Book of the Week: The Rise of Fishes

Continuing our new weekly selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

The Rise of Fishes: 500 Million Years of Evolution

Edited by John A Long


A tour of the past 500 million years, seeing the evolution of fishes from “Glorified Swimming Worms”The Rise of Fishes jacket image to the diverse and complex groups we see today.


Fishes are the ancestors of all amphibians, leading to reptiles, birds and mammals – including ourselves – and they continue to dominate the world’s waters. This is a superbly illustrated guide to the process of their evolution and diversification.  The images range from clearly photographed fossils and skeletal portions, through detailed anatomical diagrams, to colourful reconstructions of life in the ancient oceans and photographs of living species.  The science is brought to life through stories from the author’s own experiences in the field. A brilliant exposition of a key drama in the evolution of life as we know it.


John A. Long is the vice president of Research and Collections at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. His numerous books include Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution and Palaeozoic Vertebrate Biostratigraphy and Biogeography, also published by Johns Hopkins.

Available Now from NHBS

Status of Waterbirds in Asia, Reviewed in IBIS

“I strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in bird conservation in the region obtain a copy of this book for reference.”

Status of Waterbirds in Asia jacket imageStatus of Waterbirds in Asia: Results of the Asian Waterbird Census: 1987 – 2007

“In recent years, studies at tidal sites in Korea, Japan and Australia have revealed a significant decline in the numbers of shorebird species such as the Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris) and the Far Eastern Curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), and these species were listed as globally threatened in 2010.

We have good reason to believe that populations of many other species have suffered a similar decline in Asia, where the decline of migratory species is far more severe than in Europe and the Americas. Not only is Asia the most populated continent, it is also one that has been undergoing decades of rampant economic development. Many important sites for wildlife conservation are gone or under serious threat from human disturbance, reclamation or pollution. There have been few inventories to show policy makers and the general public the location of priority sites for conservation, and even fewer studies to assess the population trend of birds.

The only important regional monitoring effort is the Asian Waterbird Census. It was started in 1987 and more than 6700 sites have been counted at least once. Not only has much valuable information been collected, but networks of conservationists have been established throughout the region. I strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in bird conservation in the region (which is, strictly speaking, not conventional ‘Asia’ but East and South Asia plus Australasia) obtain a copy of this book for reference. NGOs and government agencies should also be encouraged to conduct more detailed studies at sites where high numbers of waterbirds have been recorded and to ensure that these important sites are well protected and managed.

Nevertheless, we are still gaining experience in this region, there is still room for improvement in census methodology, and the results should also be interpreted with care. The distribution of the sites counted during the 20-year period is uneven: many sites have been visited and counted in countries with more ornithologists and birdwatchers, such as India, Australia, Japan and South Korea, but some countries that are important to waterbirds, such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam, are still rather poorly covered. An added disadvantage is that the Asian Waterbird Census depends on voluntary submission of data and very little has been done to achieve a consistent approach, so that the monitoring is far from ideal. Not all the important sites are counted every year, and the methodology is not necessarily the same between sites, or even for multiple visits to a single site, which makes it difficult to compare the results obtained in different years.

There is an indication in Table 3 of which sites surveyed met the Ramsar criteria as internationally important. However, it would be more useful if those visited more regularly were highlighted so we know monitoring data exist and trends can be interpreted. The inventory at times also confuses the same sites under different names or spellings: for example, Yamdrok Co and Yangcaoyong Co of Xizang (Tibet) are in fact the same site with different spellings.

A strong point of the book is that it presents a wealth of data on important sites. However, because of the rather poor coverage in East Asia and the inconsistent methodology, population trends of many species cannot be analysed precisely. Table 4 gives the maximum numbers of individuals of species counted in four 5-year periods (1987–92, 1993–97, 1998–2002 and 2003–2007). As the number of sites counted differed between years, this again has made any attempt to analyse trends difficult, except for a few highly gregarious species whose wintering sites are easily covered: for example, Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor), Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus) and Hooded Crane (Grus monacha), of which over half of the wintering individuals are to be found at single sites and those sites are regularly counted.

