Instructables is a “maker” site, where people can share their home-made creations – and how to build them – with other inventive types around the world. They have a new birding channel for all bird-related projects: equipment people have made or modified, projects for the back-garden birder, or sharing skills and insider tips on birding. To launch the channel they are running a competition.
So if you have any home-grown birding projects that you want to share, and you are interested in the chance to win some cracking prizes, check out the competition page for the Birding Challenge. The competition entry call-out is also for software tools or apps that can be used use in the field.
The organiser of the challenge is a UK birder resident in San Francisco, and of course this competition is open to people from anywhere in the world. It closes at 11:59pm August 28th PST, on the dot, so you have just over a week to get in the shed and start sketching out your winning design!