Continuing our selection of the very best titles available through NHBS:
Field Guide for Sharks of the Genus Carcharhinus
by Matthias Voigt & Dietmar Weber
A full-colour identification guide to members of the genus Carcharhinus, notably difficult to distinguish by species.
We are always really impressed by the books published by Verlag Friedrich Pfeil, and this is no exception. The excellent drawings by master technical artist Weber, carefully indicate the relevant anatomical distinctions between the 33 species covered, and the research is immaculate, providing all the facts required for identification. In addition there is plenty of information on the biology and natural history of the genus, plus a glossary of technical terms and many maps, tables and plates.
As well as appealing to marine biologists and shark enthusiasts, this volume has further application in the fields of fisheries, diving and other aquatic sports – in other words for anyone to whom positive species identification would be relevant.
It is hoped that this book will go some way to providing clearer records about threatened shark populations.
Dr Matthias Voigt studied marine biology at the University of Rostock (2000-2004), received his PhD from the University of Karlsruhe and now works at the University of Konstanz in the Department of Biology, Human Environmental Toxicology Group. He has had many experiences with sharks while diving, and as a member of the German Elasmobranch Society (D.E.G.), he tries to impart his experience, knowledge and fascination with sharks to the general public for increased understanding and protection.
Dietmar Weber is likewise a member of the D.E.G., and has a passion for the lifelike portrayal of animals, an art form which he has perfected over the last forty years. He is currently focused on sharks, skates and rays and his work has been featured in many publications. A graduate professional Technician for Biology i.e. Ecology, he has worked at the Research Institute for Forest Ecology and Forestry of Rhineland-Palatinate in Trippstadt since 1989.