To understand the trend of more widespread species, we must have a carefully planned monitoring programme. As the East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership has been established in this region since 2006, I hope we can develop good monitoring programmes based on what has been done so far. In the face of the rapid decrease in numbers of many species in the region, this should be a challenge to be taken up without delay.”

Simba Chan,

IBIS The International Journal of Avian Science

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Book of the Week: Spider Behaviour

Continuing our new weekly selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Spider Behaviour: Flexibility and Versatility

Edited by Marie Elisabeth Herberstein


10 chapters from 15 contributors showcasing the variety of spider behaviour andSpider Behaviour: Flexibility and Versatility jacket image making a strong case for their value as behavioural models.


The unique and charismatic behaviours of spiders, such as web-building and cannibalism, have long fascinated biologists and the general public alike. Yet so far, spiders have been underestimated as useful subjects of study in behavioural ecology. This volume rectifies this omission through a series of complementary chapters covering the range of spider behaviours, bringing the field up to date with all the very latest research from around the world.


Marie Elisabeth Herberstein is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Macquarie University, Sydney. Her research investigates a range of behaviours in spiders, such as web building, learning, mating (including sexual cannibalism) and the use of deceptive signals.

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Book of the Week: Animal Migration

Continuing our new weekly selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Animal Migration: A Synthesis

Edited by EJ Milner-Gulland, John M Fryxell and Anthony R E Sinclair


A collection of papers drawing together all the very latest theory and research about animal migration, presented thematically, and suitable for graduate students, and researchers in animal ecology, evolutionary theory, movement biology and conservation biology.Animal Migration jacket image


Animal Migration covers all major migratory groups, broadening the scope of migration studies from its usual bias towards birds. It provides a wide and integrative view of the subject, bringing into consideration the most recent developments in the ecological and evolutionary sciences, including technological improvements in computer modelling and tracking systems.


E.J. Milner-Gulland studied Pure and Applied Biology at Oxford University, and then did a PhD in resource management at Imperial College London. She later became a Reader and then Professor in Conservation Science, also at Imperial College London. Her current research interests concern the interaction between human decision-making and the dynamics of exploited populations, as well as the ecology and conservation of the migratory saiga antelope in Central Asia.

John Fryxell obtained both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of British Columbia. His PhD research was on the ecology of the white-eared kob – a migratory antelope in the southern Sudan. He held a lectureship at the University of British Columbia and briefly worked with the Government of Newfoundland before assuming a faculty position at the University of Guelph, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology.

Anthony Sinclair has conducted research in Serengeti, Tanzania, since 1965, mainly on the problem of what determines the size of animal populations, particularly vertebrates, and the mechanisms of regulation. This work has expanded to look at the whole ecosystem, documenting how the different components of soils, plants, herbivores and predators interact.

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Book of the Week #1: Coastal Plankton

We are always struck by just how varied and inspiring is the range of books we come across at NHBS, and challenged to give stand-out books their due. To this end, we’ll be highlighting a book every week here on the Hoopoe, as our Book of the Week. All books are chosen by us – no publisher’s endorsements! Simply our “what? why? who?” guide to the superb scientific texts, monographs, field guides or natural history books that we think you need to hear about…

So here’s our first choice:

Coastal Plankton: Photo Guide for European Seas, 2nd ed.

by Otto Larink and Wilfried Westheide


This is an introduction to the most important and most common taxa present in the plankton. It is intended as a guide for students, marine researchers and even the interested lay person, and contains 930 micrographsCoastal Plankton jacket image (nearly three-hundred more than the first edition) allowing the identification of numerous common species, now including some from Mediterranean waters.


With its huge number of colour photographs it complements, and is recommended as a photographic supplement to, the illustrations of more comprehensive taxonomic keys – helping students and others without extensive taxonomic experience to gain a better grounding in plankton identification.


Prof. Dr. Otto Larink is a zoologist. During annual courses at the Biological Station on the isle of Helgoland in the German Bight since 1963 and during various visits at European coasts he has observed the diversity of plankton organisms and documented them with many micrographs presented here.

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Westheide is also a zoologist specialising in systematics and morphology of invertebrates, especially annelids.

