This week in biodiversity news – 15th January 2024


A recent study has found that humans have wiped out double the number of bird species as previously thought. According to the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH), 1,400 bird species have been made extinct which amounts to 12 percent of species being lost due to modern humans. The causes of the destruction of so many species include habitat loss, overexploitation and the introduction of species which have competed with native species and hunted them as prey. The loss of so many bird species is likely to have had harmful effects on ecosystems due to their key functions such as seed dispersal and pollination and because of the range of other species that depended on them for survival.

green kingfisher on a rope
Female Green Kingfisher by Aardwolf via Flickr.

The mystery of the extinction of the largest ever primate has finally been solved. Until recently, the extinction of Gigantopithecus blacki, a giant three-meter tall 250-kilogram primate that lived in the plains of southern China, was a mystery. A large study by a team of researchers from China, the US and Australia of 22 caves in China found that the species on the brink of extinction between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago struggled to adapt to its changing environment. While other primates such as the orangutan adapted their eating habits and behaviours in response to this change, Gigantopithecus blacki struggled to adapt, and as a consequence went extinct.

Biodiversity at risk

The Nigerian Government has destroyed £7 million worth of elephant ivory. The stock of elephant tusks was one of the largest ever seized in Nigeria and weighed close to 2.5 tonnes. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed worldwide each year for their tusks which are often carved into highly valuable works of art. It is estimated that fewer than 500,000 elephants persist in Africa, a considerable decline from 1.3 million in the 1970s. The destroyed ivory will be pulverised into powder which will be made into a monument symbolising the importance of elephant conservation in Nigeria.

Elephant Ivory carved in the shape of an elephant
Elephant Ivory by Theo via Flickr.

Norway is set to approve deep-sea mining operations despite major environmental concerns. The move will make Norway the first country in the world to open up its seabed for deep-sea mining. Scientists have voiced considerable concern over the potential impact on marine life and carbon storage. Recent studies in Norwegian waters have shown that mining operations would have severe impacts on unique marine wildlife. The EU and the UK have opposed such a move citing environmental concerns. Norway has claimed that exploiting deep-sea mineral deposits will aid the green transition.

Climate crisis

Scientists have confirmed that 2023 was the hottest year on record. Last year saw temperatures 1.48°C warmer than the long-term pre-industrial average temperature. The record high has been driven by a combination of human-caused climate change and the natural El Niño weather phenomenon. The latter half of 2023 saw temperature records for the time of year being broken almost every day with a worrying increase above previous records. 2023 was also notable for extreme glacial retreat, Antarctic sea-ice lows and record ocean temperature highs which far exceeded previous records.

polar bears walking on floating icebergs
Polar Bears on sea ice in Svalbard by Linking Tourism and Conservation via Flickr.

Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions hit a 70-year low in 2023, according to a German think tank. The low comes as Germany winds down its coal-fired power production resulting in a reduction of 73 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions this year. This was made possible by reduced overall electricity demands and increased foreign imports from renewable energy sources. However, the study also highlighted that only 15% of the total can be counted as permanent emission reductions with a large proportion due to unpredictable social or economic activity.

Coal power plant above a river
Coal power plant in Germany by eutrophication&hypoxia via Flickr.

Farmers have called for stronger river defences after Storm Henk wreaked havoc on their crop fields. Many thousands of acres of agricultural land have been left sitting under water in the wake of the storm which follows Storm Babet and Ciaran in the autumn. The National Farmers Union has also called for compensation for farmers who are directed to let their fields flood as part of efforts to protect towns from flooding. The extreme flooding has caused significant financial stress for many affected farmers. The government has said that £221 million was being spent on flood defence maintenance in 2023/2024.

Scientific discoveries

Sperm Whales live in culturally distinct units, a new study has revealed. Scientists at Dalhousie University, Canada, analysed Sperm Whale feeding habits and the sounds they made using underwater microphones and drone surveys and found that they organised themselves into female-based groups of up to 20,000 animals. These groups were divided by distinctive sequences of clicks in their vocalisations. The researchers discovered that while different clans of the whales might meet, they never interbreed, recognising and maintaining their differences.


