This week in Biodiversity News – 1st April


Increasing shortages of early season food threatens bumblebee populations. A new study published by the Universities of Oxford and Exeter has revealed that pollinator-friendly plant species are now flowering up to a month too late to aid bee conservation, resulting in low colony survival rates and reduced queen production. The reduction in pollen and nectar availability during the March to June period, which is critical during the early stages of colony formation, can have catastrophic effects on colony populations, with research suggesting that a two week gap in pollen supply reduces the production of daughter queen bees by up to 87%. To combat this decline, it is recommended that existing hedgerows should be populated with early blooming species such as Ground Ivy, cherry, and Hawthorn, which would increase colony success rates from 35% to 100%. 

Photograph of a bumblebee flying towards a yellow flower.
Bumblebee by James Johnstone, via flickr.

A pioneering translocation project aimed at saving a rare species of fungus in now underway in Cumbria. The Willow Glove fungus is a critically endangered species that can now only be found in two woodlands in Scotland, with the majority of it living on a single fallen tree. Scientists have recently removed sections of dead wood that the fungus is living on and relocated it to three receptor sites in an attempt to prevent the species’ impending extinction. The fungus is being transported to protected sites of special scientific interest where the fungus was last recorded before it became extinct in England 50 years ago. Host trees have been selected due to their plentiful supply of willow glue, a parasite that the Willow Glove depends on for survival. The success of this relocation technique will be monitored by volunteers from Cumbria Fungi Group for the next five years.

RHS Rosemoor aims to rediscover lost, native apple varieties to help the fruit survive climate breakdown. This spring, horticulturalists are searching for lost varieties of apple trees that used to be abundant in ancient orchards, with the goal of discovering the genetic traits of those species that are still thriving today. The University of Bristol and Sandford Orchards will each receive the genotypes of apple species that have been deemed important from across England and plan to investigate the rare ‘survivor varieties’ that have not been propagated, collected or recorded before. The hope is that their genetic code can be preserved for future use in an attempt to safeguard biodiversity and boost the UK apple industry’s resilience to climate change, particularly for those species that are native to this country. This project will play a vital role in the sustainability of the UK’s commercial orchards, 80% of which have been lost since 1900.

Closeup image of Apples hanging off a tree in an orchard.
Apple Orchard by Sue Thompson, via flickr.


A newly discovered orchid species boasts the longest nectar spur of any known plant relative to its flower size. The Solenangis impraedicta, found in the forest canopies of central Madagascar, is the first orchid discovered since 1965 that has made extreme adaptations to allow only a certain species to access its nectar and facilitate pollination. Its hyper-long nectar spur, measuring 33cm, makes it the longest of any known plant when compared to its small flower size of only 2cm, and researchers suggest it may only be accessible to the Long-tongued Hawkmoth. The significance of this discovery has been noted due to the similarities between this species and Darwin’s Orchid (Angraecum sesquipedale), which is also native to Madagascar. Darwin speculated that only a moth with an exceptionally long proboscis could reach the nectar, while Alfred Russel Wallace further built on this in his predication that a hawkmoth would be the only species able to do so. Finding this rare orchid highlights the urgency of conservation measures in Madagascar that are necessary to combat the rapid rate of deforestation occurring on the island.

Hummingbird Hawkmoth in flight while feeding off a purple flower.
Hummingbird Hawkmoth by Peter Stenzel, via flickr.

An ancient species of river dolphin has been discovered in the Peruvian Amazon. A team of palaeontologists have found a giant fossilised skull on the shores of the Napo River that belonged to the largest-known species of river dolphin in history. This colossal creature, measuring 3-3.5 metres in length, is not related to the native Amazon River (Pink) Dolphins, but rather the South Asia river dolphins who are found 10,000km away. Researchers suggest that the dolphins’ ancestors originally lived in the ocean but ventured into the abundant freshwater ecosystems of the proto-Amazonia, before becoming extinct when new habitats emerged and their prey vanished.