Buy Coastal Plankton

You may also be interested in Coastal Phytoplankton

NHBS Backlist Bargains 2011

NHBS Backlist Bargains 2011

The 2011 NHBS Backlist Bargains sale has arrived!

Every year we offer you the chance to update your library collections, top up on textbooks or explore new interests, at greatly reduced prices. This year we have nearly 5000 books at up to 50% off.

You’ll find books from across our range of scientific and environmental subjects, from heavyweight science and monographs to field guides and natural history writing.

Please enjoy browsing the catalogue. The NHBS Backlist Bargains sale ends March 31st 2011. Take advantage of these great discounts – Order Now!

NHBS Books of the Year 2010

Here is our annual selection of the best books and wildlife equipment that we have seen at NHBS over the last year from a variety of categories. It’s been a great year with some fantastic new titles so here’s a reminder of some of the highlights:


Collins Bird Guide
Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia
Advanced Bird ID Guide
Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East
Reed and Bush Warblers
RSPB British Birds of Prey
Effects of Climate Change on Birds
Biggest Twitch
Birdwatching Guide to South-East Brazil
Important Bird Areas of the Americas


The Vegetative Key to the British Flora
Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland
Grasses of the British Isles
New Flora of the British Isles
Collins Flower Guide
Gardening for Birdwatchers
Mountain Flowers and Trees of Caucasia
Plant  Systematics
Essential Plant Pathology
A Field Key to Coastal and Seashore Lichens


Tigers: A Celebration of Life
The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
Lemurs of Madagscar
Britain’s Butterflies
Mammal Detective
Fishes of the Open Ocean
Colour Identification Guide to the Caterpillars of the British Isles
Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids
Mammals of North America

Ecology and Conservation

Silent Summer
Woodland Creation for Wildlife and People in a Changing Climate
World Atlas of Mangroves
Bee Conservation
Discoveries of the Census of Marine Life
Atlas of Global Conservation
Mapping Species Distributions
Atlas of Biodiversity Risk
Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation
Wild Mammals in Captivity

Wildlife Equipment

SSF Bat2 Detector
Crushable Pocket Butterfly Net
Paramo Halcon Jacket
Schwegler 2F Bat Box
Bug Box Magnifying Pot
Triplet Loupe 10 x 21mm
Bird Holding Bag
WeatherWriter A4 Portrait

Five Reasons to Buy Trees of Panama and Costa Rica

Trees of Panama and Costa Rica

“This is an impressive tour-de-force of tropical plant identification. The lively writing is accessible to nonspecialists, while the broad taxonomic coverage and authoritative species descriptions make this guide useful to professional botanists.” – Brad Boyle, University of Arizona

  1. The only tree guide to cover Panama and Costa Rica together
  2. Covers almost 500 species
  3. Contains 438 high-resolution photographs
  4. Includes 480 colour distribution maps
  5. There are concise and jargon-free descriptions of key characteristics for every species

Richard Condit is a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. Rolando Pérez is chief botanist and Nefertaris Daguerre is a forest specialist with the Center for Tropical Forest science at the STRI.

Internal imageInternal imageInternal image

Paramo Clothing – Designed for Nature Professionals

We’ve added Paramo clothing to our unbeatable range of environmental equipment as we believe it to be the perfect choice of clothing for those who spend substantial amounts of time outside. A whole host of nature professionals havealready adopted Paramo for work and leisure including cameramen and sound recordists such as Mark Carwardine, Philip Lovel and Stephen Moss; wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers such as John Aitchison and landscape and wildlife photographers including Joe Cornish and Andy Rouse, Charlie Waite and Ben Osborne.

So what makes Paramo clothing so good?

Simple but very clever Paramo fabrics are designed specifically to ‘direct’ water away so you keep comfortable and dry – from reversible, next-to-the-skin, stretchy Parameta T fabric to the ultimate outer all-weather protection of Nikwax Analogy.  Nikwax Analogy waterproof fabric is based on mammal fur – just as an otter or bear keeps warm and dry in the very worst of weather, the fabric structure moves water away from you and traps air to keep you warm.

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For every Paramo jacket bought a sapling is donated to Trees for Life to help reforestation of the Caledonian forest.

Halcon JacketHalcon Jacket

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