Darwin’s Bicentenary and the History of Evolutionary Biology

It’s almost the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth (February 12th 1809) and 150 years since the publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, his ground-breaking theory on the evolution of populations by means of natural selection.

To celebrate Darwin’s Bicentenary we have a selection of books written by Darwin, including his seminal On The Origin of Species, The Voyage of the Beagle and The Descent of Man. There is also a wide range of books about Darwin, a section on the history of Evolutionary Biology and our pick of introductory evolutionary biology books for the non-scientist.

We have also put together a summary of the latest titles in evolutionary biology and the Evolution Classics and Bestsellers – our pick of the most important books on evolution from the last 40 years.

Browse by Subject

Birds of the Palearctic – Non-Passerines now at NHBS!

January has been quite a month for new birding guides here at NHBS, with the arrival of several new books on the birds of Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, North America, and East Asia.

The latest addition is the all-new Collins Field Guide: Birds of the Palearctic – Non-Passerines.

175898The essential companion for the keen birdwatcher, this field guide covers all the non-passerines or songbirds found from Britain eastwards to Japan, and as far south as the Sahara and Himalayas.

Together with Collins Field Guide: Birds of the Palearctic – Passerines (on special offer until 31/03/09), this book covers all the non-perching birds of the Palearctic, a zoographical area running from the British Isles eastwards to Japan, with its southern border marked by the Sahara, the Middle Eastern deserts, and the Himalayas. It covers the whole of the Russian Arctic, China, Tibet, Japan and the whole of Europe – the most popular birdwatching area in the world.

Order your copy of Birds of the Palearctic – Non-Passerines today! This book is on special offer until 30/04/09.

Don’t miss the great selection of birding titles currently on special offer in our annual Backlist Bargains sale, including the companion title Collins Field Guide: Birds of the Palearctic – Passerines

Get these great books before they sell out! (Backlist Bargains runs until 31 March 2009).

For more new birding titles, browse Birding Highlights

Browse Collins Field Guides

Browse our full range of birding titles in Ornithology

New at NHBS: Birds of East Asia

The latest Helm Field Guide has arrived at NHBS!

175898Birds of East Asia is the first single-volume guide ever devoted to the eastern Asian avifauna of Eastern China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Eastern Russia. The eastern Asian region is an important center of endemism, especially the major islands off the continental coast (including Japan and Taiwan) and the immediately adjacent areas of the Asian continent including Kamchatka in the north and the Korean Peninsula.

Birds endemic to this region include representatives of many of the major families, from the world’s largest eagle – Steller’s Sea Eagle – to the tiny Formosan Firecrest. The east Asian continental coast and the offshore islands also form one of the world’s major international bird migration routes, especially for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors, while the east Asian continental mainland itself is home to a wide range of species little-known to western ornithologists such as Scaly-sided Merganser, Oriental Stork and Mugimaki Flycatcher.

Order your copy of Birds of East Asia today!

Browse Helm Field Guides

For more new birding titles, browse Birding Highlights

Browse our full range of birding titles in Ornithology

Astronomy Special Offers for the New Year

2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, coinciding with the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s first look through a telescope and the birth of modern astronomy. To celebrate this anniversary we’ll add more new astronomy books to our database this year and bring you regular book selections and special offers.

In related news, Scotland is planning to establish Europe’s first official Dark Sky Park in Galloway. Find out more at Dark Sky Scotland or get yourself a copy of the Dark Sky Map of the British Isles.

Check out these special offers on astronomy titles, including Mars, A Cosmic Stepping Stone by Kevin Nolan and New Theories of Everything by John D. Barrow.

Browse our full range of astronomy titles in Astronomy and Cosmology

New Naturalist #109: Islands – Order Now and Save 22%

The latest volume from the classic Collins New Naturalist series will be here soon!

New Naturalist IslandsIn his fourth New Naturalist volume, Professor R. J. Berry takes a broad look at the islands that lie off the shore of Britain and Ireland, exploring their biology, geography, geology and climate, and examining changes that have occurred in the past and how these become relevant for future developments.

Laced throughout with Professor Berry’s expertise and enthusiasm, this all-encompassing, engrossing volume is a lyrical journey of the islands that shape our imagination and our awareness.

Islands will be published in early February 2009. Order now and save 22% (special offer until 30/04/2009).

The next volume in the series will be Wildfowl of Britain and Ireland, which is due to be published in May 2009. This book is also on special offerOrder now

New in Zoo Biology

168564 Zoo Animals is a major new text for all keepers and researchers in the zoo environment and those in training. The authors have extensive experience and tie together both theoretical and practical aspects of behaviour, management and welfare. Just published and in stock now.

Browse our other New Zoo Biology Titles

Browse Zoo Biology Bestsellers

For our full range of zoo biology titles, browse Species Conservation and Care

Browse our wide selection of zoology titles in Botany and Zoology

Birding Highlights – January 2009

New birding titles at NHBS this month include Collins Field Guides for the Birds of Southern Africa and for the Birds of Eastern Africa (both on special offer until March 31), as well as the fully updated Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America.

175898  175893

 177872 177983

Also check out Harriers, an in-depth study of the world’s harriers by Don Scott, illustrated with watercolors by Philip Snow. Bestselling bird art books include The Art of Peter Scott and Lars Jonsson’s Birds.

