What Reviewers are Saying about The Vegetative Key to the British Flora

A sampling of the great reviews for The Vegetative Key to the British Flora: A New Approach to Plant Identification by John Poland and Eric Clement:

Here is a significant addition to flora-making literature. It would behoove botanists in areas other than the U.K. to check out Poland & Clement. I can see myself using this work to identify various weeds in California as 17.4% of its flora of 5,867 species is alien. Now I have another dilemma. Do I file Poland & Clement with my California floras or my British-European ones? Maybe I should just get a second copy.

– Rudolf Schmid, TAXON, August 2009

Due to the novel structure of the keys, it is possible to identify a plant in three turns of a page and in under 60 seconds!….A must-have standard text for all ecologists conducting any type of vegetation survey, including Phase 1 and assessing sites for UK BAP habitats.

– Clare O’Reilly, IEEM In Practice

This book sets out to help the enthusiast identify all native plants and even some alien species on vegetative characteristics alone. … Strongly recommended for the keen amateur and professional.

– Chris Bisson, Eden Project Plant Records Manager, on Plant-Talk.org

174837[2]NHBS Environment Bookstore is pleased to be the distributor for The Vegetative Key.

What do you think of the Vegetative Key? Add your personal review as a comment on the Hoopoe.

British Islands and Their Vegetation – A Classic Now Back in Print

181422[2]The first systematic account of the natural and semi-natural plant communities of the British Islands was first published in 1911 under the title Types of British Vegetation. That book, for which the present author was largely responsible, gave an important new direction to field work; and since its initial publication the subject has grown so extensive that this much larger book became needed.

The British Islands and Their Vegetation, first published in 1939, gives a comprehensive account of the vegetation of the country, with an ample physical and historical and a full complement of maps, charts, diagrams and photographs. The book is written so as to be intelligible to everyone who is seriously interested in the subject and students of cognate branches of natural history as well as by plant ecologists.
Order your copy today

Other recent botany arrivals include New Trees, Palms of Southern Asia and Cotoneasters.

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Britain’s Reptiles and Amphibians

174837[2] Brand New – Now in Stock at NHBS This detailed guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands has been produced with the aim of inspiring an increased level of interest in these exciting and fascinating animals. It is designed to help anyone who finds a lizard, snake, turtle, tortoise, terrapin, frog, toad or newt to identify it with confidence.  

Britain’s Reptiles and Amphibians includes superbly illustrated introductory sections on the biology and conservation, taxonomy, life-cycle and behaviour of each species group; profiles of the 16 native reptiles and amphibians that breed in Britain, Ireland and the Channel islands and the 5 marine turtles that visit our seas; profiles of 7 established non-native species; distribution maps; hints and tips on where, when and how to watch reptiles and amphibians. Order your copy today

See internal scans from this book

Other recent arrivals include Lizards of Sri Lanka, Las Tortugas y los Cocodrilianos de los Paises Andinos del Tropico and Black Python: Morelia Boeleni.

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Browse Recent Reptile & Amphibian Bestsellers

Batbox III Featured on BBC’s Coast Programme

Check out this video from the most recent BBC Coast TV programme featuring the Batbox III bat detector.  The detector is used to locate bats living in an old World War II bunker on the Normandy coast. The video shows how you can "hear" the bats with the detector before you can see them – a compelling reason for having a bat detector.

The Batbox III detector features at about the 38th minute…
View the video now

The Batbox III bat detector is one of the best-selling bat detectors here at NHBS – order today and get started bat detecting!

Browse our full selection of Bat Detectors

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New Entomology Titles at NHBS – July 2009

181422[2]This month has seen several new insect titles fly into NHBS, including the instant bestseller Volume 2: Damselflies (Zygoptera), the companion to the bestselling Volume 1: Dragonflies (Anisoptera) in the Field Guide to the Larvae and Exuviae of British Dragonflies series.

Other books of note include Arthropod Fauna of the UAE, Volume 2 , A Pocket Guide to the Shieldbugs and Leatherbugs of Britain and Ireland and Common Spiders & Other Arachnids of the Gambia, West Africa.

