Reefs and Mangroves Essential for Economic Growth in Dominican Republic

News from BirdLife International

A new report has been published which provides an analysis of the value of mangroves and coral reefs to the tourism and fisheries industry in the Dominican Republic.

Coastal Capital: Valuing Coastal Ecosystems in the Dominican Republic, released yesterday by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Reef Check-Dominican Republic also looks at economic benefits of the Dominican Republic’s Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve a popular and lucrative tourist destination.

photo: Yolanda León (Hawkbill juvenile at Jaragua-Barhoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve, Dominican Republic)

Read the full story

Visit the Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve website – a project run by Grupo Jaragua, the BirdLife Partner in the Dominican Republic.

Visit the BirdLife Caribbean homepage

Buy the World Atlas of Mangroves at NHBS

photo: Ciro Albano;

Plus – good news! – click on the photo  for some more good news about rare birds from BirdLife International

Donation of ibis gives Middle East’s rarest bird renewed hope of survival

Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita

Andy Hultberg;

News from BirdLife International

Until recently it was thought that this bird, so significant that it was once represented by its own heiroglyph, was extinct in the wild.

Then in 2002 a population was found in Syria – but last year that amounted to only three individuals raising one juvenile.

Now a unique effort is being made to bring this fascinating species back from the brink…

Read the full story at BirdLife International

Follow the progress of the birds at

New BirdLife International publication: Important Bird Areas of the Americas available to order from NHBS

New from Nicholas Stern, author of The Economics of Climate Change

Check out this interesting interview with Nicholas Stern in The Guardian newspaper, discussing his new book A Blueprint for a Safer Planet: How to Manage Climate Change and Create a New Era of Progress and Prosperity. As Stern states:

“We’re the first generation that has had the power to destroy the planet. Ignoring that risk can only be described as reckless.”

A Blueprint for a Safer Planet: How to Manage Climate Change and Create a New Era of Progress and ProsperityStern has become a global authority on climate change since the publication of his report The Economics of Climate Change. This report, commissioned by the UK Government, suggests that if we don’t invest 1% of global GDP in tackling climate change per annum, the eventual cost to society will be 20% of global GDP.

Order a copy of A Blueprint for a Safer Planet today

Browse our full range of books on Climate Change

Big Garden Birdwatch & Birdwatchingwatching

Radio 4’s Today Programme featured the new birding travelogue Birdwatchingwatching this morning. You can listen to the piece again online here.

This weekend is the 30th Big Garden Birdwatch – the world’s biggest bird survey. This annual event provides invaluable information on species abundance accross the country and is easy for anyone to take part in. All you need to do is record the species you see in your garden for one hour.

Find out more on the RSPB’s website.

To find out more about monitoring bird populations you might be interested in the BTO’s new book about the history of ringing: Bird Ringing: A Concise Guide. For more in-depth information on techniques, see Bird Monitoring Methods and Bird Census Techniques.

8 Natural Areas Awarded UNESCO World Heritage Status

UNESCO 8 natural areas have just been awarded UNESCO World Heritage Status. These are the most up to date books on these area’s flora & fauna.

Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems (France)
Reef and Shore Fishes of the South Pacific: New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands
Les Gorgones des Recifs Coralliens de Nouvelle-Caledonie – Coral Reef Gorgonians of New Caledonia
Lonely Planet Travel Guides: Vanuatu & New Caledonia

Surtsey (Iceland)
Surtsey: Ecosystem Formed
Plants and Animals of Iceland

Saryarka – Steppe and Lakes of Northern Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
The Birds of Kazakhstan

Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (Mexico)
Nomads of the Wind: The Migration of the Monarch Butterfly and Other Wonders of the Butterfly World
The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation
Collins Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Central America

Mount Sanqingshan National Park (China)
Wild China DVD
A Guide to the Mammals of China
Wildlife Conservation in China: Preserving the Habitat of China’s Wild West

Socotra Archipelago (Yemen)
Socotra: A Natural History of the Islands and their People

Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona (Switzerland)
No books that we can find. Any suggestions?

Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Canada)
Nothing specifically on this, although Fossil Ecosystems of North America: A Guide to the Sites and their Extraordinary Biotas is a thorough introduction to fossil hotspots.

Top 10 New Species Announced

Top 10 SpeciesThe International Institute for Species Exploration have issued their list of the Top 10 new species described in 2007. We offer a warm welcome to these species as they leave the masses of what is not known and join the slightly more ordered ranks of the known:

  • Sleeper ray Electrolux addisoni
  • 75 million year old Giant Duck-billed dinosaur Gryposaurus monumentensis
  • Pink millipede Desmoxytes purpurosea
  • Frog Philautus maia
  • Highly venomous snake Oxyuranus temporalis
  • Fruit bat Styloctenium mindorensis
  • Fungi from Silwood Park campus (Imperial College, UK) Xerocomus silwoodensis
  • Lethal box jellyfish Malo kingi
  • Rhinoceros beetles Megaceras briansaltini
  • Michelin Man plant Tecticornia bibenda

The International Institute for Species Exploration have also released the State of Observed Species Report (SOS) for 2006 listing 16,969 new species. 53% of these are not surprisingly insects, though the list includes 185 new mammal and 37 new bird species.  The SOS report is issued annually on 23rd of May to conincide with the birthday of Linnaeus – it can be downloaded here.

Sustaining LifeSustaining Life: How Human Health Depends on Biodiveristy offers, in the words of Al Gore: “The most complete and powerful argument I have seen for the importance of preserving biodiversity“. Includes a foreword by EO Wilson and a prologue by Kofi Annan.

New Chameleon Species is the Mayfly of the Tetrapod World

Natural History of MadagascarKarsten et al, reporting in this month’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Subscription required for full access), describe the extrodinary life history of a chameleon species Furcifer labordi which spends more time incubating in the egg than living outside it. F. labordi’s incubation period is 8-9 months, they reach sexual maturity within 2 months of hatching then live for a further 2-3 months.

Because they are annually hatching as one age cohort, they all die off within a short space of time prior to replacement in the next life cycle by their incubating offspring. This life history strategy is unkown in over 28,000 other tetrapod (four limbed) vertebrate species but might explain the incidence of rapid deaths of chameleons in captivity.

Dian FosseyDian Fossey’s first article in National Geographic has been republished online. Originally in the January 1970 issue of National Geographic, her front-line account of gorillas in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda is as fresh and compelling now as it must have been to the readers who got their copies of National Geographic back in 1970. Dian’s impassioned call for action is unfortunately as relevant today as it was 38 years ago:

“Money alone will not solve the problem. Conservation groups and political authority must join in concerted programs if this three-nation area and its wildlife are to be saved from human trespassers.

Such help is overdue. I only hope that Rafiki, Uncle Bert, Icarus, and my other forest friends can survive until it comes.”

The July 2008 National Geographic brings a heart-wrenching update on the fate of Gorilla’s in Virunga National Park, DRC. I’ve been an on-off subscriber to National Geographic for 10-15 years – it’s the quality of articles like this that keep drawing me back.

Colossal Squid – Largest Known Eyes Discovered

Giant SquidResearch staff at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa have been studying a rarely seen Colossal Squid caught by fishermen off the Antarctic coast last February. They found that it has eyes measuring 27cm in diameter – the largest eye found to date!

There are regular updates on the Te Papa Blog and videos of the ongoing examination.

I wonder if NHBS is the only bookshop in the world with a Cephalopods Category on our website?