The earliest-ever sighting of the Asian Hornet suggests they may now be established in the UK. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has recently confirmed that an Asian Hornet was sighted and captured on the 11th March in Kent – one month earlier than the first hornet sighting of last year. Once hornets are established, it’s almost impossible to get rid of them, and with Asian Hornet numbers having skyrocketed in the UK in 2023, scientist are concerned that they are now overwintering in the UK. This may have detrimental effects on wild pollinators emerging from hibernation, particularly Britain’s bee populations which play a key role in agricultural pollination. 

This week in biodiversity news – 18th March 2024


The price of bananas is set to rise permanently as a result of climate change, according to experts. This follows a noticeable absence of the much-loved fruit in several UK supermarkets within the past few weeks due to sea storms. Senior economist at the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation states that increasing temperatures are compounding the impacts of fast spreading diseases, including the Fusarium Wilt TR4 infection, which continues to pose an enormous threat to supply chains. Once a banana plantation has been infected with the virus, it kills the trees, therefore halting production. The infection is very difficult to eradicate once present. Increases in more extreme weather conditions, such as widescale flooding and strong winds, allow the virus to spread more easily and may be why it has now been detected across four continents. 

Ground level image of Redwood Trees with the sun shining on the bark and ferns covering the ground.
Redwoods.jpg by David Wood, via flickr.

The world’s largest species of tree is thriving in the UK due to the moist climate, and now outnumbers those in their native home of California. A study into Giant Redwoods (Sequoiadendron giganteum) has revealed that those imported to the UK around 160 years ago are growing at a similar rate to those in the US. However, as these trees are still young, they are 39% smaller than their American counterparts. Due to their sheer size, it has also been revealed that they store large quantities of carbon dioxide, with those measuring 45m tall in Wakehurst storing between 10-15 tonnes of carbon per tree. Whilst the trees are flourishing in the UK climate, there is little chance of them invading native forests as they require very specific conditions to seed. 


An African project aiming to replace barren lands with wildlife-rich, biodiverse forests has restored more than 41,000 hectares of woodland in ten years. Trees for Future (TREES) is an organisation that aims to restore landscapes in developing communities, while also combating poverty. Following the launch of their mass reforestation campaign in 2015, they have worked with locals to plant tens of millions of trees across nine African countries. They also intend to create 230,000 jobs by 2030 via their ambitious initiative. Working with thousands of smallholder farmers for a duration of four years, they provide training, tools, seeds and grants to allow locals to plant biodiverse woodland and create environments that are self-sustainable for both communities and nature. 

Dartmoor sunset taken from behind some rocks looking over Dartmoor's heathland with clouds in the sky and the sun setting behind them.
Dartmoor sunset by Simon Vogt, via flickr.

The government has pledged a £25m scheme to restore critically endangered habitats for England’s fastest-declining wildlife. In light of the recent announcement of the EU’s first nature law to restore 30% of degraded ecosystems by 2030, this government funding will help improve over 3,300 hectares of land, including 49 hectares of wetland around chalk river habitats in south-east England. The ‘species survival fund’ will also support schools, farmers and landowners across mid-Cornwall to ensure woodland, heathland and acidic grassland restoration across the moors, and help to create vital nature corridors across the Medlock Valley, with the collective aim of restoring nature and supporting iconic species such as Water Voles, waxcaps and rare Great-crested Newts. 


According to a new study, playing healthy reef sounds through underwater speakers could save damaged coral reefs. Fifty percent of the worlds coral reefs have been lost since the 1950s. However, scientists working in the Caribbean have revealed that simulating healthy coral reef environments through soundscape recordings may be the key to recovery. Working across three reefs, each at different stages of degradation, the team of scientists installed speakers at all three sites, but only played recordings taken from a thriving reef at one: Salt Pond reef. Results showed that, on average, 1.7 times more coral larvae settled there than on the other two sites. The rate of settlement decreased further away from the speakers, suggesting that the sounds played an important role in larval retention. Research is now underway to understand whether other coral species respond in the same way, and to find out whether the corals thrive after settling. 

Bulbous green coral in a healthy coral reef with a red pointed fish swimming in the foreground.
More bulbous green coral by Ed Ralph, via flickr.


