NHBS Customer Case Study: SeeSnake Video Endoscope

ASW Ecology finds the SeeSnake Endoscope invaluable for bat surveys:

“The major advantage of the SeeSnake Endoscope is that it allows you to easily view the results of the investigation during use, without the need to place your eye flush to the eye piece – a problem with many other models. With older models, you can find yourself leaning more than you would like especially at height! The SeeSnake allows for a safer and more efficient investigation, and I have found this invaluable in my bat survey work.” – Andrew Waller, ASW Ecology 

SeeSnake Endoscope

How have you used the endoscope in your survey work?

I have been using the SeeSnake Endoscope for my bat assessment projects on trees and buildings as part of my ecological consultancy work.  As a Licensed Bat Consultant and Ecological Consultant, I am often asked to survey both buildings and trees for bat roost potential, and an endoscope is a crucial piece of kit that I use for this. The endoscope is used to investigate interesting cavities that may have roosting bats or evidence of this such as bat droppings. 

Would you recommend this to a colleague?

Yes, I would recommend this endoscope model, as it is easier to use and more effective than previous models I have used for my consultancy work.  The large digital view finder on the SeeSnake Endoscope is a major bonus, and allows for easy, clear viewing during the investigation of trees and buildings, and can be used to show colleagues the results of the assessment.  This endoscope is easy to use and compact to carry around in the case provided too. The length of the actual endoscope is perfect for exploring trees, whilst being long enough, but not too long and unwieldy to use, especially whilst using a ladder at the same time!  It is also easier to clean than other endoscope models I have used and more robust, which is useful when exploring cavities and crevices of all types and sizes.

How long have you been using the endoscope?

Since January 2009, and ever since this date, on trees, barns and buildings in general.

Customer Profile:
Andrew S. Waller  BSc (Hons), MSc, MIEEM is a Consultant Ecologist and Licensed Bat Consultant.
ASW Ecology www.asw-ecologysurveys.co.uk is an established independent ecological consultancy that specialises in high quality wildlife based survey and assessment work for numerous clients throughout the UK, with offices in both London and in the West Midlands.  Their main work includes protected species assessments of sites; specialist wildlife surveys including bats, water voles, otters, badgers, great crested newts, reptiles, barn owls and breeding birds; ecological assessment work, European Protected Species Licence applications for development sites; mitigation and monitoring schemes/advice.

Order the SeeSnake Video Endoscope today at the special offer price of £249.99

(This special offer must end 31/07/2009.)

New Reptile and Amphibian Titles at NHBS – Summer 2009

New Holland European Reptile and Amphibian GuideRecently published and already a bestseller, the New Holland European Reptile and Amphibian Guide is now in stock at NHBS – order your copy today!

Other new field guides include Herpetofauna of Vietnam, European Pond Turtle and Field Guide to the Frogs of Australia.

New and upcoming scientific titles include The Rise of Amphibians, Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree and Snakes: Ecology and Conservation.



Herpetofauna of VietnamField Guide to the Frogs of Australia









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Ecology of Cities and TownsJust published and now in stock at NHBS, Ecology of Cities and Towns brings together leading scientists, landscape designers and planners around the world to discuss urban ecological research, the lessons that have been learned and what the future holds.

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Other recent landscape ecology titles include Nested Ecology and Ecology of Fragmented Landscapes.

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New Titles in Entomology – including Moths of Europe, Volume 2

Moths of Europe, Volume 2: Geometrid MothsSome great new insect titles are now available at NHBS, most significantly Moths of Europe, Volume 2: Geometrid Moths which is now in stock at NHBS – order your copy today.

Moths of Europe, Volume 2: Geometrid Moths deals with more than 1000 species of Lepidoptera traditionally grouped together as geometers and classified in the Geometridae family (plus a single species from the Uraniidae): Illustrations are displayed in the form of 158 colour plates showing 1116 species in 2800 photos. Four new genera, seven species and 17 subspecies are described. Moths of Europe, Volume 1 is also available for purchase.

Other newly published titles include Insect Species Conservation and Sharpshooter Leafhoppers.

