Book of the Week: Britain’s Plant Galls: A Photographic Guide

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Britain’s Plant Galls: A Photographic Guide

by Michael Chinery


A photographic guide to the natural history and field identification of the “strange lumps and bumps that we call galls…” (Introduction, p5).


Plant galls are a great subject of research for the amateur naturalist. Bridging the sciences of botanyBritain's Plant Galls jacket image and entomology, they are a fascinating example of the symbiotic interdependence of nature, and the diversity of their size and appearance – from exquisitely attractive orb-like features and spiked swellings, to leaf blisters and discolourations – gives the interested naturalist a satisfying range of study.

The reader is taken on a guided tour of the galls arranged according to their host plants for ease of identification, and there are over 200 detailed colour photographs of the commonest galls to be found among Britain’s 1,000 species. The interaction between insect and plant which results in the gall is briefly described in each case, and the book contains a general introduction to the subject.


Michael Chinery is best known for his field guides to insects and other creepy-crawlies, especially those that occur in our gardens, and for his numerous books encouraging young people to explore and enjoy the countryside and its wildlife. Insects and wild flowers fascinated him from a very early age and this led inevitably to an interest in plant galls, with their intimate mix of plant and animal life. He joined the British Plant Gall Society soon after its formation  in 1985, and has been editing the Society’s journal, Cecidology, since 1990.

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A “must-have” book: What Zoos Can Do, reviewed in WAZA News

What Zoos Can Do: The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010-2020

by Anthony Sheridan

What Zoos Can Do: The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010 - 2020 jacket image“This book contains unique information and analyses 80 leading zoological gardens in 21 European countries. This is a must-have book for all those interested in zoos – enthusiasts, sceptics, visitors, sponsors, zoo owners, politicians, wildlife conservationists and all those working in and for zoos. The book deals with a wide variety of zoo-related aspects, some of which rarely dealt with in other publications, such as the role of the zoo director, landscape design, education, ex situ and in situ conservation, marketing strategies, future plans and zoo associations. Each of the 80 zoos covered is portrayed in detail on three pages each. The book includes tables containing the evaluation of the presentaion of a number of iconic species in each of the zoos as well as ranking lists concerning visitor factors, education and conservation, and commercial and organisation.

All the profits from the sale of this book are being donated to Stiftung Artenschutz, a German in situ conservation charity supported by more than 20 of the German and Austrian  zoos covered in the book. This donation will support a specific conservation project for gibbons in Vietnam. It contains almost 400 pages with numerous full-colour photographs, maps and tables. ”

Markus Gusset,

WAZA News August 2011

What Zoos Can Do is distributed by NHBS

Available now from NHBS

Book of the Week: Bats: From Evolution to Conservation, 2nd Ed.

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Bats: From Evolution to Conservation

by John D. Altringham


2nd edition of John Altringham’s 1996 OUP publication, Bats: Biology and Behaviour


This rigorous and authoritative textbook is updated to reflect the current state of research onBats: From Evolution to Conservation jacket image all aspects of bat biology, ecology and and conservation.  Popular interest in bats is at an all-time high with many amateurs becoming involved monitoring their local bat populations and the construction industry legally bound to take their conservation needs into account, reflecting the vulnerability of this diverse and unique group.

Bats: From Evolution to Conservation is a global study covering evolutionary biology, ecology, flight, migration, physiology and much more – and whilst presented as a text for students and researchers, its accessible and enthusiastic style means it also holds appeal for amateur naturalists and anyone interested in bat conservation.

Review of the previous edition:

“This is an excellent book from one end to the other and I highly recommend it to students and colleagues. It is a book that meets its stated goal … to use bats to illustrate processes and concepts in biology. When it comes to ecology and behaviour, he has more than succeeded … Bravo!”  Journal of Animal Ecology


John D. Altringham is Professor of Animal Ecology and Conservation at the University of Leeds, UK, where he has been since 1989. He completed his BSc at the University of York, and his PhD at St. Andrews University, where he returned as a research fellow from 1983-1989. During his career he has travelled widely, studying animals as varied as tuna fish and tarantulas before focusing on bat ecology and conservation. He has published over 100 scientific papers, numerous book chapters, and two previous books: Bats: Biology and Behaviour (OUP, 1996), and British Bats (Harper Collins, 2003). He is also a regular advisor and contributor to BBC Natural History Unit productions for TV and radio, and is a member of a number of conservation advisory groups, including the Nature Conservation Panel of the National Trust. John lives on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales with his wife, Kate, and two children, Alex and Anne.

