will also add a whole new community of creatures, many of which leave the water at the adult stage. You may encourage frogs, toads or newts, as well as insects such as dragonflies and damselflies. These can give a whole new dimension to the summer garden.

Peter: A pond need not be large or complicated to make. A simple moulded plastic or flexible liner will suffice. It needs to be deep enough not to dry out but have some shelving edges to allow birds or hedgehogs to drink. However, avoid introducing fish – they are incompatible with most other wildlife in a garden pond.

Finally, what are you working on now? Do you have plans for further books?

Geoffrey: I will be writing wildlife notes for local magazines.

Peter: I will continue to work on updates for future editions of this Handbook and also for the RSPB Handbook of British Birds. I will continue with lectures for RSPB local members’ groups and hope to meet some of you there!

RSPB Handbook of Garden Garden Wildlife by Peter Holden and Geoffrey Abbott was published in February 2023. It is published by Bloomsbury Publishing and available from