This week in biodiversity news – 11th December 2023


Beavers will return to the Cairngorms after 400 years in a bid to boost biodiversity. The new population will be established by the Cairngorms National Park authority after being approved by NatureScot, Scotland’s nature agency. Up to 15 families of beavers will be released at sites along the upper River Spey. This catchment is an ideal location for beaver translocation and poses a low risk of beaver/human conflict, according to NatureScot.

beaver swimming in a river
Beaver swimming by Chris Burke via Flickr.

The fight to save Red Squirrel populations continues to rage across the North of England. Retired police constable and firearms instructor, Ian Glendinning, monitors 2,000 acres of farmland in Northumberland and employs a range of techniques to keep the Grey Squirrels in check. Monitoring Northumberland’s Coquetdale, he has employed CCTV and traps that alert him via text and email when a squirrel is detected. Using this monitoring system, Glendinning has removed around 300 Grey Squirrels which has had a noticeable impact on the Red Squirrel population, allowing their population to increase from a dozen to more than 100 over the past four years.

Policy and diplomacy

Countries are set to commit to a major phasing down of fossil fuels over the coming decades, COP28 hosts expect. The United Arab Emirates, which is hosting the UN climate change conference in Dubai, has expressed “cautious optimism” regarding the commitment. Until COP26 in Glasglow in 2021, fossil fuels were rarely mentioned in these global gatherings. Even there, the only commitment was to phase down coal. While the pledge will not mean stopping the use of fossil fuels completely, it could signal a shift towards real progress on tackling climate change.

Chimneys spewing smoke from a powerplant.
Powerplant by Wladimir Labeikovsky via Flickr.

Carbon pricing could raise the money needed to tackle the climate crisis, the IMF has told COP28. The cash could be generated by putting a price on carbon emission and redirecting the trillions of dollars currently used to subsidise fossil fuels. Traditional carbon taxes have proven to be unpopular in a number of countries but Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, has said that it would be possible to achieve similar outcomes by using a combination of regulation and reducing carbon subsidies. Studies have shown that developing countries will need more than $2 trillion a year to cut emissions and the IMF has calculated that direct and indirect subsidies for fossil fuels are in excess of more than $7 trillion. 

Climate Crisis

Olive oil prices are surging due to droughts in Spain. Spain is the world’s biggest producer of olive oil, accounting for 70% of European Union consumption and 45% of global consumption. The standard assumption that one bad year for olive production would be followed by a good one is shifting in the face of rising temperatures due to climate change. Spain has seen multiple years of drought in a short time frame, and together with higher fuel, electricity and fertiliser costs, Spanish olive oil production has suffered as a result. The price of olive oil has skyrocketed in Spain with prices in the UK and Ireland set to experience a similar surge once costs feed through to the supply chain.

olives with leaves in a pile on the ground
Olives for olive oil by Pom via Flickr.

Methane could be released from the Deep Ocean due to climate change, scientists have warned. Scientists at Newcastle University have shown that frozen methane trapped under the ocean is vulnerable to melting and is consequently released into the oceans and the atmosphere. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and the published report in the journal Nature Geoscience warns that vast amounts of methane stored as marine methane under the ocean could be released into the atmosphere, with the potential for accelerating rises in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. 


Plans to ‘de-extinct’ the dodo have been announced by geneticists. The audacious plan was announced by the US-based biotechnology company Colossal Biosciences which is researching methods to bring extinct species back from the dead. The company has entered a partnership with the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) to find a suitable location for the reintroduction of the species. MWF approached Colossal Biosciences earlier this year about a partnership and has begun searching for the location that would pose the least threat to the survival of the dodo on the island. Colossal believes that the ‘de-extinction’ of the dodo would create ‘conservation optimism’; however, scientists have urged caution given how little is known about how the bird would interact with its environment. The full genome of the dodo has already been sequenced by Colossal. It hopes that it could then hybridise the dodo with closely related species like the extant Nicobar Pigeon, the bird’s closest living relative.

Forested area on rolling green hills.
Forests of Mauritius, the proposed habitat for dodos to live. By Evgenii via Flickr.
Science and research 

Birds are being lured to their deaths by artificial lights in cities, according to researchers. Using weather radar data to map bird stopover density in the United States, scientists found that artificial light is a major indicator of where birds land. Light from cities lures birds into a trap where there is less suitable habitat, less food and an increased chance of collisions with buildings. Researchers suggest that more public awareness of bird migration habits and the impact of light pollution could help to alleviate the pressure on migratory bird populations. Forecasts can pinpoint the nights which are most important for reducing light pollution.