Air pollution levels throughout Europe have continually decreased over the last 20 years, despite increasing threats of climate change. Research conducted by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health studied 1,400 regions across 35 countries and have concluded that the two main forms of overall suspended particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been falling annually throughout this period. PM10 has decreased annually by 2.72%, while PM2.5 dropped by 2.45% and NO2 levels reduced by 1.72%. Even so, according to the WHO, 98% of Europeans are living in areas with unhealthy levels of PM2.5. These tiny pollution particles are known to cause an array of health problems, and are estimated to be linked to over 400,000 premature deaths a year across Europe.

This week in biodiversity news – 4th March 2024

Rediscoveries and Recovery 

The Norfolk hawker dragonfly is no longer extinct, with the species set to be taken off the British Red List of endangered species after a large-scale population surge. Since its extinction in the Cambridgeshire Fens in the 1890s, the Norfolk Hawker’s small population has been restricted to the Norfolk Broads. However, in recent years they have been found in Kent, Hertfordshire, Sussex, Dorset and Devon due to an increase in suitable habitats across Britain resulting from climate breakdown. This has been the driving force behind the species recovery, however, the gaps in the current population distribution need filling to ensure the Norfolk Hawker’s long-term survival.? 

Norfolk Hawker Dragonfly perched on a plant in the sun.
Norfolk Hawker by Jo Garbutt, via flickr.

A breeding population of an incredibly rare species of turtle has been discovered in India. The Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle is native to south and south-east Asia and has been classed as critically endangered. The discovery of a breeding female on the banks of the Chandragiri River in Kerala, however, provides hope for this illusive species. The study was led by a group of international conservationists who worked alongside local communities to record the first documentation of a female nest, and subsequently rescue the eggs from flooding. The hatchings have since been released into the river, and the team are now working closely with the local community to set up a hatchery and nursery near the original nesting site.?


Since 2000, more than a third of Antarctica’s glacier anchors have reduced in size. These anchors, or “pinning points,” are important braking mechanisms that hold the glaciers in place and subsequently reduce the rate of ice detachment from the continent. New research conducted by the University of Edinburgh suggests that an increase in global sea temperatures is causing these points to thin at a much faster rate than previously estimated. Since 2000, 37% of pinning points have either shrunk or completely disappeared, and, as a result, the glacier’s braking force is weakening.? 

Amazing shapes and deep blue tumbled down the huge glaciers that lined the shores.
Antarctica 162 – dramatic landscape by McKay Savage, via flickr.

The UK has had the wettest February on record, according to the Met Office. Between December 2023 and January 2024, the UK experienced 90% of the total expected winter rainfall. This increase in wet weather continued throughout February with some areas of the UK seeing two and a half times their normal rainfall for this month alone. These adverse weather conditions, a result of climate change, is having detrimental effects on farmers due to increased crop flooding, with some farms in Lincolnshire having been underwater since October. 

Science and Environment 

A 12mm long, transparent fish has been found to make a sound as loud as a pneumatic drill. Scientists in Berlin were studying the Danionella cerebrum in their lab when they began hearing strange clicking noises coming from the male fish in the tank. Upon investigation, they discovered that this miniscule species can make a sound of 108 decibels when measured at a distance of one metre away – this is roughly equivalent to the noise made by a bulldozer and is likely to be the volume at which other fish hear the sound. This noise is created by the contraction and release of the fish’s swim bladder, and it is one of the loudest noises ever discovered in a fish of this size.?

Ancient trees play an irreplaceable role in supporting forest life, according to experts. The results from a recent study in the Spanish Pyrenees show that ancient trees no longer exert energy on reproduction, and instead prioritise stress tolerance, durability and slower growth. It has also been revealed that, over time, sections of older trees die and decay, which allows them to host more diverse and greater quantities of different species than younger trees, as juveniles don’t possess the unique physical and physiological features to support them. Although the number of old growth trees continue to decline worldwide, researchers Munne-Bosch and Pasques hope their report will highlight the importance of our ancient trees’ ecological role.? 