Insect Species ConservationSharpshooter Leafhoppers









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Save 25% on the Biology of Habitats Series

Biology of Coral ReefsThe long-running Biology of Habitats series from Oxford University Press is the only habitat by habitat treatment of the planet’s biota. Each title in this fantastic series gives an integrated overview of the physiology, ecology and behaviour of the organisms in a specific habitat.

These books are intended for use by students studying biological or environmental sciences, those in postgraduate research and field ecologists seeking in-depth habitat specific information.

We are pleased to offer great savings on these titles – Order today and save 25% on this series!

Bestsellers include Biology of African Savannahs and Biology of Lakes and Ponds. New titles in the series include the second edition of Biology of Rocky Shores, Biology of Alpine Habitats and Biology of Coral Reefs. (This special offer must end 31/08/2009.)

Browse the full list of titles in the Biology of Habitats series – all at 25% off!

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NHBS Wildlife Equipment Catalogue Summer 2009 – Out Now

The NHBS Wildlife Equipment Catalogue is out now – over 500 essential field ecology items!
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NHBS Wildlife Equipment Catalogue

We have everything you need whether you are bat detecting or butterfly monitoring, birding or botanizing, soil surveying or on safari. Our range of wildlife equipment is tailored to natural historians, field biologists and professional ecologists.

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Ecology & Conservation – New Titles at NHBS

Spatial Conservation PrioritizationNow available at NHBS – Spatial Conservation Prioritization brings together a team of leading scientists to introduce the conceptual and methodological aspects of how to undertake spatial conservation planning in a quantitative manner. We have a special offer on this title – order your copy today and save £5!

Also browse other recent titles of interest in conservation ecology, including Nested Ecology and Population Genetics for Animal Conservation.

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Lichens & Bryophytes: New Titles at NHBS

Some great new lichen and bryophyte titles are now on the shelves at NHBS, including the greatly expanded and revised new edition of The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland – the key reference for the identification of lichens in the British Isles.

Lichens of Great Britain and IrelandThe first edition of The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland was an outstanding achievement for British Lichenology – a pioneering work and the first of its type in Europe. This much enlarged revision reflects the considerable accumulation of new information that has occurred since the publication of the first edition and is symptomatic of the enormous advances in lichen taxonomy over the last two decades.

This book is undoubtedly the standard work for the identification of lichens in Great Britain and Ireland and will be indispensable to all serious students of British, Irish and overseas lichenology and other biologists working in related fields of ecology, pollution, chemical and environmental studies.

Order your copy of The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland today!

Other new lichens and bryophytes titles include Introduction to Bryophytes and Bryophyte Biology.

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The Latest New Naturalist Volume Is Here – Save 22%

New Naturalist WildfowlVolume #110 in the legendary New Naturalist series has now arrived at NHBS.

Wildfowl provides a much-anticipated overview of the fascinating birds that have become icons of our diminishing wilderness areas.

David Cabot has been obsessed with wildfowl for nearly sixty years; in this seminal new work, he discusses the 56 species of wildfowl that have been recorded either in a natural state, or that have been introduced and now maintain self-sustaining populations in Britain and Ireland.

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Mammals of the World – Now in Stock at NHBS

Handbook of Mammals of the WorldWe are excited to announce that the first volume of the Handbook of the Mammals of the World has just been published and is now in stock at NHBS!

This landmark new series from Lynx Edicions – the publishers of the classic series Handbook of Birds of The World – provides the first comprehensive, global handbook to the Class Mammalia.

Volume 1 covers the Carnivores: African Palm Civet; Cats; Linsangs; Civets, Genets and Oyans; Hyenas; Mongooses; Euplerids; Dogs; Bears; Red Panda; Racoons; Skunks; Weasels, Martens, Polecats, Badgers and Otters.

Order your copy of Volume 1: Carnivores today

Set up a Standing Order for all volumes in the series – you will receive each volume automatically as it is published.

Future volumes in this series will include:

Volume 2: Hoofed Mammals
Volume 3: Primates
Volume 4: Sea Mammals
Volume 5: Marsupials
Volume 6: Rodents
Volume 7: Insectivores
Volume 8: Bats

These internal scans show the high quality of the illustrations and photographs in Volume 1: Carnivores.Handbook of Mammals of the WorldHandbook of Mammals of the World