International Association of Landscape Ecology

IALEWe are back from Wageningen and a very enjoyable time at the International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress 2007.

There will be a detailed conference best-seller list on the Biblio-Blog later this week. From memory… there was a lot of interest in core new landscape ecology titles: Key Topics in Landscape Ecology, Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology, Measuring Landscapes and Foundation Papers in Landscape Ecology. Forestry books also proved popular – especially Ecology of Woodlands and Forests, Forests and Society and Forests in Landscapes.

The IALE have put some pictures online from the conference and the conference receptions/dinner.

Happy 300th Birthday Linnaeus!

LinnaeusCarl Linnaeus was born 300 years ago!

To celebrate the life and work of the ‘father of taxonomy’ we have put together a selection of key taxonomic titles including an English translation of Linnaeus’ Philosophia Botanica and several titles about Linnaeus himself. We have included Order out of Chaos, a co-publication between the Linnean Society of London and London’s Natural History Museum, brings together for the first time information on the typification of all of Linnaeus’ plant names.

Also known as Carl von Linne´ following his ennoblement in 1761, Linnaeus’ lasting legacy is the binomial classification system used to this day. The Tree of Life is a beautifully produced taxonomic overview of the natural world demonstrating the universal utility of the Linnean system. if you need to catch up on ‘recent’ advances since Linnaeus’ day, Milestones in Systematics covers developments in systematics over the last 100 years. We have a wide range of titles on taxonomy and systematics, many related titles can be found in our botanical categories.

NHBS at the London Bookfair

London BookfairWe will be exhibiting at the London Bookfair on the 5th-7th March at the ExCel Centre in London’s Docklands.

We will be promoting the wide range of titles which we distribute for key conservation and scientific organisations – see our trade catalogue for details of the titles we distribute.

The Bookfair is also an excellent chance to meet librarians and promote the unique service that we offer to libraries. See our library page for more information.

Congress Report

We have been at the International Botanical Congress in Vienna for three days now and are having an absolutely fantastic time. It’s been great to talk to some old customers and make lots of new ones. We have been getting a real feel for what’s important for today’s botanists and, what titles they would really like to see published in the near future.

Our stand In Vienna

Our Stand in Vienna

Some of titles generating the most interest include Pollen, Hotspots Revisited, Plant Ecology, Plant Systematics, Flower of Crete, Monocots: Systematics nd Evolution, A New Flowering: 1000 Years of Botanical Art and Illustrated Guide to the Trees of Peru.