Old, twisted Silver Birch tree near Owler Tor in the Peak District.
Silver Birch by Steve Batch 61, via flickr.


The government are expected to announce a move to 100% badger culling under exceptional circumstances in the coming weeks. The current policy on badger culling aims to reduce badger numbers by 70% in each cull area, however the government may increase the target to 100% in certain circumstances, subject to consultation, as of January 2026. The Government had previously stated that the cull would end in 2025 and be replaced by increased badger vaccinations, however some fear that the new 100% cull policy may become standard practice instead.

Parliament has implemented the first EU nature law to restore 30% of the EU’s degraded ecosystems by 2030. This comes into effect after recent findings reveal that over 80% of all European habitats are in poor shape, and aims to ensure the restoration of 60% of these environments by 2040, and 90% by 2050. The EU has pledged that once these ecosystems are restored, they will ensure that the area does not significantly deteriorate once more in a bid to aid the long-term recovery of damaged natural areas. 

This week in biodiversity news – 19th February 2024

Climate Crisis 

A new study reveals the Amazon rainforest’s worst drought on record in over half a century, with human-caused climate change acting as the driving force behind these weather extremes. The Amazon rainforest plays an important role in the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, and accounts for around 10% of the world’s species. However, scientists suggest the Amazon could soon reach a “tipping point”, with droughts such as these expected every 13 years if global temperatures increase by a further 2°C. 


Black Rhinos have returned to Kenya’s Loisaba Conservancy as species recovers following local extinction 50 years ago. This translocation project, the result of a collaboration between Loisaba Conservancy and Kenya Wildlife Service, was prompted by the news that Kenya’s 16 Black Rhino sanctuaries are rapidly running out of space due to a boost in population numbers. Twenty-one of these critically endangered Black Rhinos were released into a specially created fenced sanctuary that covers nearly half of Loisaba’s total area, marking an important moment in the long-term future of Black Rhino populations in Kenya. 

Black Rhinoceros stood in a plain full of grass.
Black Rhinoceros, by Andy Morffew via Flickr.

Hedgehog populations are on the rise according to BBC Gardeners’ World survey. Previous reports have found that since 2000, the number of hedgehogs has fallen by 30%-75% depending on the area due to increased habitat loss, fragmentation, pesticides, and a reduction in food sources. However, the annual hedgehog survey highlighted a 33% increase in sightings, up from 31% in 2022, which has been aided by the instillation of ‘hedgehog highways,’ and nationwide rewilding efforts. CEO of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, Fay Vass, stated that urban populations are still lower than they should be, however these results provide cautious optimism for the future of hedgehogs. 


Hailed as one of the world’s most ambitious environmental policies, Biodiversity Net Gain came into effect in England on the 12th February 2024. It is now mandatory for all new developments in England to deliver at least a 10% net gain in biodiversity or habitat on all new sites. In light of the government target of building 300,000 new homes a year by the mid-2020s, it is hoped that the scheme will minimise or mitigate the environmental effects of these new developments. 

Iceland may be entering a new volcanic era, with increasing volcanic activity reported across the island. The most recent short-lived eruption on the Reykjanes peninsular marks the third since December 2023, and the sixth since 2021. Researchers think this wave of volcanic activity may be following a pattern that could last for decades, or even centuries. Scientists are trying to work out how to predict future eruptions by tracking ground inflations as magma rises, from which they can estimate when the magma will break the surface.

Litli-Hrútur - Volcanic Eruption in Iceland July 2023. Litli-Hrútur – Volcanic Eruption in Iceland July 2023, by Anthony Quaintano via Flickr.

Science and discoveries

The latest strain of bird flu has decreased Great Skua populations by 75% and Northern Gannet populations by 25% in the past 2 years alone, says the RSPB and British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). According to a recent report, the H5N1 strain has been noted as one of the biggest conservation threats facing numerous seabird species across both UK and Europe. The latest Seabird Count survey, published in November 2023 – which did not take into account the effects of bird flu – found that almost 62% of seabird populations were already in decline across the UK due to other factors such as fishing and offshore wind developments. 