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Book of the Week: The Urban Birder

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

The Urban Birder

by David Lindo


A personal account of a life’s passion for birds, seeded in the urban sprawl of 1960s London.


Urban environments are attractive to a diverse selection of bird life, with the patchwork mix ofThe Urban Birder jacket image gardens and parks, rivers and reservoirs creating unique ecosystems.

David Lindo has a passion for birds and in the Urban Birder he tells his story from growing up in London to adventures in Brooklyn, Hollywood and beyond. Throughout weaves the thread of his main crusade which is to encourage “urbanites to realise that there is a whole world of wildlife under their noses in the world’s cities.”

This entertaining autobiography has a simple message and is a great read, and as more people migrate to towns and cities it will become increasingly important that people learn to live alongside their avian neighbours, following David Lindo’s lead and becoming urban birders.


From the author’s website:

“I am David Lindo and I am The Urban Birder — writer, broadcaster, speaker and bird guider. My whole vibe is about getting urbanites to realise that there is a whole world of wildlife under their noses in the world’s cities.

I was a twitcher in the womb and was born clutching for a pair of binoculars. An interest in wildlife and in particular watching birds was a natural thing for me to get into, despite being surrounded by non-birders and having no mentors in my north London neighbourhood…” – read more on

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David Lindo will be signing copies of The Urban Birder at Birdfair on Saturday 20th

Find out more about NHBS at Birdfair 2011

Book of the Week: A Field Guide to Monitoring Nests

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

A Field Guide to Monitoring Nests

by James Ferguson-Lees, Richard Castell and Dave Leech


A guide to the identification of the nests of 146 British and Irish bird species, and a source of information and guidelines about monitoring nests.


Along with the species accounts, this compact and well-illustrated guide provides a wealth of detail aboutA Field Guide to Monitoring Nests jacket image fieldcraft, legislation, the BTO Nest Record Scheme and the importance of nest monitoring for conservation. It includes the key points of the BTO Code of Conduct for Nest Recorders plus a link to the full code on the BTO website.

In recognition of the potentially contentious nature of nest research, this guide gives clear information and links about the legal issues surrounding monitoring nests, so that conservation work may be carried out with greatest sensitivity to the welfare of birds and their young.


James Ferguson-Lees and Richard Castell are two of Britain’s leading experts in the field of monitoring nests, having seen and studied the nests of all 146 species covered by this book. Their wealth of field experience delivers a level of information beyond that seen in other publications on this subject.

Dr Dave Leech is a Senior Research Ecologist at the BTO, and also
an experienced nest recorder. His analysis of BTO nest record datasets has delivered much of the supporting information presented in this book.

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Book of the Week: Winged Sentinels: Birds and Climate Change

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Winged Sentinels: Birds and Climate Change

by Janice Wormworth and Cagan H Sekercioglu


An exploration of the effects of climate change on various groups of birds, what can be done about the threats and the possible consequences of inaction.


“The ability of the birds to show us the consequences of our own actions is among their most important andWinged Sentinels: Birds and Climate Change jacket image least appreciated attributes. Despite the free advice of the birds, we do not pay attention.”

Marjory Stoneman Douglas as quoted in the introduction to Winged Sentinels.

The chapters of this book take the reader on a global tour looking at the timing of seasonal activities of birds, their shifting distributions, and the abundance and make-up of avian communities – among various other factors – as ‘fingerprints’ which provide clues to the overall story of how our changing climate is taking its toll on the global bird community. It then provides an assessment of the current state and effectiveness of conservation efforts.

With its absorbing style and generous complement of colour photography Winged Sentinels is accessible to a general readership while being scientifically thorough, and tells a story that is of great interest to all scientists and policy-makers involved not only in avian conservation, but across the spectrum of climate-related ecological research.


Janice Wormworth is a freelance science writer.

Cagan H Sekercioglu is Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Utah and the director of the non-profit environmental organisation KuzeyDoga

Available Now from NHBS

Exciting landmark publication from the Royal Entomological Society coming soon – pre-order now!

Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects

by Peter C. Barnard

Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects jacket imagePre-order The RES Book of British Insects today for £34.99 (reduced from £39.95).

