News from outside the nest
This week…we learned why pufferfish build sandcastles and how it has taken us such a long time to observe this particular behaviour.
A study published this week in Nature showed us how dragonflies go beyond mere reflexive responses and actually predict the movements of their prey as they are hunting.
This short guide helped us to address the most common questions posed by “climate change challengers”.
We discovered the OceanAdapt website which lets members of the public search and download geographic data of more than 650 species of fish and invertebrates and track how these have changed over time…a hugely valuable resource for fishermen and scientists.
Camouflage in the natural world is incredibly common and well understood. However, a paper published this week by the Royal Society revealed a new kind of camouflage exhibited by the beautiful harlequin filefish: smell camouflage.
And finally…we were amazed by this extraordinary bird that disguises itself as a caterpillar.
New arrivals at the warehouse
Useful and fun: these cute animal head torches are a great stocking filler for young outdoor enthusiasts.