Read the last edition of Biodiversity News covering stories about nuclear fusion technology and the pollution of England’s freshwater ecosystems.

This week in biodiversity news – 27th November 2023

Climate Crisis

Plants may absorb more CO2 from human activities than previously thought, according to new research. More realistic modelling that considers critical physiological processes inside plants paints a more positive picture than previous predictions. The efficiency of carbon transport in plant leaves, the ability of plants to adjust to changes in temperatures, and how plants distribute nutrients in the canopy, often ignored in climate modelling, were examined in this study. Scientists stress that simply planting more trees is not a silver-bullet solution, but that the research does underline the importance of efforts to conserve existing vegetation.

Beach forest
Beech forest by Picccus via Flikr.

Red alerts have been issued as Brazil suffers an unprecedented heatwave. Temperatures are likely to remain 5°C above average for longer than five days and could pose a serious danger to human health. Rio de Janeiro recorded 42.5°C, breaking November records, and due to high humidity felt like 58.5°C according to authorities. The heatwave has been attributed to a combination of the El Niño climate phenomenon and climate change. The human impact of such extremes is significant with “unbearable” temperatures leading to sleepless nights, exhaustion, illness and death.


Most bathing spots in English rivers and lakes have unsafe pollution levels, according to a new report. The campaign group Surfers Against Sewage took a sample of popular swimming and water sports locations and found that 60% had unsafe levels of pollution. This year across the UK, untreated sewage was discharged 399,864 times into waterways, resulting in a reported 1,924 cases of illness. The report highlighted the case of a physics teacher from Exeter who contracted an incurable disease known as Ménierè’s disease after surfing at Saunton Sands in Devon. 

flooded river
River Windrush by Dave_S via Flickr.

The high court has ruled that Defra’s failure to protect and restore water bodies is ‘unlawful’. Fish Legal and Pickering Fishery Association took the government to court over its river basin management plan for the Costa Beck, a small river in Yorkshire. They argued that the Environment Agency had failed to follow through with proposed action against polluters. The judge accepted discharges of pollution were contributing to the poor condition of the river and that the government and Environment Agency had failed in their mandatory duty to put in place measures to restore rivers under the Water Framework Directive.

Extinction Risk

Blue Whales have returned to safe havens in the Indian Ocean where they were wiped out decades ago. Underwater recordings made by researchers in the Seychelles revealed that the whales spend months in the region, suggesting that they may be breeding there. The discovery has been hailed as a “conservation win” given the decimation of whale populations by commercial whaling. More than 300,000 Blue Whales were killed by whalers in the southern hemisphere with around 30,000 killed in a single year during the 1930s. A crackdown on commercial whaling in the 1980s brought the species back from the brink of extinction; however, Blue Whale numbers remain a fraction of what they once were before the development of industrial whaling operations in the 20th century.

blue whale tail
Blue Whale surfacing by Kenny via Flickr.

New research has revealed that there is a significant threat of future waves of invasive species. Biological invasions can cause extinctions, spread diseases and cost trillions in damage and control. Researchers found that, on average, around 1% of all living organisms have been transported by humans somewhere in the world. The study indicates a huge potential for future biological invasions with an expected rise in associated socio-economic and environmental impacts.


A hedgehog fence in Dorset is helping to protect threatened seabird chicks. Little Terns are one of the most threatened seabirds in the UK and the RSPB’s Chesil Little Tern Recovery Project seeks to reverse its decline. Trail cameras had revealed that hedgehogs had been eating Little Tern eggs. Given the protected status of hedgehogs, the project worked with the charity Hedgehog Friendly Portland to design a hedgehog fence and implement diversionary feeding. At least 45 Little Terns successfully fledged at Chesil Beach in 2023, compared with just three in 2021.

hedgehog looking out from a bush
Hedgehog by Kalle Gustafsson via Flickr.

The US will outline its nuclear fusion power strategy at COP28. John Kerry, the US Special Envoy on Climate Change, will set out the plan at the UN summit that will be held in Dubai from the 30th of November. The plan has been described as being the first international strategy for nuclear fusion power commercialisation. Nuclear fusion has long been looked at as a potentially limitless source of clean energy.

Read the last edition of Biodiversity News from the NHBS Blog which follows stories on endangered echidnas and an explosion in jellyfish numbers.