The Royal Entomological Society (RES) and Wiley-Blackwell are proud to present this landmark publication, celebrating the wonderful diversity of the insects of the British Isles, and the work of the RES (founded 1833). This book is the only modern systematic account of all 558 families of British insects, covering not just the large and familiar groups that are included in popular books, but even the smallest and least known. It is beautifully illustrated throughout in full colour with photographs by experienced wildlife photographers to show the range of diversity, both morphological and behavioural, among the 24,000 species. All of the 6,000 genera of British insects are listed and indexed, along with all the family names and higher groups. There is a summary of the classification, biology and economic importance of each family together with further references for detailed identification. All species currently subject to legal protection in the United Kingdom are also listed… [read more]

Publication scheduled for September 2011.

Offer ends 31/12/2011.

Pre-order today

Book of the Week: Field Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Field Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus

by Matthias Voigt & Dietmar Weber


A full-colour identification guide to members of the genus Carcharhinus, notably difficult to distinguish by species.


We are always really impressed by the books published by Verlag Friedrich Pfeil, and this is no exception. TheField Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus jacket image excellent drawings by master technical artist Weber, carefully indicate the relevant anatomical distinctions between the 33 species covered, and the research is immaculate, providing all the facts required for identification. In addition there is plenty of information on the biology and natural history of the genus, plus a glossary of technical terms and many maps, tables and plates.

As well as appealing to marine biologists and shark enthusiasts, this volume has further application in the fields of fisheries, diving and other aquatic sports – in other words for anyone to whom positive species identification would be relevant.

It is hoped that this book will go some way to providing clearer records about threatened shark populations.


Dr Matthias Voigt studied marine biology at the University of Rostock (2000-2004), received his PhD from the University of Karlsruhe and now works at the University of Konstanz in the Department of Biology, Human Environmental Toxicology Group. He has had many experiences with sharks while diving, and as a member of the German Elasmobranch Society (D.E.G.), he tries to impart his experience, knowledge and fascination with sharks to the general public for increased understanding and protection.

Dietmar Weber is likewise a member of the D.E.G., and has a passion for the lifelike portrayal of animals, an art form which he has perfected over the last forty years. He is currently focused on sharks, skates and rays and his work has been featured in many publications. A graduate professional Technician for Biology i.e. Ecology, he has worked at the Research Institute for Forest Ecology and Forestry of Rhineland-Palatinate in Trippstadt since 1989.


Available Now from NHBS

Special Offer: The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles, 2nd Edition

The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles: An Identification Guide to Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae, 2nd ed.

Freshwater Algal Flora jacket image


Save £15

Pre-order the new second edition of The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles for £110 (reduced from £125).

Building on the success of the first edition and featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this expanded and thoroughly revised second edition provides an indispensable guide to the freshwater and terrestrial algae of the British Isles.

It is an up-to-date account of and identification tool for more than 2400 algal species (excluding diatoms), highlighting their wider distribution around the world. Detailed descriptions are fully illustrated with clear line drawings and photographs including 190 full-page plates, eight of which are full colour… [read more]

Publication scheduled for late August 2011.

Offer ends 30/9/2011.

Pre-order today

Book of the Week: Atlas of British and Irish Hawkweeds

Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:

Atlas of British and Irish Hawkweeds

by David McCosh & Tim Rich


A new atlas from the BSBI (Botanical Society of the British Isles) detailing the distribution of the various species of Hawkweed found in Britain and Ireland.


30 years of fieldwork and herbarium research from McCosh (see below) are behind thisAtlas of British and Irish Hawkweeds jacket image exciting new botanical atlas covering over 400 species of Hawkweed. This essential reference work has been produced with support from Tim Rich of the National Museum of Wales.

Each species account includes a map and a silhouette, and distribution information is accompanied by details on distinguishing features where required, plus official IUCN threat status.

This volume follows, and builds upon, the 2006 monograph by Sell & Murrell.


David McCosh is a retired management consultant currently living in Norfolk. He has been studying plants for over 50 years and has a special interest in the plants of Peeblesshire, Scotland in the area where he grew up. He started studying hawkweeds in the 1960s and is now one of the country’s experts, and this book of maps is the culmination of his life’s work compiling a database of the records.

Tim Rich is Head of Vascular Plant Section at the National Museum of Wales. His expertise is in the area of UK Plant taxonomy, especially Brassicaceae, Gentianaceae, Rosaceae and Asteraceae.


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