For more new birding titles, browse Birding Highlights

Browse Collins Field Guides

To browse our full selection of birding books, see Ornithology

What Is a Standing Order?


Anneli, our Catalogue Manager, explains:

For collectable books it is reassuring to know that you will automatically receive the first edition of each new book in a series, at the special offer price. Our Customer Services team can set up the standing order for you, and your credit card only gets charged the day each of the volumes goes out to you. Standing orders are especially popular for the New Naturalist and Handbook of the Bird of the World series.

A standing order can be set up by email or phone; please quote your NHBS customer number. You can also pre-order any individual title before it is published; we will send it to you as soon as it arrives at our warehouse.

For more information, see Standing Orders

Top Titles of 2008

Here are the most popular books of 2008 at NHBS: the Top 10 overall and the Top 10 in each of our major subject areas. You’ll find an eclectic mix of geographic and taxonomic interest, with books from publishers all over the world. We’ve also included bestselling wildlife equipment from our new range of field kit.

Enjoy browsing, and please feel free to add your own recommendations for this year’s Top Titles at the bottom of this post.

Top 10
1. Dragonflies
2. Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds
3. Sedges of the British Isles
4. Mammals of the British Isles
5. Life in Cold Blood – DVD
6. Mabberley’s Plant-Book
7. Which Bat Is It?
8. RES Handbook Volume 4 Part 2: The Carabidae
9. Wild China – DVD
10. Guia de Campo: Birds of Amazonian Brazil

Top Birding
1. Grouse
2. Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds
3. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline Tits to Shrikes
4. All the Birds of Brazil
5. Ornithologist’s Dictionary
6. Owls of the World
7. Collins Bird Guide
8. Frontiers in Birding
9. The Migration Ecology of Birds
10. Guia de Campo: Birds of Amazonian Brazil

Top Zoology
1. Dragonflies
2. Mammals of the British Isles
3. Which Bat Is It?
4. RES Handbook Volume 4 Part 2: The Carabidae
5. Tiger: Spy in the Jungle – DVD
6. Guide to the Mammals of China
7. Primates of the World
8. Wolf
9. Field Guide to the Mammals of South East Asia
10. Guide to British Bats

Top Equipment
1. Opticron Hand lens, 18mm, 20x magnification
2. WeatherWriter A4 Portrait
3. Vista Organiser
4. Schwegler 1B Nest Box
5. Schwegler 2F Bat Box
6. Batbox Baton Bat Detector
7. Garmin GPS Map60Cx
8. 125W MV Robinson Moth Trap
9. Professional Hand Net (Standard 250mm Wide Frame)
10. Pooter

Top Ecology and Conservation
1. Primer of Ecological Statistics
2. Behavioural Ecology
3. Introduction to Molecular Ecology
4. Analysis of Ecological Communities
5. Management Planning for Nature Conservation
6. Sustaining Life
7. Handbook of Biodiversity Methods
8. Atlas of Endangered Species
9. Conservation and Sustainable Use
10. Scaling Biodiversity

Top Botany
1. Sedges of the British Isles
2. Mabberley’s Plant-Book
3. The Wild Flower Key
4. New Cactus Lexicon, Volumes I and II
5. Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean
6. Secret Lives of Garden Wildlife
7. Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species
8. Flowering Plant Families of the World
9. British Orchids
10. BRYOATT: Attributes of British and Irish Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts

Top Natural History
1. Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Portfolio Eighteen
2. Attenborough in Paradise and Other Personal Voyages – DVD
3. Birds and Light: The Art of Lars Jonsson
4. Lars Jonsson’s Birds
5. Seventy Great Mysteries of the Natural World
6. Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands
7. Guide to Garden Wildlife
8. Earth: The Power of the Planet – DVD
9. Vietnam: A Natural History
10. The Deep

Top Data Analysis and Modelling
1. Describing Species
2. OU Project Guide
3. Statistics for Terrified Biologists
4. Ecological Census Techniques
5. The R Book
6. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists
7. Spatial Analysis
8. Choosing and Using Statistics
9. Modelling for Field Biologists
10. Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology

Don’t see your favourite title of 2008 here? Add your own recommendations for Top Titles at the bottom of this post.

To find a particular title, browse our full range of over 100,000 wildlife, science and conservation titles.

The Vincent Wildlife Trust and NHBS

We are pleased to announce that the Vincent Wildlife Trust has appointed NHBS the official distributor for their publications, including the new and bestselling Lesser Horseshoe Bat Conservation Handbook.


Other Vincent Wildlife Trust publications distributed by NHBS include:

The Bats of Britain and Ireland (Bestseller)

The Polecat Survey of Britain 2004-2006 (New for 2008)

Distribution and Status of the Polecat in Britain in the 1990s

The Distribution of the Hazel Dormouse in Wales

The Vincent Wildlife Trust Review of 1997-2000

The Water Vole and Mink Survey of Britain 1996-1998

The Water Vole in Britain, 1989-1990

For more than 25 years The Vincent Wildlife Trust has been supporting wildlife conservation through research, surveys and the establishment and management of reserves for British mammals. Since 1996 the VWT has concentrated its resources on bat conservation, and particularly on the protection and enhancement of roosts for rare bats. It has also maintained its involvement with conservation-led research and survey work on pine martens, polecats, water voles and dormice.

See a complete listing of Vincent Wildlife Trust publications

Click here to find out more about the Vincent Wildlife Trust