Browse more New Entomology Titles – July 2009

Birds of South America: Passerines – Now In Stock at NHBS – Save 15%

178048[2]Birds of South America: Passerines has now arrived at NHBS! This is the first single-volume guide to South American passerines, based on a two-volume work first published in 1989 and 1994. For the new edition, the text has been condensed, most of the missing species that were not illustrated before have now been painted, and brand new maps have been compiled for every species.
This is a major identification guide to the songbirds of South America. No other single volume guide exists for passerines (though there is a single-volume guide for non-passerines from Collins). There are still large areas of South America without a comprehensive field guide, so this book will become essential for anyone birding in these areas (e.g. Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay).

Order your copy today – and save 15%!

Browse other New Ornithology Titles – July 2009

Browse Helm Field Guides

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Special Offers – Dartmoor and Art of the New Naturalists – Save 22%

170912[2]Great news – Dartmoor, Volume 111 in the legendary New Naturalist series, will be published in September 2009. 

In Dartmoor, Ian Mercer sets out to explore every aspect of this important area of southern Devon. Focusing not only on its extensive history and physical landscape, but also its cultural place within Great Britain, this volume is a comprehensive and engaging look at the wild and rugged landscape that has inspired so many poets, painters and musicians over countless centuries.

We are pleased to offer great savings on this book – order your copy today and save 22%! 

This autumn also brings a special addition to the New Naturalist stable – The Art of the New Naturalists, due to be published in October 2009.
Art of the New NaturalistsWith over 100 volumes published over the last 60 years, the New Naturalist series is the longest-running and arguably the most influential natural history series in the world. Throughout the years, the distinctive dust jacket illustrations have become a trademark of the series. The earlier cover designs were created by Clifford and Rosemary Ellis, while Robert Gillmor has been responsible for the design of the more recent volumes. The Art of the New Naturalists will prove to be a fascinating read for everyone interested in the complex story behind the development and production of the artwork.

Save 22% on The Art of the New Naturalistsorder your copy today!

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Insects of Britain – Now Back in Stock at NHBS

Insects of Britain and Western EuropeThe bestselling Insects of Britain and Western Europe by Michael Chinery has just been reprinted and is now back in stock at NHBS! Order your copy today.

Over 2000 of the most commonly observed and most distinctive insect species of Britain and western Europe, from all orders and most families, are illustrated in this essential pocket guide. The text summarises key identification points, and introductory sections for each group covered give useful guidelines on the characteristics of the orders, families and genera covered. This is the most comprehensive guide available on the insects of this region and will be of great use to all naturalists with an interest in insect life.

Order Insects of Britain and Western Europe today

Browse other Arthropods & Insects titles

New Plankton and Aquatic Ecology Titles at NHBS

Avian InvasionsPlankton: A Guide to their Ecology and Monitoring for Water Quality is now in stock at NHBS – this practical book is a key reference for environment managers, water authority ecologists, coastal engineers and research libraries.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the biology and ecology of plankton and describes its use as a tool for monitoring water quality. All the major freshwater and coastal phytoplankton and zooplankton groups are covered and their associated environmental issues are discussed. A chapter on best practice in sampling and monitoring explains how to design, implement and conduct meaningful phytoplankton and zooplankton monitoring programs in marine and freshwater habitats, as well as how to analyse and interpret the results for effective management decision-making.

Browse other new and bestselling Plankton and Aquatic Ecology titles at NHBS, including A Mechanistic Approach to Plankton Ecology, Common Freshwater Algae of the United States and the CD of the classic Marine Plankton.

Browse our full range of marine biology titles in Aquatic Fauna and Flora and Marine Fauna & Flora

Browse our full range of algae titles in Fungi and Algae

Avian Invasions and Other New Bird Conservation Titles at NHBS

Avian Invasions

Biological invaders represent one of the primary threats to the maintenance of global biodiversity, human health, and the success of human economic enterprises. There is a growing recognition that the study of biological invaders provides a unique insight into basic questions in ecology and evolution. The study of exotic birds has had a particularly long history and has come to represent a fascinating intersection between the study of biological invasions, avian conservation biology, and basic principles of ecology and evolution. Avian Invasions summarizes and synthesizes this unique historical record and unravels the insights that the study of exotic birds brings to all three of these research strands.

Avian Invasions is now in stock at NHBS – order your copy now!

Other recent bird conservation titles include the new edition of How Birds Migrate, Bird Conservation and Agriculture and Call of the Eagle.

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Browse Conservation, Care & Monitoring

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