The most vulnerable migratory species are at risk due to increased human activity, with one in five threatened with extinction according to the UN. Despite the signing of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals over 40 years ago, researchers suggest that more focus has been placed on preventing illegal animal trading rather than upholding the law on illegal killing. The report recommends that countries need to establish key biodiversity areas on the migration pathways of endangered species, reduce infrastructure obstructing migration routes, create corridors of protected land, and restore 30% of degraded marine and land areas. 

Sandwich Terns stood on a beach in a colony looking out to sea.
Sandwich Terns, by Gary Leavens via Flickr.

This week in biodiversity news – 5th February 2024

Climate crisis

The UK has approved 24 new North Sea oil and gas licenses in the face of significant criticism. The move angered many environmental campaigners and MPs who labelled the decision as “grossly irresponsible”. The government defended the move stating that the oil would be imported from overseas if it wasn’t extracted from the North Sea. Environmentalists have argued that granting the licenses will do relatively little to improve the UK’s energy security and undermines Britain’s move towards net zero emissions.

Oil drilling platforms in the North Sea by chumlee10 via Flickr.

The National Trust has committed to recreating lost rainforests by planting 100,000 trees in North Devon. Temperate rainforests once covered vast swathes of western Britain, but the rare habitat declined due to historic deforestation and continues to face threats from air pollution, invasive species and diseases. It is now one of the most endangered habitats in the UK covering only 1% of Britain’s landmass mostly in Cumbria, Devon, Cornwall, North and West Wales and the West of Scotland. Exceptionally heavy rainfall and high humidity levels allow moisture-loving plants like mosses and lichens to thrive in these areas and the restored rainforest will be a haven for rare specialist plants that depend on this habitat.

Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor, Devon.
Wistmans Wood, Dartmoor, Devon by Steve Knight via Flickr.

Toxic run-off from roads has been found not to be monitored, according to the BBC. Rivers close to major roads have been tested by campaigners and have been found to contain a cocktail of chemicals and particles from the roads. National Highways has a statutory responsibility to make sure that discharges from its network do not cause pollution and the Environment Agency is responsible for monitoring water pollution in England. However, in response to a freedom of information request, the agency said that it did not regularly monitory run-off. Oil, chemicals and wear from tyres are washed down drains in heavy rain and subsequently flow into rivers and streams causing damage to sensitive aquatic ecosystems.

The government remains largely off track to meet its environmental targets, according to the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP). The OEP’s annual progress report concludes that while some progress has been made, the government is largely off track to meet both targets and legal obligations and that the government must speed up its efforts and implement policies quickly to bridge the gap.

Extinction risk

The Greater Glider is on course for extinction due to a controversial decision by the Australia’s New South Wales environmental watchdog, according to experts. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) told stakeholders that it was scrapping measures that required a government-owned forestry corporation to search for Glider dens which currently have to be given a 50-metre logging exclusion zone. Experts have told the EPA in no uncertain terms that they are effectively locking in the Glider’s extinction. Greater Gliders rely on between six and 20 den trees for its habitat which is already under significant pressure due to summer bushfires and logging activity.

Great Glider in its den by Victorian National Parks Association via Flickr.
Science and discoveries

A new map has revealed that England’s hedges would wrap around the Earth ten times if lined up end to end. The map is the most comprehensive to date revealing a total of 390,000 km of hedgerows. Researchers from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology used Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) remote sensing data. They found that the South West of England boasted the largest share of hedges accounting for 24% of England’s total with Cornwall leading at the county level. Around half of Britain’s hedges were lost in the post-war period, and while losses have slowed since the 1990s, major threats to Britain’s hedgerows remain.

The birth of a Great White Shark may have been captured on video for the first time. Wildlife filmmaker Carlos Gauna and UC Riverside biology doctoral student Phillip Sternes were filming California’s coastal waters with their drone when they spotted something unusual. By enlarging the images from their video footage and putting it in slow motion, they realised a white layer was being shed from the body of a shark. They believe it was a newborn white shark shedding its embryonic layer.